Im fucking sick of all this tipping shit

im fucking sick of all this tipping shit.
people actively get pissed at me/give me shitty looks when I dont tip and it pisses me off.
im sorry but im not fucking responsible to pay for other peoples employees and thats final.
its either raise the prices of all the food on the menu by 15% and just pay the workers with that or give me exceptional service to the point I feel obliged to pay more
dont just give me my fucking food and act surprised when I gave you the money I owe
fucking americunts and canadicucks are super guilty of this shit and its retarded

inb4 "some restaurants cant afford to pay staff full wages so they need tips"
if you cant afford to pay your employees you shouldn't even be open for business you broke bitch. get a real job.

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Just know that servers remember you... don’t fuck with people who handle your food

i fucking dare them. They would be served papers next morning.
>give me money or I will vandalize food you paid for
great logic. I'll actually just fuck every server more tips, at all.

Tipping at restaurants had a good purpose. If the wait staff depended upon tips, you'd logically get better service. Shit got out of hand (at least in the US in the 90s) when tip jars started showing up at coffee shops and dunkin donuts'. Now wait staff expect 20%, and I agree with you logic eurofag. The whole system is fucking retarded. Advice: Don't go to the same restaurant twice or wait staff will fuck with you. Or be black; no one expects them to time because slavery or whatever.

OP, what country are you from?

If you live in a state which has legislation in place enabling businesses like restaurants to operate in such ways that they don't have to pay their servers even close to whatever pathetic minimum wage is in the US then either you tip or you vote to change it.
The reality is the laws were altered to benefit a businesses bottom line and for the regular person to pick up the slack.
Also, if you can't afford to tip you couldn't afford to go out to eat. Eating out isn't a privilege and most people in the US should seriously consider practicing those cooking shows they sit around all day watching. FYI, a fucking slab of cheese in some miscellaneous pasta/potato casserole dish doesn't count as a "meal".

I understand what Mr.Pink is talking about. I agree. To automatically tip for doing their job is bullshit.

Thats why I just cook my own food and drink at home. If im feelin lazy or way to fucked up to cook ill just order a couple medium pizzas from Domino's and they're only 2 minutes away so I just tip the driver 5 bucks because he's doing me a favor. Needless to say whenever I do order some Domino's they make sure to hook me the fuck up.

Most people who work in the restaurant industry agree tipping is bull shit. Speaking as someone who has a "real job" now, I calculate tipping into the cost before I go out to eat. If I get shit service, I'll still leave pocket change though. Tipping does create a false sense of entitlement for a lot of servers

If you can’t afford to go out to eat, stay at home bitch. Or just enjoy the fine culinary provisions from McDonalds.

What if I'm bad at maths and visiting USA, can the staff help me to count the 'hidden dollars' they want from me? Or do I have do do the maths by myself? Can they support me with a calculator? I'm not retarded but this system make me don't wanna visit America. Do you tip on everything or just food?

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OP is a jew

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they probably have apps now you can use to work that shit out. nah you typically only tip when you go to a restaurant or a bar/pub but its not necessary. youll probably just get a dirty look from your waiter or waitress lol. but say you go to mcdonalds to get some food you dont have to tip at all. actually im not sure if they can even accept tips.

1st thank you for tipping
2nd this is super true I go to the cooks and say hook this guy up if I know he tips

They'll accept it but they get tips so rarely that it's just a nice surprise for them

only sit-down restaurants and if you tip 20% its really not that hard to calculate.
Ex. Bill: $76.35
for 10% just move the decimal one place to the left so 10% is $7.64 x 2 for 20%
Boom. 20% of $76.35 is $15.28
you dont tip at fast food joints or anywhere, where you arent served at a table

This! So much this! We need to get rid of this tipping nonsense like the rest of the developed world. It’s sickening. Just pay them a proper fucking wage.

It also sucks because then there’s times the waiting staff will just hover over you when you’re just trying to have a good time because they are that desperate for tips. It’s aweful.

Most receipts have the percentages at the bottom. You can tell how jewed they are based on the minimum percentage they include. If it starts at 15% or 18% you're allowed to leave half of what they're "recommending"

>It also sucks because then there’s times the waiting staff will just hover over you when you’re just trying to have a good time because they are that desperate for tips. It’s aweful.
There's this thing called self awareness. A good waiter should be able to tell when a table wants you to fuck off and when they want to engage with you. If you ever have to ask them to refill any of your beverages or call them over so you can get the check, they're shit

Absolutely no problem at all.
>i go to the cooks and say hook this man up i know he tips
You're a fucking gentleman and a scholar. I myself shall carry you to the gates of Valhalla.

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What papers? You’re reeeeeeee papers? Just make food at home instead of feeling entitled. You do this enough and you’re gonna get a name for being a faggot and the servers will do the bare bones level of service.

You’re a cheap jew

Dominos puts a tip line on their receipts for deliveries but use the same receipt for inside pickups. I leave it blank and just carry the totsl down. I'm not tipping some faggot in the kitchen for making a pizza.

I don’t like how these businesses pit the staff against us consumers. It’s the shitty businesses fault for putting your wages in our hands, not us.

>You’re a cheap jew
That's what they call a redundancy. No such thing as a generous jew.

This is some nigger behavior. I’ll bet this dude gets pissed sitting at a restaurant because his waitress is catering to the other people while his glass is empty. You should just go full nigger and just eat free bread and water.

at least on the west coast, ive never tipped anyone and ive never seen anyone receive or give a tip. probably because half the population has been replaced by chinese people

>raise the prices of all the food on the menu by 15% and just pay the workers with that

do you see what you said.. you dont wanna tip but you would pay 15% more so they can pay the employees that 15%. thats the same as giving them a tip. so in the end you are still tipping them.

you are a fucking moron

in real free countries employers can afford to pay their employees, and people can choose to go out or eat at home.

maybe you're so bitter 'cause you live in a shithole

You got me there. Actually lol’ed at that.

Well you see America made the mistake of taking in all the Jews when adolf was trying to clean the place up.

Don’t like it, stay the fuck at home.

>It’s the shitty businesses fault for putting your wages in our hands, not us
No shit Sherlock. Most restaurants wouldn't survive if they had to actually pay their staff though. You not tipping and throwing a fit about how kiked it is won't solve any problems, but I've also served before. I know there's people who will over-tip you for no real reason and there's people who will stiff you, even when you go out of your way to appease them. If you became a regular and always tipped like shit, you're guaranteed to get bare minimum effort from the staff. If you're a regular who is known for tipping well, or you're just an enjoyable person to talk with, staff is more likely to bust their ass for you and hook you up with free. shit.

Considering you complain about tipping, and just want the staff to fuck off when you eat, I'm sure you regularly get subpar service

yeah but then you are forced to pay extra you fucking moron.

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Found the jew

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You can choose that anywhere, you fucking idiot. But it is still your choice to be a cunt at home or in public. Just realize that you chose to be a cunt in public next time, and if you don’t like other people’s reactions, be a cunt at home, or better yet don’t be a cunt at all.

>pay extra

did you even read what OP posted? here lemme refresh your memory:
>raise the prices of all the food on the menu by 15% and just pay the workers with that

so if the raise prices by 15% to PAY the employees with that 15%, you are still paying that 15% which would have been equal to the tip. so in the end you are still tipping the employees so this logic makes no sense

no, i wouldnt be tipping the employees in the beginning and then they would be taking more money from me

Just out of curiosity, what’s the average price for a full meal in your country? Here it’s around $20-25 for a decent meal and a non alcoholic drink.

>taking more money from me

Yes, to tip the employees. you are still tipping them. what part of this do you not understand

You're also less likely to have good service since "tip is included" so servers won't care if you get upset since they're still guaranteed 15%

NO you fucking retard. I DONT TIP ANYONE. if they raise prices, then i pay more because i wasnt paying them any extra before

Do I have to tip a bartender in the US?

thank God I wasn't born in the US where tipping is such a huge thing. While I was visiting the US I tipped the cashier $5 for a $2 drink

I think they should adjust the system to accommodate fags like OP. They should have to place their own orders to the kitchen, get their own food/drink, and clean their own table. No sense making some poor slob’s life harder when you can just do it yourself.

Read the fucking thread you troglodyte.

For fuck sake do you tip taxi driver? Cashier, plumber, electrician, hair dresser, or man that sell cars? No cuz they are paid their fucking salary you absolute piece of moron

Maybe, just maybe, people could be paid a wage?

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>if they raise prices, then i pay more because i wasnt paying them any extra before


People are notorious for over tipping bartenders. Best thing to do is open a tab and tip at the end. Most people will leave $1 or $2 after ever drink and end up spending more than they would have if they just tipped 10-15% for the total cost

I don’t have an issue with tipping if I’m sitting down and people are providing consistent service. I do think it’s gotten out of control these days though. Literally went to a drive through at a local wing place the other day and they expected a tip, also at another restaurant they wanted a tip just for taking my order. That’s some jew level greed.

Yeah.. I bet you tip bank manager too after you visit bank. Or better help him to clean his office desk. He should not work for free

Serving is a job for childeren and college students. Theres a reason people are eating out less and less. A reason why fast casual is catching on. Waiters are a relic in all but the highest end restaurant where gratuities are included. No one wants chef mikes food served by some strung out 45 year old with no skills or future.

>he doesn't know that half the people he listed live off tips in the US

So you volunteering to pay them extra is obscene but if they force you to pay the same amount extra that’s fine? How many times did you fail math?

Yeah because you somehow know every foreign substance and possible thing done to your food every time you fucking retard, stop acting like you're better than all the servers and tippers in the world.

Just a whiney kid wishing he could save more money from his minimum wage job

No he is not you bitch.
> if buy plane tickets you are tiping pilots and staff...

No he is buying a service,no tiping involved.

>a reason people are eating out less and less
I guarantee tipping and servers have very little to do with it. People work more and get paid less, why would they go out to eat?

What sort of jobs should be tipped, daddy?

Stay at home, mom.

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Sex workers

> no one eats out
Maybe not in your trailer park but people eat out all the time. Maybe not at some shit tier restaurant like Applebee’s but I was out this weekend and the area I went to was packed. 3 restaurants, all with wait staff, were full. No idea where you came up with that fantasy.

nice bait mate

The kind where I know someone is doing their best to provide me with a good experience.

What? You kidding me?
Oh I understand, avoiding income tax..

>im sorry but im not fucking responsible to pay for other peoples employees and thats final.
You're also not responsible enough to prepare your own food.

>people actively get pissed at me/give me shitty looks when I dont tip and it pisses me off.
then give a tip if it bothers you so much. shut up otherwise.

>i fucking dare them. They would be served papers next morning.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in...

Gets their dicks cut at birth and later in life demands tips for doing their job, you got to love these Americans

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>You kidding me?
I'm seriousing you

The internalized jews

Acters, movie stars... you should semd them money after every movie you watched

I worked at subway and we were never tipped. Don't you think the guy who makes the sandwich in front of you, puts in a lot more effort than a waitress who carries your food from A to B?

Heh you amerifags should start tiping doctors after surgeries. Then you realize its not so good iidea worth defending

Not exactly personal service now is it? It’s not like Christian Bale is bringing me popcorn, rabbi.

Almosst pasta... i was excited to have good read...

Abolish tipping? Yes please I'm fucking tired of servers coming over to ask everyone
While trying to wolf down my meal to answer them just to have them come over 5 minutes later just to ask again.

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I've worked on a food line and served. Nope. Fast food workers don't deserve tips for making a sandwich.

You’re already paying the doctor, fool.

Lol.. so true

I’d be completely ok with this.

That would involve eating at subway.

Expecting the people who don't tip to have the common courtesy or decency to do any of those things

>Fast food workers don't deserve tips for making a sandwich.
Why? The argument here is, that the wage of people in the service industrie is shit. If you eat out you should include the cost of tipping. Why are fast food workers excluded?
Tipping is a social phenomenon. We are not talking about an you as an individual. The question is should people who eat there do it.

Yeah.. you also pay for meal. And then pay extra.. do same in hospital, or after buing a car. Give man who sold you car 15% extra

>Why are fast food workers excluded?
Because if I placed a "To-Go" order at a restaurant, I wouldn't tip if I was picking it up. I'm solely paying for the food, there's no service to tip on. Going through a drive through is not "eating out".

Sit down restaurants, bars, cab drivers, and high-end hotel bell hops. That's about it for people to tip. Basically service industry.

Easier math, for 10%, $1 tip every $10 on the bill. For 15%, $1.50 tip for every $10 on the bill. For 20%, $1 tip for every $5 on the bill, or $2 tip for every $10 on the bill.

You can sit down at subway and McDonalds.

No one is bringing my food. I have to wait in line to order. I have to deal with other obnoxious patrons who don't need to adhere to any proper etiquette. I see you once at the register and never deal with you again.

if the restaurant raises prices 15% to GIVE the employees so you dont have to tip. you are tipping them because that extra 15% they charged for your meal will go directly to the employee. thus you tipped them regardless

and wendy's, taco bell, kfc, del taco, arby's, pretty much any fastfood place you can sitdown at aswell.

In restaurant you pay for food and serving. No need for tip.

Actually at A&W's you place your order then pick a table to sit at then they bring you your food in a bag on a plastic tray but dont even for a split second wait around for a tip.

>implying anyone "goes out" to eat a fast food joint
If I'm sitting at a fast food joint, it's because I'm hungover or taking a lunch break

No, nigger. You’re directly paying the doctor. You aren’t directly paying the waitstaff. Of you don’t like the business model then don’t support it by eating there you fucking jew.

Your job is to make me sandwich. Your boss pays you for doing that. As it is your job I expect you to do your best. I am a doctor and with every myocardial infarction and pulmonary embolism I do my best to treat you. As it is my job I do my fucking best for everybody and don't expect to get tipped for not letting you die. Everybody should just give his best whatever his job. And just because somebody works with food I see no reason to give him extra money. It's your job.

So they have salary included, but in restaurants they dont know how to do that

>You tiped pilot if you buy tickets

You shouldn't eat out if you can't afford a 20% tip you poorfag

In a restaurant, I'd expect the waiter to thoroughly understand the menu and know what each dish is made of. You can't even compare the quality of food from a sit down restaurant versus a fast food joint. The waiter is expected to wait on me for the duration of the meal. Fast food is one interaction at the register. No expectations of the teenager working the counter to know anything specific in the products that's not already listed on the menu. No expectations of the teenager to give any fucks after I paid for my meal. The meal itself is cheap ass food that I'm getting so I don't need to cook and because I don't have time to eat out. Your other mistake is you're working for the corporate Jew. There's nothing genuine about your fast food joint.

One is a corporation, the other is most likely privately owned. You figure it out

No, hospital will gove you papers with total cost.. you were saved by multiple ppl doctor, sister, cleaning lady. And you pay for service, there is no extra tip for surgeons only. Same in restaurant, there is chef waitress, cleaning, etc. And you get final price. Do you see similarity moron?

You’re trying to reason with a spoiled man child that mommy has catered to all his life. He has declared himself the arbiter of what is and isn’t a real job. The same kind of faggot who would complain if they just stopped trying to work because “it’s not a real job” and collected welfare.

I couldn't help myself since I just saw the dollars as cheap money. I feel like this doesn't help since I'm from the UK....

Nor is it in restaurant.

Except you know that a big chunk of your money is going to pay your doctor. If you think that it isn’t you’re a complete retard. Do you actually expect and entire breakdown of how much each employee made from your visit? I swear you niggers are getting dumber.

He has an argument to be made, in that fast food workers are underpaid, but you can't compare working at place that requires bare minimum knowledge or skill sets to get the job vs a place that requires a bit more knowledge and people skills to be successful at. Both are shit jobs, but fast food work is literally for high schoolers working after school

Nor is what? Go back to making my sandwich and stop complaining about how hard your job is

lol, as an european yeah

I mean foodservice and dealing with he public is a shitty job. It’s one of the reasons I always try and be pleasant unless they are completely rude or something.

I've been saying the same shit for years.

Haha poorfag

Say bill is $20.00
20.00×0.15 is 15%
20.00 x o.20 is 20%
20.00 x 0.10 is 10%
Use the calculator on youe phone

Doctor, or pilot is not getting tip.
Yeah cuz we waiter special kind of snowflakes deserve money extra. Cuz we are special and our work is hardest possible. How could other jobs compete.

I agree, and in a society that enables entitlement and instant gratification, it's one of the more difficult jobs because you deal with the general populace. The work itself is easy, dealing with the average person makes it difficult not to lose faith in humanity

I refuse to pay extra to the "poor people" bringing me the food from the counter to the table. FUCK THEM WTF
When I'm really content with the food, I ask to see the cook and give him/her monies. Fuck the waiters.

T. Nigger

Yeah i know that, but we are talking about tipping

Like a give shit about you and your comment is going to change anything. Fuck the waitresses, once again. I don't give two flying fucks about their wages or similar. They don't do anything but artificially smiling and carrying food from point A to point B. A dog could do that.

Oogga booga indeed

>> There's nothing genuine about your fast food joint.
Neither about your restaurant

>another subway that's a dime a dozen vs a restaurant that offers a unique cuisine you can't find anywhere else
Okay wage cuck

People tip so when they come back to that restaurant the waiter (who you didn't tip last time) doesn't spit in your food. And so the owner and manager of the restaurant doesn't know your a dick too, and he doesn't really give a fuck if you as a customer gets good service or food, because he doesn't need nor want shitty customers. Don't think of it as a tip, think of it as diners insurance.

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I tip the taxi drivers, i leave the change on kiosk places, in supermarkets and shit. I respect people. But not the fucking waiters, who are clowns not doing anything except having artificial smiles, who carry the plates. Fuck them thoroughly! Cooks are the ones to be tipped.

Nice reference

>implying people who don't tip frequent the same restaurants more than once

my buddy drives drunk a lot and so he tips the girls at the McDonald's drive thru so they don't call the cops on him. he gave one a $10 tip one time while he had a beer in his hand

It’s clever how the mole was the first to rat out pink for not eating

Whatever you say nigger. I'm sure you're a super decent "human" being

ok, but what philosophy is that exactly? "you don't give me -extra- money, i'll spit in your food" ??? WTF
kudos to the profession. lazy fucks.

You both are subhuman trash. Kill yourself

Fuck you, nigger.

Keep dancing monkey

i always tip my barber, taxi/Uber, and independent/small business plumbers and electricians sometimes

This must be you.

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It means: If you don't respect our staff with the cultural norm and expectation then you can go fuck yourself and don't come back, we don't want you in our establishment. If you want to be an edgelord nonconformist that's perfectly fine, it's your life - but accept the consequences of your choice and don't come back.

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Better than what I'm talking to

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Doesn’t like when people say nigger but here you are doing this. What a fag

You really are a nigger. I'd say I don't know how you came to that conclusion, but I've given up trying to understand the thought process for niggers long ago. Nigger.

Yes. Unless you are a little bitch and drink just soda or fruit juice

Underrated post

Fuck doctors, they charge whatever the fuck they want. Got a bill from the hospital and another bill from the doctor and my insurance agent asked “does this look like it reflects the treatment you got?” 5K for 4 stitches at 5am. I told him, fuck no, I never even saw a doctor, just a nurse who had me clean my own wound then put sutures. Ins guy did some investigating and found that the hospital/doctor usually charge an average of 2k for that same procedure. Since I was privately self insured they wanted more. We got it down to 1,800 USD.

Yeah, you forgot to tip the nurse

Cos I did her job cleaning my own wound? I’m surprised they didn’t give me the needle and thread and a YouTube link on how to do your own sutures.

Well that's why in Europe we have lists of treatments and wgat to regularly charge. I am a doctor and if I want to charge more than is deemed apropriate I have to state why. This also is why here standard i.v. fluids cost a few Euros and in the US they just invent something a hundred times more than things are worth. That's why replacing a hip in the US is about 50.000 Dollars and here it's 5000 Euros. I as a doctor feel bad for tge US health system and anybody who needs medical attention there.

true. tiping is like you pay for someone business to fund them employees for alomst free. this is pure shit.

This post this post right fucking here. I tip the pizza delivery guy 5-10$ even though it's like a 5 minute walk. They always hook me up with the extra pizzas from orders that are cancelled last minute.

lmao you're a pussy, diaf, faggot!

I can tell you're poor and can't afford anything decent in life just from this past. You generally do tip all those people except the car salesman.

People don’t go to hospitals here for exactly that reason. It has a negative consequence in under reporting public illnesses and proper treatment. Most people die from “complications due to...” meaning they were diagnosed in the mourge.