Horror/Thriller/Slasher/Mystery/Suspense/Paranormal/Sci-Fi/Found Footage movies thread again...

Horror/Thriller/Slasher/Mystery/Suspense/Paranormal/Sci-Fi/Found Footage movies thread again. Last one died after awhile.
I'll start.
The Shocker
The Burning
Just Before Dawn
The Prowler
Killer Klowns From Outer Space
Return of the Living Dead
The Shining
The Fog
The Thing
Elm Street Series
Friday the 13th Series
Halloween Series
Tales From the Crypt Series
The Blob (Original and remake)
Repo Man
Maximum Overdrive
They Live
The Fly
Terror Train
Silent Night, Deadly Night
House of 1000 Corpses
The Devil's Rejects

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No one? Upsetting.

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New Firefly family movie coming out soon. Hope Zombie gets this one right.

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Yup. 3 From Hell. I hope it's good aswell because i've been fucking waiting. 31 was fucking horrible.

I agree. I'm a Zombie fan and I hated that movie.

It just seemed more or less a movie for him to show off how fuckin sexy Sheri is. Gotta admit, dude did well for himself finding a chick that sexy into what he's into.

Bumpy bump.

Sheri still looks good too. Not a bad actress either.

>horror movies

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Oh absolutely.

"Howdy Folks! You like blood? Violence? Freaks of nature? Well then, come on down to Captain Spaulding's Museum of Monsters and Madmen. See the Alligator Boy, ride my famous Murder Ride. Most of all, don't forget to take home some of my tasty fried chicken!"

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Just because you can't go to the movie theatres by yourself and watch an R-Rated film because you're too young doesn't mean you gotta bash genres.

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Dwight Schrute? More like the amazing FISH BOY!

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"I'll tell you what, Ski-King, why dont you just take your momma home some chicken, so I wont have to stuff my boot all up in ya ass?!"


Legendary performance

This user is going places

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>Maximum Overdrive
Stephen King's horror(?) movie that he directed. The first and last time he was allowed to play with expensive movie cameras.

You too, my good sir.

He's an awful director. His wife looks nice on the big screen though.

Good for what it is. So bad it is almost good.

>So bad its almost good
I felt the same way about Halloween 3: Season of the Witch

Otis was a little bit over the top for me in house of 1000 corpses, really liked the beard and character change for Devils rejects though. Spaulding and Baby were awesome characters in both however. Sheri moon, I could watch her for hours, cute sadistic barbie, nice catch for Zombie. She's aged amazing.

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The Hills Have Eyes
Belko Experiment
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer

"I think I can still smells your wife's pussy juice on my gun. Hope it doesn't rot the barrel." Legit lol'd at that in theatres.


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I'm a sucker for hot crazy chicks.

I appreciate the fact that she didn't tattoo herself up like crazy.

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My mom actually punched me in the arm when I laughed and my dad told me to cool it. Well you shouldnt have taken 11 year old me to see this movie let alone 9 year old me to see House of 1000 Corpses lol

I saw House of 1000 Corpses when I was maybe 10, and it scared me. Watching it now, I laugh through the whole thing. So good.

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Same here. I wouldnt mind a couple tattoos which im sure she does have but hell yes.
I just grew up watching horror and slasher flicks. I think I was 6 or 7 when my dad started me off on Friday the 13ths, Halloweens and Elm Streets.

I was born in 94 in December so I guess me and you were roughly the same age give or take a year cuz of my late birthdate.

this guy has only been to blockbuster.

try this one, it's kind of like "saw" meets "martyrs".

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Can't escape the classics like Freddy and Jason. My last name is that of one of the famous slashers, so it was almost an expectation to like them.

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Blockbuster and Family Video didn't even have close to half the selection OP posted. You'd find your basic Elm Street's, Halloweens and Friday the 13ths with the occasional "oh whats this."

Lucky dude. I get jealous when I see the last names Voorhees, Kruger or Myers like in my head I go " you lucky motherfucker "

Hahaha, definitely a blessing and a curse. Hard to get away with murder these days.

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My favorite Friday the 13th when it comes to kills and the plot itself, Part 4 is hands down the best.

I have to agree with you. The series got pretty silly, very quickly.

Its almost like my dad wanted to show me them all early on so I didnt become someone like that which could of straight up backfired but it didnt. Atleast not yet ;)

That's great user. Good shit, solid parenting

My man. Especially the telekinesis one and the one in Space, Jason X. Hell, even Manhattan was a joke because they filmed it in Vancouver nowhere near close to Manhattan! I gotta admit tho, Jason goes to hell I didnt mind because Duke was a fresh add to the series and the demonish spawn was stupid but it was something new. Also a few good kills in it

Anyone looking forward to the new "Scary Stories" film?

Not sure if you're being sarcastic lol. He legit told me after we finished one and he was putting the next DVD in that what I see in them are completely wrong and should never try to do it because its just a movie.

No sarcasm! I had to watch them all myself without my old man, ha.

I would pop one in myself and start watching it and he would get off the computer just to sit down and watch it with me. I assume its because his dad ( my papa ) never gave him any father/son bonding time because he was too busy working.

you sure its not because he was scared you'd grab a knife and try to stab him in the neck junior?

It could've been but him and my mom would go to bed with the door open even when there was an hour left of one of them. I'd like to think they trusted me and he just wanted to spend some time with his son. My mom likes the Halloweens but dont care for the Elm Streets or Friday the 13ths thats why she never watched them with us, she'd be on the computer playing Diablo 2.

God tier game. Nice name drop. D2 was my middle school life.

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Diablo 2 and Socom 2 for me. I miss Socom 2 more because I can still play D2 whenever I want. THEY SHUT THE FUCKING SOCOM SERVERS DOWN

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What do you think, fellow movie Yea Forumsro? Did my dad think I was gonna neck stab him or just want to hangout and watch the movies?

Watch movies mang.

I rewatched the friday the 13th series recently and realized how much better it was before jason was an immortal super zombie.

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This gives me some reassurance. Thank you.
Also more couple more movies
The Edge ( Grizzly Bear movie )
Phantasm 2
Hell Night

Yeah, i'd say they stopped being good after Part 4 when Roy was the killer but part 5 with Tommy taunting Jason was good too.

Well said

House of 1000 corpses is just a homeless meth addicts TCM.

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Whats funny is that in TCM 2 Otis aka Bill Mosley was in it. He was the dude with the plate in his head who kept scratching at it with a coat hanger.
"Lick my plate you dog dick!"

my favorite is part 2 because it's genuinely the sexiest. part 8 implies a slutty cokehead that fucks her professor or something but still, part 2 > part 4 because those twins are lame.

Yeah but it had McFly!

holy fuck youre right how did i miss that

jason x is pretty great. the robot girlfriend concept is fun and we get david cronenberg, showing again how he should have never tried to act. he just doesn't have an actor's voice.

Because you're talking out of your ass.

crispin glover is his own creature but his bizarre custom method acting is actually too pure and good for the film. the film didn't deserve him.

since this is a horror thread, check out the "donner party" film with him. he's truly the standout there. for the best documentary look for the PBS version called "the donner party". it's pretty dope.

Was the profressor Cronenberg? If so, haha, how did that fucker get the rest of the cast to agree to it? During rehearsal I would've walked away

It wouldn't surprise me if they offered him about 3x the pay than the others especially if the director knew he was booked for Back to the Future. Theyre only a year apart so I guess it makes sense.

Could Ash survive your favorite horror film?

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Nope because something wouldve spit slime on him and started recreating him, this revealing a fake Ash but looks like the real Ash.
>The Thing


Bumpity bump.

these threads have so much potential to actually show people new movies and/or documentaries. shame theyre going to shit.

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I made some lists of movies previously...now I will make another:

Don't Look Now
The Hills Run Red
Phantasm series
Hush (2016)
Stir of Echoes
The Convent (2000)
Wishmaster (1997)
The Funhouse
Creep (2004)
Sometimes They Come Back
Big Driver
A Tale of Two Sisters
V/H/S series
Jacob's Ladder (1990)
Two Evil Eyes
Castle Freak
Henry, Portrait of a Serial Killer
Street Trash
El Dia De La Bestia
Santa Sangre
The Changeling (1980)
Ghost Story (1981)
In The Mouth of Madness
City of the Living Dead aka The Gates of Hell
The Burning
Phenomena (1985)
Angel Heart
Angst (1983)
The Curse
Maniac (original and remake)
Maniac Cop
I, Madman
Sisters (1973)
The Crazies remake
The Wicker Man (1973)
The Stuff

Him carving the dudes face off in the very beginning then puts it on scared me as a kid. Im good now but god damn. Not to mention horror legend was in it, Robert Englund.

screen shotting this list too bro

boompy bump

And another....

Dead Ringers
Red State
Black Sunday (1960)
The Devil's Candy
The Endless
The Invitation (2015)
Die Farbe
Dressed to Kill
Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?
The Ninth Gate
Hell House LLC
Thirteen Ghosts remake
We Are What We Are
Anguish (1987)
The Void
The Village of the Damned (1960)
The Haunting (1963)
The Skin I Live In
The Taking of Deborah Logan
The Loved Ones