How does it feel knowing i could crush your head like a grape?

how does it feel knowing i could crush your head like a grape?

Attached: 1537463199969.jpg (640x630, 159K)

The fuck is wrong with your gut? Is that cancer or what?

Do u have a tumor

oh look its this again.

Attached: imag0 (449).jpg (322x350, 35K)

Might want to get that checked my guy

are you pregnant?

whats the origin of this image anyway? allergic reaction?

probably a woman , they have different muscle structure for shitting our babies

looks like those fake implants to make it appear like you have muscles but only makes you look retarded

bro see a doctor

how do you even get a 4 pack?

This thread is full with lards and skeletons that never opened a gym's door. The dude probably deadlifted way too much

"quaid... start the reactor"

I didn't know you could get thanos abs

you pregnant?

So when's the baby due?

Nice 4-pack brah.

Nice larp fag

neau faggotse

I'm going to kick your ass.

Attached: 1565468686892.jpg (800x738, 35K)

Nah my bad.
Correction: It looks like you just had a baby.