Married immigrant

Married immigrant. ..

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Married immigrant.

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dont look like illegals aliens to me

Kentuckian here... Anyone of us with half a right mind hates this old frail sack o'shit and his love for sucking trumps dick

At least they all came legally.

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A legal immigrant. Fuck Trump, but this is a shit argument you potato.


>but did he marry an illegal immigrant that didn't come through a port of entry

At least they came legallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

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You know they say the only one who can defeat Chuck Norris in a one on one fight is TRUMP. He tought Chucky (he calls him Chucky) how to do the famous round house kick. TRUMP invented it.

They say TRUMP's hands are so big and strong he can clutch a basketball with one hand and make it pop by crushing it.

They say TRUMP likes his ties so long because its more slimming. This is FAKE NEWS! TRUMP's tie is so long because that's the length of his dick.

These are TRUE FACTS about the greatest president to ever crop dust the oval office.

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