It's been OVER A WEEK since the last YDC-TURBO, and I THINK IT'S TImE FOR ANOTHER ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Over the next 28 HOURS, you will be able to submit YOSHOS FOR THIS YDC-TURBO, who will then compete in a VOTE-OFF ON SUNDAY!!!!!!!!

In case you're wondering, it's been a VERY BUSY WEEK and I've missed [s4s] a lot, but I'm very capable of being busy :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) I'm here THIS WEEKEND FOR SOmE YOSHO DESIGN COmPETITION ACTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With YDC-FIGHTERZ only TWO mONTHS AWAY, I implore you to come up with YOUR YOSHO'S UNIQUE FIGHTING ATTACKS AND ABILITIES IN ADVANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you want your yosho to have its own special type of attack, IT'S UP TO YOU TO CREATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I think it's too powerful, NO WORRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TELL mE HOW TO mAKE IT mORE FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, if you aren't interested in YDC-FIGHTERZ, SUBmIT YOSHOS TO THIS YDC-TURBO AND VOTE IN SUNDAY'S VOTE-OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE WINNER WILL FIND THEIR PICTURE IN THE HALL OF FAmE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Attached: Hall Of Fame [2.1].png (887x488, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:


of course, last week, we got A SPECIAL EARLY SUBmISSION in the form of... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

YEET OR BE YEETED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Attached: YEET OR BE YEETED.png (630x610, 25K)

And now, for my submission to this competition.

I mistimed Jardon Yosho, didn't I? He took part in Yosho Design Competition SEASON 2, ONLY A mONTH BEFORE THE RISE OF HIS SIGNATURE mEmE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


AW mAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your fortune: Average Luck

Attached: Jardon Yosho (Idle).png (666x500, 11K)

I've added to the list of moves your yosho can have in the Yosho Design Competition - FIGHTERZ.

- (-3 STA) Wave Field – Deals one hit at 3 power. This yosho can use another attack if Godly Luck, Outlook Good or Reply Hazy, Try Again are granted.
- (-7 STA) Great Hammer – Deals one hit at 10 power unless Very Bad Luck is granted.
- (-2 STA) Tongue – Deals one hit at 5 power unless Very Bad Luck is granted. If Godly Luck is granted, the enemy loses 3 STA.
- (-0 STA) Tongue Wrap – Leeches 4 STA from the foe unless Very Bad Luck or Good news will come to you by mail are granted.
- (-7 STA) Swallow – Reduces foe Stamina to 0 unless Very Bad Luck is granted.
- (-2 STA) Skull-Breaker – Deals one hit at 10 power to the foe if Godly Luck or Better not tell you now is granted. Otherwise, deals 1HP Recoil Damage.
- (-3 STA) Light-Punch – Using the parasite’s psychic powers, Deal a hit with 9 power unless Very Bad Luck or Bad Luck is granted.
- (-1 STA) Jump – Deals one hit at 5 power unless Very Bad Luck, Bad Luck, Average Luck or You will meet a dark handsome stranger is granted.
- (-0 STA) Bounce – Deals one hit at 2 power unless Very Bad Luck is granted. Reduce the foe’s DEF stat to 1 if Godly Luck or You will meet a dark handsome stranger is granted.
-(-3 STA) Force Field – The next hit on this Yosho does 0HP unless Very Bad Luck is granted. Wears off next time this Yosho attacks. Replenish 10 STA if Godly Luck is granted.

~~~ ~~~

You may notice an attack called LIGHT-PUNCH. It isn't an exclusive, BUT I WILL BE ENSURING ONLY YOSHOS WITH PSYCHIC PARASITES CAN USE THIS ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After all, it's a VERY POWERFUL ATTACK!!!!!!

I'm guessing you already know which VETERAN is getting ANOTHER CHANCE based on THAT ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That being said, if you want to collaborate with me on a yosho, I'LL GLADLY LET YOU TEAm UP WITH SOmE OF mY VETERANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Creeper & Jardon, anyone??????????

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Attached: -yosho.png (271x274, 17K)

HIS EYE IS - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

His superior vision will SURELY ASSURE HIS VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't mean to dash the hopes of other yoshos, but THIS YOSHO HAS SET THE HORIZONTAL BAR REALLY HY(phen)!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your fortune: Bad Luck


I think it's bedtime now... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

I HOPE TO SEE LOTS OF GREAT YOSHOS IN THE mORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD NIGHT TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, I've been playing lots of minecraft recently. That's also why Jardon's getting a second chance. CREEPER? AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW mAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Good night.

Pic related, bed time night sky HAPPY SLEEP :)))))))))))))))))))

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

Attached: galaxy yosho.png (271x274, 156K)


Attached: IN3kaND.png (500x374, 178K)

This sounds kinda interesting.
How will fighting be played out? do the contestants roll manually or will there be some kind of program?

{NEW GOLD YOSHO} not at design party but was okay anyway

Attached: Yosho-design-party.png (1200x488, 203K)


Yosho 1
- 5 HP
- 20 ATK
- 10 DEF
- 5 SPD
- 15 STA
ATTACKS - Skull Breaker, Great Hammer

Yosho 2
- 30 HP
- 5 ATK
- 10 DEF
- 10 SPD
- 5 STA
ATTACKS - Bounce, Jump

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Yosho 2 is faster (10 SPD) and goes first, using Jump. Their fortune is Average Luck, so the attack fails. They still lose 1 stamina, leaving them on 4/5 STA.

Yosho 1 then uses Great Hammer, and is granted Outlook Good. ATTACK TImE!!!!!!!

0.4 * [(15 ATK * 10 power * (1+1)) / 10 DEF] = 12 >> 12 HP damage

Yosho 2 is now on 12 HP. Yosho 1 expended 7 Stamina, so they're on 8/15 STA.


Yosho 2 tries using Jump again, and they get Godly Luck, SO IT'S ATTACK TImE!!!

0.4 * [(5 ATK * 5 power * (1+0.6)) / 10 DEF] = 1.6 >> 1 HP

Yosho 1 is dealt 1 HP damage. The fight continues until one yosho loses all of their HP. If a yosho reaches 0 STA, they lose 1 HP every turn.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

But what do all of these NUmBERS mEAN????????????

0.4 * [(5 ATK * 5 power * (1+0.6)) / 10 DEF] = 1.6 >> 1 HP

0.4 - It's an arbitrary number that never changes

5 ATK - That's the ATK stat.

5 power - That's the attack's power. 1+0.6 - The 1 always stays the same. The 0.6 is the STAmINA RATIO (3/5 STA).

10 DEF - The enemy yosho's defense stat

Damage is ALWAYS ROUNDED DOWN!!!!!!!

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Because the only random factor is fortunes, fights can TAKE PLACE ENTIRELY ON [s4s]!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is this a submission? I LOVE THIS YOSHO, HE'S SO ENERGETIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Attached: YDC FIGHTERZ.png (666x500, 7K)

woah, this looks very complicated. thanks for the explanation though

I was very drunk...
but i am very proud of this yosho.
I would also like to enter one veteran.


Attached: it'sanabstsractkindofyosho.png (271x274, 55K)

What a BEAUTIFUL SIGHT... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... A legend getting his next chance at TRUE SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your fortune: Good Luck

OH NO I HAVE TO BUmP IT QUICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I'm going to end submissions soon BUT NOT TOO SOON... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

3 hours. YOU HAVE 3 HOURS LEFT TO SUBmIT YOSHOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE'VE GOT LOTS OF GREAT COmPETITION HERE, AND NOW IT'S YOUR CHANCE TO COmPETE WITH THE BEST OF THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

So far, there are 4 contestants, so LET'S CHECK OUT WHO THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YEET OR BE YEETED - It's in the name, and IT'S REALLY COOL AND VISUALLY PLEASING!!!!!!!!!! He's got a message, and HE AIN'T AFRAID TO SAY IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Jardon Yosho - CREEPER? AWWW mAN!!!!

-yosho - --------- - - --- ---- - - -- --

it's an abstract kind of yosho - An OLD LEGEND RETURNS!!!!!!! Peo's best performing yosho from YDC SEASON 2, He's back to HAVE A SPOT IN THE HALL OF FAmE, a gallery TRULY WORTHY OF HIS ART-STYLE!!!!!!!

Your fortune: Average Luck

Get your very own Windup Yoshi Car™ now! Supplies are limited!

Attached: windup yosho car.png (150x142, 865)



Attached: Love.jpg (450x450, 12K)

YOU'VE SOLD mE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE'S SO CUTE AND PRACTICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS THE KEY TO VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Here's my combat stance yosho >:) im not smart enough to figure out his stats for fighting though... he attacks with his tongue like in super mario... maybe ill do some more variants. GR8 2 C U B@CK AGA1N SOUL OF S4S

Attached: combat stance yosho.png (302x316, 388K)

XAPPN IS BACK IN BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What an incredible yosho, SO FEARSOmE AND BUILT FROm THE GROUND UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're always a high quality yosho designer, Xappn.

That said, is this a submission for THIS YDC-TURBO... ... ... ... ... ... OR IS THIS THE FIRST EARLY SUBmISSION FOR YDC-FIGHTERZ??????????????

Or is it both? it could be both too... ... ... ...

Your fortune: Outlook good

I'll submit for YDC TURBO, and ill do YDC FIGHTERZ too but idk what his stats are 0~0

And, to answer your question:

[Yosho Name]
- ?? HP
- ?? ATK
- ?? DEF
- ?? SPD
- ?? STA
ATTACKS - [choose up to 3 attacks]
- [up to 2 abilities]
- [list them like this]

If you're making up your own attacks and abilities, LET mE KNOW HOW THEY WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It sounds like you want to use tongue, though, so THAT'S A GREAT START!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The maximum Stat Total is 60, SO CHOOSE YOUR DISTRIBUTION WISELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I also implore that you create your own abilities and attacks. THEY'RE LOTS OF FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- (-0 STA) Hazy Salvo - For every consecutive Reply hazy, try again, deal one hit at 10 power. Stop at the first fortune that isn't Hazy.
- (-3 STA) Reversal - Can only be used once per battle. Deal one hit. This hit has 4 power for every Very Bad Luck granted this game.
- (-0 STA) Look to the Future - Deals one hit at 6 power to the foe as soon as Outlook Good is granted. This does not stack.
- (-1 STA) Gut Punch - Always deals one hit at 3 power. Deals double damage if Average Luck or Godly Luck is granted.
- (-6 STA) Psychic Thrust - Deals one hit at 7 power unless Bad Luck, Very Bad Luck or Average Luck is granted.
- (-8 STA) Boogie Fever - Deals one hit at 18 power if Godly Luck is granted.
- (-0 STA) Shadow Strike - Deals one hit at 7 power if You will meet a dark handsome stranger, ( ´_ゝ`)フーン, Reply hazy, try again or Godly Luck is granted.
- (-0 STA) Rejuvenation - Regain 8 Stamina unless Very Bad Luck is granted. Also fails if a fortune is granted that has already been granted this fight.
- (-4 STA) Song of Renewal - Heal 6HP unless Bad Luck is granted, in which case heal 3HP.
- (-4 STA) Red Lazer - Hits 4 times with 3 power, with each only missing if Average Luck, Bad Luck, Good news will come to you by mail or ( ´_ゝ`)フーン are granted.

Your fortune: Average Luck

- (-0 STA) Brave Battle - Regardless of the fortune, it hits with 4 power. Deals 2HP Recoil if Bad Luck, Very Bad Luck or ( ´_ゝ`)フーン is granted.
- (-4 STA) Belly Bash - This move hits once with 7 power unless Good news will come to you by mail, Very Bad Luck, ( ´_ゝ`)フーン, Better not tell you now or Reply hazy, try again is granted.
- (-2 STA) Fist Flurry - Hits 6 times with 1 power. A hit misses if Bad Luck or Very Bad Luck is granted.
- (-0 STA) Glimmer! - Deals one hit at 4 power unless Very Bad Luck is granted.
- (-0 STA) Thwack! - Deals one hit at 4 power unless Bad Luck or Very Bad Luck is granted.
- (-ALL STA) Clumsy Clash - Deals one hit at power equal to the Stamina used. Only hits if Godly Luck, Excellent Luck or Good Luck is granted.
- (-4 STA) Alakaboom! - Deals one hit at 10 power if Godly Luck, Good Luck or Outlook Good is granted.

THE REST ARE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, SUBmISSIONS ARE NOW CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your fortune: Average Luck

[Yosho Name]
- 15 HP
- 6 ATK
- 15 DEF
- 12 SPD
- 12 STA
- (-4 STA) Tongue Punch - Deals one hit at 5 power. Deals double damage if Average Luck, or Outlook Good is granted. (did i do that right??? idk!!!!!!!!)
- (-0 STA) Rejuvenation - Regain 8 Stamina unless Very Bad Luck is granted. Also fails if a fortune is granted that has already been granted this fight.
- (-4 STA) Song of Renewal - Heal 6HP unless Bad Luck is granted, in which case heal 3HP.
- [Combat Stance] - Use up one turn performing the Combat Stance, Halving incoming damage from opponants turn. (should this depend on my fortune granted?)
- [Defense Dance] - Can be used in conjunction with Song of Renewal ONCE, raises maximum HP by 6 points with Song of Renewal's 6/3 point heal. Fails and adds no HP increase if Reply hazy, try again is granted.

^^^this good? :)))

THIS IS REALLY GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You got the attack wording correct. tongue punch is A REALLY COOL IDEA!!!!!!

The abilities are a bit confusing. I'm assuming Combat stance is on turn 1 ONLY?????????????

- Combat Stance - Halves incoming damage on turn 1.


- Defense Dance - Raises maximum HP by 6 on the first use of Song of Renewal, unless Reply hazy, try again is granted.

Abilities aren't triggered, SORRY FOR THE CONFUSION!!!!!!!!!!!!! I tried my best to make Defense Dance activate on its own. You can change it again if you want, but this is my attempt at fixing it :)))))))))))

Your fortune: Godly Luck

also we should move over to :))))))))))))))

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

dr, keksandra and new yosho prototype

Attached: keksandracheckedyoshoprototype.jpg (1180x1280, 297K)

Sorry, but YOU'RE TOO LATE FOR THIS YDC-TURBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll make sure this DEFINITELY GOES INTO NEXT YDC-TURBO!!!!!!!!!!!

Or, you can make a moveset READY FOR YDC-FIGHTERZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and IT IS A BEAUTIFUL YOSHO!!!!!!!!!!!!! BY THE POWER OF ITS BROWN HEAD-STUmP, this yosho is capable of befriending the VERY CHEEKY KEKSANDRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW THAT'S TALENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck