My gf just sent me this
What should I do
My gf just sent me this
What should I do
Why the hell do these chubby chicks insist on wearing workout clothes?
Proceed to have sex at full force in the pussy, mouth, and ass.
Because she is chubby and trying to lose weight exercising
Get a new girlfriend.
Send more pics of her
Tell her to take off one layer and send a pic. Repeat till she's nude
Aww geez
Lay on the compliments, tell her how horny its making you, ask for more. Then share with us.
What’s in that bottle next to her?
Looks like she’s sitting on her fat ass taking selfies to me.
Might be crazy but is it a tide logo on it?
Amazing boobs, have you more to share?
Her lips are cute as fuck. You're a lucky user
this stupid fuck always posts this shit
Cum tribute it and send it to her back.
Or have another guy do it for you...
Thank you, hope you like it
I am really sorry you are not okay with it
we know who she is and who you are! quit pretending that isn't true! you post all the time!
I am not denying it. Just saying is a shame you are not okay with it. I like to do it.
Wow she is perfect, lucky man. Send more pls
You got the magic eye, how can you tell? Like wow, you must be some sort of analyst working for the federal goverment or something with an eye for detail like that... I'm just blown away. You are a god among men.
What do you want?
See them.
All in days work.
Just a peek okay?
As u want
More, would totally bite those
Jesus tittyfucking Christ
More bathing suit/ bra? Of the recent variant
moar plox
Do you like this one?
I really like it
I'm going to masturbate to it if that answers your questions
don't be so shy about the face, bro.
Show all of her. Make us all cum.
punch her im the face
Your friends must stare
Of course they do! When she uses this swimsuit specially
You let her wear that around people?
those tits need to be covered in cum. those lips are incredbile as well
Any pussy pics?
Faggot detected
because it's hot
Inb4 FUPA...
I ask her to do it
i need to see those lips wrapped around a cock
Jesus. She would be at serious risk of losing a tit from that top.
why? she just going to cuck you if you keep letting her get guys all over her
How long before a friend steals her top
Omg more please i'm super duper hard
Any face, OP?
op any ass and pussy ?
he never shows it. that's why he is shit tier. just the same tease shots always the same damn thing!
Has she ever taken it off infront of anyone?
Ass pic please.
It’s because fat chicks always rely on tit pics because the whole package is unattractive.
Not worried about that. Not that kind of girl.
Never but don't give me ideas
Your girls hot af
I'm sure your friends would appreciate a look at them
post a dick pic for her and wait for a response
I am taking this screenshots just because you are asking for it (original file over 2mb)
Those tits look damn nice while shes sucking
I am positive they will enjoy to take a look at something like this, that's not the problem
I could probably do it with a total stranger, but not a friend to be honest
Thought she was wearing a g string for a second.
Anyone who sees them is going to want to touch. You have been warned.
Maybe that's what OP wants
I'm sure your friends would be fine with it
they're all that kind of girl, honestly
Exactly, that's maybe what I want, I don't really know
I hope not
She would be good ontop
Those tits are meant to be shared and you know it..
you know what you want to watch her be a slut for them
Maybe that's the reason
Thats why you want a them lose control
Needs more than just boyfriend cock
A body like hers deserves to be fucked raw. No exceptions.
Not really sure to be honest, I would say it no problem if that was the case
Those tits are meant to be sucked upon.
You want to see those tits in someone elses hands...
Love this pic
What size are those....
You've jerked off thinking about it, haven't you
Pussy pics
Nice,I have 2 more of those
Holy shit
What else do you like
Those are prime for fucking
Just face
Love this one
Ever show your friends her photos?
Let's see that hot pussy
how many guys did she fuck before you
Bent over
I lost a lot of that set sadly
I think maybe you should. I'm sure a couple would love to see those tits
How about this set?
Bra size ??
Found more
She is built for breeding
needs bbc
Any pussy?
Would be at risk of cumming too fast
Holy shit
And this one
Would love to fuck her tits with my big fat cock. What’s her bra size?
keep it going
No one asking for more?
Keep posting
Curious can you upload the video anywhere for us to see?
Those are amazing
any of her taking it? im fucking gonna cum
Something like this?
Would smash
You definitely need to let someone else fuck her
i came
how good would she look taking black cock
i'll do it
Shes gorgeous
Ass please, feet if you have them
fucking goddess
getting that cum
perfection. any more webms
damn she looks fun
bra size? nice tits on her
keep on sharing op
DDs if I guessed
fucking more
It's so awkward when a virgin calls themself out like that.
can i talk to her
thank you
Does she do anal
don't you dare ruin this talking about poop
I'm not interested in poop. I just want to fuck that ass.
is she currently sending you anything?
Just a face shot? She looks cute
I don't know! Habe yuout hought about reuinning outdsife and cscremaing to everything?
Please let us see more of her beautiful ass and pussy
keep posting
what the fuck happened
what's her first name?
What about this
Jesus Christ user. Those tits are perfect.
let me fuck her op.
you can watch
I legit think they are, that's why I enjoy so much to share them
Keep that shit coming
Damn that whore is so fucking hot
The only way to confirm it is to have someone else give their opinion. In person. Thoroughly.
OP if you have to ask Yea Forums what you should do... she's clearly not your gf. cute RP tho
I would probably enjoy to watch her swallowing your cum user, being completely honest... But that's not gonna happen
What is your opinion about this one
Swallowing? No, no. It would either be deep inside of her, or all over those tits.
Beautiful mamas
any videos of her sucking a cock?
Jesus Christ MOAR
Spread pussy?
Op let me do her
Holy shit
>WhatsApp Video 2018-03-15(...).webm
were gonna need to see some cum on those titties
fucking saved
The one thing I really never filmed or took pictures of is cum over her body or face. I am more focused on enjoining
Whats her favourite position?
Sounds like you need an extra set of hands
gotta focus on what will look good later. you can always jump back into enjoying mode but when she isnt there, youll want the good stuff for the collection.
Thank you user. You're a true gentleman. Any moar of het ass?
That's true, the thing is most of the stuff is done by herself and I don't even ask for most of it, she just really enjoy to do it and send it
Very few times when I am with her there is a commitment to do more
Should film a fuck session
Is she sending you anything right now?
Moar clothes fuck
OP dead
Post a video DP you bitch