Do you want bad things to happen to your ex?

Do you want bad things to happen to your ex?

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No. But I hope she gets a dude that treats her like she treated me, just for long enough to maybe give her some perspective.

If she dates me I'll make sure I punch her tits for you

>having an ex

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This guy understands that a good meme is worth 1000% more than the fleeting attention of a thot.
I mean the video has everything! Look at her happy smile! You know the whole "hold my hand at the beach and film it for instagram"-thing was her idea.
It's the perfect video and I love it.

hmm nice foots m'am *sniff sniff*

If I may... *looks into eyes waiting for approval*

...*slowly licks big toe* *quickly puts the whole foots in mouth*

I've never had an ex.

I started dating my wife when we were 16.

I love her lots and we are best friends.

>shaving an ex

Only one of my ex's

Very much so.

No, my exes were really nice girls. They deserve to be happy!

No. I just don't want anyone to touch her for as long as she lives.

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No, I'm a well-wisher, in that I don't wish them any particular harm.

No, I'm a well-wisher, in that I wish them to be pushed down a well

Yes. She got with a desperate friend of mine who never had a real great. Both of them could sure in a fire and I would laugh. I guess that's extreme because she became a fat, annoying, hurting bitch so whatever. She made me hate her fucking guts though and slandered my name to everyone I know.i did call her w fat disgusting bitch though so fuck it.

Yeah bro fuck that cunt

this * 100


I wish she would drop dead so I can quit paying her.

Sauce on this video pls

doesn't affect me either way

Luckily I don't have to wish for bad things to happen to her. She blows money and racks up credit card debt on stupid shit all the time. She constantly changing jobs every 3-5 months. Has a useless degree and keeps going back to school for some job training which she will never use because after day one of job in said new field she'll decide she doesn't like it. The list goes on but I think I've made my.point

based 211iq poster

No, she suffers enough without having any friends and being butthurt for anything.
A guy like me wants to chill.

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Damn nigga, should've pulled out and/or not put a ring on it

>liking work

>Do you want bad things to happen to your ex?
no, one my me exes killed themselves, and it made me really sad. we were still friendly but hadnt talked in a long time.

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That's deep user, maybe I should be better to my ex

nice webm. Every single TRAP should be treated like that.

why? did they turn you down?

No - I love her and sometimes wish things had gone differently, and I understand why she's upset.

I don't have room in my heart for vengeance or spite for the same reasons I don't eat rotten food.

I used to. I don't know anymore.

We were together almost 7 years. About a year and a half ago she made me homeless.

Was working full time and studying out of my car for about 90 days. Managed to get 5 credentials in my career field during that time.

In hindsight, the "revenge of living well" and setting myself up to do so matters much more than what happens to her.

Selective indifference and coming out on top of a bad situation is empowering.

Yes. I don't exactly dwell on it every day, but I stole ~$34k from our joint bank account. She made the mistake of breaking up with me BEFORE closing the account. Dumb hoe. I actually saw her the other day. She's got a halfbreed child and trackmarks. Fucking roastie hoe.

They already did. She’s in Texas with two kids by an ex felon Mexican who deals and takes steroids and has 4 other kids. She’s most likely poor as fuck and abused.

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