Hey guys, how do I get rid of Germans in our neighbourhood?

Hey guys, how do I get rid of Germans in our neighbourhood?

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take that low grade b8 somewhere else, will ya?

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If you life in germany, just kill them
Government doesn't care about them...

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Give them american beer

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Tell them the Jews live down the street.

Why is russia part of that?

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I used to be a tolerant liberal, then I swallowed the (((white genocide))) pill

Throw a pig's head on their front porch.

germanfag here, just act like a nazi an i mean the full program with a visible swastika flag n shit. most germans get incredibly uncomfortable when seeing this

> gays for trump

Thats jews

How about blasting koniggratzer marsch while goose stepping in a waffle ss uniform and carrying a k98?

And mudslimes


lol. the Swedish dude kills me. litterally

>Don't gas the incels
>Most of them won't shoot up a Walmart

>white people

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