So how do you deal with depression and sadness, Yea Forums?

So how do you deal with depression and sadness, Yea Forums?

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I always go to bed and wake up at the same time. Before bed I have a half hour of prayer, scripture reading, psalm recitation, and hymns. After I wake up I do a half hour of the same. When I have time, I do another half hour at noon. I used to be depressed and focused on suicide and death, now my soul is sheltered under the wings of the Almighty. Now I dwell on thoughts of life and hope and redemption and divine, everlasting joy. Thanks be to God!

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bottle it up inside so it can fester into a mental illness.

Ignore negative feelings, no alcohol, no cigs, no drugs, life's pain is your own and confronting it is the only way to move forward from it.
Or if you can stop masturbating to loli and shota this

Regular diet and sleep patterns. I don't even exercise. Was on the brink of suicide for years, just didn't have the means and too stupid to tie rope. Got broke and couldn't afford good tasting food so I cut all the bullshit sugary foods out and buckled down on a job. Lo and behold, I'm good now.

OP here, I guess the thing is that I actually got out from a very bad phase in my life recently; and in a sort of way I'm still depressed and sad because I realized I actually had to suffer through it. I don't want this shit with me anymore, when will it go away?

When you stop pursuing the desires of the flesh and repent to God. That's the only way you'll be able to restore the alignment between you and restore the covenant. Fortunately, God is very merciful.

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>Stop looking at porn, specifically online
>sign up for a sport that you enjoy
>read books, listen to podcasts that increase your knowledge on a subject you are interested in
Consuming entertainment is ok too but not if its the only thing you do
>learn about another [white] culture
>enjoy nature
>realize buying products won't make you happier but using your money to experience more could though
>have genuine relationships with your family and friends, and the opposite sex too

If you have a problem you need to confront it and be honest with yourself about how to deal with it. If you need therapy it doesn't make you weak, it's ok to talk about it

Probably when you become financially stable. I'd say 50000 in savings and investments, a mortgage at least 80% paid off and a job with a pension and good insurance is when you will stop feeling existential dread. The main reason why people are stressed when it looks like they have it all is because they don't, they have it on loan and the knowledge that it can be taken away from them in an instant is what causes the malaise.

Good advice. Priests are also provide free (or very cheap) therapy to anyone who needs it.

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T-Thanks, I guess I'll give it a try. I also broke up with my girlfriend lately and it all was my fault, I hate myself for that.

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Im on antidepressants right now and klonopin for my anxiety, anyone who can give me tips on how to deal with things when it gets too overwhelming

let your hate flow on everyone!!!!!!!!!

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hentai,weed and Yea Forums

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I forgot for half a second, thanks dickhead

I used to hate myself intensely. I asked God for help. Over time, he helped me because I dwelled in his Word. Now I love myself and others, even when they wrong me, because I see myself in them.

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I usually just convert it into a deep boiling hatred and repeat said process until I get enough time off from work to go hunting or have a day at the range

Tell me user, which one is the way to see the light of God and find happiness again?

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Stare down reality like a beast you are set to slaughter.
There is no defeat, no surrender.
There is only the way forward.
Battered, beaten and with doubt seeded in your mind,
The only true defeat is to stop, drop and lay down to die.

As long as you can stand on two legs and move forward, you are awake and you are alive. Depression and sadness cannot make you stop and won't kill you.

Just keep going. One day at a time.
When you can't run, you walk.
When you can't walk, you crawl.
When you can't crawl.
You find someone to carry you.

Any Christian church. I started going to an Episcopal Church when I was still an atheist and I stayed because I liked the hymns and worship style, so I got baptized there and continue to worship in the Episcopal style. But there are many Christian worship styles and I don't think other Christians are on the wrong path just because they don't worship the same as me. Find a church that works for you. Develop a stable prayer habit. Read the New Testament starting today. God will shine his face upon you and keep you in eternal life.

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Wtf is klonopin

Recite aloud Psalm 23 again and again until the episode passes
Try intoning it if you can

benzo, makes you feel really nice and calm

I will try to do that, and I sincerely hope I'll get to find what has been lost for years. Thanks, Christian user.

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God bless you! I will pray for you user, that you are restored to the divine joy I feel daily. I know that if we trust in the will of God, all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.

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The world needs more persons like you.

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Grow up mb

Marinara, 420 blaze it faggot.

man im sorry but im an atheist, thanks for the tip tho

These and checked, also I call people niggers and faggots on Yea Forums. What else?

how does it feel to know your god is worse than most 4channers here and hes not real?, just when i thought people couldn't be any weaker

don't listen to that faggot user, unless you really wanna support all the shit religion enables
tell that to all the kids from different tribes, the gays, the women, and all the people following different religions, faggot

lel find the fanatic

Faith in religion does not make a person weak. It takes a strong person to have faith and continue their religious path when there are those, like yourself, who they and destroy them.

>religion fag
>not facing facts
>hurr were not weak

yeah we heard you man

I love every human, both living, dead, and yet to be born. I forgive sinners as Christ forgave them. I forgive myself as Christ forgave me. I walk in righteousness now because of his grace and mercy which are unfailing throughout the generations.
I have had many women who suffered from depression and anxiety attacks point to that strategy to maintain calm until the episode passes. It's not fanaticism, it's just some advice I'm passing along.

maintaining calmness =/= supporting a barbaric religion that should've died 2000 years ago, face it user, your religion is made up just like the rest of them, and your god is retarded, you can either accept the facts or live in ignorance, which is a theme among christians and jews.

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Quetiapine, citalopram and pregablin.
Drinking and abusing painkillers.
Mountain biking and porn.

exercise .... feels good man

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