Where is a good place to buy loli Onaholes
Where is a good place to buy loli Onaholes
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Just ask at your local constabulary friend
Amazon, believe it or not!
Tried Amazon didn’t find anything good
It was mostly just unavailable stuff
I'd say jlist
Go to one of those underground brothels. You may find that the real thing there.
What country do you live in?
This kind of stuff is banned here so gl
I thought I heard it wasn’t? But still where are some places I can find some
if I recall you can safely use toydemon . com or something like that
get puni ana spdx, it's the ultimate toy. I have it
JP list
guaranteed faps
That much just for a fucking sleeve?!?
Don’t get me wrong it looks top-quality and something I’m exactly looking. but for that much I might just as well go out and get a hooker
it's worth it though if you take care of it
and it's the best loli toy you can get
feels absolutely amazing too
All right.but how would I be able to bring it into the US if it’s actually illegal to have?Just tell them to package it in a certain way?
that website is US. It should be fine, no custom checks and all
check /jp/ onahole threads
You're probably using the wrong Amazon.
Consult the guide: pastebin /hwhGL66a
i ordered mine in a german online sexshop
Even got free extra lube with it
Thanks for the information it’s very helpful. And when I finally do decide to get it( and take it for a ride). I will recommend your advice to the next user that ask for something like this
As much as that looks nice I kind of don’t want a giant doll that I’m only gonna use for a few good months maybe a year at best, and then just leave it in my closet to collect dust
Not to mention most of the trouble I would go through just to put it in certain positions
Are there actually vids of these things getting fucked? Seems interesting tbh, especially considering the low price
There's a shit ton on pornhub
there are less complicated toys there as well
yeah try Xvideos look up 3d loli ran across vids of dude fucking them that way
There are you can find some on porn hub. but just seen some guy fuck a doll is kind of cringe. I mean if the guy were to have a kind of normal or muscular body type it be different, it’s mostly just chubby fat dudes.
>it’s mostly just chubby fat dudes.
did you really expect normal looking dudes to own and record themselves fucking anime sex dolls and post them online?
Not really. If any normal/muscular Guy did own a doll. I have a feeling he would never do that
Perhaps I need more demonstrations to help me make up my mind
holy fucking shit can you even imagine that on an actual human what the fuck
>23976 pieces available
is there actually some random warehouse in china just piled full to the ceiling with these
yes yes there is
There is a man. He has no dreams, no thoughts, no feelings. He stoically works in a fuck doll warehouse. He fulfills orders. He moves product around to create room for new product. He does a count of sex dolls. He does this for 15 years.
sounds like a pretty decent job if the pay is right
JList assures me that only women handle my onaholes...
its a warehouse in China, his co-worker got killed when a forklift toppled a stack of fuck dolls, crushing and burying him
I mean except for the box art it'll be virtually identical to a 'virgin' onahole.
they are women but they are little old sour faced asian ladies who hate men and give their grandsons expired coupons for closed restaurants as a birthday gift
>tfw you will never be rumpled by a plethora of anatomically correct silicone fuckables tumbling down upon
That is exactly my fetish.
this one is the best!!!
pretty sure anyone not capable of fucking a real women and needing one of these could probably land an actual trap to fuck anyhow since they are all desperate faggots.so that toy is pointless
>buy onahole
>get nervous about size
>get "virgin age"
>>shows up
>ready for sad fap
>can barely get it in or move at all
Do Asians really have small dicks or did I buy a fucked product?
i once took a video of me using my onahip
i didnt like how i looked so i deleted it
they still have tight pussies. This little old 60 year old cambodian woman that owned a purified water spot in my neighborhood was after my dick for a while. I finally gave in and I still remember the tight grey haired hole
This is F**ked Up
>All right.but how would I be able to bring it into the US if it’s actually illegal to have?Just tell them to package it in a certain way?
It's not illegal.
Amazon has a ton of them on the USA site, and even more on the JP site. Cheapest place to get them online.
Any muslim country, they have experience in fucking children
So can anyone buy stuff from the JP site? Wouldn't mind checking it out, my old hole is a bit worn.
Only orders fulfilled by Amazon will ship outside the country though. Typically it's DHL, only takes like three days.
welp there goes my boner, thanks bro