I am the ugliest person I've ever seen

I am the ugliest person I've ever seen

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I’ve seen worse looking guys get pussy. Don’t be so down on yourself

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Cheer up, and you're cool! Go and search for hobbies that you would be interested in, and meet other people with interests in those, as well. Maybe join a club for after work/school hours, and even a church group.

You say it, must be true.

Obviously you’re posting this shit out of pity, looking for compliments.

Too bad. You’re one ugly fuck. Hope you’ve got a good personality.

This guy is always posting his stupid face saying hes ugly af and nobody will ever love him, going to get plastic surgery, going to off himself, i think he should post more of his asshole

Ugliest guy I've ever seen to lad

ok Douglas

Is this just some random user posting this persons face or is it actually him? I've seen him several times on Yea Forums

You have posted this shit for at least a year.... KYS?

Me too, ive wondered the same thing
Its getting really old tho

Why don't you have a shave, get a proper hair cut and lose some weight? Are you depressed? If so there is help available.

Losing some weight could improve the situation significantly

Hes ugly inside and out

Definitely not op....

You obviously haven't been on any "rate my girlfriend" threads.

>Obviously you’re posting this shit out of pity, looking for compliments


This is now a Eugenia fap thread

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He's an alcoholic, he's divorced.
Wife ran off with that Jamaican guy.
He's failed at every jive-ass money hustle he's ever tried.
He's in a mountain of debt.
- He hates his mother.
- He hates himself. He hates everybody.
- He has erectile dysfunction.
- He's got halitosis.
He's got that runt ball.
He said one of his balls was shriveled up...
- Oh, yeah. ...like a spoiled grape.
Wasn't it that quarterback on the Bears who had his ball crushed on the field. Right?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Right, right.
- '82? Yeah, yeah.
- He came back from that, though.
- Strong as ever.
- F*ck yeah.
- But I don't know about Lou.
- It's just like...
- No.
It's just like an accumulation of punishment.

Fuck off skeleton

Turn that frown upside down,
And the world will smile back at you.
Loose some weight and 'the world' will include girls, you're not that ugly user.
You just need confidence.

If it makes you feel better you look like a cross between a gnome and Patton Oswalt, who also looks like a gnome. Just get a cone hat and wear a burlap sack, go barefoot, and you're all set for Halloween. Tell everyone that you're an underwear gnome, or panty gnome if girls are around. Will totally get you laid brah.

I could wank to your face if you want me to

you know, i have all the first 20 seasons of "south park" on dvd and blu ray and seasons 21 and 22 as pirate rips, and i still don't understand the period when kenny really dies for a good amount of time--i know that he is regenerated, not just because his parents keep having him but because they're in the cult of cthulhu--and then comes back and why after that, he never dies again.

i just don't get the joke about why they stopped killing kenny.

I often think about how it would feel to leap to my death

Bump niggers

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SPBP. This guy gets it.

OP, have a better attitude. Follow that guy's advice.

Anyone else think he looks like HungryBox?

It would hurt

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You are fine dude, far from ugly. Workout a bit, shave off any excessive fat you might have, and start taking care of your self a bit more, like trimming your beard better, or having a haircut once in a while

Your 'I'm so ugly' mentality is what's holding you back, so go do something interesting instead of bitching in Yea Forums

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I imagine it feels really free, I feel numb in my legs when I imagine it. The problem is hitting the ground

I think to kill myself I'm going to use a very long rope and leap from very high up so it snaps my neck and minimize my suffering

Was gonna say this actually

you are seriously littering this board though. like for 5 years

Are you gay or straight?
Cuz just saying, if you have a steady income
some dude who enjoys bottoming for you would make you a very happy person
but the trick is getting off your lazy ass and going down to the bar to socialize.
Either that or online dating.

She got better though

you look like a fart personified.

dear op;

i am a man that can offer advice. I am also a man that will not entertain attention seekers.

Please tell me there are nudes
I need him

I got dibs on this angel

Nobody wants to hear this I thinks its important anyways. Don't aim outside your league, even if you want to go something better, don't. Getting rejected feels much worse than getting something you don't want.

Are you saying I'm not in OP's league? You don't know me...….. I will fight all the bitches for this man, and I WILL WIN.

You look a lot like this man .....youtu.be/H05UZaa1o58
If you two look identical and this dude has managed to amass 1.6 million subscribers, then you probably look fine. Nice beard by the way! [Remove the five dots from the link]

Nobitch. The guy in your picture is kind of cute, but OP is GORGEOUS... Like, I can't even...

You're not wrong, that supple man beard really gets the motors going

You're right. Get off of Yea Forums and kill yourself fag

This support your getting on Yea Forums is more than enough proof that you're good looking. This is bigger than be called beautiful on any other platform, this i fucking Yea Forums, these people would rather call you faggot nigger and tell you to kill yourself before they ever said anything nice and yet here we are telling you you're a fly looking dude

Don't worry man, I don't know about anyone else but I also feel like shit when looking at myself, But I know that that shit's just in my head.

user you aren't ugly, but me and you will always feel like that.

You very nice, OP.

Bro cheer up. There is a woman out there for you. This one is single.

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