Can we get a Lisa Sparxxx appreciation thread this morning?
Worship Queen Lisa Sparxxx.
Can we get a Lisa Sparxxx appreciation thread this morning?
Worship Queen Lisa Sparxxx.
Givin gold here.
Really nobody gives a fuck?
No anal creampie no pornstar
What a waste of thicc
Shes done anal creampies.
God that giant ass. Would love to pump it full of cum
Got any before/after weight gain pics? She went from chubby to porker
Nice! More?
When she blew a guy on her radio show.
Fuck she got thiccccc
She reminds me of my girlfriend's mom. I love it.
If my girlfriend's mom looked like her, I'd seriously being fucking her mom.
Lisa Sparxxx has a daughter. Imagine dating that bitch, and Lisa Sparxxx is her mom haha my god that would be tough.
Take a look at these photos.
This woman had, in one day, something like 930 men run through her pussy.
think about that- ONE DAY this whore fucked more dudes that most people would ever fuck in several lifetimes.
look at that disgusting vagina. that thing has has the DNA from probably every race of people known to man injected into it multiple times, and she doesn't care
Women get older and many women get fatter. Fat omen can be nice, and believe it or not, a loose vagina that you stretched out between sex with your WIFE and from impregnating her repeatedly is a beautiful thing..
But this woman? Absolutely degenerate, absolutely disgusting, and she is now moving towards 50 and is still trying to be a vile whore.
Its just nasty.
I feel bad for her kids. If you look at it appears she may have a son named adam, born Sept 20 2007.
Imagine telling people about your mom
And shes filthy rich because shes a whore. She'll never have to work again because she fucked guys for a living.
As much as she's a disgusting whore.. vaginas don't work like that.
Much like your asshole doesn't get wider every time you take a shit, vaginas don't get wider every time they get dicked.
Now.. this bitch definitely has stuck some massive foreign objects (anything from dildos to baseball bats I bet) in there and probably hurt herself doing it and scarred the shit out of it.. THAT will stretch it out.
But contrary to popular belief.. getting dicked regularly (be it by one or multiple dudes) doesn't make pussies get super stretched out or labia grow.
Be disgusted for the right reasons. Don't make shit up.
Hahaha this is great
>filthy rich
filthy, yes. wonder how many STDs she carries
but rich? not sure. Most of these whores keep whoring because they blow through their stash fast.
its a price not worth paying, and ill keep my dick away
>dont make shit up
Like the "World Record Gangbang" wasn't made up?
Just look at that thing between her legs. That is stretched out beyond belief from YEARS of being pounded + kids.
And its more than just the look- its knowing that easily 2000+ have run throught that thing.
And BTW your asshole does get stretched out faggot- look up "rectal prolapse" from too much anal sex.
This woman is disgusting. There is nothing sexy knowing that you are sticking your dick in a sewer where thousands of other men dumped their bodily fluids at one time, and not by force, but by her choice.
Hhahahahaa poor OP
I bet he is the same user who said was gonna pay like 900 bucks to fuck that fat whore
She used to be the Queen of Chubby back in the day. I havent busted a nut to her since 2004 probably. She is so busted now. Not even granny hot. Of all the pornstars to look at why Lisa?
Alix Lakehurst is her replacement. Milly Marks too, but I bet she will overspill her gut too like Lisa did.
Yeah anybody who would pay for sex is nut, and $900 for a fat used up DISEASE infected thing like this woman is sick
Might as well pay to contract and STD, it would be probably cheaper
Chubby girls are a dime a dozen in the US. Half the population is seriously overweight, so its a fat lover's dream come true. Shoot if you are seriously into fat girls, you could probably find a wife and get married because as long as you dont mind the weight, you can focus on other things like personality and the rest just falls in naturally
I never denied the gangbang shit. That's literally what I meant with being disgusted for the right reasons. Read what I wrote again.
Prolapse isn't stretching. Go read about it..
YEARS of being pounded doesn't stretch you out. This specific pornstar has done FAR worse things than putting a lot of dick in there that had that effect.
Be disgusted for the right reasons. Don't make shit up.
Yeah i did that with the first wife. Was a disaster. I don't recommend marrying a fat chick. Their hormones are worse and they still hate themselves in the mirror, which latches onto you. A regular woman that just isnt too skinny, like a little skinnyfat, is wayyy better. That's what I have now.
Why does her face like it was shopped on is so many of the pictures?
She is/was a mainstream pornstar. When you work with Brazzers, etc. they airbrush the fuck out of everything. Everything looks ultra fake.
Great video
Holy shit. Thought I was the only Lisa fan left.
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>988 pages
>thousands upon thousands of pictures on pornhub
>waits hours for 150 image limit of some random dudes personal pref