What song do you wish Taylor would write?

What song do you wish Taylor would write?

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A true Beauty and the Beast type of love

"my last song ever"

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Fuck Me Maybe

My Lesbian Lover


Alt-right boys have tiny peens.

Hoes Gonna Hoe

Fuck the Haters

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"I'm gonna neck myself"

stinky pussy stinks

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Van full of toys, cunt full of boys
Your tiny fist is what I missed.
A fist full of boy cock.
In the tent below the age of consent

a good single for her -- "i am a huge fat slob which is why i got political"

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Eww, that's how she flips people off?

fucking sad. im mad. reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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She's going to turn into a hambeast soon

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i just want to watch her take a huge black cock

"I sabotage all my relationships, so I can write a song about it."

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i keep wondering when one of her exs is going to write a song called "maybe you are the problem?"

why taylor why

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I wish she would write “You Need To Bang My Asshole Raw”

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Color Blind Love

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she seriously needs to khs before she goes full mom

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It would be a public service.

Where is it?


oh u

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I miss skinny Tay

we all do

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