I’m geeked out of my mind and I want to talk about time travel

I’m geeked out of my mind and I want to talk about time travel

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You mean we JUST TALKED about time travel

I wish I could go back in time and stop you from being born.

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There's no such thing as time. Prove me wrong.

time travel on earth isn't happening without also mastering teleportation

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I will, just hold on a minute.


They have reduced the amount of energy needed to contract spacetime in front of you while expanding it behind you, at first it was thought you’d need the energy of the observable universe to do that but now they have shrunk it down to just the size of mercury, i feel like we’re making slow but steady progress on this

See what you did there. But I bet you've never seen an actual minute. It's a concept, not a real thing.

Wouldn't that just be a paradox though? Because OP is alive now, so maybe you already tried in the past and failed? Or what if you ended up fucking OP's mom and you're actually OP's long lost father?

So what's the fourth dimension which is required by general relativity and which has consistently been confirmed? You know your cell phone wouldn't work if GR wasn't an extremely good model?

According to Einstein, time slows the faster you go, stops when traveling the speed of light and the reverses if you you faster than the speed of light. Thus is impossible

It's not just a concept. It's an actual, physical property of the universe. You couldn't have black holes without three spatial dimensions and one time dimension.

Physically impossible to go backwards.
Physically impossible to go forward really, moving at necessary speeds would annihilate anything human sized, and we will never be able to get close enough to a large enough gravity well.

>time travel
>posts worm hole

Time certainly exist

Branch universes bro. We're in the universe that OP exists in while user has created a new timeline called battle world in which Dr Doom is God

because a wormhole is a shortcut through spaceTIME. try again

yes it is a concept that shows the rate of entropy

depends on what typ of time travel you are talking about
english isn't my native language so it's difficult to explain them but the on in your picture isn't really time travel in the classical sense
you would travel faster from point A to point B than the speed of light, thus you could see yourself from point B starting at point A but you could not interact with yourself
scientist consider this time travel

But your time doesn't change relative to an observer's time.

and who says that?
Why would you think the wormhole affects only spacial dimensions?

See how we measure time is only relevant to us on earth but the passage of time is very real and seen every part of the universe...except in a black hole

There is no such thing. I'll give you that it might be possible to go into a different universe that is in a different frame of time than ours. But going back in time and changing the past, not possible.

>energy to fold all of reality
>thinking space time is a 2d sheet

wormholes are one of the candidates for creating closed timelike curves, the gold standard in GR for time travel

minute is a concept, that's is correct
however causality is reality and second, minutes and hour are the expression of said causality

A wormhole only truly effect distance of space.
You wouldn't actually have to travel such a far distance because yet you somehow folded all of existence, shortening an otherwise great distance, it just brings point a and point be closer together in spacetime, you aren't time traveling.

wormholes are fake and gay though

Time exists in the sense of a measurement, a dimensional one that describes the level of seperation of two entities rather than a precise numeric value. In the sense that the seperation between my state of yesterday and my state today is that of a fourth dimensional distance, time exists. Is time something tangible that we can manipulate? Well, no. does the fifth dimension (lateral distance between times) exist? We cannot say, only that the concept we could use to describe it exists.

>can't accelerate anything larger than particles at relativistic speeds
>somehow will warp the entire fabric of reality.
And the closed timeline curve is one of the more retarded takes on time travel, beyond just the practical like tree ations of a wormhole.

Impossible. Won't work.

If you take the algorithm and copy this to your vmachine you can go to the year 3000
Algorithm is as follows.... 4%48773(57666*3476799)[689876124099272]*3000=8799873#4532$%#@%$#90877890);

Time isn't a dimension.
It is a construct, the reason we use it as spacetime, is because it takes an amount of time to move through space, as observed from a human, particles aren't effected by time.
And "time" warps in gravity wells, because space warps, you are actually going through more distance

Yeah I've been there, not much has changed

Oh but they're living under water

And your great great great granddaughter is looking fine af

Time is not a dimension, but the passing of time is measured four dimensionally. This is where a lot of people get confused, they hear time is four dimensional and think that space time is a dimension. Spacetime is a four dimensional object, it is not the fourth dimension itself, just as a cube is not the third dimension itself.

You everybody it works! Now you must send 688345 bitcoin to this vemo [email protected]

Think about this.
>distance/time = speed
>someone on earth watches you travel away from earth at lightspeed
>in 1 year you return, going .5 light year away and coming back, ar C the whole time
>for you, you experienced less than a year
>meaning you traveled the distance of a light year in less than a year, meaning you exceeded light speed

>particles arent effected by time
But they are, heisenberg's uncertainty principle demonstrates that. We either knowns particles position (where it is at a point in time) or it velocity (the rate it travels between two points, showing a passage of time). Time is the 4th dimension because without things make no sense. Example, want to go to the moon? Just knowing where it is wont get you there, you need to know where it's going to be at what time. Trying to meet for lunch? You need to know what time in order to see the person you are trying to meet at whatever resturant.

Infinity trips checked

I'm not a scientist but I'm concerned about geeking out scientists discovering time travel by accident and pulling a demon core type of disaster where they fuck up the timeline in an experiment. Like if we ever get time travel, it's only going to be a few years before there's a Chernobyl level disaster or worse

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The time is always now.
The only variable is the point in space

Any theory that sugg ee's st how time travel may be possible requires energy on the magnitude of all energy in the universe.
It will never happen.

High level theoretical physics is damn near as bad, and dogmatic as religious zealots.

I shouldn't have laughed but I did

>be scientists
>we made a math tonexplain this
>but that would mean that every partical, it at every given point in space time, in the entire universe, all at once
>well guess that's what it is then
Whew lad

Where the moon? time=now position=x,y,z. Where is the moon tomorrow? Time=not now, x2,y2,z2. Where was the moon yesterday? Time = not now, x3,y3,z3. Time isnt just a now thing

everybody here is retarded.
time travel is real and normal. we are traveling trough time, all the time. without time travel nothing would exist.
traveling back in time is another story...

Well, power of that magnitude hasn't been discovered yet, but it might be possible with a few dyson sphere types of power collectors combined with future energy technologies

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Oh, can it, Cletus. Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it's dogma. The atom bomb was predicted with mathematical models. Pure theoretical equations founded on a sparse set of axioms produced the atom bomb. That was theoretical physics.

Yesterday and tomorrow aren't things though.
The particles arent in existence yet, at least according to quantum mechanics

I get the joke, but seriously, to clarify we're talking about moving at a different rate of time compared to normal Earth time. We know about time dilation from the theories of Albert Einstein, but other than that is mere scientific spectulation.

Yea good thing religion made your computer and your phone and def was not science

no. still not enough power. i could see it happening when we discover how to manipulate things on quantum level, but this will probably never happen.

Time travel is fake and gay. It is the worst thing to happen to sci-fi since mullattos being stationed in spaceships- it breaks the realism.

That's not how it works. The particles that make you where here yesterday and the day before.

No, literally to create a wormhole, or move a macro sized object at relativistic speeds, would require more energy per second then exists within the entire universe.
You can't get more energy out of a Dyson sphere then exists in the universe.
Also there arent enough resources on earth, travel to other places to mine the resources needed to make a Dyson sphere.

>it's required by a theory therefore it must exist

>It's an actual, physical property of the universe
No it isn't. You're confusing the map with the territory. "Time" is just the dimension we construct to measure entropy. No dimension actually exists, they are purely conceptual means of measuring the cosmos.

This faggot gets it.

Causality is a whole can of worms. For any sequence "A causes B" it can also be shown that "B causes A". It depends which frame of reference you choose.

>Time exists in the sense of a measurement
i.e. as a concept, not on any physical level.

If time exists, then why doesn't somebody tell me where the "past" and "future" are ... and how long the "present" lasts.

A computer isn't high theoretical physics retard.

Wrong, its the acceleration that would kill you and without gravity being a problem due to being in space you just have to accelerate fast enough and for long enough, its more a case of could you travel in a straight line gaining speed for long enough to get to light speed and not hit anything.... google it

No, they phase into existence when observed, until observed, they are literally st every point in the entire universe.
Again, according to accepted theories on quantum mechanics.

I think interdimensional travel is more realistic.

Of you accelerate at 1m/s^2 you could get to light speed within a year, which is less acceleration that you experience ina car going from a stop at a light.
That's not the problem, the problem is that at any real % of C, you start to impact partixals at such a velocity, and rate tee e, even in space you would be annihilated. Literal partical annihilation.

Nope, the have the probability of being at any point. That doesnt mean there is a high probability of it being anywhere other than localized. Also you are completely ignoring that the quantized nature of particles is lost once objects get larger then a bucket ball. The molecular orbitals become continuous and thus are not quantized and thus follow classical physics

Einstein discovered relativity and time is not linear thus time travel as described in films is impossible. All time is actually happening at the same time. Time is movement.

If you could travel much faster than everyone else in a space rocket THEN their perception of time speeds up relative to yours.

You won't go into a new time line but you will travel into the future relative to people remaining on Earth.

what excactly is light? light needs to have mass, or it wouldn't be affected by gravity. but then how can it go at lightspeed? or can gravity affect everything, even things without mass? but then how can hawking ray exist? wtf guys???

our understanding of time is severely limited, time travel is more multidimensional exploration (exploration in that if you could travel through multiple dimensions you would still have to factor in a plethora problems in getting to point b from point a, like falling down a rabbit hole and either getting lost in it or not knowing when/where to exit)

"lightspeed" has multiple speeds

Light is energy, and ccx an move as a partical or a wave, and yes gravity effects everything

In a vaccum it has 1.

this has nothing to do with the question

> yes gravity effects everything
why can things escape black hole singularitys then?

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If a partical going at lightspeed traveled from a lightyear away to earth, from the partical perspective, because of time dilation and einstein physics, the partical would have experienced the trip in less than a year, meaning it went a light year in less then a year, thus breaking the speed of light.

Time travel would be pointless anyway except for the traveler.
We in this timeline would never witness or experience the effects of the timey shenanigans.
I see it like this...

> Time traveling user goes back from present day to past and invents bubble wrap.
> Sets up so will be stinking rich in present day.
> Hits return button and finds one of two things.
> First is that nothing has changed, as by fiddling the past he's created an alternate timeline.
> As he originated from this one, it is to this one he returns, and gets nothing for his efforts other than the experience.
> Second possibility, now existing in new timeline he created, he goes to present day and is stinking rich as planned.
> We would never know however, as from our perspective in our starting timeline, the bastard disappeared to the past and never returned, as we have no knowledge or way of interacting with his new one.
> Hidden third option, by creating a new timeline, ours ceases to exist and we all implode into nothingness.

If the whole branching universe theory is right, then we would never be able to see the results of time travel as any alterations to the past would simply play out in a newly formed branch, while ours carries on regardless and none the wiser.
Unless we all get our own personal machine to play with, or unless time traveling user records his ultimately pointless trip, we would never see it anyway.

A nice dream, but even if possible it would be nothing more than a billionaire's toy.

They can't escape the singularity, extremely energetic particals can escape near the event horizon but not the singularity

this whole thread is against allah and quran!
delete it now!

hawking ray? neutrino waves?

Dubs confirm.
But most the shit ITT is about as confirmable as a diety.


I see what you're up Jesus.
Knock it off!

Posts about allah and quran.
Post ends in 911

Just speculation.
Neutrinos can be formed in the ecretion disk, which again is from the crazy energetic particals that escape the well, but they never entered the singularity.
Hawking radiation is a theory.
Because hawking wrote a very simple and elegant mathematical formula for a black hole, but when doing the math, it would mean a black whole would eventually disappear, taking all that matter and energy with it out of the universe, which violates other laws of physics, so hawking, either had to admit his formula was wrong, or say they must emit an invisible, undetectable energy that would equal the entire mass of a black hole over its lifetime. It's never been proven or observed, or found in any other mathematical model.

i disagree, slight changes could/may be observed however it would be very hard to display this without the ability/understanding of knowing what we were looking at, so in some ways you are correct the vast majority of people wouldnt/might not notice anything different

>when a Yea Forums posts disproves "laws" of physics
These are the moments I live for

Well, what about using an existing wormhole? They do exist naturally right? It wouldn't take as much energy to merely stabilize one rather than create one from scratch.

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not true.
lets say alternate timelines exist and we can travel trough them, governments/companys all over the world would want to see what technology/weapons/etc. they can steal from there.

user goes back into 1800, with all the knowledge from today. he goes into 2019 alternate timeline. crazy shit there, 200 years ahead of us. he goes back into original timeline with all the alternate technologys.

No they dont exist naturally.
Stop basing your ideas on star trek episodes

The particle also would gain infinite mass at c...we all know the limits of einstein's GR

So a photon does go light speed.
If something had infinite mass, going at C, hit the atmosphere, it would annihilate the planet

i'm from the future. humans will discover the first natural wormhole in 2034.

Hmm, for people who really likes universe and science, I learn something the other day and it blew my mind. (Yes i'm dumb stfu). Lighspeed is not the speed limit of the universe. There is a speed limit of the universe, and that why light goes to 300 000km/s (fuck you retard america). We always talking about, "nothin can go faster than light", but fuck light, the only thing to count is, nothing can go faster than the speed limit of the universe.

are you retarded?
photons ARE light!

Depends on the method of time travel. That "the Earth will have moved" is bullshit if you travel with the Earth.


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yes, commander trump jr. will lead a space force fleet to proxima centauri. they will discover it on their way. godking trump senior will tell mankind about it 1month later via our mandatory brain communication implants.

Photons are packets of energy

More of a bitch than gravity. The fucking autism Einstein sold you is a did you know fact stolen from Greek mythology at that with the Achilles superman problem.

Protip: it's impossible.

That cute picture there implies that you can tear a hole in space. It's called space because it isn't even oxygen it's not water.

Not only is a ship impossible because it is not made of light you'd have to tear a hole in something you don't understand too. It's based on zero.

Words cannot describe the autism of building a ship that does the Achilles superman thing against light and needs a bent over zero nothing hole too.

And that's somehow going to turn back time?

It's impossible

No, it'll be more like
>Commander Trump Jr leads the 7th battalion of Space Marines through the wormhole to fuck and fight whatever lies on the other side
>Barron Trump leads the science team with the objective of planting CIA bugs and drones on everything and especially any computers
>Democracy and the republic are still functioning normally aka slowly
>France has the second largest space marine fleet, but they have no interest in exploration, they just want to protect their vineyards on Mars and drink wine in space

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Not if I blow my brains out first

Checkmate Atheists

Can someone do an Einstein merchant already? Jewish science.

>Einstein's physics
Honestly these posters should visit /sci/. I'm sure people there would find this thread amusing

Yes goy be a manchild in our museums

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honestly the only trap that's ever given me a boner

Time is just the causal limit. It ensures the sequence of events is always ordered in every frame of reference, when modulated by the speed of light. Time is no more or less real than space, in fact they are part of the exact same manifold.

Like trust me I know BJJ


You would have to find the shit that makes it happen in nature. Only then do you do all that shit.

Not entirely true. In a given reference frame, one experiences time at the same rate (unless undergoing an incredible acceleration). But they view another relative frame as going through time faster or slower, depending on the relative velocities. For an object travelling backwards through time, it's minimum speed is the speed of light.

I will beat you with a bat, in the face, in one minute. That minute will feel quite real.

i love cocaine too!!

Wow, you sound like an expert in physics.

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Problem with this is that you would need to be able to identify, map, and exactly traverse a possibly infinite web of possible timelines at will. Given how difficult going from past to present is in theory, this would be nuts.

My thinking was that 'your' timeline is unchangeable. You go back and tinker then you create a new branching timeline, and this one stays as is. The only way back here would be to return to the point you left, like an elastic band stretching from a fixed point and snapping back.
It would have to be fixed, otherwise how could you possibly find your point of origin?
If you went back to 1800s, gave them all modern day tech, and then chose to travel into that timeline's future, you would lose your connection to the original future you came from? Either the future you came from no longer exists, or you are trapped in the new timeline, with your point of origin now being 1800s and your original present lost unless you can figure out a way to undo your own alterations and bring things back in line with how it was before. But then would that even be your true present when you go back? Or have you just created a brand new timeline that's almost identical to the one you started from?

Fuck this. I'm confusing myself now.

It's probably impossible to violate causality, unless you were able to exactly reverse the motion of all atomic and subatomic particles.

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quantum tunneling fucks with causality all the time. it's not impossible.

Well the process of becoming anything takes what? Oh that's right, time. Heisenberg much?

I trained BJJ. go train BJJ

>Well the process of becoming anything takes what?
A change in energetic state.
>Heisenberg much?
Thanks, but I prefer Carlsberg.

Change. Right.

Beer is better, yeah I concur.

wut you geeked out on OP? i'm also flying high, so high that i'm having difficulty typing properly due to double-vision, YEAHHH!!

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