There is nothing wrong with kids being transgender

There is nothing wrong with kids being transgender.

Stop the hate.

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Ok, moron.

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Youre either retarded or a retarded pedo, which is it?

Depends on how good they look in a bikini

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retards cutting off their own bloodlines?

>oh no please stop

I'm just not a transphobe.

Most of us aren't either it's just child abuse to let them use a mental illness to irrevocably change their physiology. Do that when you are an adult.

There's nothing wrong with having sex with children if they consent. Stop the hate.

They need to get hormone treatment before puberty to look like the gender they are.

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You are either evil or ignorant. Most of these kids can be treated and cured (yes, cured) before they reach puberty. Save them from the hell that being transgender is.

>muh transphobia¡¡
Changing sexes is hard and painful, no mater how safe your enviroment is. And you want to do that to kids? Wtf is your problem?

Billy elliot. Boy 10 with 8 girls in leotard and knutcracket

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nice bait mate

depends on the tits

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Jazz had to get a sigmoid shit pussy because his dick wasn't large enough because of taking hormones too young. Also had complications, and is on anti depressants. The complications made it so he doesn't have a functional opening and the sigmoid complications made it so too much anal will either tear the surgical site or cause a prolapse. He effectively cant ever have a normal sex life and regrets the bottom surgery.

how do those images work?

There is a problem, however. Forcing people into submittion should not be allowed into ones feelings.

That being said no one should discourage you from being who you want to be.

That's atleast how I take it

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u gotta go back

Explain your reason as to why

what do you mean?

Sex reassignment is not very good yet, but trans kids don't need to do that to express their gender.
The biggest barrier is the hatred of people.

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Kids don't know wtf they want.
If you would asked me if I wanted to be a girl in kindergarten I might have said yes.
I did wear dresses a couple times for fun.
But I got bored and like being able to piss anywhere easily.

What im saying is kids are too stupid to make this decision and ant parent who allows their kids to change their body before they are 18 is guilty of child abuse.

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Dark gay magic.

Turning cute shotas into trannies is unacceptable. Let boys be boys and girls be girls you fucking twitter bots.

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>Kids don't know wtf they want.
That is not always true. Trans kids can
tell from a very young age that they are transgender.

All it is, are fucked up parents making their kids into what they want them to be. No mentally stable kid would be this fucked on purpose

just because we don't approve of the poor parenting skills, doesn't mean we hate the kids.
Quit making this something it isn't.

make a kid that thinks that go through a professional therapy and in 6 months they will probably have changed their mind. it's not bc they're kids. It's bc they have a mental disordder that can be cured.

No you fucking tranny. They don't. As a kid I enjoyed some girl stuff but my parents were always there to set a limit. Kids aren't fully male or female in their minds until they reach puberty, but parents must make sure that their kids act according to their respective genders. This way, they'll be sane once they reach their teens.

Fucking jew.

This is some mid tier bait almost.

What a fucking shitty thread, sage desu

or the hatred of a straight man getting them undressed and finding a shit pussy or a dick.
No one would want that if they could just get the real thing instead. They should just be gay and realize they are effeminate but not women. When I was younger we had bull dykes and sissies, and they were tolerable at least.

Enjoying some girly stuff and being transgender are different things and proffesionals can tell the difference.

Because wanting people to get help instead of mutilating themselves is being afraid of them.

what a cute little femboy

would breed

is it the same faggot as OP's picture?

No, that is random thot.

>citation needed

Also being trans is deadly

>Do that when you are an adult.
and then kill yourself like a tranny has to

Transgender people have a high sucidide rate because people don't accept them.

If you morons would do 5minutes of actual research, you'd learn that transgenderism is NOT A FUCKING MENTAL ILLNESS. It's a medical condition. And it's not just me saying that, it's the American Psychiatric Association.

people are free to accept whom ever they want.
what, are you against freedom?

that was pressured by lgbt orginizations to change it in the DSM. It is and always will be a mental illness. My wife is a fucking Psychiatrist and used to treat it all the time until a few years ago.

They have a high suicide rate because body dysmorphia is a mental illness.

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they can't accept themselves in their natural bodies, why da fuck should normal people accept them?

Child molesters and child abusers love this stuff. That’s about it.

wait. I love this stuff. what does it mean?

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One day we'll look back on sex change surgery like we look back on blood letting. It's medieval.

Mental illness is a medical conditional

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>until a few years ago.
That's called progress, maybe you've heard of it. They used to burn people for being witches. They used to execute people for being left handed.
>P R O G R E S S

Tell that to the 40% and poorly developed bodies and bone structures of the rest whose parents pushed their own amateur opinions on how the body works onto developing children. Take your (you), sage in all fields

I swear there's something in the water making this new generation into massive faggot

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regress is more like it.

so a suicide rate of 40% is not a mental illness?
>inb4 bulli
No other "oppressed" group has ever had suicide rates that high

they can't filter out the pharmaceuticals in the water including hormones, and soy and hormone injected meat is a factor. NO SOY, HORMONE FREE MEAT, AND WELL OR BOTTLED WATER

beautiful boy;
beautiful girl, but :

󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 I'd rather have the beautiful boy
untainted as per your left hand side image.
󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 [ some things should never change ]

Yes, its the same fag

There is something in mass media.
Capitalism came to the stage, were the next step of progress is the mass automatization of industry.
Which will lead to explosive growth of unemployment level - people aren't needed in such quantities anymore, that's why such destructive culture is cultivated by mass media.

>this new generation
Hate to break it to ya, but I'm 64.
>Surprise! Not all boomers are right wing Republicunts!

We are living in the future, faggots.

Just watch "Queen Lactatia":

So you're just a faggot or what?

>they don't put it in the bottles too

Their goal is to make everyone the same color, push interracial sex and encourage whites to mutilate their genitals.

They think if everyone is the same color they will be able to establish a single world government.

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my fucking sides

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If only witches were real and people didn't do that shit we could get rid of the actual problem the only way possible. (LGBT)

Also vid related

We are lactators now.

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>Hate to break it to ya, but I'm 64.
>Surprise! Not all boomers are right wing Republicunts!

All that proves is that old people can be idiots too.

I'm not affiliated or in support of either political party.

They are both mouthpieces of the same rich cabal of elites that set u.s. policy.

The pretend to hate each other so the poor fight amongst themselves instead of banding together and overthrowing them

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Yes. It's Corey Maison, with the mother of all tuck-unders

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how old is she now?

Pump you kid full of hormones, hindering growth plate development and we don't even know long term issues. A lifetime of cancer perhaps? Not to mention the overwhelming major of children grow out of their transitioning desires. Imagine if every choice you made prepuberty was final.

who gives a shit? a barely legal tranny fucktoy is the dream

He looks like a 30yo now lmfao
gender bending did him no justice :'(

I hope to god she still has her peanus

So your saying you would rather fuck a transpussy than a trap ass?

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agree, communism is the answer, fat cats are our real enemy.
everyone should stop giving a shit about all this disgusting faggot and trannies, and fight for our future.
get together into trade unions - this is the real political force which will get us to power.

no. post-op tranneis are worthless. I only want trannies who still have their penises

(((they))) really hate us

Trans cringe. We only remember the drag queen kid. Albeit what is necessary is much simpler like not having a sexual life before 11 and being the personality we are independantly of major brain whi can be funny too. And abnormal hormone activity. Or puberty

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>There is nothing wrong with Sexualising kids
>Stop the hate.

I know I don't have to tell you, but I live in a farming community and they did all the studies I needed to see about the fluoride in the water.

It was "dosed" for a 200 lb dude, not grandma, dogs or any pets for that matter, little kids...

That shit changed the pH level so badly in the soil that we didn't know what to do about it except remove it outright.

The kids in the cities just do drugs and gave up already, is what it seems like... that or they're so fucking dense and stupid, they're just fucking zombies and worthless wagecucks in the making, soon to move on to beating their SOs and drowning in alcoholism just like the rest of the hicks, but a far darker path for worse / no reason at all.

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How degenerate are you if you call children faggots

Communism is fallible because it is run by humans, who will be corrupted by the power.

We need an impartial party, perhaps a sentient AI or interstellar alien to take us as pets, otherwise our species is doomed.

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A kid that age has no idea about that kind of stuff. It's purely the parent pushing that shit on their kids.

degenerate enough to want to fuck this little trap kid up the ass

But those other groups are also not bullied by their own families, like black people don't kick out their children for being black.

Do you know. We have many fears when we are little.

fair enough, but possibly wait until legal okay

It appears they do kick the dad iut.

corey maison is already 18

depends on how you structure the government, read about the original Soviet system that was invented by russian people even before bolsheviks came to power. This system might actually work, but it was mostly abandoned when the war started, so who knows.

But... Are child traps gay?

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I don't care. when they look like her, I'm 100% breeding that ass

Just start calling fags "panhebephobics" if the don't want you to do that.

My man

ffs, even reading this fucking word will turn your dick into a clit

Maybe something like this

>government controls all resources
>a basic level of security and comfort is provided to all
>if you want more you have to work for it
>direct democracy
>all citizens are issued phones
>all citizens vote on all issues, majority rule
>from local to global level policy
>citizenship is earned not granted

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>unable to reproduce naturally
>nothing wrong
World won't miss you, so keep doing what you're doing. But please, stay the fuck away from me and keep your beliefs to yourself.

I am a pedophile, and not sure how I would feel about fucking one of these. Would a 10yo boy changed to girl be able to take a dick? I suppose that if he was prettier up enough, I could just butt fuck him. Girls un
der 10 have to take it in the ass anyways.

>Imagine if every choice you made prepuberty was final
I'd be a cop!

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Okay billy

If you wouldn’t have furious love/hate sex with this, you’re gay.

does the one on the right have a penor?

original Soviet system was based on working people collectives, so you are the government part only if you are willing to work.
Soviet of the lower level elects its representative(s) for a Soviet of a higher level - regional level.
Off course, people will bote for those who they know well, trust the most and whom they actually respect. So it's somewhat similar to earning your citizenship, since you have to be a decent person to get the power.

I guess so. It is not legal yet for minors to get sex reassignment surgery.

What's funny about this is that if you make gender identity a medical condition, either mental or physical, trans surgery would have to be covered by insurance.
How much does that surgery cost and it's long term complications?
I'm not paying for that shit with higher premiums.
If being transgender is genetic, if Darwin is correct, then they cant reproduce and spread the bad genes.

so i guess its all about anal sex then?

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I've never heard the left-handed execution one before.

Would fuck his ass and come in his mouth. No homo.

Good lord, I actually feel for the kid.

this is the one who's mom turned into a man as well?

No representatives are a weak link, it must be majority rule.

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Hasn’t it always?

>Sex reassignment is not very good yet
Now THERE's an understatement.
It's cosmetic plastic surgery at best, followed by a lifetime of hormone therapy and permanent sterility. It's a horrible attempt to treat a mental illness with barbaric experiments performed by Dr Frankensteins.

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I think 16-17.

As odd as it is to fathom, Corey isn't gay. She's a trans girl, but she's only ever dated trans boys. One's a girl, the other's a boy, whichever way you look at it.

forgot to say, Soviets have a right to revoke their representatives at anytime.
It's practically impossible in modern democratic systems.

if they had just left his parts alone he could of taken it up the ass while his tiny penis flops around, is this what they are saying?

call me a faggot idc
so im trans and I can tell you that SRS is a meme
almost always looks like ass, the medical technology just isn't there yet and it probably wont for a very very long time.
I'm keeping my dick because it's a perfectly functional, and free.

For example, this is a little boy. Hi mom is a vapid hairdresser, and her friends are trophy wives or models. He likes being around them. Duh. They're beautiful to look at. He doesn't understand that he's hot for them. Or is going to be. He just wants to be around them. So he thinks becoming a woman is what he seeks. He doesn't even know. And his Mom is stoooopid enough to let him do it.

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What's wrong with majority rule?
Voting for everything that the government does?

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i know that already user

Consider that the majority is retarded. Tests are constantly being scaled down and standards are constantly being dropped to serve the majority, most of which are now niggers.

>call me a faggot idc
>so im trans
Pick one. Protip: Trans doesn't exist, unless your suffix id "vestite".

Successful trans: Complete transplant of all the necessary 'plumbing' that is able to function as designed without the use of artificial drugs and hormones and steroids for life.

It's otherwise always going to be a sham. But I guess that's okay. We live in a sham world.

I honest to God don't know, when they lop it off, what do they do?

Good luck convincing anyone without coming off as a pretentious.

What if my kid decided that they didn't like their fingers, their whole life the grew up jealous of or wanting to be without fingers, would you give them drugs that impact their decision making more and then congratulate them on deciding to go through the process of removing them or would you take them to a therapist. Also 40% suicide rate.

Style (pretentious) is irrelevant.
Reality is everything.

right now, in the age of internet it is actually possible, but security is a big concern. How can we know that votes aren't fabricated? Even if we do, how can we organize revocation of a certain person from government, since we need to unite with the majority of those who voted for him to make a collective decision.

there's nothing wrong with murdering you
prove me wrong

I just said I don't care, so both can exist

Not in the clown world.

looks like the neighbor kid I used to fuck in my treehouse

I meant sex with minors, but yea, I guess so. They still have two good holes.

they actually amputate perfectly valid limbs from people who have been diagnosed with Body Integrity Identity Disorder, you ignorant faggot

why can't he just be a twink?

Only citizens can vote, they must take a test each year to prove their worthiness.

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I can hear the chimp out already.

Biometric security on the phones, which are issued to citizens.

It's better than hanging chads.

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direct democracy is pretty much an opposite to competent political decisions. it will work only if (when) we make majority of people highly politically educated, but it will take a lot of time till we get to this point.

Dubs of truth.

It's a mental illness and people who suffer from it should be killed off.

This guy is going to look like a horror show when he hits his 30's...IF he hits his 30's.

Alas, if only this were true....

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Amen brother

Sex reassignment DOESN'T. FUCKING. EXIST.

There is only mutilation that superficially approximates the desired gender and all it does is produce a grotesque and transparent lie.

>Factual credible source of information on a discussion on Yea Forums
Nice try critical thinker, not today


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its not hate. its logic. it is unnatural to change genders. human beings are not meant to change genders. biology cannot be wrong. we are not gods. tainting the youth with mental illness is wrong.

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That guy left his postop pic on imgur where he complains about his vulva not looking like vulva.

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those who control the testing system will become the main political force then

It will eventually be banned. But that's probably 50 years away.

soldiers can suck a dick

One of those is a national holiday, the other is a societal thing
Your shitty meme is giving credit to the soldiers more than the fags

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The test is voted on by the citizens...

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In the US witches were hanged. Only Europe burned witches at the stake. Witches were real remember. Flying on their brooms and stealing butter.

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I'm kinda liking the whole Starship Troopers thing.
Gotta serve to be a "citizen".

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we are doomed then o_O

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The DSM is a political document. It's not even a well kept secret that changes are made as those in the industry jockey for position and negotiate to have their pet ailments added.

The world of social science was a mess from the beginning but now it's completely lost credibility.

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Fuck this Kike child rape/murder fantasy thread. Fuck you Kikes. Leave the fucking kids alone you inbred fucks. Or keep it up, tick-tock you squirrely fucks.

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this is my point on this subject but I agree - you have to be a decent person, you have to prove that you are capable of taking care of society need

Kikes inbreeding causes most all of them to have various forms of schizophrenia, this is why they are so good at lying. The only thing the Kikes want is to rape and murder our children, just like the Kike Epstein. These threads trying to convince kids to mutilate their genitals are nothing more than an open attack on the goy. Fuck these sick and twisted bastards and the stupid goy who allow themselves to be brainwashed by them.

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Categorically false. Eisenhower liberated one of the camps, and it was most certainly a murder camp. Here's a quote from the man himself.

“The same day [April 12, 1945] I saw my first horror camp. It was near the town of Gotha. I have never felt able to describe my emotional reactions when I first came face to face with indisputable evidence of Nazi brutality and ruthless disregard of every shred of decency. Up to that time I had known about it only generally or through secondary sources. I am certain, however that I have never at any other time experienced an equal sense of shock."

“I visited every nook and cranny of the camp because I felt it my duty to be in a position from then on to testify at first hand about these things in case there ever grew up at home the belief or assumption that `the stories of Nazi brutality were just propaganda.’ Some members of the visiting party were unable to through the ordeal. I not only did so but as soon as I returned to Patton’s headquarters that evening I sent communications to both Washington and London, urging the two governments to send instantly to Germany a random group of newspaper editors and representative groups from the national legislatures. I felt that the evidence should be immediately placed before the American and British publics in a fashion that would leave no room for cynical doubt.”

Here's a few more quotes from Eisenhower on the topic.
“Of all these [Displaced Persons] the Jews were in the most deplorable condition. For years they had been beaten, starved, and tortured.”

“You saw only one camp yesterday. There are many others. Your responsibilities, I believe, extend into a great field, and informing the people at home of things like these atrocities is one of them… Nothing is covered up. We have nothing to conceal. The barbarous treatment these people received in the German concentration camps is almost unbelievable. I want you to see for yourself and be spokesmen for the United States.” [pages 774-5]

But yeah, It was "just" a concentration camp.

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Yeah, that's it... Racists are labeled that just because they're radical nonconformists.
Good job, retard.

Who you going to pay attention to, this faggot Kike making up random words without sources or fucking facts?

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Explain in your Kike logic how Israel isn't the most racist fucking nation on the planet and the Kikes aren't the most racist group on the fucking planet?

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Yep. The mothers. “You want to be a girl, don’t you sweetie? It’s ok. You’ve always acted like a girl and were interested in girl things. I know you want this. Right? RIGHT?”

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>making shit up
LUL you want the sources?
This is what Eisenhower said on pages 408-9 of “Crusade in Europe” First Quote
And on page 439 First quote on second post
“Ike the Soldier: As they knew him” (G.P. Putnam and Sons, New York, 1987) Last Qutoe. Here's some sources you Nazi Fuck.

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Keep crying, faggot.

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Oooooo sooo edgy!!! I wanna visit /pol/ too now! Racist conspiracy theories suddenly don't look so sad and for people that are left behind and too dumb!

Who said anything about Israel? I had go back and check the thread.
Yes, Israel is unfairly brutal to the Palestinians. But it's a lot more complicated than 'racist.'
Your comments though... that's pretty clearly racist. They're just stupid, confused, lies, and punts. They're racist.

You expect me to believe a single fucking thing on a Kike website run by Kikes lying about the Holohoax. Fuck, it's sad how dumb you think the goy are you fucking Kike.

I've seen Kike news, it's nothing more than pure propoganda and lies. If you see air escaping a Kikes greasy head, it's lies escaping.

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Nobody says these things. Only in your poor deluded mind is this happening.

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Kike media, nothing but hypocrisy and lies. Every. Single. Time.

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>kike website
Those are BOOKS you Nazi shit. You know the things you burn because you don't like what's written in them.

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You didn't link to any actual books. You linked to Kike propoganda. Show an image from the actual book you child fucking/murdering desert inbred savage.

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Waan't this a transgender/insanity thread?
Where'd the edgy Jew-hater kid come from?

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This. Jazz’s overbearing Jew mother had two boys, wanted a girl. Another boy. Welp...She raised him/her to want to be a girl. Science says genetics win but nature and upbringing definitely can have an effect. If not transitioning Jazz would have likely turned out gay. The father is a fucking cuck.

These two women are British college students in Great Britain.

No such thing as "transgender", it means nothing more than Kikes trying to convince goy children to mutilate their genitals. This is literally a thread of JIDF Kikes trying to brainwash goy into thinking this sick and degenerate shit is going to pass.

Most likely because another person in the Kike Epstein child rape/murder island thing was killed today and they are trying to deflect goyim from learning about the truth of it all.

They are literally the embodiment of all evil in this world.

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(((They))) are now derailing this thread to suppress the creation of a system of government that would make (((them))) obsolete

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A jew must have typed something, so we all know it's a lie. Here's a thought you child raping/murdering piece of shit, show a non-Kike source for your so called proof.

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woulda been a hot little bottomboy

Brit sluts who claimed it was art.

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Same thing with people attracted to children. Why should I accept you but not them?

It gives us military occupation rights in the third world.

Accept both then.

Oh, the Independent, what a great source for information. More than likely a Kike cover article to hide that this photo got out. Don't you get it you child raping murdering cunts, nobody is falling for your lies anymore.

Attached: The_Kike_Quarterly.png (652x402, 35K)

God-tier shota turning into a tranny thanks to dumb parents. Fuck this world.





Attached: https _cdn.evbuc.com_images_41112475_29998716295_1_original.jpg (400x200, 19K)

Yes, it was all just made up. It's not like the Kikes were caught with a private child rape/murder island and the Kike rapist child murdering owner didn't escape prison when all the cameras failed and the guards were off duty. I guess that prison bought their cameras from the same Kike manufacturers who put in cameras in Las Vegas casinos.

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To argue in the internet is to howl at the wind...
You quoted Ike, great man, not a Kike.
You argue with the likes that elected AOC who recently remarked that millennials and gen z are the only historically informed generation and demonstrating against the govt.
Obviously AOC missed the '60's.
Don't argue here, read and cast your vote, that speaks the loudest.

I don't have anything against transgenders, but transitioning is a big deal, if you can't even drink/get a tattoo/drive/vote before hitting a certain age, why would you let them do this? It's not a matter of what they become, it's a matter of how kids are kids, they don't know any better and it's irresponsible to let them do what they want.

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>stop the hate

says the idiot who bullies business's because they dont cater to his degenerate lifestyle

Jewish pizza shop? Like pizza is kosher!

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Starting them young means they are that much more effeminate when they haven't had a male puberty. What's wrong, don't like farming some sweet trap beauties?

Oh my god guise!!! A couple of the many people involved in a child sex slavery ring were Jews!! It's an ethnic conspiracy!!!! Probably like at least two conspiracies!!!!! Because some of the were Irish too!!!! Like Double Ethnic Conspiracy!!!!!!!! At least!!!!!

How many doctors and psychiatrists are Jews?

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>vote before hitting a certain age

i think the problem is more,the people who get infleunced by the ones who cant vote yet.donald trump and the democrats have turned america into a pile of snowflake shit

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Yet when the Jewish media learns about a white looking Jew who commits mass murder (only in places with no cameras and cell phones apparently), ALL white people are to blame. Isn't that right Kike?

It's also just a strange coincidence that Jews have been removed from over 100 countries. I guess for no reason whatsoever. Fuck you stupid Kikes. You better hope you are able to censor the Internet, because you are fucked once people know the truth of you child raping/murdering fucks.

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That's not the main point but alright




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You'd think people who post this bait would be better educated.

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Enough to create an entire network of pill pushers to murder over a hundred thousand goyim and destroy millions of lives.

Attached: (((murder_of_millions))).png (837x1557, 1.11M)

Deflection. When you can't attack the argument, attack grammar.

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Why would the Jews so desperately want to take over media directed at children??? What possible reason could they have for this goy!?

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Jews have no desire to harm societies or rape and murder goy children on private islands. It's all just conspiracy theories goy. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

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>no tits
>square/triangle body
>sucking in
>still looks like a dude

calm the fuck down nigger

show me

Sure thing, pedo

why and how does any of this affect me being a straight male? I've never seen so many insecure beta males so upset over something so meaningless.

Does that mean there's nothing wrong with being attracted to kids? We don't choose our sexuality, and kids are obviously intelligent enough to make drastic life altering decisions from a young age.

if you have to deceive to make your point... you don't have a point

What's the point of being trans? You'll never be the gender you identify as, so anyone that wants a traditional family from you will never get one. Most don't even look like the gender they're transitioning into, and if they want to go back, it'll be too late. At least homosexuality makes some sense, even if it's unnatural and leads to a pointless existence. Transgenderism is just self destructive

>severe mental issues
they would never admit to that

you forgot the clapping emoji to really show your point

diddling kids will never be ok and legal, seek help for your mental illness. there's a difference between letting a kid naturally choose their own sex vs a perverted man like you manipulating a child for your own sexual satisfaction.


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That's what people said about the Loom, printing press, farming equipment, and many other things.

Maybe all the shitty 3rd world countries and dumb nig nogs should stop breeding anyway. If you can't think in the new world, why are they there?

that's a marine you worthless oxygen thief

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Pay thousands to chop off your dick and grow tits, but can't fix those fucked up teeth?

Marine you fuck face. It’s always capitalized.

All tyranny fucks should commit suicide

the fuck?

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YEP. Anyone have the pic of the “boy” with the two fucking dykes? Murder-suicides a coming.

maybe in your shithole of a country where inbreeding has reached status of national sport

So, alabama?


so much hate

Im probably responding to bait. But for anyone serious.

Firstly, why would anyone ever want to manipulate someone else into sexual conduct? that defeats the whole point.
My point was more so, how can you be so quick to judge others without even trying to understand them and yet condenm anyone even questioning your own ideals.
Isn't equality for all? Not just some...

Who is to say you're those kids arent being manipulated by the media or social constructs? I used to dress up like a girl all the time as a child, but i never thought of taking hormone altering medication to change myself, infact i didnt even know it was possible as a child because no one had told me about it. Manipulation can occur in more than one way and it doesn't have to be a purely one on one scenario. How can someone literally doing nothing but being attracted to someone else be manipulation, but teaching kids to question their own sexuality before they hit puberty isn't? This very thread is a manipulation.

If children are too immature and naive to comprehend sexual intercourse and the consequences. How can you argue they are mature and intelligent enough to decide literally physically alter their sexual organs beyond repair?

Im not arguing that adults should be allowed to have sex with kids im arguing that if we want equality it has to be for all of us. Not just some.
Alternatively stop spreading your bullshit trans brainwash.

both sound about right. wait, how many countries fit the profile?!

hardly enough to battle this evil.

Butter? Could they not make their own?


>arent being manipulated

All sex with kids is a manipulation no matter how much you'd like to think it isn't. It's basic psychology. Equating pedophilia to trans is just another way pedophiles like yourself are trying to use in order to normalize your disgusting pedophilia. Your argument is retarded and you are retarded even when understanding your point of view.

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Allowing and advocating child transitioning is pedophilia. Changing your gender is completely sexual, and forcing this on kids is sexualizing them. Children can't "feel they're the wrong gender" because the differences between boys and girls before puberty is negligible. Children go through more phases than women have mood swings on their periods. Letting a child make a permanent life altering decision is insane

got one he has his bulge?

if this wasn't bait I would kill you with my bare hards.

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That's child abuse.

You need Jesus or Google.

I can't wait for her to get blacked

Yo I don't think that's a tuck. He found a way to push everything all the way back in

Imagine forcing your kid to eat vegetables cause they are good for him but hes not mature enough to understand, but he is mature for change his sex


I just realized "she" is the same "girl" that made that youtube video with all these signs.

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Damn. Hit the wall before even reaching puberty. Transgenderism. Not even once.

>No one would want that if they could just get the real thing instead
Have you seen all the fucking trap threads on here?

Not really, if they had let him go through puberty, his penis would have grown larger so they would have enough skin to make an inverted vagina (which would have all the nerves of a penis so he could feel things). Instead, because his baby cock was unusable, they had to use part of the colon to form a vagina. There are no nerves in the colon so he won't feel anything in the "vagina" and as explained, can't take it in the ass because of the converted colon.

Holy fuck this is hilarious.

c h i l d r e n
s h o u l d
n o t
m a k e
l i f e
c h a n g i n g
d e c i s i o n s
e v e r

Surely there's an exception somewhere...what if their parents get divorced and they want to be with one over the other?

shut the fuck up faggot
should kids get tattoos too
should they be allowed to drink alcohol when they get stressed
you have no idea the damage being done to these kids and by fighting for this you are literally destroying humanity
fucking idiot

good old Yea Forums showing just how equally retarded everyone is.
>muh JEWZ r de wunz doen DIS!!111 muh JEWZ!11111
then you have
>the outrageously high suicide rate of transgender people is because of bullying. i don't have any evidence to back it up, but trust me, it's not because they're mentally fucked
you're all retarded

looks gross in one!