Do Chads have low IQ's?

do Chads have low IQ's?

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Some do some don't
A man doesn't need to be dumb to be a chad. But winning the genetic lottery usually make them focus less on education.
Not always though
TL:DR no

Chad isn't a measure of intellect, it's a measure of sexual desirability and strength.

So they are dumb then. Right?

Is a man that follows his true nature "dumb"?
I found that people who are "intellectual" are most often than not smaller height and egoism prone rather than really "smart".

Probably. They sound fuckin retarded when they talk, like the only word they know is bro.

Smart enough to understand how yo get laid

They are dumb as shit. They mostly peak in their 20s and mostly fuck up before 30 and put in a assembling job cause hes 'a real man' with muscle power. Lmao shit losers

No, Chads have the bestests IQs

Some people like to think that Chads are stupid, but they do that to make themselves feel superior in some way. Maybe, incels are stupid and get really wound up about Chads because incels have nothing to offer women, other than being a “nice guy.” Quit feeling sorry for yourselves, you easily triggered cucks. Get a hobby, and stop having a pity-party and shooting normies.

Smart men play the game and win.

I'm a Chad (lookswise) and I have an IQ of 125, which isn't that high but I deffo wouldn't consider my self dumb .

>my self
just, wow


It is possible he has a high iq and is dyslexic


Thing is why would I be lying . I literally get nothing out of it , specially on Yea Forums.

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I imagine it's like breathing for you

Easy, bro. You're cruisin' for a bruisin'

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the average chad iq is 100 and bit below if a slavchad.

Women are human! Like half of all humans! Show some fucking respect, and stop bitching about not getting laid! Do something other than comforting yourselves about how intellectually superior you think you are.

You forgot your hat.

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Getting pussy has more to do with being intelligent than you all think. You’re probably all young, late-bloomers who are upset because you hear other people talk about all of the pussy they get. Go out and try, instead of feeling all awkward and thinking only pro-athletes fuck beautiful women. Get some fucking practice, and enjoy playing the game, instead of feeling all sorry for yourselves.

Oh, I’m so sorry I triggered you! You must be having your period, you pathetic little bitch.

Insecure cuck detected.

they used to, but now intelligence is considered desirable and thus an avenue for competition and chads of 2019 strive to be smart

Can’t you just smell the b.o. that is insecurity in this thread. I normally lurk, but the whole concept of this thread made me hungry to piss people off.

most don't.
they figured out the game long ago
now they don't use their their IQ
they skate through life

You have clearly had sex at some point. Apparently, you’re a rare breed in this thread.

Even if they're not smart , they pretend to be so they seem interesting . It isn't exactly a bad thing , I just feel like if you pretend to be smart for some pussy you're desperate and insecure.

Whatever, it’s a dynamic game.

That assumes that a woman can’t see right through that facade. Bullshit.

There are as many stupid fucking women, as there are stupid fucking men.

Then you're more of a fool than I took you for

I have some virgin friends that I always try to help either finding love or just pussy , but there's something that I can't help them with, which is their insecurities and victim atitude. They feel like they're too good for whatever reason and always try to find an excuse . What they don't realise is that the problem is actually their shitty atittude and personality , so they prefer to blame females for their misfortunes and problems.

Why ? Because I can clearly tell that you're insecure . Gtfo

No, I respectfully disagree. I do the same. I think because of their shitty personalities and attitudes, they don’t get laid, or have relationships (and then get laid). Would you fuck a woman who had a shitty personality/attitude? I think that’s a huge turn-off, and a person like that is just an asshole. I.e. find somebody else to fuck.

There are some dumb bitches out there .

I agree with you it goes both ways .

Yeah, I said that, but it doesn’t mean all women are dumb bitches.

>Would you fuck a woman who had a shitty personality/attitude?
Of course I do. I just don't make them a girlfriend.

Hell yeah, real mixed bag- that’s the world we live in.

Fair enough, Sir. Women have an easier time getting laid. They are the choosers, and we are the fuckers.

Of course .
Just a misunderstanding.

Yeah, I got you’re point, though.

Depends on your standarts and overall sex appeal.

Once you take away the virgins and incels you can actually get some really good civilized discussions .

Yeah, if you aren’t physically attractive, you have to try harder- with that said though, I wouldn’t blame half of the population, if I failed to have sex. I mean, smelling good and being funny really help, even if you’re no Adonis.

Amen! Amen!

People have to get less pissed when somebody disagrees with them! I feel guilty winding some rando up, but I have to say, I get a real kick out of it, too!

It's fun from time to time .

Thanks, amigo! Sometimes I feel like an asshole being bored and saying some nasty things, but I need to remember that this is the home of saying nasty things! Hahaha!

Does anybody on this thread still argue that “Chads” are nessicarally morons? I’ll be nice, I promise.

>Depends on your standarts and overall sex appeal
Exactly, mostly all men can get laid. All want to think they should have a thin beautiful woman. I get it, aim high but, if you have to accept the level of pussy you can get. Once you accept this pussy comes to you. And if you're confident enough( and will be from slaying all that 4/5 pussy) to pull a bitch or two above your level. Dudes would be surprised how easy it is to get pussy if you just talk to women. And definitely not putting the pussy on a pedestal.