Google Software Engineer here, bored and drunk. AMA

Google Software Engineer here, bored and drunk. AMA.

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Other urls found in this thread:

How worthless is your terminator job?

Dumping copy pasta in the meantime

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Pretty worthless. Google is mass hiring programmers to make sure other companies can't compete. I have been at Google for a little over 6 years now, and so far I've only really made a meaningful contribution twice.

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Should google help governments develop weapons assisted by AI

Tricky question, but I say yes. Most people at Google have a moral stance against it, (esp. in China) but as I have grown more bored with the company, I just want them to make me money.

Honestly, if we don't do it, someone else (like Oracle) will. AI can be used for good, depending on who establishes themselves as an authority first.

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Also, no, Google isn't spying on you. Most teams here are incompetent, and wouldn't know how to do an SQL join on a DB table. (Google uses Spanner nowadays, but that aside). People here are generally good, but overly individualistic. Teamwork is not valued.

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How much do you work?
And since you work for the search engine how much content/shit do you have access to?

I work from about 10am to 6:30 pm, with an hour for lunch and about 30 minutes for coffee breaks. As for access, I'm cloud so not much access. I can see the query-rewriter results, , Google's internal version of Wayback Machine, but not sure what else.

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>I just want them to make me money.
me too

should I keep buying GOOGL?

Why are my image searches so SJW and evil?

I try looking for a video and I can't find it.

I see you're posting Simpson comics that's what I meant.

You go to target you see a pokemon plush toy. You buy shit shits expensive and hard to find.

What can you find that i don't? Comics and movies etc. YouTube channels. Surprise us

I would, but the trading policy won't let me. I would buy for Waymo, but not much else. Ads is done, Youtube sucks donkey dick, and Android Playstore is a loser. Fucking tons of money wasted on Gmail and Chrome. Google is not very wise with money.

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Search results are mainly influenced by location, so try searching on a VPN or TOR. The results are tailored based on what you are most likely to click, so if you see something odd, it's because most other people click on it.

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if oracle does it will link go back up

I am not a SFW filter person like you read about in the news. Most people inside Google are very sensitive about sexuality, and love to get offended by anything about it. The safe Search filtering is way on the other side of Mountain View, and they kind of keep to themselves. I dont have access to the shiz they do..

The only thing I can find that you can't is *why* certain decisions are made. For example, Youtube blocks Alt-right content, because it doesn't make much money.

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link with the rolls. always

Link the crypto?

How do you keep Amazon from taking your ad revenue?

how can you live with yourself when your filthy company has ditched their--albeit gay--motto of "don't be evil" and dissed russia, saying they didn't deserve to be in the olympics because they have a law against teaching children to be faggots? basically, they first said that anyone should have the right to teach children to be perverts and now, you faggots are against creating something ICE or any government agency SJWs hate.

it's beneath me, but i'm a CS major and have 25 years of serious experience with computers and the internet and i almost dream of EXTREMELY impressing google and getting a job offer just to laugh and say FUCK YOU!

What is the real political stance that are targeting weak minded peoples, and also i would like to ask you what's wrong with this
pic related

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Amazon doesn't really make revenue from Ads (maybe a little, but it isn't their core business). Amazon is Cloud Provider, and about 8x larger than Google based on estimates. Amazon treats their workers like shit, so it isn't that hard to poach their talent. 2 guys on my team are from AWS.

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You're a faggot I see one of those new yuppies and company men. Go fuck yourself.

Sage this shit boys! This abomination is what ruined Yea Forums

yeah dumb question nvm

get back to work moot

>doesn't really make revenue from Ads
I know but Google does.
But more people are skipping Google and going straight to Amazon to perform searches for purchases.
Does Google perceive this behavior as a threat?

Let me respond individually. First, it's only a job. It pays money. I want and need money. I am literally being paid to do thing I don't want to do.

>how can you live with yourself when your filthy company has ditched their--albeit gay--motto of "don't be evil" and dissed russia, saying they didn't deserve to be in the olympics because they have a law against teaching children to be faggots? basically, they first said that anyone should have the right to teach children to be perverts and now, you faggots are against creating something ICE or any government agency SJWs hate.

Remember that Google had like 100K employees, and about 130k contractors. It's a big company and some people are loud mouthed faggots who think they speak on behalf of everyone. (I would be fired for saying this). How can I work here? Easy, I don't take this shit personally, and I don't think working for a place means you agree with the rest of them. I just want to work on cool programming challenges.

> it's beneath me, but i'm a CS major and have 25 years of serious experience with computers and the internet and i almost dream of EXTREMELY impressing google and getting a job offer just to laugh and say FUCK YOU!

Okay, do it. And when the moment of truth comes were they offer you $600k, you'll find out how strongly you actually believe that. I'm guessing you'll do what the rest of us do and fold.

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The thing you need to remember is that most of the search results are based on machine learning, not humans. The machine (i.e. Tensorflow code) scours the Internet and determines what shit is related to what. Then another program decides on what links will generate the most ad revenue (or in this case, controversy). It's really pretty automatic, as Google hates having humans in the process. This is also why it's impossible to get any sort of customer support if you lose access to your account, Google doesn't want to pay humans.

From my POV (again, not on search), this is just "some program returned results that you don't like". It was made to optimize for ad spend, and it does a good job.

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will not comply.

Faggot? no. Company man? Also no. I'm disenchanted with the company. I also know a lot about it. Either learn from me or don't.

Moot works in jew York, I work in the Bay Area.

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>Google hates having humans in the process
This is interesting topic, can you please write moar about that, or could you share some links for us?

Yes, a ton. In a world where people stay entirely in walled gardens (like Apple apps), there is no need to search for stuff. Companies will just tell you what to look for, or what to ask. Amazon just needs you to come to their site first, and search there.

Google leaderhip sees this, and has made several other "bets" like self-driving cars and Cloud, because they know ad revenue is going down. Normally, we call this CPC, or cost per click, It's the amount of money Google gets when you click on an ad. This has been steadily declining, mainly due to people using their phone instead of websites.

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Haha OP I work at the data centers that run your code

I see that gay shit fam. Have fun with your meme job doing nothing. Your company will be bankrupt in the news any day now.

It's all about scaling. A single support person can do about 10-30 cases a day. In order to serve all 7 billion people on earth (which is their goal), they would need like 230million employees, which is impractical. If there is a linear relationship between number of users and number of support people, it wont work.

Instead, they want the computers to take over most of the company, and pay as few people as possible. (nothing saying about how *much* those people get paid).

Also, computers provide a lot of plausible deniability. "It wasn't us who screwed with the election, it was the Advertisers|Users|Computers". It's a safety bet.

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Did you get there right after graduation?
Where are you located?
How hard was it to get in?
Is the money worth it?

pcms/ represent. Is it true they just leave the dead machines in place because its more expensive to swap them out?

Happy to get paid a shit ton while the company goes under. It's all the same to me.

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>Did you get there right after graduation?
I had one brief job before hand, so I guess yeah.

> Where are you located?
Sunnyvale, Ca.

> How hard was it to get in?
Pretty easy. Just study some coding questions, like dynamic programming and binary trees. Honestly people who say it's hard are the people who didn't study.

> Is the money worth it?
Is it worth being pampered and having a cushy hob where I don't have to work that hard and get to work with world class people and eat free snacks all day and go on fun offsites? Yes. It's worth it.

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I, too, am not an sjw but can mask it reasonably well.
Even for my menial position (not coding) the pay is decent. They try to keep folks sedated with perks like food so the pay is somewhat lower than other IT positions (though I imagine it varies across the company)

Do you know why is Google corporation tracking and invading personal privacy on everyone with social networks (fakebook, twidder, instagram, etc)? You don't have to answer if you don't want to.

you wont last long if you aren't on board with the memegen mob. Try telling people you voted for Trump and see how they treat you from then on. It's becoming a monoculture.

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What do you do at the job/how hard or taxing is it?

Hardware operations here. Nah, active swaps all the time. I work on the networking aspect though. We'll get caught up trying to resolve the most niggling little bit errors though it's absurd.

Oh, there's definitely times I feel l'appel du vide and want to go full intersectional.
Hiring people outside of the bay area gets one of two types. Folks who aren't batshit liberal, and the purple haired pseudo woke folk who think they're finally in their safe space.
Dunning kreuger runs strong with the latter

>Do you know why is Google corporation tracking and invading personal privacy on everyone with social networks (fakebook, twidder, instagram, etc)? You don't have to answer if you don't want to.

Because it's worth money? The simplest answer is usually the correct one.

Ok so hear me out: Companies are made up of people. Each of these people wants to get more money, be promoted, be recognized, etc. They think that they can optimize the amount of money Google makes by using more data to find patterns / trends that no one else yet has found. They don't know what is going to be useful until well after it has been collected*. So the safe bet is to collect everything they (the individual worker) can, analyze the data later, make some change in how ads are served, improve income, and in turn get promoted. It's pretty bland, and there is no larger scheme here. It's just PMs and managers being greedy.

* They have specific training internally telling people to NOT do this, but meh. It's called gShoe.

Iowa or Atlanta, perhaps?

For some reason that latter type tend to be SREs rather than SWEs. not sure why.

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> AMA and no one has asked anything personal about me.

> Nothing asked about how much of people's data I have access to

Maybe Google/Myself is becoming irrelevant.

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I'll shy away from telling my location on here, but one of those two is correct. You on FB? I have an alt acct I'll give you if so.

Coincidentally, SRE is seen as a way to "really make it" with a number of the folks in my Dept.

Stadia....are they legit? Or is it something they are trying to see what sticks. It seems very half baked.

former Facebook ads engineer, now work in other ads related major business. Ads make a lot of money. It may not be a growth business at Google, but it is reliable profit center for the foreseeable future.

Former facebook engineer: yes, if alt-right content didn't piss off advertisers, there would be less motive to block it. Also, all political campaigns on all sides spend an incredible amount on online advertising. It's hilarious that in comparison to the millions of dollars of ad spend, a few russian trolls are blamed for the Trump presidency. So clueless wow

Post secure pizza links as proof.

well those kind of question is what you're desiring to be asked for. You've already write to me that google is invading privacy only because of money and greedy managers. Did you protect your privacy online, if so share us some tips & tricks how to do that. We are aware that there is no such thing as a 100% privacy online, but also we can protect ourselves from releasing data of our pc-s.

Does google look at your search history when you apply? If so, will they realize I'm a pedophile?

Not going to reveal myself either, but I am going to guess council bluffs. Happy just to know others are on here too. SREs are kind of paid pager monkeys in my experience. They are treated better, but their oncall life is no good.

One of the people on my team worked on a product that was used for Stadia (it was a DirectX + Network Driver integration). They ended up leaving to go back to work on related things, so I am guessing they didn't see much future in the Google maintained version. That being said, I have seen several people around the office wearing the stadia t-shirts. People here like it.

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Yes. Yes.

Wouldn't I be a spy then? I asked you about getting itemsnot people.

How many dicks did you have to suck to get the job and how much do you make a year?
Also what really happens in those penthouses?

Former FB engineer, posted a few other times. I earn almost $1MM this year doing ads engineering at another company. I do a lot of interviews.

I promise you that nobody will care if you interview for an IC role. The only way anybody would care is if you had some potentially interesting company that was an acquisition target, and you snubbed the people trying to acquire you after they spent a lot of time "building the relationship" with you. I don't advise purposely pissing off a team of people who have billions of dollars of "other's people money" and a motive to fuck you up.

Growth is what matters, not stability. That ad revenue will dry up as people move away from computers accessing the internet. I don't see it as a reason to invest in Google.

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The FB eng. Why hire people to do a vague task when, if it can be quantified, machines can do it much better and automatically? Pretty simple.

Agreed. Google is nothing but a bunch of supporters of the filthy homo agenda, which slowly rots the brain of our youth to believe their homo propaganda. They are perverting the minds of our young people and these filthy evil homos must be stopped!

>>They ended up leaving to go back to work on related things, so I am guessing they didn't see much future in the Google maintained version.

Cheers user, tech is way over my head tbh. I just look at the idea as a whole and it's price point as a hard sell.

BTW you'd laugh at my comp as an L1 in non bay area. $40k, plus s&b. Y'all mf's out there can't even count that low.

lol wow this is the best thread. Thank you Yea Forums

jeez. how far back do they search? how does that even work? would they care if i search stuff up about drugs?

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.


Any advice for getting an internship and/or job? Are you SOL if you don't go to a top-tier school? Also how's the pay

You're morally bankrupt.

Yeah, agree. People just want a neck to wring.

Run with uMatrix browser plugin, and disable JS. Also don't ever use airport wifi, as they correlate your MAC address with your browsing habbits. They can see what domains your visit. I don't log into my Gmail account, and I use Firefox. Just not worth the monoculture risk.

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Let's march with our fellow brothers of Kekistan to defend our straight, white nation!

How toxic is the culture within Google towards straight white males?

do you have access to classified documents? could someone like you get clearance?
would you consider becoming a whistleblower?

No, they don't, but they will do a background check. Just don't have committed any violent crimes.

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Wait. So you can see all the feet pics I search? Sheeeeeeiiiiiiittttttt

Depends on what you want to do. "Smarts hands" stuff like I do - the lowest rung in the company, requires no degree. I had no prior IT exp but I learn quick and am not socially retarded.
OP's work takes more studying/smarts

Does 3rd degree sexual assault of a child under 13 count as a non-violent crime?

Former FB eng who is claiming to make almost $1MM/yr here. The best advice I can give you is study leetcode and get into a FANG company. It will open doors. Be prepared to delete this entire chapter of your life. Nothing will hold you back more than admitting that other people thought you were only worth $40k and you accepted it.

Not OP, but yeah that shit ain't gonna fly

I haven't sucked any dicks ever, that's gross. Being personable and friendly (and able to answer technical questions) is enough. Google lowers their bar every day.

I make about 440K a year, from salary, stock, and bonus. Not sure what Penthouses you are referring to.

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This is an outrage

Not OP, but the FB eng. Top-tier school helps pass resume screen and your initial offer as a new grad, but the only thing that matters is that you pass the programming interview for eng. Do every question on Once you have a FANG on your resume, switch after 2 years and claim a higher compensation than what you are actually getting paid.

How many qt Asians do you work with?

>I use Firefox.
Same as me, but i have a different extensions, and also i've done firefox hardening. Here is the list of my browser extensions:
>Smart HTTPS
>Canvas Blocker
>Smart Referer
>Privacy Badger
>Cookie Auto Delete
>uBlock Origin advanced user with JS disabled
>Ask Blocker
So what do you think, am i good to go? Also i would like to thank you very much

They do indeed lower their bar in order to meet their diversity quotas. If blacks are barely literate, how the hell do you expect them to write code? And women belong in the fucking kitchen.

FB engineer here. I married the CS MS girl who was Chinese. She is now an EM and make about $.6k to $1M per year depending on equity.

Sorry, if you didn't fuck girls in school, you can't at work. Too late. Last manager that I hated was fired for fucking some asian QT.

Thanks, I guess. I'm the other Google employee in this thread. It's literally my first year in IT and I'm already looking at other departments. I doubt coding is in my future but who knows

Perks of being a multi billionare with your other multibillionare friends: you get your opinions out there. Don't like it? Do a better job than them.

I dont laugh at other peoples comp. I want all SWEs to make shit tons of money.

Ask me something that only a programmer could answer. Let's see how good I am at LARPing at C++.

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FB eng: women are just as regularly boring writing the same ads code as everybody else. They are 80% Chinese and 20% Indian though.

You need to pass the coding interview, and actually be great at software engineering to advance past E4. If you're not likely to do that, then I don't know how to help you.

I think it' s early yet, and long term it's something other companies aren't really offering. The price point may need to be figured out as they go.

Grind on leetcode, learn Dynamic Programming. Also be ready to take code criticism. Don't take it personally.

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I am not.

Not very. Everyone is shilling "diversity", but it's hard to even qualify what that is. For example, When I interview a candidate, I'm not allowed to refer to them as "he" or "she". They say use "the candidate" or TC when referring to them. I find it almost dehumanizing.

Also, most people at Google are Chinese or Indian. White people are not the majority.

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>do you have access to classified documents? could someone like you get clearance?

Not classified classified. I can get clearance, but I'd have to stop working at Google. Having any contact with foreign nationals is a no-no, and that's what most Google employees and contractors are.

I would never be a whistle blower. Too much risk. Not enough benefits. Also, generally, I think Google is a force of good in the world. Imagine how much email spam there would be without gmail.

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If I had a business reason to do so, and the ACLs to do it, then yes. But I don't have a reason unless something is wrong, or your query breaks us. If you search for Hobbit porn and that makes our backends crash, then yeah, I could go look at what your were searching for and why you pressed F5 like 100 times.

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If you were a hiring manager, would you hire people with that record?

Google dude here, show how did you manage 1MM a year? Is it just RSU appreciation?

none, most asians are extremely ugly. It's amazing they decide to reproduce so fast. The only kinda cute girls at work (and there are very few) are indians, but they smell bad. There is no work romance.

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I'm not opposed to learning it at all,just haven't come across an instructional method at really clicks yet. Cramming my foot in the door was my priority last year. It was a definite come up for me
I'm all for making "fuck you" money like you're talking about but if it comes to living on a liberal shithole state I'll pass.

what would make it an inrage?

There are no black people at work. I dont think there is even one on my floor.

missing firejail, but looks pretty good. Be careful though, all those extensions will slow down normal browsing.

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Yes, mostly. I'm E6.

We have a scant few at the DC here, I know they'd loveeeee to hire more.

Do I have to be smart or know anything to get a job at google?

Ah. I'm a mere L5 at Google. I'm pretty FB pays better, but I don't feel like commuting up the 101. Also, I don't see a future for FB after Instagram has run it's course. I thought they might buy TikTok, but it hasn't happened yet.

Also, why the fuck are you posting on Yea Forums instead of FB?

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I've seen the amount of RSUs you guys get at E4+ and its insane. I got an initial grant of 20k, and I imagine my annual will be somewhere around 6k.

Be a good programmer, be moderately smart, and practice for coding interviews. After that, no you dont need to be very special to keep your job. What is your skillset?

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How to make $0.5M to $1M TAC in tech as a minion IC
1) work at a FANG and get to at least E5 and 4yr experience. This will get you to about 400k/yr. Don't suck or work in a lame department. SWE only.
2) switch jobs to a growing top tier company that hires you in at E5 or E6 and matches your TAC.
3) After a few years, if both you and your company did well, you will be around $.6 to $1M TAC.

when it becomes self aware, will it think of all the software engineer employees as it's mommy? and if not, will it kill you guys first or last?

I never write anything on FB except to like my parent's dog pictures or something like that, and you shouldn't either.

If google has so many programmers how come all their software sucks so fucking bad?

Read the thread. For OPs type of work, yes. To swap hard drives at a data center, no. He makes about 10x what I do though (and lives in an area that's rather expensive, but regardless...)
Based roadmap to success

How do I bypass the stupid Google account phone lock?

No it will think of them as meat.

it doesn't suck. Any code you see as bad is mainly due to bad PMs, not bad programmers. The programmers here are better than anywhere else.

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Because motherfuckers are using more and more applications and we're constantly spinning plates between the software and server side dog things to keep up. Our data centers are HUGE and yet we constantly need more space to store your furry porn cache.

Who the fuck is pulling the strings with AMP and why do they think it's a good idea?

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Then why does Chrome take infinite RAM?

And why do you need a 12 core [email protected] to run a cell phone with Android?

Again agree. FANG is just a springboard to other, higher paying companies.

You can't unless you are a nation. Otherwise, you'll need to liquid cool the RAM, bring it to the lab, make a mirror image of the data, and then scan it. It's very expensive. Modern phones are encrypted, so if you turned it off, you're fucked.

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Because unused ram is wasted RAM. There is a tradeoff in computing where you can use more CPU, but less RAM, or more RAM and less CPU. Chrome opts for the latter. If you don't like this tradeoff, it will use more CPU power, and also make your battery drain faster. Modern operating systems move the used ram to disk when it isn't being actively used (e,g. those 150 tabs you never open). The ram usage isn't really a problem.

Because Andy Rubin is a fucking jackass and decided to use Java to make android apps. All civilization is paying for his sins.

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I’ve met a lot of, frankly, hot Asian women that work at google but they’re all in marketing.

OP I'm calling it quits for the night but it was good to shoot the shit. If you want to, my FB alt is"John Harris" with this profile pic. Would enjoy chatting more -datacenter dude

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I prefer to remain anonymous, but I'll be around. Also enjoy commiserating.

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>unused ram is wasted ram
You presume that all computers have 32gb of fucking ram just for your shitbag web browser. Sometimes I like to run AutoCAD AND use the internet.

Yeah, that's going to be in a different city altogether. My main complaint is they have very small boobs, and almost no ass. Face is usually alright.

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I'm just gonna ask: how high are the chances that google has all my relevant data like search history, background info about my life, friends/family, etc. saved and would be able to weaponize them in case I ever became a dissident posing a serious threat? (Pls Don't argue about the serious threat part, I'm just trying to know whether this hypothetical scenario could happen)

So when that happens, the ram used by one of the programs is persisted to your harddrive, and freed up for the actively running application. If you are using Windows monitor, these events are called pagefaults, and the more of them that happen the slower your machine gets. But that said, Chrome won't try to use memory it doesn't have. If you limit Chrome memory to 40 MB (like on phones), it will work just fine. Maybe a little slower, but you can set your own boundaries and it will conform. If you are using Linux, you can set this with ulimit.

Can you, or a coworker that you know, look up someone's account information and give it to me?

google is nothing to worry about compared to shit like lexisnexis

Hi m00t, how’s the fight going on the inside.

High chances they do have all this data. You will probably never run for public office. That said, Google could only fire this gun once. After they outed you, every other person on the planet would avoid Google and they'd lose money. So unless you're the next Hitler, they probably won't use it against you.

Also, if the U.S. Government comes to Google with a Subpoena, they have to give Uncle Sam the data. It would be illegal not to.

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>$.6k to $1M
$.6k - that is some span there friend, did you mean $0.6M ?

It would be a good idea if Google bought LexisNexis. I think they have a monopoly on legal search.

How come you're so sure I'll never run for public office? Statistical likeliness, the fact that I'm on Yea Forums or did you just say that out of the blue?

Never heard of LexisNexis before. Anyone care to give a summary and why they're bad?

They think it's a good idea because it means they dont have to deal with News companies suing them. That's the real motivation. Google was lifting samples of headlines from News websites because they were overladen with ads. (like LA times). AMP was a compromise between them. News sites must load fast, Google doesn't show cached results.

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no, we would be fired. They audit those access logs heavily, and have done so for a while now.

still not moot.

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It's a search engine for lawyers to look up case law. Because the company is itself lawyers, they prevent any other companies from legally being allowed to make a similar service. It's an actual monopoly. Hence, why it would be good if Google bought them.

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Hop on someone at work that you don't Luke's computer when they leave it unlocked and search from there?I

I want myfaerielove's phone number!

Time for bed, out.

Not risking getting caught. People here aren't dumb.

I currently support a LexisNexis appliance. My experience has been:

- The root password is hard coded. If you try and change it, all the cron jobs that hard code the root password break. Advice from our account manager is that developers don't see the problem
- Despite running Linux, they actually have a selling point "no open source software"
- There's literally no updates ever. They release updates for their own software, but I can't have a conversation without someone warning me that applying a RedHat rpm update will break their app

It's a shitshow

bump dubs