I have
N e v e r
Been attracted to anyone over 12

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bump for curiosity

If you have any questions I'll answer them

Man that sucks, you should kill yourself. People don't stay 12 forever.

da fuq


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You can call it bait but that doesn't magically make what I said untrue

bumping for high level cringepost


KYS Faggoli

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I'll answer any questions for real
I don't understand how you can think this is bait

If bait then you are a faggot.

If not bait then youre a degenerate pederast so either:

A) kys
B) castrate yourself
C) Go to prison and have someone do A) for you

You're acting like this is my goddamn choice. Like I had a fucking say in this

I feel sorry for you man

Please don't act on your urges, maybe look for some kind of therapy like CBT. I'm sure there are people who specialise in working with this

That's so fucked up it's ridiculous. Imagine someone walking up to YOU. Fucking YOU and told you to never get a girlfriend or have sex. YOU wouldn't obey that persons orders would you? I know you fucking wouldn't so why should I?
You goddamn fucking hypocrite

Seeth more guilty pedo

have you ever acted on your illness?


you recognise what you have is unnatural?

Transgenderism is unnatural

no pedophilia is lol


As if both aren't apex, maladaptive mental illness

Don't even be this way

You're welcome to get a girlfriend and have sex, just one that is old enough to give consent and not be traumatised later by your actions

How about this question;
Is it the AGE that turns you on? If so, why?

lolis get you hard? or you're only into real kids

It's okay as long as you are not acting on those urges and just fapping to loli and shota porn.
Otherwise, kys

Back to plebbit with you newfag

You understand you're fucked up, right?

I literally go fuck yourself. I deserve happiness


What do you mean?

I deserve happiness. I deserve it I deserve it I deserve it

Yeah, but does that mean to you?

I'm not going to let other people stop me from being happy

What makes you think this. Honest to God question, what makes you believe that you are entitled to happiness.

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Nobody wants to stop you from being happy. Everyone wants to stop you from inflicting irreparable harm to other humans.

Because otherwise I was born to be unhappy. I simply refuse that reality

What if that hurts someone... do you think that's possible?

I don't know what you mean when you say "you want yo be happy" like you want a nice house and a job you like?

And what exactly created a direct correlation between pedophilia and happiness? Do you believe that that is the only way to achieve happiness?

Aged people hurt each other all the time from relationships. Some even kill themselves over it. I don't give a fuck

That sounds like a recipe for a selfish relationship that will never be truly happy. One without love and support.

Is there a difference between a grown man hurting a little girl, and two adults hurting each other?

Don't play dumb
It's either I do this or I fucking kill myself

Why should I care? There's only so much time I can take. So much goddamn waiting

Ok I am gonna play devil here.

I don't think you are sick, but like everyone else, you have your sexual inclinations. Some people get turned on by car crashes, others by crippled people.

It must be very hard no to be able to fulfill that human part of you. But if it offers any comfort, sexual tendencies change over time. I known for fact that adult males become homosexual because they started to like other guys out of the blue.

So maybe some day you will stop feeling attracted exclusively to 12 year olds. In the mean time well, loli and shota is an option and there is probably some shady VR that lets you play with lifelike avatars. Even kiddie porn is better than other options at this point.

Have sex incel.

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So the only way your can be happy is by molesting a kid. If that's true then you are human waste, and no, you don't deserve happiness. You're a sick piece of trash, universally hated and rightly so because you'd rather ruin a child to get your own satisfaction. I'm sure you think it wouldn't really do that much damage, sick pathetic pedophiles always have the same apologetics, but I know people that have been molested. It ruined them for life. I hope you die. No one will ever love you, you pathetic vermin.

isn't happiness.

I have no idea what you mean by waiting... you're not making much sense tbh

I'm in my 30s to be honest with you. There's no changing happening for me. I've seen a lot of loli and shota here but it's never done anything for me. it feels like a completely unrealistic caricature what I'm really after
Stop reading after waste. Youre waste to me

What is it your really after, then? What about kids gets you hot and bothered?

I'm guesing something in your childhood development fucked up and you can't or don't know how to build normal, meaningful, intimite relationships with people older than 12. Pedosexuality is not a fetish, its mental illness.

As I said, even kiddie porn is a better choice. I truly feel you since I have seen cases like this. But trust me, if you just lash out and do something stupid you will end up regretting it. And you won't be happy.

therapy, /thread, sage

You're gonna get caught, and the rest of your life will be tourter. You'll go yo jail and the guards and inmates will both inflict as much pain on you as they can. I hope it doesn't take an innocent life for the world to know what kind of scum you are, maybe they'll catch you jackin your pathetic little penis to kiddie porn. You're life is gona be hellll for just a few hours of pleasure. You deserve nothing but constant suffering, you pathetic little narcissist

The rest of us will form relationships, make families and live a good life while you stew in your psychological filth, best case. Worst case Jose beats you to death in the showers.

Even if you fuck a kid, you won't be happy. You'll still be the same kind of fucked up you always are and always will be. You're never going to be happy. Ever.

Everything is a mental Illness. Do you like to choke during sex? Congrats you are a sick fuck! I hate binary views because it means you are weak minded, you aren´t capable of actually build a rational and your own thought on the matter.

How would you feel if you never had the chance to explore your sexuality because society labeled as the worst thing it the world?

Yeah sure, pedophilia isn't common and can lead to disaster, but YOU CANT CHOOSE WHAT YOU LIKE.

This is why some kind of therapy might be an option, even if you're in your 30s your behavior is never fixed. Even if your sexual preferences aren't changing by themselves, a little introspection into why it is you are only attracted to little girls might reveal some other issues you need to acknowledge and deal with. It could lead to your sexual preferences evolving into something that you can more reasonably fulfill without damaging other people.

Not all desires are entitled to be fulfilled - expecting this is a recipe for misery in any area. Sometimes you have to work around and change the aspects of yourself that don't work in harmony with the world around you in order to find happiness.


I know it must feel very frustrating user. But you are always in control of your choices, and this one is solely in your hands.

Do you feel like you want to act on it?

Hello, Yea Forums pedophile. You should post all of your public information so you can join the network of the other Yea Forums pedophiles. There's lot of them all over the world, and us non-pedophiles of Yea Forums are totally tolerant, and this is not a means to honeypot you at all!

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Sorry bro I am not OP. Just someone who know about the subject in fact.

how do you distinguish being a pedo vs having a fetish?
I like lolis but only when my pp is hard and I'm horny
when I'm not I couldn't care any less about lolis
it's not like I like lolis exclusively either plus I don't care about them being underage I only like the body type

Do you feel like having sexual approaches to children? If yes, congrats you are a pedo.

I don't know just the fact that they're kids. What about tits get you hot and bothered? The fact that theyre tits
Narcissist? I shouldn't be a narcissist for following the desires I was born with just like you shouldn't be a narcissist for being straight
THERAPY??? FUCKING THERAPY??? Do you think gay conversion therapy works to? I hate people like you

I don't bother distinguishing shit like that. All I know is what I need for my happiness

Lol, no you don't you immature entitled piece of shit. Not one single person in this world is born with a golden ticket saying they deserve to be happy. You're a selfish pig and thus deserve nothing.

Choking during sex relises adrenaline and shit like that that makes you feel good. That is not mental illness my dude. Not being able to feel attraction to persons older than 12 is mental development issue.

I don't see why not, you can make LGBTs and pedophiles from abuse, why shouldn't you be able to cure LGBT/pedophilia through working through the abuse?

no I don't. i've never seen a single kid irl I've found attractive in any way
when I'm horny I've seen pictures though that i found super stimulating
idk if I'm just fucked up in head and addicted to porn or something else. Maybe it's just a phase. I remember fapping to traps and shemales for a while and now find them repulsive and disgusting

Dude, it is classified as ONE. Is really that hard to google it? Here, have fucking wikipedia you inbred

OP you stupid fuck, quit whining about how miserable your life is. Remember there is a solution to most of our problems so, seeing as you know what your problem is, start by finding a solution to it.
Go to therapy, go outside, have drinks with your friends, start a hobby, read a fucking book.
Your situation is most likely shit, but it's up to you to quit bawwing about it and actually take action to try and change it.

and no, you weren't born lusting for 12 year olds, that was something that developed.

Have you ever heard of petite girls?

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Yes it does develop. But you can't control how. When I was a teen MILFS were my weak spot. Now I get limp if some 40yo comes to me.

yeah I've always liked them flat cheats and all

Why is everyone here autistic. Go jerk it to your anime body pillow and kill yourself.

Yeah, and OP could not control that he was abused.

Dude, you just like petite girls.

Actually that is a common misconception that very used because it justifies in a RATIONAL matter something that is caused by something IRRATIONAL.

>How would you feel if you never had the chance to explore your sexuality because society labeled as the worst thing it the world?
I'd grow the fuck up, get the fuck off the internet, and go about my fucking life. There's plenty more to life than sex, and especially sex with children. And with the way you've presented yourself to this thread, you seem like a real immature vapid retard who probably has to form relationships with kids bc no self respecting adult with half a brain can tolerate you. You sound like you're consumed by a fucking unhealthy obsession with sex and kids and that right there is a fucking problem, that you're too stupid to fucking see. I really do hope someone finds you and makes you suffer one day. And I'm glad you're life's been as miserable as you've let it become.

Ok, didn't know that. Still dosn't change the fact that pedophilia is mental illness my dude.

I am not fucking OP.
You got the posters mixed.

I'm not justifying OP's pedophilia, I'm just explaining its most likely root cause. OP needs therapy, or a 45 caliber asprin, which ever's easier.

You're gonna get raped in prisonnn. You're gonna be holding some jacked whiter supremacists pocket in the rec yard. Is that what you mean by happy you pathetic little faggot?

Yes it does, because if you do a little research and stop being scared of asking questions you will discovered that you have been blue pilled since you were a freaking zygote.

Has OP ever tried traps or gay shit?
Not to hate on him cause i literally don't care what he does with all of your kids, but such degeneracies can be correlated to others unconciusly

Sound like a case of peepee to small for fully developed vagina

Sorry, you typed and sounded pretty much just like him. Seems I'm not the only one who thought that either. Please OP see my post so you can see the I'll wishes I have for you, thanks

life isn't fair, neck yourself you big nonce

How was your childhood? What are the relationships with your parents? Relationships with your brothers sisters if you have any?

How? I even my writing style is different. Just because I don't have a popular opinion on the topic it makes me an instant pedo lol

Your gonna die op.... the question is are you gonna kill yourself or is some else gonna do it? I hope blowing your load was worth it you fat little fag boy

You psychologically stunted man child. You'll never be happy. You. Will. Suffer. Until. You. Die.

Yeah I was the first guy to reply to your post, in retrospect you can tell the difference because op writes like a child throwing a temper tantrum

Nigga, I prefer flat chests. They're cuter and don't get in the girl's way nearly as much. Shit has reasons, a little introspection can help go a long way.

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Why haven't you killed yourself yet op? No one will miss you...

How does it change it? Stop puking out your comforting opinions and give me normal arguments. If grownup can't develope relationship with another grownup, that is mentall development issue. That is a fact. And if you disagree, than better provide strong arguments why it is not.

You typed exactly like OP.
You seem belligerent and throw in CAPS LOCKED MOMENTS for effect. All of this gives the impression of having a fucking mental breakdown by the way.

Pedophilia is a sexual dysphoria similar to homosexuality or all other permanent conditions. We've known this since forever.

He never said he cant build relationships. He just cant engage romantically to other adults. An I am not being comforting. I am saying what none dares to say because we criminalize what we consider that falls out of the norm. If you want answers, look for them.

Sure I used caps, but I never whined like a little bitch. Sorry OP, but you do whine like a little bitch.

>can't engage romantically to other adults.
That is that. That is a mental problem. How big of a problem it is, depends. I don't care that OP has this problem and he don't want to admit it or choose to be ignorant. But I have a problem, that one day he gonna act on it and destroy some poor childs life.
>Seek therapist OP.

Hey OP, just wondering, have you ever gotten stabbed by a pencil??

There's some disorder which make adults look like children. Like some hormone problems. There was a documentary about a town, where a large numbr of people had it.


Im 28 now and 18 year olds look 15 to me so i am begging to get confused.

well they put hormones in everything and incentivize fake slut culture so 10 yr olds look 23 sometimes.

tl;dr - I don't assume pedo if they didn't ask for ID and it was an easy mistake at a glance. But I do assume they're a dumb fuck for not asking for ID.

Women also hit puberty much faster than men, I remember when I was 15 my girlfriend who was 14 was 6 feet tall.

You do have the control to kys tho

Quads of truth.

I understand.

You understand that if you did have sex with a kid they would be mentally traumatised for life right?

I can understand that must be difficult for you but it's just something that you will never morally or legally in the eyes of the general public be acceptable

Stay away from kids and good luck

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This is F**ked Up