He likes you Yea Forums

He likes you Yea Forums
How do you respond?

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Are you just gonna leave him hanging?

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well I ain't no fag so

yes. yes I am.

Take him home and plow the bussy. Obvious choice.

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Kill yourself faggot.

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that life

Fucking newfag lurk more post less. Lrn2 sage correctly

sage goes in all e
fields you fucking retard. please tell me the ways in which sage has changed over the past 15 years

Wouldn't matter. Sage doesn't work on Yea Forums.

Set him on fire for being a homosexual.

my point exactly, which is why sah-gay has become a term used to express the sentiment as opposed to a policy

but thank you for making me feel young again

grab his junk gently, but firmly so he knows you aren't playing. Look him in the eyes with your bedroom eyes. Kiss him deeply, then get on your knees, unzip his trow, and receive him in your mouth like holy communion.

Then you say “no homo” and laugh right? Haha

Homosexuals are a disease and the cure is lead based with copper

>gays are bad

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id respond by smelling his hair and puking all over his shirt
>i-ilike you t-too a-user

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We were all raised on the
>gays are good
programming and determined it to be a lie, though.

How is it a lie? There is no logical reason to hate someone on their sexual preference. The only reasons that exist are hatred and irrational fears

sexual preference isn't why people dislike us gays
people dislike us now because we let the trannies take over the movement and now we're all fucked

Faggots are disgusting creatures who base their entire identity on their sexual preference, and who generally act like perverted freaks.
Hell, even if you ignored the fact that they fuck guys, their general behaviour would still elicit disgust from most sane people.

there's nothing wrong with trans people
society misunderstands them and that's really not good for mental illness

thanks for proving my point

>there's nothing wrong with trans people
>society misunderstands them and that's really not good for mental illness
see this is why nobody likes us now

its not normal and youre helping people hate us

these trannies need to be in mental homes under supervision and getting the medical care they need

they have 40% suicide rate regardless of sex surgery, hormones, etc. theyre just mentally unbalanced and ill

>Most sane people
>Coming from a /bee/tard

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>thanks for proving my point
That you have no morals? Even if you don't tie sexual behaviour to morals, there are still massive problems with the way many fags live their lives. They have an insanely high infidelity rate, sexually transmitted diseases run rampant in gay communities, and their constant chase for their next sexual high often lead to hard drugs. There's a reason these animals are so prone to depression and have such a high suicide rate. Sex and cheap, short term pleasure define their entire existence.

>they have 40% suicide rate regardless of sex surgery, hormones, etc. theyre just mentally unbalanced and ill
that's not entirely true
a large part of that literally comes from their families and friends

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I haven't posted on Yea Forums regularly in 13 years. I just drop by a few times a month when I'm bored.

It's insane what you faggots have done to this place. It's basically just cucking, niggers and porn. There's no community or humor anymore.

>a large part of that literally comes from their families and friends
No, that's just what they like to blame.

so its societies fault that they kill themselves even tho there are places for them to go? they have access to the entire lgtbq community and still have a 40% suicide rate regardless

stop blaming everybody else for their problems...we homos get disowned and depressed but even we dont have a 40% suicide rate

The fact that you tought b was ever good just goes to show that your iq is in the negative

>we homos get disowned and depressed but even we dont have a 40% suicide rate
we don't have serious mental illnesses, they do

imagine if you had to tell your friends and family that
wouldn't it just kill you to have the important people in your life literally disown you

According to who, you dumb nigger?
I was part of the generation that made that fucking meme.

>says gays should go where they're wanted and leave normal people alone
>gets all butthurt when normies tell him creepy faggots should go where they're wanted and leave the pretty girls alone

so you think those mentally ill people should be left loose on society even tho they have the highest STD infection rates of any community inside the USA, or the fact that many are using hard drugs, or that the current polls online all show trannies regularly commit acts of self harm?

they all need to be locked up if u cared youd help them by locking them up

say what retard?

there's other ways to help people besides locking them up
what a childish solution

Keep posting your hilarious muh dude

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what is that? psychological help, drugs, sex changes, and a sense of community and belonging isnt helping

what else is left?

this is why no one loves you

you're ignoring solutions because you hate these people, which feeds back into their fears

it's a positive feedback loop of hate and all you have to do is not be a fucking asshole

Keep sucking those dicks, faggot.

so what is left for us to help them with? name something else society can do sense therapy, hormones, anti depressants, sex changes, and acceptance isnt the solution

what else can we do, name some thing instead of being a big fat dummy

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The fact that thats your best response is weirdly endearing
I might come over and give you the sucky suck if you dont watch out

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>There's no community or humor anymore.
Those guys grew up and moved on. Millennials moved in and gayed up the board.

>therapy, hormones, anti depressants, sex changes, and acceptance isnt the solution
those are the only solutions retard
I'm not a fucking wizard, as much as I wish they wouldn't suffer

>acceptance isnt the solution
how about minding your own damned business, gladys

so despite all of those things we are doing the trannies in our community are STILL killing themselves at over 40% and STILL are going out and spreading diseases in alarming rates (200k/2m are currently infected with a std including hiv aids and are still growing) even though they have all of those things

the only solution is to force these people into asylums and care for them since they cant

theyre ruining our community and putting us all at risk

people accept trannies the same as homos thats not the solution either since trannies are a protected class now too

they dont want JUST to be accepted and forgotten like us homos trannies want everybody to put them on some pedestal

you're only at risk if you're fucking the trannies.
are you fucking the trannies?
that makes you 40 gay user. and in your estimation, that's terrible.

>like us homos
ah, so you are fucking the trannies, and you're jelly they're the medias new darling. welcome to being forgotten and normal, goodfriend.

Fucking faggots

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im a homo u retard ofc im gay but i dont like the trans sexually because they are trying to be females and thats not what being gay is all about - i like men,boys and cocks not some man wearing a wig with tits trying to look like and sound like and be a woman ...why not just go fuck a woman if thats what u want?

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We don't hate gays or lgbt because of their orientation. We hate them because they're liars and pedophiles who have bastardized the language in a propagandistic rhetoric game who under the guise of progressivism, are not that, not even regressive, but transgressive. It's gone from "equal rights" to "accept us, bake my cake, wax my balls or we'll enact economic terrorism on you until you comply"

like 5% of gays, 6 individual lesbians and maybe two individual transgenders are alright. bis are all sluts though.

I hope your real user. when the gays have retarded conspiracy theorist neet retards too, truly they're just another part of this america I love.
god bless this country.

Yea, the dildo suits and obnoxious behavior has nothing to do with it.

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they do drugs and self harm in the first place out of fear from people who hate them and you make it seem like something to blame them for and further alienate them ok

>like 5% of gays, 6 individual lesbians and maybe two individual transgenders are alright. bis are all sluts though.
those are some oddly specific numbers kek

is that why there's a heroin epidemic going through middle america? because they're afraid of people who hate them?

But they're not wrong.

fox news keeps telling them the new transexual muslim mexican fags are using stolen texan lasso technology to round up our jobs and bring them back south of the border.
nothing to do but hard drugs and wait for the end

youre repeating tired old excuses already talked about itt

just stop being so mentally ill youre ruining all of the progress our great gay ancestors made for us you selfish self absorbed cunts

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Im not even mad
Its the first time in forever ive seen someone do something original rather than regurgitating the same "lmao aids", "lol 40%" "something something attack helicopter" sheit

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I gotta take a massive shit

Show boipuccy now

Oh, so when middle america does it, its their own shortcomings, but when faggots do it, they're the victim. Yeah no you fags can get the fuck over yourselves. Nobody's special, you just took that reality the hardest.

because you're not listening to absolutely valid points. im not even trans, i just respect them and i don't know a single trans person who tries to put themselves on some kind of pedestal. turn off the tv and get over it grandpa

>i respect them

because they weren't born the way they wish they were, simple as that. in that way they're the same as homosexuals because it's a strong preference / wish, however they can't just switch genders like that

>because they weren't born the way they wish they were, simple as that. in that way they're the same as homosexuals because it's a strong preference / wish, however they can't just switch genders like that
Homosexuals don't 'wish' they could change genders. Homosexuals LIKE being their gender and like fucking their own kind. Transgenders are the ones who want to be something else other than what they are.

You can't compare homosexuals and transgenders. You're such a fucking rat peddling in nonsensical bullshit.

>respect by birthright
Respect is earned and lost. "Baseline respect" is better known as civility. You don't respect someone more because they ended up being 5'6" when they wanted to be 5'10".

What did they do to -earn- your respect? At most, what you describe is sympathy. I have sympathy for drug addicts, but I don't respect them.

being this fucking insecure about being associated with a different part of the lgbt community
please be trolling

i didnt say i respect them more than anyone else, i meant more like respecting their rights and not judging them based on being part of any community, because saying that every X person is the same is outright stupid
so, yeah, fair enough about the sympathy

Nobody has a right to not be judged though. Incidentally, I oftentimes find the people who say 'you don't have a right to judge me' are the most judgmental of all. It's sort of like, babby's first shield from criticism.

And another thing, why do all these fringe groups call themselves as a whole a community? Gays and Lesbians have very little in common, and a Gay in Tampa, Florida has a different life with different needs and different problems than a Gay in Seattle. It's all political bloc bullshit which makes each and every one more intolerable with each passing day. I don't believe in a gay community, I don't believe in an lgbt community or a straight community or a 'comfortable in my own skin' community. I don't believe in a black community, a white community, an intelligence community, or a science community. The people on your street, your neighborhood, even your city are a community. What you describe is more akin to a club, or a hobbyist group, and 'LGBT' is an alliance of a few multiple clubs.

ok whatever
judge me if you have a valid reason but "other people like you do X" and "you're Y so you're bad" are not valid reasons. i dont care how you see them just dont be outraged about what they do because it's never collectively all of them.

I don't even need a valid reason at the end of the day, though I do tend to prefer them. My standards for what is valid are my own though. There is the old saying 'Bad apple spoils the bunch', and life's too short to just give everyone a chance in your life who asks for one. If in a negative generalization I miss something good to make an exception for, that's a risk I choose to take to err on the side of safety. It's perfectly understandable to love or hate an individual or a collective. You're just as likely to think "that gay guy is a total faggot, the next one's probably a faggot too" as you are to think "that gay guy was pretty swell, i bet the rest are too". Eventually you get a working average your natural disposition comes in tow.