Anyone else transitioning for non sexual reasons...

Anyone else transitioning for non sexual reasons? If transitioning meant I could never have sex again and my sex drive would completely die I'd still do it. I just hate being a guy so much. I hate preforming masculinity, I hate the expectations of men that I'm expected to fulfill. I just feel like I'd be much happier if I was born a girl. I know that women have their own problems and that in a lot of ways its harder than being a man, but I just don't care. I want to be able to be honest with my emotions instead of being expected to hide them. I want to spend time with other women without being expected that I'm trying to fuck them. I want to be a woman, I hate being a man so much.

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You should kill yourself. Seems like you'll never be happy



If you're transitioning for nonsexual reasons, it just means you're actually trans, and it's not just a fetish

In what ways is it harder? Its fucking easy mode. You are just weak user. Weak and pathetic.

People take you less seriously and your appearance matters a lot more.

Imagine feeling depressed all the time and jacking off is the only way to fix it temporarily. Now imagine you can't jack off
If you don't want to be masculine you don't have to be.


I'd take you a lot less seriously if you dressed up like a fairy and cut your balls off. In fact I'd have great contempt for your ilk

Jacking off has nothing to do with it, what are you talking about?

Its not that I don't want to be masculine. I don't want to be a man. I'd rather be a masculine woman than a feminine man.

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I don't want to dress in any special way. I want to dress like a normal woman and have it not be a weird thing. Its not a fetish, it doesn't arouse me. Its just that I can't stand being a man.

Kill yourself you defective faggot

man up manpussy boy

That's fucked up. You should stay offline. It's messed your head up

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I've felt this way since I was 5, before I knew how to use a keyboard.

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1) transitioning doesn't make you a woman. It makes you a mutilated clown full of synthetic hormones that undoubtedly screw you in every way possible. Except that instead of looking like a guy you become a living joke. A female comedian's joke at that.

2) your understanding of life as a female being "ez-mode" just shows everyone you're not interested in being happy: you want to be part of the group that makes others miserable.

3) kill yourself

No you didn't. Someone had to teach it to you

Read the post, I said I know women have it harder, I just don't care. I'd do anything to not be considered a man.

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I don't believe you

Um, okay?

damn look at all these insecure manlets on Yea Forums posting anti-tranny memes haha owned the trannies haha they're gone now haha you did it neckbeards

lmfao closeted pussies

itt: butthurt neckbeards angry they can't be pretty girls IRL

Any change starts with yourself. Act like you want to in the body you're given and slowly but surely start changing gender norms.

hey i'm trans too for non-sexual reasons (although i do enjoy the sex) and i support you

do not feel invalidated by retards on this website who are out-of-touch with their own feelings

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I did since I was a kid. I just got told that I was a faggot or that I was pretending to be feminine in order to get close to women so I could fuck them, or that I was defective and should "man up".

I hate being associated with men if this is the way people expect them to behave.

LGBT literally does nothing but find new ways to garner approval from people that didn't like them to begin with...

>yeah we're the insecure ones.

In the same night I fucked a tranny and argued that he had a mental illness. So you can take that insecurity bullshit and shove it up your ass while I watch.

I have a mental illness and that's ok.

So stop being a projective faggot.

sounds like someone wants to put on a dress and cuddle a cute boy to me

Well they still don't deserve to live

>I have a mental illness and that's ok.
yes this is quite clear by your post

>implying you do

I feel like people like you don't deserve rights

1st ironic that you posted a pic of the manliest idea of a man to ever exist.

2nd. Being a man is hard. Yep "waaa waa i wanna be a girl." Sorry doesnt work that way.

3rd. You will never be a woman. Youre entrenched in dillusion. Its not possible for someone born w a penis to ever be a woman. Gender is an expression of sex. You cant express a sex you arent and cant ever be. Wearing a dress and mutilating your penis doesnt make you a woman.

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Other way around ;)

And that is a mental illness.

I just want faggots to admit what it is and stop lying to themselves.

It makes you way happier than pretty much anything else you can do.

I'm sure as hell better than most living people


>posts on Yea Forums
>claims to be better than most living people

and you claim trans people are mentally ill? LOL

Fucking normies.

The top two are me yes. Are you trying to point something out?

being a man is the easiest thing on earth you delusional baby lmfao

I'm better than you too

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yes, whenever a thread like this comes up it's astroturfed by closeted soyboy Yea Forumstards screeching about how bad trannies are

on a board filled with trap / tranny / shemale threads

which you most likely masturbate to

Nope. I'd screen to show you but I'm almost dead. Bottom one is me.

post a selfie then and prove it

oh wait you won't because your appearance is terrifying to women and gay men

>boo hoo I'm cutting my dick off because I want female privilege
You'd better shill for globohomo forever or your 'allies' will turn on you like the mentally ill man you are.

You're delusional


That would defeat the purpose of being anonymous

itt: angry 4channers who can't come to terms with their own gender identity - choosing, instead, to lash out at those who are capable of such an easy feat

good god Yea Forums never change lmao

Cope harder

No one cares anymore.

Pretty much everyone sends multiple posts without reading the thread so...

perhaps you should try out your own advice.


pot calling the kettle black ROFL

You already are a woman, you’re whining like a little fucking bitch so best bet would be to kill yourself then faggot
No one cares in the slightest

You're the one implying your dumb ass opinion

I don't care about genitals. I'd take a penis, vagina, or even be smooth like a ken doll down there if it meant I could be socially treated as a woman.

pussy detected and not the delicious kind

Well you're definitely a nigger so

innit sumfink? angry children upset at others for having what they want, because they can't have it

Kys. You're not witty or insightful. Your statement is as obvious as your retardation.

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how original. did you come up with that all on your own? i'm proud of you user


Jesus it took you until you were after 5 to figure out a keyboard?
You’re fucking autistic and should kill yourself

That person isn't nearly rich enough to be me

nice try LOL

Well congrats we all consider you a fucking turbohomo not a man you retard

so i'm guessing this thread is filled to the brim with insecurity and toxic masculini-

oh yep lol

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Dont you want to be a 42%er? Cuz thats how you become a 42%er.
You realize fags do all those things you say meant cant, right? Like have you never dealt with a cunt of a fag before? They’re literally women but worse.
Dont waste you money and strength on transition, just be a sissy faggot and no, it doesnt only apply to feminine men, you could be the buffest of hunks and still act the way you feel.
So dont be a fucking pussy by getting a pussy thinking it’ll fill that whole in youre life, because you’ll just end up taking your life like rest of the 42% who thought that this’ll help fix things.
Act how you want, be how you be, becuz incase you didnt know, transwomen get treated far worse and you will not actually be happy with the reason you’ve given. So be a faggot and live your life, you queer.

Kys you will never be happy and accepted as you wish.

This is why post op suicide rates are 25 % higher than your regular queers which is already about 30% higher than the national average.

sorry, really hope you can be happy and find a solution to your issues.

Oh for fuck's sake, it's even more difficult when you do want to be with them romantically. There's nothing less difficult about it when you do "feel" like a man - whatever the fuck that means.
Life is difficult BIG fucking surprise, right?
Cunts who whine about not being able to fuck girls, cunts who whine about just wanting to be friends with them - it's all the same shit, you spend enough time at it and you figure shit out, and you get good at it.
Sure, some people are born comfortable with their identity; some are born attractive or rich - and even they fuck shit up until they figure it out.
It's like any video game - you just keep at it until you figure it out.

Yeah we're insecure for hating pc culture

So what you're saying is you're a coward. In that case, womanhood should suit you

You can't be a woman. You don't know what happiness is.
It isn't materialistic things and don't take life for granted
You shouldn't appease to your insecurities and instead appease for meaning in your life

Check Out this EXTREMELY HOT Active Server for the BEST LEWDS of FEMALES and TRAaPS!

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>you're transphobic!? you must secretly be trans
bitter, jealous tranny is clearly upset my arachnophobic ass is getting sweet, sweet spider pussy and not touching their malformed chopcock.

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If you think that, you are woefully uneducated. I bet you think women make 70cents on a man’s dollar too :/

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>jew isn't comfortable in its own skin.
God I love being white.

I'm not Jewish but I'd be a Jewish woman if given the chance

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That's like the worst kind of woman. First ones to sell their son's foreskins to be eaten by the clergy.

You're some kinda sandnigger, thats for sure

>oily skin
>dark, beady eyes
>dark curly hair
>the hook in your nose
90% you're a jew. barring that, you're a Mediterranean/Turk rape baby with a bit of anglo mongrelized in.

I'm Italian but whatever.

Okay to be fair, i think someone flipped the wrong switch when making you, becuz thats a rather feminine face, maybe the hair is making me think that, but even imagining it short, its rather feminine.
Tho still, do not full transition, just crossdress or something. From what it sounds like, even that’d be enough if youre allowed to act the way you feel and are generally treated how you want to be treated.
it’d be a shame if you killed yourself, and dilation and hairballs will do it.

Aight, so sandnigger/nigger/european mutt

You’re beautiful. Now take your pills, Alice

I literally do not give a shit about race. I'd be a black woman if I could be a woman.

Like im all for saying fuck the nigs and figs and all merchant-americans in between, but c’mon guy, you’re reaching.

A full blooded european does not have shiteyes

What qualifies you being a woman? Becuz like i said, you face is already very feminine, like i genuinely thought you were a woman, so does looking like that and dressing like a woman, not make you a woman?
By the current year standards you dont even have to transition to be considered a woman, so just like, fucking be one if it means that much.
Maybe you just need to move? Like go to california or something, just dont get aids and dont chop ur dick off, please.

A man is a man and a woman is a woman, no dress or makeup or surgery can change that. He may be a coward and a faggot, but he is a man, and always will be

LMAO, you realize blue eyes are like 2% of the population, with green being the rarest? And whites are far more than 2% of the population.
Also many Mongolians have red hair and blue/green eyes, becuz fun fact Ghengis had red hair and green eyes.

ALSO when did “pure european” become the standard? Id sooner glass europe and europeans than identify as one even if im 80% one.

I agree, but if he wants to act/be treated like a women, for the most part, he can given the right location and thats his freedom to do so, as is anyone elses who wants to give into delusions, either way id rather them be alive then mutilate and hang themselves.

I'm not saying europeans hold a monopoly on lighter eye colors, those mutations can be beneficial to anyone living in an arctic climate. What I am saying is that when you look at Europe as a whole, the countries who have had the least contact with southern and eastern peoples have a higher percentage of blue and green eyes because they haven't mixed with others. Even the romans knew this and surmised that blue/green eyes were native to Europe and their own blood had already been diluted by their close proximity to and interbreeding with other races. What importance you place on this is up to you, but when this society collapses I'm glad to have preserved my peoples unique adaptations to live in our native environment, therefor increasing the chances of survival for my descendants. Also hail Odin

tl;dr stfu queer

Oh, oh no. A fucking pagan. Fuck The Church, but fuck pagans even more.
Kill yourself, ValHELLah awaits you.

So a mediterranean/turk rape baby with a bit of ashkenazi mongrelized in

Sure whatever

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Why are you so triggered?

holy shit this is pure gold

but most importantly, you got an XY chromosome and you always will.

>I hate preforming masculinity, I hate the expectations of men that I'm expected to fulfill.
and why dont you
>I just feel like I'd be much happier if I was born a girl.
user, theres no way this can, to a genetical degree, be changed. you can go close to it, you can act like it, but be aware that this thought process of 'if i was...' will never make you happy.
>I want to be able to be honest with my emotions instead of being expected to hide them.
what exactly are they? do you like femininity, acting like a woman? well, you can do this while not changing the entire body chemistry.
theres nothibg you have to hide, you arent forced to hide them. stabd for yourself abd your feelings.
>I want to spend time with other women without being expected that I'm trying to fuck them.
thia sounds like an excuse. this is something you can fix. stand up for yourself. be a strong Personality. if you dont want it, make it clear.
>I want to be a woman, I hate being a man so much.
talk to a therapist. i hope you can find one whos open and honest to you. if you actually did this, in its entirety, its pretty much non-reversible.

Whats so bad about living in harmony the spirits of nature and worshipping the inner strength? Odin is in all of us, he is the voice that guides you on the righteous path, if you will listen. All peoples of the world knew the gods once, by different names, until Constantine the Betrayer decided it was in the interest of his bloated empire to cut out our spiritual love of life and replace it with the christian death cult. All peoples have a connection to the spirits of their homeland and their forebears, those who wish to control you will try to make you forget that.

Okay i believe, good luck feeding The Beast.

>user, theres no way this can, to a genetical degree, be changed. you can go close to it, you can act like it, but be aware that this thought process of 'if i was...' will never make you happy.
Hormones change gene expression. It won't remove masculine traits that are already there but it will prevent any more (for example facial hair) from developing, and add feminine traits.
>what exactly are they? do you like femininity, acting like a woman?
Its not that I *like* acting a certain way, its that I *do* act a certain way and I'm tired of getting shit on for it and having my motivations questioned.
>thia sounds like an excuse.
Exactly like this. I'm tired of being told my reasons for wanting this are some sort of excuse for not wanting to do something.
>if you actually did this, in its entirety, its pretty much non-reversible.
Good. Why would I want to reverse it?
>talk to a therapist
I did. They gave me hormones.
that's why I look like this

The world is beautiful, friend, and we must keep it this way