Why don't you have a girlfriend?

Why don't you have a girlfriend?

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Cause I'm skinny and don't like basic bitches.

I do have a girlfriend.

Did a giraffe made tthis?

My girlfriend is my research, my fuck buddy is an undergrad I screw when I want. I'll get one when I don't move every other year

Cuz i want my girlfriend to be virgin n its hard to find nowdays

This is an 18 + board. Gtfo.

Btw I do have a girlfriend.

>actual graph
>Manlets, when will they learn?

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Having too much fun banging hookers.

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Because if you're a COS white male you aren't allowed to have female affection in this day and age.

>be 6'3
>be 260 lbs 13%BF
>women are afraid of me
So no, not pussy everywhere I go.


Look on the bright side, you're irresistable to faggots.

Maybe, I have little interest in males.

It's probably your face or body odor.

Based and redpilled

No body odor. Face wise I'm probably a 6/10

That's gone soon, women have so much power in pair bonding in modern society, that it's more common for men to pay just to see them nude, not even fuck them.
Hell, plenty of mental pay women for attention and never even see them nude.

because I prefer cocks up my ass

I'm 6 ft 3 so I can be selective about the pussy I fuck.

>be 6'4 and naturally masc
>just want to be a little bottom used by a man
Kill me

you gay nigger

because i'm busy making memes about height on b

people avoid me like the plague
i dont even have friends

I broke up with mine and I'm fucking sad now.

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Im 5'8'' and i fucked around 30 or so women. Age 31 btw. Usa.

This height thing seems to be an excuse for men who have no game. Tall or short. Then tall guys bitch they cant grow beards and make that excuse...

>itt:faggots w no game making excuses to feel better.

i get mor pussy than all yall nibbas

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It was a horribly abusive relationship, but it had very nice moments

I never realized I was happy with her until we broke up. Fucking hurts, man. I still have the regrets.