(Let me start by saying I never read any of the books)

(Let me start by saying I never read any of the books)
I finally just finished the Game of Thrones series. I originally stopped around season 4/5, and just now rewatched it to completion.

My question is; what was everyone so unhappy with?

It did feel slightly rushed, maybe ~3 additional episodes could have been created, and the Night King battle is a bit dark. Other than that, I'm not sure what everyone was so mad about.

I feel there must be something I'm missing since I never read the books. Or is it something else I didn't notice?

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Srsly, I want to know

People like to shit on popular things.

people also like to take shit and make it a popular thing

I guess. I wasn't mad at the ending so I was curious why so many were.

I think it was different if you waited, and the payout for the victories wasn't what they wanted. I dont know what to tell them either. They could have just left it up in the air but the whole family are still children at the end of this story for a reason.

Please elaborate. Jon Snow is an adult and satisfied controlling the (most) North. Sansa is Queen of the now free North, and Arrya is free to do what she likes.

In the books I believe this has been over an insanely short time span... and I believe the intent was to end on these events and open up their futures for more stories. Considering the mans age and writing pace, probably not very wise... but it's his universe.

Also this is why I believe they rushed it. He likes working on television more than books. While they're still a reasonable age its wise to finish out the show.

Umm the ending blew? Everyone was expecting a grand, dramatic twist of fortunes and unforgettable deaths. Instead we got a twist ending even too retarded for m night shamylan.

that wasn't it at all.

JRRM, the writer of the books, never finished writing the last chapter, but he told the show-runners how he imagined it would end.
The show runners then wrote some stupid unbelievable lead up to those events that don't make any sense when compared to the rest of the show. Everything moves at lightning speed at the end, and daenery's actions seem like they came out of nowhere as a result.

The greatest shame is that the music, acting, cinematography for the last season was top notch, but ruined by a couple of inept producers, who just rushed the shit out of the show because wanted to move on to star wars.

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Jon killed the queen, and was allowed to go live where he wants to live.
His sister got the throne she wanted. His brother became the king of the realm. His actions had no consequence. Nothing had any consequences.
The ending was fluff.

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it turned from a show with lots of depth, realism and "i don't care about main actors, everybody dies whenever i feel like" into a superhero movie with main actor darlings and pure action without a real plot anymore
and tons of unrealistic plot holes just to fit the agenda.
but hey it's entertainment so who cares.

that image is awesome *steals*

People's expectations were too high and they got let down. It happens with any highly anticipated media.

So are you mad at the originally intended ending (book) or TV series?

not really.

It's possible for an amazing series to finish well.
See: Breaking Bad.

But it takes a producer that gives a shit.

>daenerys seasons 1-6: breaker of chains, freeing people, saving women and children from the atrocities of man. After that I'll take Westeros and rule as a just queen
>daenerys season 7: hur dur
>daenerys season 8: REEEEEEE imma kill every goddamn nigger in King's Landing. Fuck ruling these people well, just kill them. They I'll take the whole world by force, at any cost, even if half the population dies

>tyrion season 1-6: smart ass imp, gets in some trouble, but saved by his wits every time. a real Yea Forumsro
>tyrion season 7-8: pants on head retard, got literally everything wrong the whole time

>varys, seasons 1-7: the fucking spoder, pulling all the strings across the whole world
>varys, season 8: hur, dur, I'll just tell everyone that's loyal to my enemy my plans, in detail

>john snow, seasons 1-7: fight the good fight up north, try to organize for the big baddie, the night king. I'll kill him in the end, tho!
>shit-tier battle in s8...
>arya: *teleports behind night king* nothing personal, kid

None of it matched the build up. No one died in the ways that they should have. We were getting ready for a mindblowing orgasm, but instead got a wet fart. But hey, if wet farts are your thing, then GoT is for you.

The real problem: the show runners were inexperienced dolts, who did not know how to write. Not even the basics. ASoIaF is a sociological series, GoT was produced as a psychological series. This worked for he show, as long as they had all the mountains of material available from the books. But as soon as they ran out, it all went to shit. They made up garbage explanations for everything. And got it all wrong. The books may end the same way. But they will likely be flushed out. The world, in the end, will make sense. And that will be the reward. The show did not do that.

So what was wrong with the series?

It's easy to just say it was bad. It's difficult to point out the actual fallacy.

>My question is; what was everyone so unhappy with?
The normies were upset because muh queen went evil. Bitches literally named their kids after her and felt betrayed that her entire character arch resulted in madness and the reinforcement of the patriarchy.

>I feel there must be something I'm missing since I never read the books. Or is it something else I didn't notice?
Enlightened intellectuals disliked the ending because it wasn't an actual conclusion. The story has been built up to be a power struggle between life and death. The petty squabbles of mortals in their feudal pursuits of power were a distraction from the real enemy introduced in the very first scene. An enemy that was dealt almost as if it was an afterthought in the beginning of the season. A virtue signal strike down by a character with impenetrable plot armor and illogical character arch.

The showrunners opted to ignore the supernatural elements, and focused primarily on the human conflict in the end. It allowed for cinematic fight scenes that didn't require extensive dialogue, but did little for closing the plot holes they made themselves.

The story had been off the rails since they opted to abandon the source material. There was plenty they didn't use, and chose to ignore. They just didn't care anymore. They were tired of dealing with the ip and just wanted to do star wars.

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You're always going to get people who complain no matter how they ended the show.
I was fine with it for the most part. You're right though, they could have used a few more episodes.

dude who posted above you saved me the trouble

>what was everyone so unhappy with?
people are just mad because the show ended and they are being babies about it. it could have literally any ending and people would have been mad no matter what

i don't know, my mom always liked that show when she was still alive. feels bad man.

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It's just illogical.
The book hasn't ended yet, and I have no doubt grrm will have a conclusion that makes more sense in the end.

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>The book hasn't ended yet,
So then what is illogical?


Just characters acting nothing like themselves and the rushing. My brain has erased a lot of the info because It instantly became trash in end. The whole thing with the stark sisters fucking little finger was bollocks because the acting was terrible and they displayed things in such a way that the sisters was fighting. Little finger would have totally fucked em. One example can’t be bothered. Hate what happened to this show and if you can’t see it then I’m happy for you just like I’m happy for retards that like to sit and watch washing machines spin.

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Also the last season is just all bad

And the sandy cunts

Last thing I liked was the mountain and the viper

The show's ending was illogical.
There wasn't a single aspect of the final episode that made sense.

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People criticized Breaking Bad's ending too.

Bran was perfect for the iron throne. He sits on an iron throne everywhere he goes.

Shortest and easiest explanation - you have shit taste and are easily appeased. The last season was devoid of an engaging plot and was "turn your brain off and enjoy the special effects" tier level of writing. If you actually enjoyed it, you're one of the reasons why the show went to shit. Easy to shit an episode out when you know the sheep will eat it up without question.

What didn't make sense?

nowhere near on the same scale, and you know it.

All ends where explained. My only want was for the Mountain and Hound to face off. Tell me what big brained plot holes were left unanswered? Other than the future of the Starks and 6?

The ending makes perfect sense. Fuck a "twist".

>muh patrician taste
you have autism

Yeah actually, and I actually remember it because I'm old enough to.

I don’t mind characters being shit but a lot of the characters towards the end of the show simply betrayed everything they were fundamentally or what they were leading up to and all of the new characters after season 4 apart from the high sparrow were shit.

That's your problem. Just because a plot was "tied up" doesn't mean it was done in a logical way or in a way that followed the themes of the story. A lot of characterization was thrown out the window. The Arya and other "mah strong female" forced moments were cringe worthy, and most of the final episodes were just empty dragged out dialogue.

You just have shit taste bud. Just because the effects were top notch doesn't mean the writing was. I'm sure you're a type that enjoys capeshit movies too

I liked it when Cersei and Jamie had a tower collapse on them but it was just a few bricks

You're wrong

Ohboy get ready for a tldr.
>Tyrion finds the corpse of his siblings by moving 5 rocks despite the entire red keep falling on them
>Danny gives her speech in high valyrian which no one but the unsullied understand, and yet everyone is horrified and somehow knows what she's talking about
>Jon is for some reason allowed to visit imprisoned Tyrion, and has his weapon confiscated for some reason
>it's suddenly snowing,(because house of the undying parallels) so hard that it is able to cover an entire dragon
>Jon is for some reason allowed to visit Daenerys, and doesn't have his weapons confiscated for some reason
>Jon kills Danny, and Drogon doesn't immediately eat him; but is enlightened enough to know it was the throne that led to his mother's downfall and melts it

Jamie shouldn't have gone back to her. He should have been put in a situation where he met his end with her, but riding back to be with her ruined his development.

Before the night king episode I said I hope everyone dies and I wish they did. Last shot should have been Arya having her insides sucked out by a fucking white spider.

Go jerk off to Casa Blanca

Then outline what I said was wrong or shut the fuck up and accept you have shit taste and all it takes to satisfy you is big shiny special effects

Go jerk off to the most recent capeshit Disney movie. Thought isn't requirement to watch those souless cash grabs

I get that but I think what would have been even better if he was caught and executed by Cersei because if anybody should have been the mad queen it should have been her. And she should have chucked his head at Tyrion before the battle.

Dany being the mad queen made sense. There was enough foreshadowing to justify it, but the execution of her becoming the Mad Queen is just another example of why the final season dropped the ball

He’s a good writer benioff and Weiss are not. GRRM is going to troll everyone with a fantastic ending.

There was a point when this show was fresh because like life you never really know what will happen but towards the end it just lost it. It’s kinda sad because it could have been the greatest show ever, no other tv show made me feel the way it did especially the red wedding but it ran out of written material to work with and devolved into any other tv show.

As soon as they ran out of source material the show became shit. Those guys are horrible writers.

It didn’t need to be a fantastic ending! Just a logical one.

>weeks pass and it's no longer snowing
>the unsullied haven't killed Jon or Tyrion for some reason
>Somehow there is still dothraki, and unsullied left
Look at those impartial jurors
>Sansa Stark- Jon's "sister", Tyrion's exwife
>Brandon Stark- Jon's "brother"
>Arya Stark- Jon's "sister"
>Davos Seaworth Jon's Hand
>Samwell Tarly Jon's best friend
>Robin Arryn Jon's cousin
>Edmure Tully- Jon's Uncle
>Davos thinks the unsullied should start their own house in the reach
>eunuchs are really good at starting lasting family lines through feudal succession
>Tyrion gets to lead the meeting despite being a prisoner
>Bran should be king because he has the best story
Bran has the best story
>gets thrown out of a tower and crippled
>dragged to a tree
>becomes a computer
>lots of people die
>does nothing
>best story
Bran doesn't even have the best story in the room
>Bran king
>Sansa queen of the north
>the other lords don't have a problem with the realm being ruled by 1 family
>Yara doesn't care that Daenerys said the ironborn could split from the kingdom, and is totally cool with being ruled by the brother of the guy who murdered her queen
>Jon is punished by going to the night's watch, which is still a thing for some reason
>no one to follow up and make sure he doesn't come back like 5 minutes later?

>dothraki go somewhere?
>Unsullied go to Nath, to be killed by poison butterflies

It’s true. It needed at least another season of brewing though.

Keep going. I appreciate these posts

lmao stay mad arthouse faggot

I think the best ending would have been the night kind winning and then moving on to conquer the rest of the world. Maybe having a few characters survive.

There's no anger, only pity for fools like you who are so easily amused. Must be nice to never exercise your brain and enjoy whatever dribble the big corporations shit out for you to enjoy

>I pity people for having a broader base of entertainment and not getting unreasonably butthurt when shit doesn't meet their standards
Yeah I'm pretty sure we don't need your pity lmao

Night King winning was the most logical explanation. There was no reason for him to personally kill Bran

It is wasted on you, so you're not wrong.

When you consider yourself superior and no one agrees, that's known as arrogance. It's not an attractive or admirable quality.

>spouts /pol/ buzzwords and hates popular thing

ya you are totally not the faggot here

>Arya decides to travel west of Westeros
>despite never having any ambitions to do so and mentioned it once
>fought to keep her identity, abandons her family anyway
>Brienne decides to lie about Jamie's treason because he took her v-card
>Sam is somehow the grandmaester despite leaving the citadel, never forging a single link in his chain, breaking not only his maester vows, but his night watch vows
>arch maester ebrose was a physician, not a historian why would he write "a song of ice and fire"
>Tyrion isn't mentioned, despite him being hand of the king, being the son of the hand of the king, marrying the heiress to the north, killing the hand of the king, treasonously defecting and becoming the hand of the queen to a foreign invader who utterly destroys kings landing, somehow becoming hand of the new king
>nope not important enough
>bran who is omniscient, needs a master of whispers
>Mentions master of war, which is a position Cersei invented and has never existed prior and has no reason to exist
>Bron, a cutthroat, not of noble birth, having no formal education; is the master of coin...and rules high garden. I'm sure the reachers are all totally cool with that

In conclusion;
>Jon's heritage meant nothing for the plot
>Bran's time travel meant nothing for the plot
>Kings Landing is functional despite being burned to the ground
>Arya served no purpose following episode 3
>rhllor's existence did not contribute to the plot
>the prince that was promised/azor ahai prophecy meant nothing for the plot
>the three eyed raven was over a thousand years old, bran their elected ruler who can not reproduce will be ruling over king's landing long after every character we know is dead, and none of them cared

When you actually believe you should care what a bunch of anonymous posters think of you on a Taiwan sidewalk chalk forum, then that's a sign you should leave your mom's basement...

I'm glad you have enough intelligence to recognize that. Good job user

>get BTFO
>n-n-no one actually cares

Well said user

You consider that getting BTFO'd? Your standards really are subpar if you think that. Explains why you have no issues with the shit show that GOT became

It was logical, that’s why it sucked: Danny goes crazy, of course she did, they do that, never mind the brilliant “we are not our father’s speech.” Bran sits on the throne, of course he does as he is Neddard’s only living legitimate male heir. Never fucking mind that he spent all of the previous three seasons professing, “I’m no longer Bran, I’m the three-eyed raven.”

The big secret of John and Danny just goes to the wayside, & so is the fact John came back from the dead. Ayria’s entire reason for living, the fact that she became the embodiment of revenge, just gets cast aside by the hound saying, “nah, you don’t wanna do that.” Her character, the most badass assasin, gets diffused by the same strategy Adam Sandler uses when fans ask him for a selfie. Cersei, the biggest bitch of all, who deserved to get a sex change surgery, just to get hung by her nuts gets the Most beautiful death, the one she’s always wanted, in the arms of her lover. All the armies Danny gathered become just like the mother of a missing child who gets raped and murdered: “we just want the perpetrator to go to jail!” The kings hand, who’s betrayed two queens gets to keep his job.

Whereas, the red wedding was illogical, ned’s Execution was illogical, the destruction of the high sparrow and a her enemies by Cersei were all brilliant and unexpected and the show was better for it.

If the last season, & last episodes isn’t shit writing, idk what is.

i mean you retreated into petty insults and whining like a faggot instead of arguing anons points so ya i think you got BTFO

Thanks, was way more fired up about it the days/weeks following the episode airing. Feel bad for my coworkers having to deal with my constant ranting.
Pretty over it now, just waiting for the next book. Maybe they'll do like a 100% true to source material anime or something in 20 years. That would be neat.

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What points? The name calling shit throwing exchange was initiated by you when you had nothing to refute about the shit writing in the last season. Don't tell me you're really THAT dumb user, Christ sake.

well they tossed the azura high thing right out the window so sid the sloth could get the teloport nothing personelle kiddo on the night king which made no damn sense, then the red priestes just walk into the snow and dies for no reason like wtf was that about, little finger basically the king of schemeing was more or less killed seemingly because the jackasses just wanted to get rid of the character because they didnt know how to handle him literally had to have a deus ex show up who is more or less the internet in human form, the hounds revenge solves nothing arya when arya had literally killed a fuckton of people and even fed the freys kids to em like dude revenge solves everything in game of thrones. whole last 2 seasons were gay as fuck

My coworkers were pretty split on how they felt about the ending. 50 percent had no issues and just said it felt rushed, the other 50 said the show really ended at season 6 and they'll pretend everything after is just fanfic. Hopefully the books(if they ever end) will make up for the dumpster fire the writers left for us






No in regards to what?
Yeah my coworkers were much the same. Mostly just liked the visuals/cool battles but felt the plot and dialogue fell flat.

GRRM's mortality is a concern. Hell I'm still waiting for his Avalon book in the thousand worlds universe. He spreads himself too thin for an old dude. Now he's writing video games and shit.

Speaking of fanfiction, Boston university put on a audio rendition of their own version of season 8 months before the show aired. The writing is infinitely better than what we got from dumb&dumber. It's on youtube if you want to check it out. Wicked long though.

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>Jon's heritage meant nothing for the plot
>Bran's time travel meant nothing for the plot
These 2 points were my biggest issue. So much speculation and build up for how these two things would play out, and they became completely meaningless in the end

Youtube a video called "Dragon Lady Bad" by Lindsey Elis.

In short. The "Twists" in the plot are not earned, they are forced because the writers needed to get from point A to point B and a fixed timeline to do it in. Many things that were being established and set up for a greater pay-off were left, at worst overturned; and at best completely ignored.

Characters make choices that are not based on what the character knows, but instead only make sense based on what the writer/audience knows.

A third party said you got BTFO retard

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But the righters made damn sure there was incest all the way to last episode, that was all the dick fucks cared about

Then why are you replying retard? Your lack of intelligence shines brighter with each reply