Have you ever lied about the size of your penis on Yea Forums?

Have you ever lied about the size of your penis on Yea Forums?

Be honest now.

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Never. My penis is 12.5 inches long, so I am very secure.

its funny how both of ours are the same exact size

Yes. I often say that it is a little bit shorter than it is because I want to be dominated

mines 13 inches

No. Accept your flaws or kys.

my penis is only like 7" which compared to porn dicks is like relatively smol looking but i've had girls tell me its too big for anal sex, and even one girl who i had to just like grandpa fuck slowly in the spoon position cause her vagina was very delicate due to a medical condition. girls love blowing it but i find blow jobs boring.
tl:dr having a large pp doesn't solve all your insecurity issues

Do you wish it was smaller?

sort of, like sometimes i fantasize about being permanently limp or even castrated.

No. I've never been truthful either, I've just never been in a situation where I had to tell anyone my penis size and I can't understand how that would happen.

Haha My penis is 1km long!

well my dick is over a foot long

i lost my dick in a car accident. not insecure tho

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i dont always lie on Yea Forums
but when i do it's because im shitposting

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fuck it, i'll come clean

i'm 1.5 inches flaccid and 4 inches hard

how fucked am i?

........ wut

>on Yea Forums
>not talking about your penis
why are you even here?

You'll never be fucked at all, user.

Have fun being a virgin for the rest of your life.

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just remember lesbians cum from rubbing against eachother half the time
just get it in and grind against that box
youll be fine

Cute be my gf

On Yea Forums?

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I have a 15 foot penis and it's 15 football stadiums thick, nothing to be ashamed of or insecure of here

5" long here. Shape is like pic related.

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This is my pp
Pls enjoy

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are u me?

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Don’t feel bad guy. I’m only 5 inches

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u guys evre think bout doin this for ur peepee?

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if you thought girls didnt wanna succ the smol pp before
just wait till it looks like you got it mangled by a pencil sharpener

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Nigga whaaaa?

COPE chink

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no my penis really is 11 inches


Not since I found out that 6 inches is average


4in soft
8in hard
Always looks like I have a boner, lowkey overrated

Find a girl who you’re romantically compatible with
Once you have sex, if she thinks your dick is too small, then move on

Or you could just play it safe and stay alone the rest of your life

I'm like 5.9, doesn't matter as I won't use it on others.
Thinking about castration, would it cease the need to "release"?

Dad was abusive
Mom didn't love me enough
I'm VERY insecure
I got straight As in school to fill the void
I was "that kid"
But you never knew my story... All I ever wanted was to feel wanted

That has nothing to do with lying about the size of your penis
Regardless, do you have any hobbies? Try meeting with people through those
It’ll make you more social, which will snowball into you being a more social person

Yes. I told Yea Forums my penis was 5.5 inches when it was 5.6 inches.

Please forgive my sins.

Why would you ? who the fuck cares at all enough to need to lie about it. Mine is 7 and a half inches. Less if I get fatter due to winter......and winter is coming.

Yes, I've said it was smaller than it is in sissy threads and shit

Nah, it's 9" so I'm fairly happy with it

your only hope is to become the grand master of cunnilingus

This is exactly the ticket
Though I'm happy enough with the size of my dick (feels pretty average at just under 6 and asked a chick who's slept with 30+ dudes where it ranked and she said around average maybe a little above) have had repeated problems with not getting hard or cumming wayyyy too fast, but if you actually have a personality and the woman likes you it actually dosnt matter at all
For the most part, in my experience, dudes care alot more about sex and fuck size than woman. And if that's not the case you've prolly got the wrong woman

6 inches here and I just tell girls I'm 8 inches and when you hook up, they won't realize

I am honest with other guys though (yes I'm bi) since you can't really bullshit them on it. My best friend/long time friends with benefits has a ~10 inch cock though.

4" soft
7.5" maybe 8" hard
I'm 19
I lied a lot about it when I was younger

No, because I don't have a micro dick. Imagine that, haha.