BIDEN 2020!!!

BIDEN 2020!!!

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God, I hope not. Yang's my man

Vote for Biden, He's only slightly senile!

I legit feel sorry for him. He looked and sounded like a rambling old man in the town hall tonight. Even Sanders doesn't look that out of it and he's just as old as Biden.

We need some with political experience. Andrew Yang’s platform sounds like it was written by a kindergarten girl. Just were is this magic want that can give everyone $1,000 per year?

Is all that's in your future.

A senile Biden would still be a marked improvement. But I'm really hoping someone else gains more steam in the primary.

My first choice would be Mayor Pete, but I'll take any of them over the current pres.

>Biden wins
>Gets dementia 2 years later
>Harris is president

Yeah, no thanks

literally anyone but biden
ill takoe yang over biden
ill take trump over biden
ill take fucking clinton over biden
hell ill take some retard that wants 50 dollar min wage over biden
fuck biden all years

Rambling and incoherent. Just watched this trainwreck on the fake news cnn just now. My god, he looks unhealthy, old, borderline senile. And hes the frontrunner. He wont stay in lead once people see him live on tv.

No bueno

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The entire dem field is lunatic cucks. The best bet we have is a non-corporate third party in 2024 or a responsible, moral and bipartisan Republican.

Stop misleading the public with your Photoshop and decontextualized pictures “taken at just the right moment.”

That really could be their plan too. Subversive fucks.

Kamala Harris would make a great Vice President, but there will always be people who oppose her on the basis of her being a women and an African American.

>“taken at just the right moment.”

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You didn’t even try to make those Photoshop people look real. You are a faker.

Nicht gut

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No we oppose her because she genuinely comes across as a shady, incompetent cunt. A black hillary basically.

If you think Buttigieg is a lunatic, then you either have a strange understanding of what the term means or you're highly misinformed.
My money's on the latter.


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Hillary Rodman Clinton was the most qualified person to ever run for president and got more votes than any other candidate in American history except for Obama. Stop using her name in a bad way!

you shound like a trumpfag

If Trump were to do that instead of Biden, you would call him affectionate and “good with children.”

Let fags get married in 2015. President in 2020... user, please.

Can you answer the question, friend?

if he's the nominee, i'm not showing up to vote.
you DNC elitists still haven't learned your lesson.
we can have another 4 fucking years of Trump and I won't give a fuck. what you did to Bernie the first time round, you deserve to have 8 years of Trump.
Nominating Biden? another establishment shitwad?

the math was already explained. if you can't google i can't help you

Hillary Clinton got 4 million more votes in the primary than Bernie Sanders. You are just a sexist Bernie bro.

I genuinely cannot wait till you all start screeching about how democracy has failed when trump wins again.

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we seem to be able to afford corporate welfare, defense spending, endless wars, a trilling a year on welfare, hundreds of bloated federal agencies

Akchtyually he does way worse with children. Look at the company he keeps...
Hes a diddler!

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Yes it was, in that it's not possible and is literal fantasy

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Funny people like you are against "corporate welfare" but are the same ones crying about the tariffs on China

I oppose her because she literally sucked dick to kick start her career. Also smoked pot then laughed about throwing people in jail for it.

Biden is goddamn demented

massive strawman much?
tariffs hurt both countries. It's unnecessary to reach a deal with china. we're facing recession partly due to the trade war

The only reason Trump won was because Russia managed to find one of the Electoral College’s many holes. If Trump cared more about democracy than himself or Russia, he would be trying to stop Russia from interfering in the election. But he’s not going to.


huh? Are you making the point that society isn't ready to let go of that particular pointless aversion?

Perhaps, but I think the small percentage who are turned off by his orientation would have voted for Trump anyway.

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>massive strawman much?
You're the one who changed the subject first kiddo. You cant have it both ways when it's done to you.

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They seem to be all white. I guess white people buy these? interesting

>n-n-n-no u
point out where I did

I'd Trump were to do that instead of Biden you'd be screeching muh sexual harassment all over the place.

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My main point though, is that you love to bitch about corporate welfare. But when someone tries fixing it and bringing those same jobs back here from China you wanna bitch about that too. So which one do you want?

jesus fuck
another thread you guys?
take the nigger dick wars somewhere else

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Funny as fuck and I like the guy.

Russian talking points.

I will not engage with your strawman. I am not letting you control the conversation. also, (you) is denied

Your just a clueless and an idiot as he is.

>point out where I did
>how you gonna pay for it
>we pay for x y z that has nothing to do with anything

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>i w-w-w-w-in

your mommy know you're on Yea Forums kid?

It's in response to making their team and heroes look bad

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we're just discussing the democratic candidates user

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fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead.

Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Yea Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid.

This is Yea Forums.

We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here.

Me ? heh, I'm a judge. this place.. this place has a lot to offer. heh you'll see, kid.that is if you can handle it

this is some tasty fuckin pasta mang

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I hope we lose again

you already said that op

He isn't racist, he isn't endorsed by Clintons. He knows stuff about how to be President and isn't into little girls.

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He is not OP.

Well it's going to be him, Warren, or Sanders that takes the Dem nomination. They'll burn anyone with an actual shot and be shocked when their pick gets stomped.I really doubt the gaffe machine will take it though. It's going to be whoever wins the contest of out lefting the others.

Personally I will never vote Democrat the way they've been going. They've completely and totally abandoned liberal values in favor of being offended and the hammer and sickle.

Losing to Trump by 20 delegates for 500 Alex.

ah sorry, his post was identical to OPs so i got confused

The conservative media is lying to you. The Democratic Party is a capitalist party and actually opposes communism while Trump makes friends with Putin.

Can't wait to see how the identity politics "everybody on the rights HATES WOMEN REEEEEEEE!" democrats manage to spin Biden's constant unwanted touching


>she literally sucked dick to kick start her career

Are you so idiotic that you think Biden would grope people on national television?

This has got to be a troll. They don't call him Sleepy Joe for nothing. Sanders or Warren will edge him out.

>Are you so idiotic

disarming the populace
raising taxes
stripping people of their rights

and they're NOT communist?


literally no one in power in the US fits this definition user. You might want to cut back on the paint chip huffing.

>pic related

The thing that makes me chuckle about the whole Trump Russia thing is many of the people that pushed it were also people waving USSR flags while having the hammer and sickle in their twitter handles.

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>disarming the populace
We support the right to own a firearm for good citizens, we just don’t think terrorists and the mentally ill should have access to them.
>raising taxes
Taxes are a necessary evil.
>stripping people of their rights
You mean women’s right to choose? Oh wait...

That was back when Russia was on their team. Since the USSR has collapsed they hate it now.

>people waving USSR flags while having the hammer and sickle in their twitter handles
Those people were either Republicans are communists, but definitely not Democrats.

Debates would be Senile vs Insane.

I can't wait to see this chomo debate the pussy grabber. Two sex predators duking it out to become the POTUS! What more can a person ask for?

>the people that pushed it were also people waving USSR flags while having the hammer and sickle in their twitter handles in my mind


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>Those people were either Republicans are communists
Sure, and next you're gonna say democrats are pro-gun, is that right kike?

Biden's my man, a vote for biden is a vote for loli

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how's being 12

>What more can a person ask for?
For you to finish high school before posting

If Republicans aren’t communist, then why don’t they hate Russia?

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If liberals aren't communist, then why don't they hate China?

inb4 durr i have my own house 6 figure jorb, etc

Just say democrats are pro-gun so we can all get this over with. It's obvious that's what you're gonna say next.

>deep thoughts

I really don’t understand why it has to be Biden. He’s creepy and pandery and his policies are too black and white. We need someone like Tulsi or Bernie who can help the lower class while still approaching things from a neutral perspective. And NOT Kamala cause the only reason people like her is because they

A. Don’t know how fucked up she is
B. They have to cause if they didn’t they’d be racists.

Because China is no longer communist, and besides, they make all of my toys.

Lol I love this loaded question. Classic liberal playbook stuff.

>I really don’t understand why it has to be Biden
The Jews in the DNC said so. If you don't like it, you'll give you Harris instead.

There is literally no Democratic Presidential candidate who is anti-gun, user. We want sensible regulation. You know this. Stop turning everything into a "2nd Amendment is absolute" threadshit

Tulsi and Bernie are both Putin’s backup people in case something happens to Trump. Bernie is sexist while Tulsi is homophobic

>BIDEN 2020
why can't biden stop plagiarized people

Well why don't you hate Russia? Putin is ex-KGB.

>There is literally no Democratic Presidential candidate who is anti-gun
Good, there it is. We now have confirmed you are a jewish shill. Just saved this thread 100 replies.

and your a fag

>you are a jewish shill
how's being 12

and they're still gonna try and disprove it anyways
fucking morons man

Value added tax on companies like Amazon and apple, both of whom paid literally 0 federal taxes for years.

so nothing but hivemind polspeak
didn't see that coming lol

You give billionaires billions a year user.

How do republicans "love" Russia exactly? When your nigger hero did nothing while they annex chimea and invade ukranie. But it's the republicans that love Russia it is? Fuck off

>your nigger hero

Tulsi Gabbard for president

Not at all since that chimp is nowhere near the white house anymore. I know you're still crying about it though.

Companies don't pay taxes, user. You do.

Apple and Amazon are given those tax incentives to keep them in America. Do you really want them to move their headquarters to Korea?

Republicans are willing to give a pass to a mob government ruled by an ex-KGB man, and refuse to vote sanctions against his actions to interfere with the 2016 election.
Your side are huge hypocrites user lol.

so you're just a racist dipshit I don't have to take seriously. Saved me about 100 replies lol.

You support a Russian agent who is pro-dictator and pro-terrorism.

you're on b you niggerfaggot, what do you expect?

>Value added tax on companies like Amazon and apple, both of whom paid literally 0 federal taxes for years
I know how people bring up that Amazon didn't pay taxes, but also ignore that they added tons of jobs to the US economy. Why doesn't your team ever bring that up? Are you upset those jobs didn't go to China, the country you love so much instead? That's it, isn't it?

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so mad

now, now
can't we all just get along?

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>decontextualized pictures
This. There wasn't even anyone there for AOC to be fakesad for.

Do you really believe that's why they pay no taxes? Don't believe all the fake news, trumptard

Nah man that shit happen for real

i would kill for people in this country to get along

>"I don't want companies to obey US law and pay taxes like they should"

But yes, we already knew that about you user

Yes yes very good

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>Red bating Russia xenophobia
>Tulsi is a homophobe

Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit MSNBC talking points. You probably watch Rachel Maddow too

Did you know the hillary and Obama hated the gays back then too?

What's the reason then? Since you are clearly so much more intelligent than the rest of us, given we're all "trumptards"


>trillion dollar companies
>given tax incentives

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That's probably what it's going to take, Mr. DubQuads.

They did follow the laws, the same ones your team says need to change but never do. They'll keep feeding you that bullshit line though, since it obviously works.


>your team
>durr politics is like sports durr
lol no wonder Trump's in office

They supported civil unions for homosexual couples, and it was actually Biden who pushed Obama to come out for gay marriage when he did. Tulsi was straight out “I hate gay people.”

"your team" ah yes, projection at its finest. Why can't you just agree that the law requires them to pay taxes and they avoid doing so because they're greedy and run by the Zionists? Is it that hard?

Fun fact: Neither passed or voted on any anti-gay legislation.

>You support a Russian agent

Go back to your bullshit conspiracy theory, newfag. It's because of liberal fucktards like you that Trump will win again.

Taxing your own people fixes corporate welfare?

>and run by the Zionists
that's kind of gay tho
everything is "durr joos" with you frogfags

lol trump's cock can't taste that good

All of these are wrong. You're not getting it.

Zionists? Are you afraid to say kikes or what? Are you shills not allowed to say that about your cult members?

>still believing this shit

>conservative media
Who is that again?

>muh fee fees

I used to be in 8th grade too

Are you talking about Al-Assad? Sorry she doesn’t want more pointless deaths to American kids who just got out of high school. My brother is eligible for the draft and if this war escalates he could die. That apologist shit is so dumb

both of you are stupid underage dipshits

You, of course, support Trump, and would do everything to see him re-elected.

Don't believe the truth then, but nothing you say will ever change it. You like companies breaking the law and not paying taxes, and you support the jews stealing from every day americans

Abortion is a right defined by the Supreme Court. You want to take this right away.

Fox News

He DID you fucking tard, there are videos of it! This is why liberals lose elections you're all fucking retarded

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your opinion and feelingsactually doesnt matter or change anything

Literally every conservative news agency ever

Why are they wrong?

Stop pushing Russiagate. You've wasted three years of your life clinging to a bullshit conspiracy theory that was pushed by the left as a way to "resist", when all you've done is made Trump look like a martyr after Mueller's report proved to be a dud. And yet you still cling to it, because orange man bad! Get ready for four more years, cupcake.

Not that user. I very much support either strong corporate taxation, or better living wages so we don't have to tax them.
I have a problem with both of you and your anal fixation with Semitic peoples. It's gay af.

do you know what "kike" means? did you know the same word is one of the Ks in KKK?

>there are videos of it!
Because that mattered so much in 2016

>This is why liberals lose elections
If we lose it's because idiots like you voted for Drumpf again.

Yeah it does. My vote made sure the House of Representatives went blue and I will vote for Sanders or Warren because Trump is bullshit. Two things you can't stop or control.

Why would anyone enroll in the military if they don’t want to take the risk of getting hurt or something even worse happening?

>Fox News
Jewish 'Controlled Opposition'
Probably the jews behind it
Jones works for em

>bullshit conspiracy theory
Imagine having the power to look up anything at all, but in stead of looking up literally anything at all, ever, you still believe that russia attacking america is fake news and a conspiracy theory started by some retard (which you clearly are)

You're a loser, your vote doesn't do anything

Simple facts user. You're just proving my point. Republicans don't care Russia because like Trump and Moscow Mitch, they benefit from the arrangement.

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It is. It's jewish garbage. Clinging to the wrong side of your cognitive dissonance is only going to make you more mentally ill. Give it up you stupid goy

MSNBC is higher-quality than whatever crap you listen to.

so.. youre a blue voter and are OK with the biggest companies in USA avoiding paying taxes when they law requires them to? yikes

No, I don't support Trump, but I do have half a brain, and see how the two party system is a giant game that people like you play into. You'll vote for whoever the DNC nominates, because you're a sheep, and they know you'll vote for whoever they nominate, so they continue to give you shit candidates to choose from. Open your fucking eyes.

stay mad ivan
your vote really doesn't count

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Jewish Propaganda is always of high production value. But it's still Jewish fairy tales.

>No, I don't support Trump,
>the two party system is a giant game that people like you play into
you might as well support him, you got him elected with that attitude.

>muh russia
Just don't skip your meds

the sooner you admit that you're wrong, the easier your life will be. you're wrong and nothing you change will change that

>increasing autism

You are definitely helping Trump get re-elected no matter what you think of him.

Looks like we found the Hillary voter, boys

>thanks to increasing vaccination rates
Good point. it's the jews

sly dog
of course HRC never passed or voted on it; she was never in a position to do so. She did however support Bill signing DOMA.

only a rooskie fighting for his very survival working for Putin would talk shit like this

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I’m proud to have joined 65 million Americans to vote for the most qualified presidential candidate in American history.

Biden may be a pedophile reptilian but you’d have to be the dumbest nigger on earth to vote for a Chinese socialist to run our government

Enjoy being an NPC

>everything i dont like is russia

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For the love of God, don't nominate this guy. You'll just be handing Trump another 4 years.

Mueller indicted 34 people. Definitely, there’s no basis for the claim that Russia interferes in the election.

>doesnt know the plan

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As a Senator, yes, Clinton had many opportunities to vote on legislation that harmed the LGBTQIA community. She didn't.
Obama did not push for any anti-gay legislation, either
Trump however, banned transgendered people from serving.
Your side is nothing but hypocrites.

Eh I'll take chink over another old white guy, at least it'll make faggots like you whine about a chink in the white house.

You have to be a rooskie ivan. Because you are not a rich Republican Senator taking Moscow Cash.

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Yang is actually an American citizen. You have to be to run for President. You're welcome.

It's called sarcasm, you fuckwit.

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>Your side
Not what you assume. Just want to accurately reflect history
"Because I believe marriage means something different. Marriage is about a historic, religious and moral content that goes back to the beginning of time and I think a marriage is as a marriage has always been between a man and a woman."

ah yes, i too can quote things that nobody knows about

Biden - he had a stroke tonight.

Keep hope alive.

>Just want to accurately reflect history
Well you're not. I am.

>things that nobody knows about
you WISH HRC hadn't said it and nobody knew about it

>Yang is actually an American citizen. You have to be to run for President. You're welcome.

that didn't stop obama

It's called fuckwism you sarcit

>durr i make nigger joke durr

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That's still the best fucking meme ever.

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That’s Photoshopped. Here is the real picture.

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>That’s Photoshopped
the previous 7 pics weren't photoshopped?


You are using your Photoshop for deception while others are using it for creativity.


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show of hands
how many thought
was NOT 'shopped?

“...the fundamental bedrock principle that [marriage] exists between a man and a woman, going back into the midst (sic) of history as one of the founding, foundational institutions of history and humanity and civilization, and that its primary, principal role during those millennia has been the raising and socializing of children for the society into which they are to become adults.”

Misleading quote. Hillary Clinton has always supported civil unions between homosexual couples, and that quote is from more than a decade ago.

not at all misleading; it's what she said publicly
Yes, she did change her stance when it became politically expediant

Her stance was consistent with the majority of Americans.

You just blew off what Trump did fuckstick. You don't give a shit about history.

>Her stance
which stance?

You really have the memory of a fish. We were talking about her stance on gay marriage.

Let me make this clear enough for you to understand. I did not vote for Trump; I am not a Trump supporter; I despise Trump. I did not vote for Clinton; I am not a Clinton supporter; I despise her.

>We were talking about her stance on gay marriage.
Exactly, which of her stances on gay marriage?


Have you ever changed your mind on anything? Her stances have always been consistent with that of the American public, and the American public can change their opinion as well.

A cogent and well-reasoned response®

Tulsi Gabbard is an angel, do the diligent thing and research her, you won't be disappointed~

Actual heroe with a clear conscience, please tell everyone once you come to clarity!

It's our only hope, y'all, for real :(

trump2020 but just because he's actually proposing something beneficial instead of trying to take shit away like the other democraps doesn't mean his platform is immature. Like another user mentioned though it would be dumb to vote in chinese cia man

Tulsi Gabbard is Putin’s second choice after Trump. Like Trump, Tulsi also wants to make friends with terrorists and dictators.

she radicalized the nz mosque shooter. havent you been paying attention

Russian talking points.

more like hillary rob-mans cripton ,nigga. shes a hardened gangbanging criminal ass bitch

democracy is an shit

yeah its pretty unfortunate to see. poor guy couldn't even remember obama's name and he was his VP. also made some racist comments on accident and trips over his words in just about any public speaking scenario

yeah cause they're all cock

well excuse me. i must be hanging out on Yea Forums too much, mustn't I?

So your prediction is his death in 2020!

You're ignorant.