So I got into a minor rear-end car accident a couple of months ago, gave her my details...

So I got into a minor rear-end car accident a couple of months ago, gave her my details, she took a photo of my plate and we left the scene. No cops involved although she said she was going to file a police report for her insurance.

I'm definitely at fault. I wasn't insured and have no money. Her insurance sent me a letter asking for details a bit over a month ago, which I'm not replying to for the reasoning that if I respond and sign it they definitely have me dead to rights (if they don't already). They said I had 14 days to respond in the letter, it's been about five weeks now, they haven't followed up yet.

Am I in the clear? How fucked am I?
Pic not related

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You're probably fucked

I figure the worst that can happen is I'm held liable for whatever the bill for the damage is plus a couple of points on my license for whatever offence the accident was. It's not against the law to have no insurance in Australia at least

Filling out the form they sent me (basically a signed confession) seems like it has no benefits so I don't want to give them anything more than they already have and hope that they don't bother chasing it up. I'll just claim the letter never arrived if that comes up

Youll probably be suspended for years. Retard

You're fucked. You will pay for her repairs, out of pocket. It will go like this; She will have to pay her deductible, which she will hate you for, then her insurance will pay to fix her car and any medical bills she claims. They will then come after you, to pay them back. If you don't, it will be a collections agency, then court and then garnishment of wages until it's paid off. Be happy it was minor, that shit can get very ugly. I carry full coverage, even though my truck has been paid off for years. It's worth it.

no worries

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something mostly similar happened to me, your place may have had a partial fault / whatever and the guy was trying to evaluate based on her word and was trying to get yours

without providing anything you aren't auto 100% at fault or anything but you probably lost any chance of a rebuttal (if you had any), you'll probably now be sent another notification later claiming collections on however much the insurance says her repair needs to be fixed and if she already knows she won before she started claiming, she'll replace her whole back bumper for a single scratch and bill you for it

boomerang her ground harness

Damn, he was about to become Phil too.

>she'll replace her whole back bumper for a single scratch and bill you for it
As stupid as it sounds, this is the correct way to fix it.

depends on the state. consult a lawyer. i live in a no fault state, and lost my license for 10 years after an insurance company took me to civil court. the accident was the other parties 'fault', according to cop and eye witnesses, but i had let my insurance lapse.

Damn, what state was this?

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Just claim that it wasn't you driving and that you were possessed by President Obama, and that his ugly negro daughters were sucking on the same popsicle in the backseat and you, I mean they got distracted.

Michigan. i could have filed bankruptcy, negotiated a payment plan, or paid off the 8k judgement to get my license back, but meh, i only got 6 weeks left.

I'm in Aus. So I doubt I'm going to get majorly suspended. I haven't received anything from the gov in the mail. I'm pretty sure I'm just looking at some kind of financial liability, I doubt I'm even getting points tbh

Can't garnish nothing, I'm a NEET

Just to repeat, uninsured isn't an offence here in Australia. So I'm in the clear for that.

well then enjoy being a NEET with a low credit score

Why don't you fuck off to Yea and leave the rest of the world alone and free of your retarded australian nonsense?


Credit's already in the dunny mate, I've had tonnes of bills paid late and overdrafts the last few years. Centrelink doesn't care about my credit

Sinc you're in Australia

Offer to meet her in lonely area. When she comes, violently rape and kill her then call the police and say it was the Humongous and his army assisted by a tribe of abos and a pack of carnivorous rabbits.


ACT? Not a st8 m8


Not OP but I have an aussie crash related question as well

Had a big car crash on the weekend, the other party ran a red light and hit me

Problem is they told the police they had a green light

I know for certain I had the green light, but I have no way to physically prove it, they would be in the same boat I guess

We're both insured, and if we both say on our insurance claim the other party was at fault, what happens??

Do they go to what the police at the incident think what happened? Or is there a big hearing or anything like that?

Any chance there was a security camera? Even one on a nearby business or house? Something like that would really help. A witness could also come in handy, but I assume that none were there or none stuck around.

I would assume that it would be ruled no fault if neither party can prove that they had the green light and it would therefore be 50/50.

It could go to court and those experts that try to recreate the crash and everything like that could get involved, but since no one was really injured I kinda doubt that'll happen.

Are you on one of the Ausie Dashcam vids on YouTube?

Doubt it, this was a minor fender bender. She was complaining about how I'd crushed her boot inward but her car looked fine, the boot opened and closed. Fucking boomer

>I would assume that it would be ruled no fault if neither party can prove that they had the green light and it would therefore be 50/50.
What if the police figured one party was speeding.

Because it was a roadworks are with reduced speed limits and the stopping distance of the other car indicates they were travelling way too fast.

I don't think it would really be up to the police to determine that.

Chances are your insurance will determine if it is or isn't worth it to fight the claim. If your insurance is confident in your side (and more importantly, thinks it's cheaper) then they would go through the process of sending out one of those crash experts, and it would all go to court. Your insurance may decide it's just easier and/or cheaper to come to an agreement with the other insurance company.

>It's not against the law to have no insurance in Australia at least
It is against the law not to have 3rd party personal insurance, but it's either a part of or a prerequisite for registration (depending on state).
If you don't respond, they'll hand it to a debt collector, and unless the amount is so small that costs make recovery uneconomical, eventually a court judgement will be used to get the money from you.
And this is Australia, you can't really exist "off-grid" for too long, they can find you.
Absolute worst case you end up bankrupt or with awful credit.

>Can't garnish nothing, I'm a NEET
They can garnish some centrelink payments, and your bank balance.

Dumby u should have ran. I got into a minor fender bender with a brick of heroin in my car and just drove away as fast as i could. Didn’t get caught.

Your just going to get a summons to court, your not going to show up so there’s going to be a default against you, bill will be sent to collections.

Because the cops didn’t come to the scene unlikely you’ll get anything criminal aka a traffic ticket.

op no way the insurance won't come after you, they wont pay shit they don't have to