How poor was you family growing up?

How poor was you family growing up?

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That's not poor. That's happy. Wholesome as fuck picture. Fuck you op.

shut up whitey

We were so fucken poor dad had to jerk off the dog just to feed the cat

Nice quads

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God damn a box of cereal? Fuck!

Parents were addicts so very

Shut the fuck up bitch. Take your faggot ass to a different board, preferably one where sissies raised by a single whore mother talk about wholesome pictures.

What were birthdays or christmas like with addicts like?

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White middle class child here. I'm everything society hates.

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We only had four cars, two houses, and one boat. Shit was rough, I tell ya.

Are those condoms on the wall??

they're balloons user. balloons.

Fucking condoms kek

Seems balloons would be cheaper than condoms

>Cap'n Crunch cereal

>not the generic brand

Yeah... That looks real "poor" to me.

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this is poor? because there isn't a brand new Nintendo, 60" TV, and a pool table? you fucking zoomers are despicable.

We lived in a trailer in some town called rome in Pennsylvania. Hart's trailer park. The teenager up the road raped my ass. His name was Victor. My father hung him. It was the worst. There was only one store up the road. My mother was psychotic. Was best friends with this bitch named Cherry. Hated my fucking childhood.

> People celebrating childs birth
> with condoms made for preventing child's birth

Koolaid not Powerade
Capn crunch not store brand mouth razors
Reebok shoes

Not poor

This picture is old as fuck.

Look closely at the picture. It's taken in a hospital. One of the parents were sick with something (can't remember) and so this was their christmas. So it's actually way sadder than you probably realized.

You're poor in every direction. I'm sorry for your losses.

Kool aid brand instead of store brand

those condom balloons looks suspicious.
terrorism-level suspicious

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>Be me
>Not you obviously
>Well, I might be you
>Matrix and reincarnation and all that shit
>Anyway, be around 14 or something
>Being dirtpoor third world shitholer with shit parents
>Mind you, dad was cool but absent as all fuck and mom is a literal whore to this day
>Still riding the cock carousel at her 40s
>Back on story
>Mom comes in
>Share beedroom of 3
>"What do you want for christmas?"
>We all babble a lot of innane shit
>Pretty much a Yoyo, a set of Jax for my lilsis and maybe spare parts for the bike she runned over for whatever the fuck reason
>Yeah, forgot to add, my mom was really shitty as a mother
>Christmas comes around
>Dad is working
>"Sorry kids, maybe we can get them for new year's"
>We didn't got ass shit
>Things turn out, mom whored her sorry ass and spent all the money
>Got her ass divorced the fuck into oblivion
>Many years of legal bullshit and not being able to have a stable home
>Changed school so freaking often I barely got to meet my teachers or classmates
>Somehow made it to highschool
>Grandpa fish out the truth
>Dig us out of the bullshit

>FF today
>Mom and dad still fighting over bullshit
>Mom is still a cunt
>First time I ever celebrated christmas was 2016 well over my 20s
>Fuck feminazism
>MFW only knew what was christmas because of my classmates

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That thing on the left? It's a fan from Ames you moron.

Id go hungry sometimes and my mom asked if it was ok if we skipped Christmas by the time i was 13 or 14

You should kill your whore mother.'s a hospital. I'm not kidding this picture is old as fuck at least since 2008

Thank Christ for school lunches for poor kids...

It's a fan from Ames

that's pretty sad. Hopefully you can show your kids what it should be like.

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Hewey Lewis cassette tape! Holy fuck this picture is amazing so much to find.

Mom found a gold reindeer outline and would hang it in the window to light up and not be the only house on the street that was dark

Funny the neighbours never offered help but were still pissy about the lack of ornaments we had

Holidays have never been a thing for us, growing up poor really shows that it's all about consumerism

Yeah for real. Around the 10-15th of every month we were basically out of food. Summertime sucked but sometimes my moms husbands mom would make up sandwiches or give us cans of soup.

A lot of dudes made a try for it when I was very youngish, didn't came to realize what had happened then until I was an adult.

Even my little sister hate her guts and will tear you appart if you come up with anything feminism related.

Might had forgot to add, she is feminist as all fuck. But whatever, I got to see ugly saggy unwanted dyke's tits and unshaven pussies from very young before it became mainstream.

Cap'n crunch
>L33t haxors right there

I didn't realize I was a poor kid cuz i had a lunch ticket in elementary school until I was an adult and realized the situation my parents were in raising 3 kids. They did the best they could and never abused me or my brother. My sister who was 5 years older was an ungrateful cunt and still is, so she ran away countless times when she was in her teens.

I think a lot of us failed to take summer school so we could eat. It's why I did it. I actually have a 182 IQ but fuck a hungry belly will make you do crazy shit like answer questions wrong on purpose. It helped keep cys out of our shit though. We might be poor but nobody fucks with our family!

I went to summer school 3 times. They never let u take more than 2 classes, or else that is getting held back. And you have to pay for summer school, which my parents made me pay for each time. Getting to the point, no lunch session was had at any of my summer schools cuz it was less than 4 hours we were there.

Old bait is old, but dann it if i had a nostslgic feel for this pic.

Try harder faggot, lotsa new stuff to use.

Fuck that bitch. Us Bros stuck together. Some kid was calling my lil bro a fag (he is but he's our fag to pick me) so I chased him down and jumped on top of him and slammed his head off the pavement. You don't fuck with us.


I would literally take all the unwanted food from anybody at the cafeteria. I was the laughing stock of most of the schools I went to but fuck those guys, the most I stayed at a school was a whole year untill I got into high school and my mom's dad told my mom to fuck off and let him raise us properly... I don't even know how my mom got jewed into feminazism since everybody and my grandma cat hates feminazism.

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We didn't live in a big house but I got everything I ever asked for. My parents probably spend over $500 on my every Christmas and in the 80's and that is about $1,640 in today's money.

Hewey Lewis and the boys, koolaid, capncrunch, Reebok shoes .... My man...

You too?... Fuckdamn the internet making the world so small. Calling bullshit on the IQ thing tho.

So you'll be living in gen pop soon I take it? Nigs gonna nig, not a skin color thing you're just trash

My brother Richard, would give me his poptart crusts. Everyone asked him but he only shared them with me. He's with this bitch who doesn't know how amazing he is. Hate her so much but they got 2 kids together so I don't do anything cuz it will hurt them and him more than her. Hope she gets hit by a bus.

Found the faggot

I don’t know. That dude was hoping for a new PlayStation

I dont know if my area had summer school. I had pretty much all D’s and F’s in middleschool and never got it

Confirmed. OP photo was from a family spending Christmas with their mom in the hospital or some outpatient place for cancer.

Explains the fan on the side.

I'm white. Sorry. Back then it was a good old boys club. Your start something and you get your face handed to you, why the fuck did you run your mouth? Learn to shut the fuck up. Not like today's pussies crying about every little fucking thing.

Since all the school I went to were full of niggers it was easy as fuck to pull that off.

Although, in here you had to fail 4 classess to be held back.

The real problem in my thirdworld shithole was that you only got a kind of breakfast and no meals on summer. But it was still far better than starving to death at home.

It's a stand up fan from Ames department store. Not a hospital. It was a nursing home for Grandma.

There's a kool aid packet too!

Or cheap balogna sandwiches where I'm from and a small yellow bag of lays chips. Fucking sucked but better than trying to find fruit bushes or eating out of the dumpsters. Fucking bees.


who doesn't eat the poptart crusts??

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Look harder until you find Hewey Lewis and the Boys cassette tape.

I still fap to this. She's legal age now.

Poor enough to fuck each other on the down-low as a hobby.

IDK he's a cool dude. Collects cologne which I guess is a thing. Smokes and had his first heart attack. He's 5 years younger than me. Glad I never smoked. I still love him more than anything. I'd kill for him.

My other brother and my sister? Fucking losers.

this picture reminds me of slavs because they actually think mcd's is an actual restaurant to them and they would all go there to clelebrate shit and whatnot on sundays. fuck slavs, useless white niggers

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Fuck you man. Slavs are ok.

i grew up living and being evicted in multiple hotels for about 8 years

spoiled faggot. get the fuck out. i was happy if i got for xmas the smallest lego there was

not really when u have been living side-by-side with them all ur life. im not talking out of my ass

Open your mouth back then, you paid the price in blood. None of the pussy shit today, we all took care of our shit.

Where are you from blyat

Celebrated birthday in McDonalds as my mom bought me a kids meal and watched me eat it

one of the baltics nahui

That's very thoughtful tho

Alabama has entered the chat

Are you more receptive to anal now?

define poor. my family always struggled financially, but i had roof over my head, and i was never hungry. never really felt poor or rich.

Oh im an amerimutt with czech heritage so was jw

When you wanna fuck israel but have to do it with a rubber because they are the most putrid of diseases.

My sister went to stay with my pervert uncle for 2 months. We had food and no more fighting about bills after that. Shed go visit often around Christmas and wed have video games that year.

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how often did your parents fight?

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We where poor as fuck. Candles for light, no hot water. Bath only once a week and had to share the tub water. Searched for deposit bottles to buy candy.

Kids these days will never know true freedom.

Your parents were drug addicts?

When your this poor it's nice to have a friend to jo with or blow. Simple pleasures like swallowing a throbbing cock became routine.

Normally in threads you know people larp but I know you aren't lying. You can tell the honest ones.

Poor sister. Had to lose virginity to get you a genesis. You should call her and thank her. Buy her a fucking Mercedes or something. You owe her and you know it.

You're not poor you're just a fag.


My step dad was and he got meth for me and my friends when we were 14-15

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Pretty terrible. Food from charities, donated presents, fights, trashed houses.

Either that or they'd be so smacked out they'd hardly be able to talk

When I was 12 I would borrow some from my dad.

She felt special and acted like a snob. I tried to get her to fuck a friend for cash but she told on me. Now shes just some roastie with too much fat and my uncle isvdead (left her money).

Jesus dude.
>Hey Uncle Joey can you buy us some pot!?!
>Fuck you fucking pussies wanna get high? Smoke this shit instead. Fuck that pussy drug.
Roflmao XD

Child molestation always makes people overeat. Makes no sense. They get all high and mighty about it too.

Some what? Cum? I'm sure he gave it to you willingly.

Fuckin' real shit, bro. I'm on an assignment up her in rural PA, right now, and this is a tough place. These people are hard as fuck, and though it's adaptive it's certainly not kind. Did you get out of PA? I certainly hope things got better for you, my friend.

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>get a real addiction you fucking posers
Kek. Hes doing a 10 year prison sentence right now.

Found the libfag.

Oh yeah I'm married living up state ny. I work doing OSHA inspections. Travel in an RV because we never get to stay anywhere. Currently in a comfy class a 1997 bounder. Not great but comfy. Happy. If I go to pa it's to visit friends and family. Got stuck for 2 years taking care of my dad, he did his best with us growing up. Not going to nursing home. He was a great man. But back to normal life driving around chilling wherever. I'll never go back to Pennsylvania ever again. Most backwards place there is on the planet.

Too poor for a camera.

I'll take being poor and free over liberal socialism. We had fun. Blowing shit up. Racing quads, spray some ether down the throat of the carb hope it doesn't blow your balls off... Good times were had.

Aren't balloons cheaper though?

You'd think that but HIV foundations give them out in Mexico and shit for free.

I'm really happy to hear that. There's two types of people, in the face of adversity: those who adapt, and those who crack. The only difference is willpower, I think, and willpower can be developed by pure sickness of circumstance. Your dad sounds like he probably had a whole hell of a lot of shit in his life from the start, too. He'd be proud to know his work wasn't wasted, and it's getting better for future generations. I don't know about you, but I'll take a kick in the teeth and the will to make survive over a life of complacency to this day.

Pennsylvania can be fucking nightmare. I've seen some incredibly dark things, here. Up in the rural northeast corner of the state, it's like being on another fucking planet. I sometimes drive out to the Hudson valley to remember what civilization and kindness feels like.

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Right? I'm posting from a free laptop I trash picked. Acer 5250 amd e350 1.6ghz processor.

My family was functionally poor because of my dad's alcoholism.
He made an average middle class salary.
But he drank and smoked away so much money it was like we were poor.
My parents were really private about their finances,
but I believe they were also paying off a lawsuit from an accident from my dad's drunk driving.
>elementary school - nice house in nice town
>dad loses job due to drinking, we have to move
>middle school - nice house in crappy town
>dad loses job due to drunk driving car accident, we have to move
>high school - crappy house in crappy town
>dad loses job due to drinking, we insist we're not moving
>dad doesn't work for two years
>dad eats up all of remaining savings keeping the family in the house

Christmases and birthdays were pretty lame.
We got presents, but it was far less than my friends were getting.
And most of the things we got were generic -
after Star Wars came out, I asked for some action figures.
They got me those weird chinese toys you see posted here, the strange generic knock-offs.
To them it was all the same - "you wanted science fiction dolls, you got science fiction dolls, you're so spoiled"

...and it never ends. Eventually my dad retired and then died from lung cancer.
So what happens then? My mom loses his social security benefits so now she's got even less money coming in.

The extended family was comfortable with money - our problem was my dad's bad choices.
So for my high school graduation, I was able to buy my first computer using my graduation gifts.
My parents gift? They put new fabric on the seats of the rustbucket car they still owned but let me drive to work.
So, when the car died - my gift was poof.
I tell ya it was pretty fucked up.

You'd think in such a lush wooded clean area of the world you'd get something. Nope. Not even a ride. Here in NY if it's raining people offer a ride or if your car breaks down people stop. Might steal your wallet or might fix your car. Who knows but I prefer that to pure dark rage, incest, and pedophiles...

So, the million-dollar question: do you drink? I don't drink, and wouldn't if you put a gun in my mouth for similar reasons under totally dissimilar circumstances.

I used to know a functionally poor kid. He'd come over just to feel richer. I didn't care he let me play his Gameboy.

>being lied to by nigger media

We were well off. But my Dad was angry.

RIGHT?? This place could be and should be the garden of Eden. It's like the Pacific Northwest in the context of resources and climate.

The prevalence of sexual abuse among boys and men I have seen here is above and beyond anything I could have imagined. It's absolutely insane. In some of the larger townships (10k+ people) it appears the Church is a major factor in this problem. At this point, though, there are SO MANY registered sex offenders here that it's really a civil issue as well. I've adopted a harm-reduction model in my daily interactions and treat everyone with an aggressively-positive disposition. I call it "confrontational kindness" and I think it works. I tell myself I might be the only friendly face someone sees all week.

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Some dark pa stories. Told you about the rape. I'm sure his dad was raping him and I was weaker. It didn't break me. Hurt like hell and I pooped blood. But for some reason his younger sister after Victor was hung disappeared. Poof gone.

Another neighbor was fucking his 3 year old. My dad was friends with him. He gave their mom 50 bucks one day and told her to take the kids. I helped him trap the guy and burned his house down with him inside.

Fucking hate pedophiles.

I do drink, but not to excess like him. My drinking doesn't effect work.
One of the problems growing up like that is you get very little guidance -
dad is always drunk, mom is doing the best to hold down the household alone
So in a lot of ways, I grew up like a wolf kid.
I would go weeks without taking a shower, because nobody was saying "hey kid you stink, here's what you do"
When I came home from school, it was basically take care of yourself the best you can because everybody else has their problems.
So, my social life suffered a lot. I didn't have any social skills, nobody was giving me any advice.
So, a big reason I drink now is that I have an easier time acting and talking normal,
and when everyone else is drinking, they seem more able to deal with the issues I still have.

I'm wondering if it's not some native American curse. The nightmares I used to have living in Pennsylvania were some of the most demonic fucked up shit not even movies could describe...

Um... that's not a poverty issue. That is an issue with your family but being poor isn't it. And... damn.

Old school justice still prevails. People who aren't in it wouldn't understand it. Ethics are entirely different from morals.

I'm glad I had 1 black friend. He was cool and we shared the same name, Christopher. One day he was all like " you smell like sour crout and hot dogs take a bath" I remember that shit because not long after that I got my first GF "bc I smelled good"

I've thought about similar things. It sounds crazy, and I'm a man of "science" and professional qualification, but when I'm out and about in the towns and mountains I get this consistent feeling that the earth is figuratively crying out from being raped. The coal industry has done extraordinary damage to the air and groundwater-- heavy metal poisoning is also disproportionately prevalent here. The earth has been raped, and it's truly weeping poisonous tears from the sky and the soil.

This is important. Mentorship and guidance makes virtually ALL the difference. The good news is that you've *learned* how to achieve "normal" with alcohol, which means you can also *learn* better coping and integration skills, right? This would suggest you have a sharp mind, which is more than most people might have.

For me, it was a dumb jock in high school.
He was easily the dumbest guy in class,
but at heart he was a nice guy and everyone cut him a lot of slack.
One day standing next to me, he just said "your hair is so greasy, why don't you take a shower?"
It was like a revelation to me - nobody ever told me I had that kind of problem before, and I never noticed.
So from then on, I started paying attention to how people wore their hair, how they took care of themselves, etc. Because nobody ever told me that I needed to do that. I thought they were good looking just because they were good looking.
In a lot of ways, that dumb guy gave me more direction than my family ever did.

she could rent out the daughter, if pay $20/hr for her

I remember living places and seeing demons and shit. Or like hearing babies crying in the woods while hunting. Or the random yells "help me". I quit hunting in PA. But the nightmares didn't stop until I moved. One time I woke up to this little monster on my pillow.

I'm not insane. I'm a man of the Bible but I'm also a man of science and reason. PA is where nightmares are born.

Yeah that's how it was. Nothing mean spirited, just never occurred to me to bathe unless I was muddy.

What if I only needed 15 minutes, would I get a discount?

That photo can't be real. And they are poor jews? what the actual fuck.

Yes, thanks for the compliment. The way I approach life is to try my hardest to recognize my existing flaws and do what I can to overcome them, even now as an adult.
Yeah, I'm pretty smart, and that's helped me hold a decent job now.
And I know that for all the family issues I had,
there were other kids who went hungry,
or who were regularly beaten or molested, etc.
I know in a lot of ways that I was way better off than many others.
But the part that really gets to me is the waste -
the fact that so much good money was just pissed and smoked away,
that we could have lived better lives if my dad just had the character to think of others instead of his immediate needs.

you probably would, hell i only need 3 minutes - but i would keep her for the whole hour, and make some content to sell = $$$

I completely believe you. I have had similar experiences here where I have heard some extraordinary and completely novel things that my brain could not possibly make up, due to the originality of their content. I used to enjoy marijuana gummies now and then, and have completely abandoned this practice as a result. Is your wife from Pennsylvania, as well?

>Hewey Lewis and the boys on cassette when cassettes were more expensive than vinyl

Nigga, jews don't celebrate Christmas dummy. Anyone with a public school education can tell you that.

Which black dad left andbhurt you user?

no, you mexican't.

No she's from Corning NY. She doesn't believe me but trusts the fear in my eyes when we have to drive into Pennsylvania at night. I will always pray we don't break down or something.

I have a great family and I think you're all trash. I am not poor. How some of you have more money than me and have these kind of stories is beyond me.

Fucking neck yourself, deviant. People like you have been a scourge on tribes, cultures, families, and societies since time immemorial and have been dealt with swiftly throughout history. Do us all a favor.

We were poor materially but rich in abuse.

Yeah he needs a non gay manly hug.

It's a joke chill.

that looks nothing like a christmas tree and they got a candle probably a jew candle on the floor. and the girl has a jew nose like her dad. I'd say mixed jew/ christmas.

tapes were expensive? that can't possibly ever be true.

Couldn't afford milk for cereal, often would use orange juice from concentrate in my breakfast cereal. Also mayo and bread, and spaghetti with margarine. No vehicle, one older sibling that squandered all the financial benefits, astro camp, middle school field trips, college paid for, She grew up to be a loser and went nowhere. I have a stellar job, and will be the first in this family to break a 6 figure salary.

Yeah sure, only well adjusted people come to Yea Forums.

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Like peeling skin off of people, or like getting the random urge to just drive into a river. It's not coming from me. When I left I stopped thinking that shit.

Sounds like a real decent woman. Have you thought about packing heat in the glovebox or something? Know that you have the physical and spiritual authority to dismiss any entities from your life and your home; no thing has the right to remain in our mind, body, or spirit without invitation. If it is being fed by our fear, starve it out. If it has taken ground in our lives, drive it out. You were chosen, you were protected and sustained; you haven't been brought this far to be abandoned.

One christmas, we went to a Chinese restaurant for Christmas eve dinner. They were closing early, and we were the last people there. We were talking to the wait staff and told them that the Chinese dinner (all $15 dollars of it) was our Christmas present to ourself. They then proceeded to give all 3 of us some very nice, ivory chop sticks. That was the only gifts we got that Christmas. I still have the chopsticks as a reminder of that rough time in my life.

Pretty well off. My mom and dads home is worth $2 million and their cottage about $500,000.

My grandpa owned a furniture company and I'm guessing has at least $10 million in assets. He said all his grandkids are getting $200,000 each in his will. I'm guessing my parents and aunts and uncles are getting a lot more than that.

My family vibe is demanding though. I had to get good grades in school and get a college degree. Had to work summer jobs. Dad made me pick a real career or was going to kick me out of the house.

Even though my family was rich I was never allowed to sit around and do nothing. My poorer friends had it easier. Their parents did not care as much about their grades. They could be unemployed and live at home for months being a NEET.

They all think I'm "lucky" because my family has money. But the truth is my family has money because they're harder working and more demanding than lots of other families.

I always knew money was tight so I told my mom (dad was an absent crack head) that I didn't mind not getting presents or treats or anything because as long as we spent time together I was happy.

I tried to be a good kid. I was an ass out of ignorance sometimes of course but I tried my best because I knew she worked hard.

Tell your parents you love them it means the world to them. (Unless they were shit parents, which I fully understand and I'm here for you

you so dont belong here ... summer is over

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not much. and i think ive seen them fight seriously maybe few times in my entire life. why?

This was a very traumatic place for you; it's not unexpected that these compulsions would have power in a place they were manifested. Wise move to escape the lion's den.

I'm Jewish. It's against talmudic law to bring a tree into the house and decorate it. It's a Wiccan practice. No fucking clue why Christians do it.

they stole your childhood so that you can steal other peoples money for the rest of your life. must be nice to be a greedy asshole family.

are you asian?

>>Thinking he's rich
>>Thinking he's entitled to the pressures of the "elite" and experienced them by proxy
Please leave this thread; come back when you have more life experience.

what happens when one parent is a jew and the other a christian? this might explain why they got such shitty gifts because jews like get 10 days of gifts or something and this is like day 1.


Christmas is based upon pagan holidays. The Catholic Church adopted their traditions, slightly altered them, and claimed it was a celebration of the birth of Jesus... when, if you read that book, and know history, do the math, Jesus was born around the time Easter is celebrated.

>>Oy vey pagan badd
Who gives a fuck what Jews think about our culture.

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Yeah her family is all Pentecostal which is so strange at first until you experience the miracles first hand. It's been really awesome. I wish more people could experience this. It's nothing like I could begin to describe. I try getting people to come with an open mind, just to sit in that presence and have something good happen for them. It's really interesting. I highly suggest going to a Friday night fire session. It's where miracles happen. Cripples getting out of wheelchairs.

I laid hands on a woman. I felt the bones move under my hands. After that how do you deny it?

Growing up? They're still poor now lmao

You wanna-be Nazis do realize that many jewish people celebrate christmas gift-giving, right?
The same way that white trash shitheads who never go to church, don't believe in anything,
still put up a tree and give gifts.
For generations, Christmas has been an American tradition, not a Christian tradition.

Absolute truth. I don't attend a church or ascribe to doctrine, but I absolutely know the power of God and have encountered it in Christian churches. I'll keep my eyes open for that-- if for nothing more than curiosity. There is power and freedom in Absolute Truth.

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Typical Jew. Sees people bonding, and comes in to disrupt all semblance of harmony and unification. Free Palestine.

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well youre a piece of shit then

I never let shit get to me. Bus driver slammed me into a wall.
Oh creepy as fuck story
>6 years old
>Got a yellow with black dots huffy
>Wanted to ride against mom's wishes
>Went as fast as my little legs could
>Hit something idk what, demon looking back (lied told people it was a pothole)
>flew above the trailers in slow motion
>Hear in my ear "fuck you you little prick!"
>Threw my bike into the grass to save it
>He slammed me into the pavement face first shattered my jaw

I lived... I'll never forget that shit...

fuckin hardcore

You pagan? I don't hate you. I just wanted to point out the fallacy in the picture.

christmas when i was a kid was always quite rich with presents. me and my two older brothers always had one big wish that was somewhere around 100-600€ (it got more expensive the older we got)
we ended up not having such a good time later on because my dad had cardiovascular disease that prevented him from working and money issues kicked in. i still envy my older brothers because they spent the first 19-23 years of their lives in safety, while i was only 15 when the struggle started getting heavy.

have to give it to my parents though. they always provided for us, even when nothing else was affordable i still got a big present on my birthdays. but i stopped wishing for expensive objects because i knew that we couldn't afford it.

over 10 years later and my parents had to sell the house. im currently finishing my degree in engineering and hope to find a well-paid job. i have been working for the entirety of my time at the university and lived by myself. also have a GF and a 1-year old son.
the next years are going to be hard but i hope it will be worth it...

i just get triggered when i meet entitled cunts like that think they had it hard just because they had to study for a bit.
boo-fucking-hoo. studying is easy when you dont have to work to afford food and dont have to worry about being homeless and having a dead father within the next few months.

Fucking Hess trucks. You ain't poor. Those shits were expensive as fuck.

Stay the fuck out of rural Pennsylvania.


This. So fuckin true

What a copesetic chill ass thread...

Does that SOUND like a woman, to you?

Right? Old Yea Forums is still here. Never underestimate the power of Community to emerge in the bonding over mutually-common experience.

Just ignore him. He's just jealous he has no friends because he's such a piece of shit online and offline.

Talks like my sister, similar story.

I think a lot of old b were pedos who got v& or left due to the constant cheese threads so they didn't get v&... Glad y'all are coming back now. Maybe some just got out of prison jk jk

I need pussy.

Attached: D78B1CB1-BB57-43D0-A25C-1DAB71E2FBC7.jpg (76x76, 3K)

"Old" is no longer just 2004. It's now ~2008, I hope/think/wish/believe :-)

Also, yes, giga-tons of pizza here back in like '06

More like
>Dexter Morgan but for realzies

Like looking into the eyes of a true psychopath serial killer or...
>Takes off sunglasses
Cereal killer

It was really disgusting. I hated how they would start a normal or funny thread or go into a ylyl thread and post a daisy link. Sick fucking shit. You'd click it thinking "oh I'm just going to get Rick rolled lulz" nope fucking child torture.... Better dban my hard drive again...

Niggers are also ok... If they live in different continent.

I tarded. I thought I resized it.

Be thankful you missed daisy links...

All good the joke was not missed

DD wasn't real, you memelord. Right up there with The Rake.

We werent poor, but acted like it. And despise having enough money to live comfortably, it was a broken family. My dad used to beat up my mom and treated me like fucking shit.

It was. It was purged even from the dark web. Candle wax, batteries being thrown at her, slamming her around... I can watch a rekt thread and giggle with the rest of the sociopaths but that shit got to me. I actually called the FBI personally about that shit.

See we were poor and family was tight. I don't get that shit. Proof money doesn't buy happiness.

They were quite real. Fucking chunks. No humanity...

>low class
>middle low
>upper middle

That. It was an ok childhood.

Chinks not chunks

Like I can watch a doggo boil video but dd and rake fucking affected me.

>>Called the FBI personally.
Kek, LARP more.

>>Hewwo, FBI? I'm watching a CP video right n-- yes, that's right. On my computer. Uh-huh. N-- no. Please let me-- sir, please let me explain.
Kek, of course you did.

Don’t ruin threads with nigger shit

My family never ever do birthdays and Christmas.


Attached: 5CC0858B-3C95-4B35-B9E7-CFCFBAFC2E36.jpg (225x225, 5K)

po as fuq

nigger lover

Attached: 11.jpg (1200x800, 140K)

I grew up in a 4 story home 5 bedroom 4 bathroom and a bidet in each bathroom
I had 2 maids and one of them was my black momma and she would bake really good cakes
I had an orange cat that lived with me in my room with my sega dreamcast and n64
but Mom and Dad never loved me...…..

We were so poor that we had to eat the dog and the cat.
Nice quads checked

Because it's bad ass.

Just one boat? So you had to pick between an ocean boat and a lake boat? What the fuck, why even bother?

I like her feet

i grew up thinking we were poor(ish), cause how our house looked like, how my parents always spoke about money. we ate repetitive bad quality one course meals, usually made from something close to run off, since it was cheaper to get. whenever my mom went to shopping, she went to like 4 supermarkets, to compare the prices and get the cheapest of every product. she usually didn't even ate the meal, but potato peals and leftovers, drank pasta cooking water calling it a soup, or that bad quality parts of stuff, she didn't serve for us. everyone i knew went to like one week holidays to abroad multiple times, we stayed one night at a really very cheap hotel in our country once a year and went hiking or did some other free program. at birthdays and Christmas i got low quality cheap presents like Chinese plastic toys and knock off stationery.
i bought my first phone at age 12 saving up the birthday money from relatives for it since age 10, cause my parents said i will get a phone at age 18. it was a flip phone, when all my classmates had touchscreen ones, i got teased for it a lot. got teased for my clothes and style as well, since everyone wore fast fashion brand clothing and all i could get after begging my parents, something from the supermarket sale. never saw my parents buying clothes or anything for themselves tho.
and than once my father bought the neighbors house when it was up to sale, because he didn't want anyone else to buy it, who he might not like, that was the point i realized we weren't poor just weird.