I’m the Virginia TV Man, ask me anything

I’m the Virginia TV Man, ask me anything.

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whered you get them


Are you the Virginia TV man?

lameass faggot

Prove it

i can't believe you guys don't get it
this is Yea Forums
come on now
think about it

The local dump, Craigslist, letgo, and the side of the road on one occasion.

What you think about Vhs Pussy


you should put some sort of message on them


I like VHS, I’ve got a a bunch of them and several TVs that play VHS and DVDs. They’ve got a charm to them I can’t explain.

Is the tv head heavy

but why tho

No, the fact that people keep saying that is bizarre. It’s obviosly been fucking hollowed out. The real bitch was how it dogged up tho.

how do we know youre really him though?

A lot of reasons, but the reason I started the year before was because it was funny.

Sorry, but you’ll have to take a leap of faith. If I give enough proof then that’s verifiable info on me, and that would jeopardize the mystery. The mystery is everything. It may end soon enough though if I’m caught.

Put that tv on your head, put a shoe on the tv take a selfie. Post it with time stamp

You sure?

Lol so you arent him. If you were you could atleast show the TV head with a times stamp next to it.

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this, please.

This please op

Are you planning to do something new with that character or are you just continue placing TV's in front of peoples Doors?

Also a picture of the Tv Head with a Timestamp would be appreciated

Leave a sticky note on the next TV you "deliver" with the content "Yea Forums" make a picture then come back.
With News article and Picture side by side. Until then, you're just a pretentious fag.

How do you stealthily deliver CRTs with a CRT on your head?

No. The heads have been hidden, but I suppose I can show this.

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Someone using android reverse image this

Don't be a fucking faggot op put on the tv and put a hat on top

You don’t wear it the whole time. You just put it on for the houses with cameras.

You retard you don’t need an android to reverse image search dumbass

Did you hide them and lose them? You can’t just show up and be like “it’s me” with zero evidence and have us believe you. Provide proof or shut the fuck up. A stack of tvs in the back of a pawn shop doesn’t do anything for proof. Shoe on tv head or gtfo

fucking retard go back to preschool

Never stated it as a necessity, you retard. I’m not downloading a new browser to reverse search on my phone. Your senseless comment doesn’t do fuck all to see if it’s on google images. Go be stupid somewhere else.

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Preschool? Summerfag

Pawn shop? The heads are not in my dwelling anymore. I can take no pictures with them.

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>Shoe on tv head or gtfo
Sage until proof awailable.

It isn’t a browser you fucking mutt.. just run it through a site— how stupid are you

Not as stupid as you. Obviously.

How long have you been a security guard? I can make out a lot in the reflection of the tv's.

Can you fix my 32 inch Zenith?

Ha! Security guard. I’m the opposite of a security guard. That building is an abandoned space I got into through some insanely lucky means. I used it for storage until it got pinched.

Clean that dirty baseboard

Nope, I can’t fix a thing, but I can clean it.

I did, before delivering it.

what kind of ball cap you wearing? im assuming its blue. are you a antifa cuck? youre wearing a bandana

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You need to do it again, tell us when to watch the news

Can I have one? I want to pick up melee again.

I'm one of the homeowners? Why couldn't it have been a nice 40'' flat screen TV, and not this wonky piece of shit that looks like it was made in the 1990s? You cheap ass Jew.


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Still have it?

What the fuck am I looking at here?

Yeah, you want it?

Do you live in Virginia?

The land of the Virgins


no you aren't

I’m sorry you didn’t like it.


>pic related

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How close to Glen Allen? If it’s in the right area I can target your neighborhood next year.

tell us when you're going to deliver more TVs.
Leave a post-it on a few of them that just say Yea Forums.
or fuck, even "OP delivered".

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Thought you could post a pic. But yeah I’ll take it

how did it feel when most of the people had police take them away despite being perfectly functioning?

INFURIATING, but not unexpected. At least they got recycled properly, and at least 7 people kept them.

If I had got one I would've felt like christmas came early. Did you feel like santa in a way?

Felt more like mission impossible, I’m glad there are people like you around though. I actually hate it when people call me TV Santa Clause.

>the absolute state of Yea Forums

So are you from Hampshire? I fucked up on one or two houses with cameras, but like is this legit? I don’t think it is but that hat comment has me intrigued.

gonna do it again? maybe with walkman's or vhs players?

I’ll be orchestrating it next time I’d I can convince my accomplices to do it, but not participating directly in the drop. Cops have pretty much caught me cause I fucked up a bit after the big night.

And it’ll be TVs again if it does happen again. I’ve already got my boys collecting TVs.

>are you from Hampshire
no im from Florida
>I fucked up on one or two houses with cameras, but like is this legit?
just look at the reflection its all completely visible. its some kind of hat like a booney hat or ball cap or something, but its visible

in the others photos you can see something on your hips that looks like a gun or utility belt with a tool on it, looks like tucked pants and slacks on with one hand in a pocket and the other on your phone

im also just a fellow autist im not the 5-0

Where did you get that photo?

you can zoom in on the photo further to enhance your reflection in the tv

check this one out

Attached: other reflection.png (722x695, 401K)

Actually nevermind, that’s obviously not me. No skin was ever showing, so the white of that pic makes it obvious it’s not me. But I was wearing a baseball cap when I wasn’t wearing the TV.

you can reverse image search on ios on google like any other device


It right here center TV in the middle, look at the top reflection your arm and skin is showing

Oh I see. Its from that picture. Then the skin makes sense

pretty cool OP. going to sleep night

Very accurate read on my height, I’ve git to commend you for that.

i was wrong you werent wearing a bandana but you can see a blue cap because your shit was black...youre right-handed though because you snapped the button with ur right hand

looks like maybe a beard around ur mouth and clean shaven around the rest of ur face

were u wearing a backpack or camel bag? or is it just some weird design on ur shirt?

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You’re getting further and further off track. I’m always clean shaven or with a few whiskers. I was probably wearing an over shirt, so that’s what’s throwing you off.

Wait, no, I’m not wearing an over shirt, but yeah I’m wearing a hat.

You faggots really fell for the bait lol. Damn you guys are stupid as fuck.

I understand why you’d think it’s bait. That’s fair, since I’m not providing outright proof.

listen turd burglar its 5 am and i have nothing better going on

i swear to god the more i fool with this image the more it looks like op is thanatos wearing a nazi helmet wearing hunting overall and biker gloves

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Bro, chill bro, lemme see if I got any more pics from the office

Forgot about this pic from after the space got pinched.

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Sorry there’s no reflection for you to obsess over this time. Cops came in and turned them all on their face to check the serial numbers.

>Sorry there’s no reflection for you to obsess over this time
oh well it passed some time for me thanks OP
>Cops came in and turned them all on their face to check the serial numbers.
did you get caught?

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Kinda, but only cause I was cocky after. I got all the TVs out of there for the big night.

No faggot. We won't.

Photo of OP from my hidden Nest cam. I saw you touch yourself in the bushes, don't lie.

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dibs on the woodgrain RCA one

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Whats EXIF data

Ah, I wish you could’ve taken it, but the house I gave it to was ungrateful and threw it away. You can see it getting loaded into a truck on the news footage.


only thing you can get from these pics is they were taken with a android phone

Well shit. some people have no taste. Heres's a CTC21

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>no proof
Fuck off

what a coincidence! I'm also the Virginia TV man!

The plot thickens

When's the next time you'll bring more TVs?

Next August

Still doing it in VA? If so, then where?

In VA again, Henrico area.

I did. I inseminated each tv.

This would be cool, if it had any kind of contrast and black levels

>mfw i see OP in a black schoolgirl skirt and knee socks

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Night OP, can't wait to see if TV man will actually come back on August

Based kitty

Get what?
Enlightenment needed.

Why is someone paying for the power bill to an abandoned place?

No I'm the Virginia TV Man
