Tell me about how you feel today?

Tell me about how you feel today?

Is anything upsetting you?

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My bottom is sore. But the gabepentin im on for anxiety is helping since its also a pain killer.

Doing okay, two hours left for my shift, then I get Monday and Tuesday off.

This neck pain has been killing me for the last 3 days, im starting to get a little worried, also i need to get back to study or im gonna bomb uni exams next week smh

I'm supposed to send some papers by tomorrow, but I've lost these papers ages ago, it has been rather stressing to say the least.

Why is it sore?

What do you do for work?

What kind of pain? Like just a general soreness or what?

What kind of papers what are they for?

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Like an absolute piece of shit

For my university, need to send my high school exam certificates, I only have half of them. It would take over a week to get replacement ones.

does anyone know where the interesting part of Yea Forums went? its all just porn now.

/pol/ is full of retards and reddit is the a bunch of faggots trying to make lame jokes. don't know where to go these days.

also i dont get laid anymore and im in serious debt.

yeah something like that, it hurts more when i move it in a certain way, i may be sleeping on it wrong im not sure


I imagine this isn't the first time they've run into this kind of problem. Have you tried calling to talk about it?

>does anyone know where the interesting part of Yea Forums went?
They didn't go anywhere in particular. They all sort of just move on. You see it all over the place, particularly fandoms. They'll find a hub they like and have a very specific pattern for a while, then they all move on to various things, new shows and movies and forums and hubs. The old Yea Forums didn't go anywhere. It just died.

General soreness generally isn't bad. sharper pains are the serious stuff.

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Just waiting.

>It just died.
sad but glad i at least got to experience a bit of it in its glory days.

Felt pretty shitty the entire day. Don't like work anymore, and certainly don't like being in my home anymore either. I can barely find joy in anything I do during the day.

Don't have friends anymore, zero social life. I've got a family member that I came to actually hate tuckered in my home almost the entire day now, but it seems like that person's actually being here a bit less now, so that makes me a bit more comfortable.

Yeah I've emailed them earlier today, I hope there's an easy way of solving this. I swear, you get one thing off your chest two more things get dropped on you. I don't even really want to go to university to be honest with you. I want to be a pilot.

Retarded monkeys infest the Planet.

Lied to my son's mom in a risky gamble to get her away from the guy that likes her and she likes back.

I'd type out the master plan here but there's a character limit.

What are you waiting for?

I got here around 2011. Wouldn't call it the glory days, but it was certainly much different than it is now. They tried recapturing Yea Forumss essence in other boards but its failed at every turn.

What happened? with that family member i mean. Sometimes you have to just button down the hatches and try to survive user.

Why aren't you going for it then? Pilot school is cheaper, isn't it? My friend makes really good money doing private piloting. I don't know how much he makes but they have like a 10k minimum for their poker nights.

The character limit is like 2000 words and this board is known for multi part story posts. I'm sure you could give us the full story.

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Alright. Give me second. I'm on mobile on the shitter.

A pathological liar destroyed my trust in any human being. I'm lonely.

I can't even find solutions to my own problems user. I don't think there are some sometimes. It's like breaking a leg. You 'recover', but the leg is never the same.

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I don't know, I live in the UK so uni here isn't that expensive, just over 9k for four years, you can get a government loan that you don't have to pay it back until you start earning above a certain number. I thought about joining the airforce, I wouldn't mind the discipline and military life. It's probably the safest branch especially in peace time. Then after I finish my service I could go on to commercial airlines or something.

My son's mom and I aren't together right now, it's on the table though. There's a guy where she works that likes her and she likes him. I have this sneaky probably really bad side of my personality that she has never seen. So this guy, she told me what his first and middle name are because his first name is also mine and she told me where he took her to eat. I used that first and middle name with the assumption that he is from around here and figure out his last name and his address. I like to take her lunch after work because I fucking love this chick. The only part is I have to get there and leave before he goes on his lunch. I bring her food one day about four weeks ago and leave on time, I get up the street and tell her one of my brakes is locking up and I have to pull over. I've been having brake problems. There's this little parking lot where I can see the street he works on and can watch for his car to drive up. He does, I chase him around the parking lot. I tell her he followed me up there from work and was driving around looking at me. She thinks it's weird but it sounds like something he would do, she tells me not to come up there anymore. I say ok. I keep coming up there after I get off just to wait for the guy. I beep, yell his name, flip him off, rev, just whatever to get him to notice me. A few weeks later, I'm allowed to come back with food. I purposely get there late just so he can see me delivering. I leave. I bring her food for the next two weeks and wait for him in that parking lot doing my thing. Earlier this week, I get my response from him. I pull out to the traffic light and he's coming around the store, he parks, gets out of his car and starts walking like a badass up to me. I flip him off, smile and drive off before he can do anything.

Move on coward

Shit, I forgot something. I told her I had to pull over to throw up reason for the last time I was in that parking lot.

I tell her about it and she says she will have a talk with him. I knew he was going to tell the truth about what I've been doing, I let it happen and take a gamble on my ability to lie and sound sincere. I tell her over and over that I did nothing to him. Eventually, she believes me, that he walked up to my car unprovoked. She knows me as the guy that would never jeopardize my last chance to be with her or our friendship as what it is right now and I have him branded a liar. She's crushed, she's confused about him. I've never really lied to her about anything but what we could joke about afterwards.

I'm a guy that would never start a fight and would only fight if necessary. This dude is a hell of a lot bigger than me and could honestly really hurt me.

Even in America pilot school is relatively cheap if I'm not mistaken. You should look into options if you don't want uni.

Sorry man, but you sound cucked.

I've been setting this shit up for a month. I feel horrible, but I want my family back. I'll either get that, or lose her completely.

We'll see in a few months where I am with her.

Delivering her food while the other guy fucks her and then lying about his actions... geez user.

Nope they haven't fucked. They don't hang out yet other than that one time eating and in her free time she's with me and our son.

I've recently been unable to get the thought of myself flying through life out of my head. I keep imagining dying and it frightens me.

How do you die?

Drank too much last night, felt sick for half the day. Had a good dinner, not too bad OP.

I get that too. Many other people have gone before you, don't be scared, I'm not.

Old age. Drifting into an unconscious and never to return or know.

Had a pimple with a big white head near the bottom right of my lip. Went all day without noticing it because I was really focused on my work. Go clock out and go to the bathroom and finally notice it. Pop it right away. But now all my coworkers and bosses saw it the whole day and now everyone probably thinks I have herpes because they are too fucking dumb to know the obvious difference between a cold sore and a pimple. So I gotta deal with that now.

I’m so afraid my gf is cheating on me or will in the future.I have no evidence for it except than my last gf cheated on me and I’m convinced that my new one will, too. She’s never acted suspicious or give me any reason to suspect her. She seems to love having sex with me often. She knows I’m suspicious and she says it’s ok, I know you have baggage, you can snoop on me all you want if you like, I have nothing to hide, if you want to talk about it Im here to listen... but i can’t shake the fear