In research class

>In research class
>Prof asks for an example of a misleading number
>raise hand
>”Everyone who drinks water dies”
>Hear one snicker from the back of class
>Rest of class is silent
>Prof looks at me like I’m fucking retarded
>”Wow, Okay. Moving on”
>Doesn’t call on anyone after that
>Tell friend, “I should probably keep my mouth shut for the rest of the semester”.
>”Yeah user you probably should”

I can still drop the class so that I never have to walk into that room again.

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Shoulda pulled out the everyone in this class is a nigger card

hey user, wtf is a "misleading number"? can you drop me a synonymous phrase or word?

Misleading statistic

walk in with a 5 gallon jug of water to show dominance then drink all of it in front of the prof and die to prove you were correct

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>although women only make up 48% of the population they commit 100% of the space crime

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isn't that a good example of a misleading number though?


So why the problem, is this not the kind of thing the prof wanted?

I guess not lmao. He looked astounded. Plus the laughs from my classmates probably aren’t a good sign.

i'd argue that laughs from your classmates are a good thing. i would laugh if i heard someone say that, not because it's a stupid thing to say, but because it's a statistic that sounds ridiculous but is actually true

Well, it works for me. You could have said "75% of statistics are made up on the spot." That would have gone down well.

Fucking hell all of you are on spectrum.

Well you weren’t wrong
Could have worded it better tho

Why, is there a definition we're not aware of? I haven't been in a statistics class for 30 years so apologies and fuck you if there's something I don't know.

fucking how?

i've just got a different opinion than OP's on what happened. i'm actually sitting over here thinking that OP is the one on the spectrum and that he might have misread the situation.

>the statistics stems from the recent article about space crime posted earlier, I assume the teacher was trying to make his learning topical.

OP is autistic for not undestanding what happened to him and not understanding where he went wrong or why people laughed.

Other guy is autistic for thinking people laughing at OP is a good thing as if they were laughing with him, they werent

Its not a number or misleading. Its just a false statement.

best photo i see on years

>>the statistics stems from the recent article about space crime posted earlier
Dafuq? And you call us spectrum?

>it's actually the professor that's on the spectrum

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>Its just a false statement.
Every human being dies.
Every human being drinks water.
Every human being who drinks water dies.
the prof and all the normies in the class are the autistic ones, and so are you

Op get over it. No one will remember a month from now and i must be on the spectrum too because that sounds misleading to me. Was he actually looking for someone to answer, or was he just trying to spark some deep thought?

Get the fuck out, normalfag

Okay, but that's not what OP said. OP said, "everyone who drinks water dies".

That's it. Everyone who drinks water, period, dies. That's not correct. That implies that drinking water causes death, not that those who drink water also die eventually. OP failed to phrase it correctly, and that's where he fucked up.

You can tell who and who doesn't fuck with their brain based on the responses in this thread.

>everyone who drinks water dies
that is most certainly a true statement. the professor didn't think about it because it sounds stupid at face value, but is still 100% correct. the fact that it implies something untrue (water kills people) IS THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE QUESTION

>>”Everyone who drinks water dies”
Technically, you're right. Sounds like you're surrounded by NPCs incapable of critical thinking.

Everyone who drinks water dies. Everyone who drinks water, dies. Why does everyone die, user? What is the cause of death?

didn't mention any causes, just stated a fact. everyone who drinks water dies. you can't provide a counterexample because LITERALLY EVERYONE FUCKING DIES YOU AUTIST.

the prof asked for a false number. opie implied drinking water kills you, which is false.
opie answered the profs question

>you're the retard

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It is not well formulated, but the idea is adequate.

literally autistic. ever heard of correlation?

Oh, no no no no. You mentioned a cause, user. Water. Water kills people, that's what you said. That's your stated fact, the cause of death. I should also mention that we're looking for a misleading statement, not a false one. So already, there are things wrong about what OP did, twice over. In order for the death to logically follow, someone has to entertain the cause. The action is "drinks water". The result is "dies". Thus, the cause of the result, death, is the action, drinking water, as literally nothing else is explicitly stated to prompt dying. 100%, dying immediately follows the immediate act of drinking water. You have to drink water, in order to die. That is, literally, at face value, autistically, what OP's sentence implies. In all possible, quantifiable ways. Especially grammatically.

I can provide many counterexamples... but I have to ask you why I would even provide a counterexample here. What would that change? OP still made a mistake. It won't fix the fact that the entire point of the question was for someone to provide a misleading statistic, not a solely incorrect one, as an answer. And it definitely won't make OP's statement 100% correct.

Everyone who drinks water dies. So, logically, everyone who doesn't drink water does not die. Make sense? Given the context you want to apply to everyone drinking water and dying, it shouldn't.

You're logically extending what OP said into something that never happened, that's where you're going wrong. Exactly what OP said makes OP exactly wrong about this. OP answered poorly. He fucked up. This is like trying to justify solving a complicated math equation by writing a sole number on the board and implying that, because there's a number, it's technically the answer, because the real answer also has numbers.

>water kills people
no one said that but you. if you can't tell the logical difference between "everyone who drinks water dies" and "water kills people" then you are beyond saving. please kill yourself and stop pollutong the gene pool

>no one said that but you

>Every human being dies
>Every human being drinks water
>Every human being who drinks water dies

>(water kills people)
>is still 100% correct

>everyone who drinks water dies

Everyone who drinks some water, dies. Nothing else is happening. No extra context, just a straightforwards statement on its own.
>it sounds stupid at face value
At face value, by itself, exactly, nothing else, nothing supplementary or extenuating, the following statement is thus:
Everyone who drinks water, dies.

The act of drinking water will necessarily invoke the act of dying. Death will follow drinking water. If you take apart the structure of this sentence with logic and sufficiently construct the argument it's proposing, a limited amount of things follow.

One is that dying comes right after drinking water. If it lacks a cause, it becomes a non-sequitur. So you have 2 options. One is that this statement is just inconsistent and not at all misleading. The other, is that the statement is valid, but unsound. That's another way of saying that it's logical, but it's not actually correct by any means. If you choose this option, you also have to accept that it's not misleading at all- because it states exactly what it states, and there no illusions as to the arguments it poses: everyone dies, and everyone drinks water.

Even common sense should tell you something about this statement. People drink water, and then people die. If you want to say this is misleading, what is it misleading you about?

Dude just get over it. Literally no one in that class cares. They either thought it was funny or u were retarded, and so what if they thought that? Do u think everyone else goes thru life never being embarrassed? Man the fuck up

Plot twist

We live in such a dystopian future that the OP post was entirely made by a bot using NEAT ai learning.

Everyone is on a spectrum. That’s how they work.

saying someone is on the spectrum implies they are bad enough in the first place for someone to point it out.

His professor asked for fucking numbers not a random false statement.

kys literal Asperger. I bet you're fun at parties.

Then wtf. You were right.

you too ugly for social media, user? feels bad, man

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What. Thats why he got laughed at, its like saying the capital of france is 56. Its completely retarded. How do you not get that fucking sperg.
