Are you in a sexual relationship

>Are you in a sexual relationship
>How often do you fap?

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Yes and probably everyday still.

Married, fap maybe 3/4 times a week. Have sex 1-2 times a week.

Have sex every time we're in the same building in any room alone. Also he saves his nut for creampies. I don't masterbate that much anymore either bc I'm very satisfied.

Yes, and everyday.

At least 4 times a week

When we're not seeing each other, every day.

Yes. Have sex several times a week. Not nearly enough, apparently, as I probably jack it 3-4 times a day regardless.

Married, sex twice a week, fap maybe once a month.

No. Often.

You jack off 21-28 times a week? Fuck that’s dedication

>Are you in a sexual relationship
>How often do you fap?


Once a week


>Are you in a sexual relationship
>How often do you fap?
Once a week tops? And I ejaculated once a month.
I'm a 39 year old virgin.

Ask me anything and I may answer.

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Cheers to that. I don't have to type that now!

I've never actually counted to be honest but I guess that's probably accurate. I work from home so have all the time in the world. I feel like doing it, I do it, I get back to work. I typically don't realize how many times I do it. It's definitely at least 3 I guess.

Well when you put it that way of course it sounds intense

At least once a day. I go out and had a FWB but I'm just to busy to have a stable relationship

No, 2-3 times a day some days 4

Married, fuck daily. Still fap 1 - 2 times a day

Ever considered taking dick in the ass? It might be your last stop at 39.

>>Are you in a sexual relationship
Yes, three-four times a week.
>>How often do you fap?
Once in the morning and once in the evening, maybe more.

>42 years old
>fap every other day
>fuck gf whenever we can, we both travel for work


I don't fap because I have no sex drive unless I smoke weed or meth.

gays fetishize youth more than anyone

I masturbate about three days in any given week.

Married. Fuck several times a week. Fap a ton. Often daily, depending how busy I am.

My dealers have begun providing hash so freaking strong, that my sex drive is markedly reduced without it, and I get mad horny from it. Why can't I just have crappy ditch weed like before? Hopefully this t-break will sort it out, and resensitize my dopaminergic system.

No, about 5 times a week now.

How long is your typical session? I usually spend a few hours on porn per wank.

>Few hours per wank
Are you for real? thats too long, i spend about 10 to 15 minutes fapping to porn per fap session

I CAN do it in 5 minutes if it’s a morning shower or an anger fap or to sleep. But I like to look at porn, fantasize, play with my wife’s stockings, etc

>Anger fap
Kek i never felt angry whilst fapping.

>haven’t fapped in 13 days

At least you're not a neet.

I'm honoured that you notice my threads :-)

As often as humanly possible.

All time cause gf's need to fuck dropped through the floor after getting an implant. She is unhappy.