Sup bro/s

sup bro/s

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Tool is kicking your ass LMAO

oh hey dude

which tool?

lest do a meetup

Taylor Swift's pussy stinks

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There is justice in the world.

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Taylor Swift's pussy stinks

she is so hot

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How do you know this?

This needs to happen

it already has, and she said she's never going back

based and bbc pilled

Good for Taylor. I hope she writes a song about it.

Got the one without the bar?

I heard her farts smell better then her cunt.

The weight has made her ass much better.

Sup Coon wrangler?

did you?

Fuck off nigger lover

Hmm... should Yea Forums offer to write her a "nigger done me wrong song" for when he knocks her up and dumps her cracka ass?

no she hates niggers. but she loves rudy poos


tool is the most boring band ever created. all of their songs sound exactly the same. they also suffer from maynards personality flaws. just listen to him on rogan. he is boring like his music.

u ppl think she and ed sheeran are gunna marry a black person because they had one in their videos. they are literally just virtue signaling because they think its good for business..

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