how the fuck do i smoke this, i don't currently have a pipe
How the fuck do i smoke this, i don't currently have a pipe
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you got a knife handy?
Put a nug in your nostril and snort flame
Coke Can.
Crease 1/3 from the bottom.
Put small pin holes in crease.
Suck through drink hole.
Light your nostril on fire and snort the nug
i somehow don't have a fucking can anywhere in my apartment
aluminum foil (not recommended)
carve into an apple (recommended)
burn the paint off of a soda can, poke a hole and make a bowl and presto (quasi-recommended, make sure to burn the paint off)
if you have an old bible laying around find a page with no ink on it. old bibles used to be made (and might still be) of like rice paper or something that smokes really smoothly and has virtually no taste
the sky's the limit, get creative faggot
Ok then. Cut up pot into fine powder. Not too fine.
Turn on hot plate (electric) roll paper into tube.
Sprinkle pot onto hot plate and suck smoke through tube.
If you have a cone you can stick it in a toilet roll.
Fuck use your imagination.
Do you have an apple, light bulb, or soda can?
Inject it in your arm
OP here, i should mention this is "kief" that my stingy ass buddy gave me last night after i gave him $25 and gave him a ride to go get. if you look on the photo, you can see my thumbprint almost. this is little to nothing, so it's not like i can do a shit ton with it
potatoes or carrots work in a pinch
Kief is basically hash so long as grinder has a decent screen so for 25 dollary doors that could be a decent deal
make a bowl out of aluminum foil and put it in a paper towel tube towards one end. steamroller
and you can sometimes scavenge a screen from a sink faucet
boil it in water, make tea, and inject it into your anus
hot knife it
what if i hold it over a candle and suck up the fumes?
You'll be inhaling burnt wax, probably the worst idea.
got any bibles laying around? There’s usually some 98% blank pages in there. Rip the inked parts off, roll it up.
No one will notice the missing page. Only sociopaths read the bible
If you have 2 knives and a stove you can smoke it like that
Shove it up your ass and wait for it to kick in
Haha, noob
Tinfoil pipe faggot, roll around pen
*page from a Bible
*Apple, pear, or other fruit you can core two holes in with something like a pen
*If you have a long socket you can use that as a one hitter. Just make sure you burn any protective coating off first
*If you smoke cigs you can unroll a cig and pack the remaining tube with your bud+ the filter will leave you with a really smooth hit
*If you have an old cigar you don't mind opening, just unwrap an appropriate sized leaf from the cigar and roll your bud
*Make hash and do knife hits
*Gravity bong with two different sized bottles and a socket as a bowl
*Can with small holes cut inside a dent acting as a bowl
*Tin foil pipe, don't friggin do this
*Go buy a pipe at your local sketchy gas station you lazy bastard
do you know how to separate the shiny part from the paper of gum wrapper? you can roll a joint with that and it won't be harsh. or you can use an apple or something...
Try not to use foil, it's kind of bad for you and it really starts tasting like shit very quickly
get one large and small plastic bottle cut both in half put a hole in the cap of the smaller bottle. get metal part of pencil eraser fit it in. pour water in large half you got a gravity bong
I mean use the paper part to roll the joint obviously DUH....
maybe you should give your brain a chance to develop some problem solving skills before you start flooding your body with drugs, lmaoooo
I swear... kids were smarter back in the day
I’m no man of god but ripping pages out of a bible just seems like something you shouldn’t do just in case...
yeah, seriously. You can't sell a bible for as much money if it has pages missing. Stupid!!!
You need to be really careful with this method
I wouldn't recommend this to a NOVICE, honestly
Soda can will work..... Better yet look the shit up on google u underage fag
>maybe you should give your brain a chance to develop some problem solving skills before you start flooding your body with drugs
lol why? I did this as a retarded teenager, surely op can do it
go buy a pipe dumb ass.
That’s hash u fucktard
Look at the amount in OP's picture.
I'm sure he can get away with using foil for that tiny amount.
OP, make a steamroller out of a plastic water bottle and foil. Super easy, very efficient. The hardest part is making it airtight, and that's only going to be a problem if you're really stupid and or bad with your hands.
>how the fuck do i do my dope hurr
You roll your drugs up in a piece of paper and light it. Fuck, smoking pot really DOES turn you into a retard...
without a pipe, there's really no option.
Perhaps, but I think this one was born retarded
grind up
stick in nostril
light up
U fuckin idiot. You have to put the weed in the right nostril, and suck the flame through the left nostril, that way none of the smoke is lost.
truth. listen to this guy
straight to the dome
hello everybody!!! it's OP here again! i did a steamroller with a toilet paper cardboard roll and got really fucking stoned. i used a piece of tinfoil as a dry downstem, and then i put a small piece of foil as a "filter", so that no ash would come out no matter how hard i pulled... gotta say, hit pretty fucking hard, and i got a shocking amount of hits on it, definitely going to be enjoying this for a while.
Hot knife it dumbass
should of boofed it
do you have an apple or potato? just carve a pipe out of one
youtube for instructions
fuck you were so close
favorite homemade technique. good choice OP
this guy does the marijuana
fucking moron already knew what to do just wanted to take a pic of his drugs. fuck off idiot
skyrim is shit even with this 16k HD texture pack the NPC's act retarded.
can do it with an apple, carrot or other fruit.
you can also make a ghetto bong out of a plastic bottle and a hose/pipe/pen/tube
you can also bend a beer in can half, poke some holes and use that.
beer can is kinda really a temporary thing though, because the aluminium isn't good for you if you heat it up and breath it in.
or just go to the gas station or 7/11 and buy some papers, pack of 50 papers is like $2.
this, webm related
kief is the pollen dust leftover after months of collecting it in the bottom of a grinder. it's the most potent and best part of weed.
also looking at your OP pic there doesn't seem to be any kief, just a couple of low-mid quality nugs.
You have obviously never smoked crack on the street before or you would of told him to snap the ring pull in half to make the holes with the sharp corner. Proper faggot
>lel weed
>gib free heath care tho
not him but it's not. it's called "hot knives" or "dots".
it's a really shitty way to do it and actually kinda dangerous but probably the most cost effective way to smoke.
holy shit what a shot! That's the most arterial blood I've ever seen and I've been hunting for 30 years
Omg... who is this DUMB BRAT
He's kind of cute
expert level drug use advice. Did you see the guy saying to burn off the paint? Hell that's half the buzz lol
wtf did I just see
Crack heads
can pipe, ez
Ive prolly used the same can for about a week before and never noticed any of the paint getting burned of.
hot knives, apple pipe, can pipe, plastic bottle with a tinfoil bowl pipe...
If you have a metal socket and a plastic bottle you already have a gb op
plastic bottle, roll of toilet paper, half cup of water, all you need
Don't do this dumb shit, aluminum is toxic when combusted. Just use a fucking apple, google it famiglia.
As long as you thoroughly salt the inside and rinse clean, it's perfectly fine. Literally the only danger is half assing the salt part and end up leaving coating inside. But that would take an absolute retard to do that wrong and maybe they deserve to die
lighter fuel can't melt aluminum foil
Bro you can literally make a pipe or bong out of anything. MacGyver that shit son!
A Bible page with no ink on it has no words on it moron. You don't want to smoke the word of God, just the blank extra pages.
pick one of the shittier chapters. Not sermon on the mount or anything from Genesis through Exodus. Go for Job, or Numbers or some shit. One of those pages with all the "begats" in it. No one would miss that shit.
>use your imagination
...instead of smoking. Problem solved!
Is this fuck/marry/kill?
dude, looks like granola + ear wax. Maybe touch your tongue to it just to make sure your buddy wasn't fucking with you.
Thats not kief in your picture
Get a stick of butter. Saute all of that weed in the butter, strain the butter through a mesh strainer. Put in the fridge for a little while. Now have low tier weed butter. Make some pancakes faggot
oo tha fuck you callin' hash, then m8?!
put it up your asshole
>Only sociopaths read the bible
Only degenerates use its pages as rolling papers. What a waste of good opiate of the masses.
Do this but use a socket
Take two butter knives and heat them up on the stove till they are red hot. Cut the base off of a bottle and hold the mouth of the bottle in your mouth. Use one knife and touch it to a small piece of the shitty dank, proceed to touch both hot knives to the weed, holding them under the cut end of the bottle. Inhale. Profit? Cancer?
It's because most every stoner has a pokey somewhere, be it one I grandma's fancy hatpins or a straightened paperclip.
A stoner wouldn't need to use the tab
Interesting that a crack head would though
I use toothpicks. Cheap disposable and inconspicuous
Crackhead Would sell grandma and her hair pins for 15 doll hairs
Stick a pencil in an apple on the top and in the side connecting the holes to make airflow. Put a larger part of weed at the top to catch the more broken up bits and smoke away
I rest my case
I use a piece of stainless steel fill rod for general poking and a vintage hatpin for dabs
This OP
Makes sense. Vintage hatpins aren't cheap
Can't handle dabs after hitting one off of a stainless steel bowl but I always just used a actual dab tool.
I only do small dabs since I dont have a rig. Mostly I just smoke bud but my lungs definitely like dabs better
Freebase bruh
gatorbong is the way
Way to be a tremendous faggot, faggot. Your imaginary friend approves.
Hotknives that shit, Wedge butter knives in the stove element, sprinkle the herb on the knives. Fire that bitch up and give it some succy
"We went through hell with my 24 yr old son last year and I’d just like to share our experience with K2. My son believed he was sharing a regular joint that a “friend” offered…sadly, it was K2. Long story short, He was brought to the ER with hallucinations, paranoia, extreme panic attacks, he had to leave work for about 6 weeks–he had to stay back home with us while we tried to get him help. There is nothing as terrifying and heartbreaking as having your 24 yr old son (who is a big guy–weightlifter) come to the side of your bed in the middle of the night asking me to stay in bed with him because he is afraid he is going to die during the night. Very luckily, we got him into counseling, got him on some meds for the paranoia. After about 6 weeks he was feeling strong enough to get back to work and his own apartment (3 hours away from us–it was extremely hard for me to let him go back—my husband and I were a wreck). He continued with counseling and meds in his city and now has been weaned of meds and no longer sees a counselor. He is absolutely thriving. I would beg anyone not to try this dangerous drug and to stay away from pot altogether….do you REALLY know what you are smoking? I just pray that any of you that have been affected by this to have as good an outcome as we did. This was a horror story for us, I know others have had much worse experiences."