I'm ending it tomorrow. Just don af. Going out in the most peaceful way I can imagine: copious amounts of xanax, klonopin, and heroin.
I'm ending it tomorrow. Just don af. Going out in the most peaceful way I can imagine: copious amounts of xanax...
Don't do it user. I'll miss you
what do you want us to say stop?
stop nigg-errrr. buy a motorbike and fuck bitches
Just do it, there is enough assholes on this planet
Wtf is that? Did you melt all the sour patch kids together and now you’re gonna inject it?
well, if you are gonna die anyhow, post some pics of your dick.
** this is the universe speaking to you **
It is not your time yet. Do NOT try tomorrow. In two years time, on September 25 2021 to be exact, you will find a great joy and realization in your life's purpose(s). Look out for the number 47.
And so her watch has ended.
this thing hasn't killed itself yet. It must have more guts than you. Sad
trips of truth :o
Oh shit faggot them trips aint lie, don't do it man
dubs of truth
Trips of destiny
but Star Wars episode 9 hasnt been out yet! you will never know how the Skywalker saga ends
I wouldn’t wanna overdose myself that would be a shitty way to go
imagine me being that retarded
you have so many underage animated girls to jack off to tho
fuck there's the truth
trips has spoken
Thanks kind user. I've lost everything and everyone and there's no coming back from it. I tried for years. I'm tired.
The digits do not lie.
No, in fact i thought i'd get a lot of "do it nigger"
listen to the word of god
How about you just get clean.
Judging by the fact that you have access to those narcotics shows you must be a junkie?
I’m 8 day without a cigarette and I’m about to snap, but life feels good.
cya later bro
Why? I watched a kid od on heroin when i was younger. he turned blue but otherwise looked peaceful.
cya tomorrow user
That's a stock photo. I do have easy access if i wanted tho. I did heroin for years.I've been sober for years now too.
Looking to get fucked before you die? Any reason why you wanna die?
i’m about to be homeless. good strategy i will try to find some heroine to. I here it’s a peaceful way to go. this world sucks. i’m done trying to understand it. the only thing I worry about leaving behind is my dog. I’m afraid she won’t survive long without me and I am not selfish to decide her fate . I am torn right now.
Why do you feel this way then?
Get heroin, sell it so you’re not broke?
Because I've lost everything. It's a sadness and hopelessness that I don't even know how to put into words. It's to the point I hardly even eat or take care of myself anymore. I haven't been able to work for a while so have no purpose.
there are plenty like you. you are not alone. go find resources at your local addicts anonymous group, etc. you have people, you just don't know it yet
By the sounds of it you are experiencing some clinical depression. Do you have anybody you can talk to in your real life, such as family or doctor/therapist?
You’re definitely not wrong in saying the world sucks, life really is nothing but disappointment however things like having a dog, dedicated career, girlfriend >shit that actually matters
seems to give life purpose. You should talk to someone in person before you feel the need to check out. It’s never too late
Have a fun ride OP!
Say hi to Bob Ross and Robin Williams for us all
Thank you for your service user now fly free into jesus' open arms
Life is full of phases, this one maybe harder than the past one, but you made it through the others one. Your puppy needs you..fuck off these horrible comments too.
can I have ur video gamez brah?
As new as the cum your dad licked off my ball sac that your mom spit up.
Wont work unless it’s heavy fent and you have no tolerance.
roll for OP's steam account?
jokes on you nerd, i swallowed it all and didn't leave a drop for that cunt
I can imagine this being some Brazilian prophet lol
Give up already!
Nerd? Very original and creative. Thumbs up your mom's butt!
47 says do it op, your time is in fact now
ugh, why would i wanna finger that skank when you've got all that tight juicy boipussy
Have a good trip brother, go out on your terms.
OK bye don't come back!
Please reconsider and become a backyard wrestler. Maybe get a penis pump and change your name.
Don't listen to this homo, OP. Go for it. Relax TO DEATH
tbh that would be so great going out that way.
Trips of Truth hath spoken
do it faggot
I feel same way. Best way to kill yourself is pure helium with CPAP mask. You shouldnt kill yourself though. Everything is temporary. The curtain goes down and when it comes up everything is different. That's the only reason I don't off myself. Also I have a dog and don't want to leave him behind .