Would you?

Would you?

Attached: Belle Delphine .jpg (330x412, 46K)

No fucking way would i go near that

Nah bro she is trash


I'd hate fuck it, but that's about it.

Hate Rape her

with gusto my nigga

Would give her all of my money

Shes a rotten whore for 11 year olds

No, I'm not a subhuman cuck

I sell my boi pussy on the mean streets of Newark every night so I have enough money to get in her god tier donations. That’s literally where all the money I get goes. For food I have the nigger cum and trash bin. For shelter I have a chair and some cardboard/newspapers under a few trees. For WiFi, to look at my girlfriend belles posts I use it for free at Dukin. One day belle Delphine’s gonna meet me irl and marry me. She already sent me her soiled parties once but I never received them as I have no home or P.O. Box. I love you belle. I will always support you

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Liar, the cops cleaned up Mulberry St. I live near Newark.

I head up and down the ave all night.

Back in the day, there used to be some smokin hot black and Latina t-girls on Mulberry and Chestnut. I used to buy weed down there. I heard some became escorts, some did porn, and the rest got arrested or ODed.


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I know, fuck the cops for ruining it for everyone.

That and black trannys. Wtf.

Having sex with a female doesn't make you a cuck.

paying for it does.

No, that makes you a john, what are you fucking autistic

are you?
Here's you're test.

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and another for extra credit.

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Nope. Because I like women and not 14 yo boys. Also that face she makes is stupid as fuck.

>14 yo
but isn't she like 19-21yo?

Fuk ya lad I'd shag her biscuit till me bollocks fell off

>but isn't she

There is your problem. 'She'.

them are some child bearing hips though

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gotta admit everytime this subject comes up it's kinda weird seeing the morality stance taken on Yea Forums.

Why not

People saying no, I don't understand. You're genuinely going to tell me that you would not fuck Belle Delphine? Like she's objectively AT LEAST a 7/10 and you fuckers would go for worse. Are you actually that mad that she makes money by being a degenerate?

>Are you actually that mad that she makes money by being a degenerate?

her possibly making MORE money than the average hater does is probably another big reason for the backlash.

wow so hard

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Would I smash her teeth in with a hammer? Probably.

Who dis

kek the one house getting all the water needs to build a swimming pool.

yes. yes they are.

Then over to the fire house for a bbq, followed by watching the game at the electric house.