Lets legolize marejuana bros,its fun and ricraetional XD LOL!

lets legolize marejuana bros,its fun and ricraetional XD LOL!

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should i drink tea

Lmao butthurt fag

U coping hard enough?

Legalize and lower taxes or raise taxes to accommodate the majority accepting it's use... your choice.

>ban alcohol
>people still wanna drink
>crime increases
>realize banning alcohol is stupid
>tax profits

>ban thc
>people still wanna smoke
>crime increases
>tax profits

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incoming weed tards!!!!!

it grows brain cells xD

I smoke a shitload of weed and I'm smarter than you could ever imagine being. Weed doesn't make you stupid, being stupid makes you stupid.

Go do meth fag

Yeah,you tell'em bro! Our weed it doesnt make our brain cell go away,it does make them go away xDDDDDDD! LoooL

>cigarettes and alcohol exist
it’s not about it’s propensity to do you harm, it’s about freedom and personal responsibility you fucking brainlet

it's the same as legalizing booze
let other be retards, while we collect those sweet tax dollars to fund our military and steal oil from sandniggers

I agree,alchool and cigarettes are much better,because everybody knows that mairjuana literally burns your brain connections

Minimal sanitary control assurance.
Less para-deal violence in the street.
Creation of "real" jobs(4 stage job).
Legalize lot of tradition/religion users.
Control packaging for health propaganda.

Potential volume/dude/slotime restrictions
Packaging disposable for public heath propaganda.
Synergy whit legal tobaco distribution network.
Synergy with legal paramedical bigpharma network

Rise prize by 10.
Make repression harder.
Personal privacy vs big data.
No more malicious small transgression.
Deeper in the all under substance society.

non exhaustive

Hoes mad.

baby rage

Legalizing it reduces prices, regulates it and knows the people who smoke it.
If you don't legalize it you don't gain any of the previous and people still smoke it

Someone's butthurt


>everybody knows that mairjuana literally burns your brain connections

>citation needed




tfw alcohol one of the worst drugs

This post is useless because it dont matter if you smoke it or not it dont matter if you drink or drag cigs or snort meth... you still are going to die

legalization in Canada has raised the price 10 dollars/gram and all legal distribution methods operate on a monopoly, and people constantly bootleg for their friends

It really is

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>pharmashill detected

>be lazy retard stoner
>so lazy and retarded can't be bothered to acquire or grow my own
>vote for federal monopoly
>price increases
>quality decreases
>all transactions recorded and monitored forever
>dude finally more freedom dude this is great

Imagine being a pothead

>implying pharma doesn't profit off government weed

youre wrong imagine having cerebral palsy or something like that and only thing that reliefs your pain is a plant and you cant move so you cant grow on your own and you need other people going to stores to buy it for you and even light the damn bong for you

truly a blessed existence

That’s the delusional effect of weed making you think that. Wuuuuuuut

Price went way down in Oregon from 40 1/8th to 40/ounce

It hurts. Dabs are cool. I'm think about stopping because I'm 21 and don't have a car or a job but I'm doing better then both of my brothers that smell like shit and one smokes coke and the other hordes his dildos and cum. I need help b/

100 years ago brown people would just have chucked them off a hill.

Attached: BabyRage.png (414x427, 168K)

Citation needed.

>Be fag who thinks he knows everything
>Doesn't know you can grow your own weed
>Doesn't know that the market provides product at a range of prices, some cheaper than others
>Doesn't know that quality of product is better than it's ever been, stronger strains are created everyday
>Doesn't know that transactions aren't monitored even though weed is similar to alcohol in terms of regulation

Early white settlers used to burn people they thought were witches. I bet you stay inside all day so the scary brown boogeyman doesn't get you.

Holy shit,that looks like Christopher Pool

you build the most exquisite strawmen, OP. you should feel good about yourself. you don't need drugs, you're high on life

Only white, green, and herbal. Winners don't need caffeine

meanwhile in sparta
>the kid has a lisp?

green tea has as much if not more caffeine than black tea...

imagine having to cope this hard after presenting your butthole to the government

the chad caffeine consumer

It's less harmful than alcohol or nicotine so if those are allowed under the justification of personal freedom then I don't see why cannabis shouldn't be too.
The black market also helps fund criminals and cartels, meanwhile legitimate business has helped revitalize rural areas left behind disappeared industry.

Though it's not like I expect an actual discussion from someone who uses a strawman in place of a real argument anyway.

>Heh look! I'm acting like an idiot and pretending to be the people I disagree with XDDDdd that makes them idiots!!! ;PppP

im eating a slab of bacon which is much much worse than smoking weed
anti weed cucks should be more concerned about their overweight bodies and hearts rather than us potheads getting high

Also, don't forget. It's completely impossible to die of weed.

fax, not a single over dose due to weed has ever been reported

There was that one case of a uk woman with heart problems and who was also on harder drugs like fucking cocaine but the tarded coroner saw that she'd also taken weed and decided that MUST be the cause. Keep in mind that there's often very little oversight for coroners unless their mistake gets enough media attention. In some places they're even elected and require zero medical qualifications.