My parents bought my sister a fucking car for her 16th birthday...

My parents bought my sister a fucking car for her 16th birthday. I asked them for a decent PC for months now and got nothing. It's not fair Yea Forumsros :(

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Maybe you shouldn't have baught your kid a range rover. Maybe you shoulda just you know thought about it a little while. Because we see why your kids a bastard.

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Life ain't fair. Now get a job, you fucking parasite. Your parents spawned you to carry on the family name, not be a goddamn leech.

shorts not tight enough. front of shirt too flappy. 3/10

Nothing is fair and life doesn't owe you shit nor do your parents. Instead of life asking to jerk you off do it yourself. Work and save to get your own PC.

Get over it quit sucking dick and stay off b pussy boy

How many times are you going to post this exact same thread

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Stay positive. They might buy you a car too when you turn 16.

Go to sleep and get a job kid. It's a school night

Is that you Farris?

This. Just hang in there, kiddo.


just transition. you'll get a better car and some cool drugs or your parents go to jail.


I just turned 21

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I think she's to short to even see the fucking road

Well what did you get for your 16th birthday? You can't get a crazy good gift every year.

This makes it even more pathetic. My parents rarely bought me fucking food and you are complaining you dont have the latest 2080ti or some bullshit?

>It's not fair
>I just turned 21

oh dear

You're pathetic. I would have kicked you out by now

Like I said the last time you posted this
> Kill sister
> Sell car
> Buy PC

OP post bikini pics of ur sister for me to beat my dick too, shes got a hot bod.

Maybe you should suck daddy's cock like your sister and you'd get what you want.

>21, and leeching off of your parents because my GPU and CPU is a month out of date

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Is your sister hot and you're fat and ugly?

fucking neet

Ha the nerve of this faggot

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but think about all the degenerate sex you'd be missing out on