Been married three years and my wife (32) is becoming a pig

Been married three years and my wife (32) is becoming a pig

It took a few months after marriage but she started to not care about leaving shit smears inside the toilet. Wasn't really an issue as I was able to piss them away most of the time

But the problem has escalated recently. So many times she's had a shit so large that it wont flush and has had to pour bleach inside the toilet to burn it away

She somehow "misses" the toilet after wiping her ass. I can't count how many times there's been a used toilet paper covered in shit at the side of the toilet on the bathroom floor

Sometimes she leaves a nugget of shit on the toilet seat, or pisses all over it

I was taking her panties off last night only to find a slice of shitty torn toilet paper crammed in between her ass cheese

Honestly is this what happens to women when they get older? She's not out of shape, but her bathroom habits are really beginning to turn my stomach

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Man I can relate thankfully I didn't Marry the bitch. She was skinny when I got with her like 105 pounds then became like 210+ . Went from being decently attractive to looking like a fat troll or ogre . Didn't want to be shallow but I had to close my eyes when I fucked her cause I couldn't stand looking at her fat rolls and fat face . She stopped caring about her body smoked cigarettes and drank beer all the time . She started to go bald also and had gauge eating that smelled like a fat guys unwashed belly button .Glad we split cause I can't imagine having a kid with her or being married to her. she wouldn't be worth giving half my shit to. Good luck OP maybe lace her food with metamucil and laxatives.

This has to be bait. Come on, your wife leaves nuggets on the toilet seat?
You are asking if this is normal and is what happens when women get older?
Do you think this is normal?

> has had to pour bleach inside the toilet to burn it away
Has your bitch ever heard of a plunger?

>She somehow "misses" the toilet after wiping her ass. I can't count how many times there's been a used toilet paper covered in shit at the side of the toilet on the bathroom floor
>Sometimes she leaves a nugget of shit on the toilet seat, or pisses all over it

What happens when you're away from home for a while? Does it build up?

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>her own ass cheese
Kek, you made my day op.
Women can be fucking fowl.

Like bitch. I don't go down on you because your hygiene lacks and you stink. Have some fucking self respect. Clean your cunt or it'll rot out.
Can you not smell the reek of squalor on yourself?
Bitches like that disgust me.

M:Smell my fingers.
F:that's gross.
M:Yeah, you're gross. See *fingers back in her face.
M:Common don't you want to lick it?
F:*vomits from smell of own cunt.
M: I rather eat that vs your rank ass ass smelling box.

Let me guess. She's also a klutz and she has no idea about self awareness when it comes to running into shit and knocking stuff over?

No, I don’t think this is normal. It sounds to me like those are actually her normal habits, which she was hiding from you before she decided you wouldn’t leave her for being disgusting.

All women hide gross stuff in relationships and start to be more open about it after they feel secure with you. But for most women, I’m pretty sure that just means farting in front of you, taking shits when you’re in the shower, or allowing you to watch them eat a bucket of ice cream and a family sized bag of cheetos as a meal. Normal gross human things that we all do. What your wife is doing is downright unsanitary and unhealthy. Her bathroom habits could pose a very real threat to anybody with a compromised immune system, such as children or the elderly.

Making other people deal with your literal shit and piss is not only gross but it’s seriously disrespectful. Of not only the people you live with, but also of your home. Where the fuck is her pride? This is where she lives. A sane person shouldn’t be comfortable leaving actual shit laying around in their home. Even as a man, I feel so embarrassed if I learn I left piss on the seat. I take a little bit of pride in the absolute bare-minimum level of competence and consideration I have when I clean the toilet seat, put the seat/lid down, rinse my toothpaste gobs out of the sink so nobody else has to, etc...

I wouldn’t just stop doing it because I believe my gf doesn’t care enough to leave me over it. At this point it’s so ingrained in my routine that I would have to train myself OUT of being hygenic and considerate in the bathroom. And that shit isn’t going to happen because I fell out of practice when we’re talking about going to the bathroom, something I do literally every day.

I say put your foot down hard or expect it to continue. Maybe even get worse, god forbid

Been married 9 years and have 2 kids, my wife is actually pretty but doesn't keep herself up. She never gets her hair done, toe nails are wack. Marriage is very tough but that's why I resort to escorts.

women go into marriage viewing their husband as a fixer-upper project that they hope to change as he ages. men go into marriage viewing their wife as a finished product that they hope will never change as she ages.

This is correct, but woman are stupid

Apex relationship advice. Even if OP is a troll, women thrive when treated properly.

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Depends on the stimulus introduced

burn the coal pay the toll

She is doing it to fuck with you. I recommended you to piss in her shampoo and conditioner and if she says something just say "I guess I need to stop being such a disgusting unhygienic pig."

Watch that shit she does stop.

The stimulus, in this case, is affirmation. Of course, other nominal/categorical variables (like "quality of person") are held constant, and it is presumed we as individuals have good judgement and reasonable emotional intelligence. This is where individual differences come into play.

Dude is she a foundling? Was she raised by wild animals?
My girlfriend has some nasty fucking habits that drive me nuts, but nothing compared to what you're describing. Id tell her shit's going to change. You can't live in filth, brother.

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Just do the same: don´t flush, piss next to the toilet, shit in the tub. Preferably when you´re first in the bathroom or just before her friends come to your house

dude, asparagus piss in the bathroom sink and don't rinse the sink after.

She doesnt wanna keep herself clean for you because you're obviously a piece of shit.

>implying this isnt OPs fault because hes a pussy ass bitch who cant control his woman
This shit will continue and OP will continue to suck it.

This why clean up when the man you're stuck with isnt worth cleaning up for. Women are fucking parrots. They just copy whatever is around them. They really shouldnt be allowed to vote tbh

dont use bleach moron. Urine has ammonia and you know what you get when you mix ammonia and bleach? Deadly chlorine gas, dummy

LMAO. Sorry dude, I hope this is bait because her bathroom habits are absolutely disgusting and NOT normal. If this is real, my condolences. Your wife has some issues.

thats fucking gross dude

This is fucking awful advice you fucking idiot

Sounds like you're the shit she needs to leave.

Thats why you dont get married. You are a fucking idiot

>This is just another scat LARP fantasy thread and OP really wants you to jerk him off.

>Shit on her pillow
although she'd probably like that by the sounds of things


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>gets pissed off when you shit on her pillow when she doesn't want you to.
>gets pissed off when you don't shit on her pillow even though she wants you to.

pfsst, women.