Has anyone else experienced this? New girlfriend. We've been dating a few months and this is weird...

Has anyone else experienced this? New girlfriend. We've been dating a few months and this is weird. She doesn't like any good food just a few certain things like she has autism. No knowledge of anything at all almost (doesn't know what a nuclear bomb is any world war or any important event in history for that matter) also doesn't know or understand basic things a person should know. Im constantly telling her new things. Things a normal person should know about even vocabulary. She constantly cries or gets upset at the smallest of escalated situations. Doesn't have many girl clothes just hoodies and long pants. Cant hold a conversation with my family and everyone thinks shes retarded. But, the funny thing is shes not. Shes normal for the most part its just all the above. Ive brought up these things before, but she says theres nothing wrong when theyre obviously is.

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Bruh she is retarded

Post pic then I will tell you if she’s a retardate or not.

She acts normal around me, but in public or anywhere else its a nightmare. I've never known someone to lack such knowledge about almost EVERYTHING. Its horrible. Im confused because shes not mentally retarded. Shes just..I have.no idea please help.


>she’s not retarded, she’s normal for the most part
>except for all of these things that prove she’s retarded
Even if it’s ignorance, ignorance passes for retardation nowadays

Every time I bring it up she denies it and gets offended

OP is dating an alien.

She’s socially retarded

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Maybe she has a touch of the tisim fren.

Plot twist: you’re both retarded

Seems like it. Alien would know more though I would think. Ive ruled out fetal alcohol syndrome, aspergers, autism, everything. Idk what the fuck. Maybe Shes from a different galaxy.

" she's normal "

well, can't REALLY say that though
maybe not 100%

There are a few possibilities and I'll just give you the ones I've encountered myself.

1. She's a cult kid, born into and recently out of a reclusive cult. I've seen this twice. A third version she was in The Family, a sex cult. Yes, she was a great fuck.

2. Highly controlling parents, to the point they denied her a basic education and any media exposure. Your description matched this one pretty well, also explains the out in public issues.

3. She is a shut in that is starting to deal with it. This also well matches your listed symptoms. If you are here, could explain why she started dating you. You being maladjusted probably feels comfortable to her.

Kinda reminds me of my wife's sister. She went off to college and everyone was real nice to her and was basically treating her with kid gloves. She finds out like a year later that alot of people thought she was retarded. Like literally retarded. She has a lisp and says ummm a lot, is overweight and kinda has autistic movements, but she's totally not. She was pretty upset and embarrassed when she found out. I still laugh about it when she's irritating me.

This is kinda like her, buy shes not fat, and instead of a lisp her words are slurred. Like she cant get them out no matter how hard she tries to speak very clearly. It would be such a relief if someone from her family would admit shes retarded but no one will.

Sounds like she might've had some issues growing up.
Helicopter parents often raise children like her. They're isolated from the rest of society and never learn how hold a conversation or echange information and ideas with others.

The issue here is that she denies her ignorance.
If you're really committed to staying with her then what I would suggest is that you do not confront her about it. Put yourself into situations where she can "teach" you something and then act very chill about learning something you may not have known before. This will get her to ease up in the future.
Don't make her feel like she is constantly under scrutiny, as this is probably the cause of her defensive behavior.

OP I'm curious what exactly does she seem to not know?

If you tried to hold a conversation with her you would know. She doesnt know of world war 1, world war 2, nuclear bombs, a swastika, martin Luther king, jazz music, 9/11, you name it dude. Even foods. Hasn't tried mayonnaise, ketchup, fish, anything thats not on a fucking kids menu basically. Getting her to eat is a huge pain. Shes denied everything from my family and they hate her for it. The only thing she ate from my mom was garlic bread.

She doesn't give a fuck enough to be defensive. Just a sack of shit that rolls over every time someone bullies her. Maybe cry its her only defense.

Ok, she was raised a shut in by hyper vigilant parent or parents while also being mostly ignored.

She was raised by utter trash. She'll slip into her own don't give a fuck trash traits sooner or later.

The fact she won't acknowledge or deal with it means you either accept becoming trash yourself or she'll leave you for someone easier to deal with who will let her be a trash person.

Your call.

Lmao sounds like super overbearing parents tell her it's a serious problem and she should see a therapist

I'm a doctor op. I can tell you if she is retarded. All you have to do is post pictures of her butthole. I will run them thru the database at work and let you know tomorrow .

Does she have an emotional support lizard?

My thoughts exactly except the leaving part. I cant get rid of her and she may kill herself or not be the same if I leave. Ive asked her all of this. Even the possible autism, shitty parents, abuse part. She looks at me like Im crazy and always says no. Every hypotheses I've made is shut down cant even provoke an emotional response to prove anything even a tiny bit. I just want to know whats wrong so I can help her.

Vaccine damage in early childhood or in the womb is the only answer. The additives and immuno-stimulators they put into them are known to cause neurological damage and disorders. Also the vast majority have never been test for mutagenic potential.

Bitch has the sperg. I dated a bitch who was a sperg and she acted just like that. She was hot but to this day she’s single because nobody can stand to stay with her long. Do yourself a favor and dump her. She’s gonna end up giving you depression.

You can't fix her. Especially if she's unwilling to even face that there is an obvious issue. Which as you know is a big part of how trash people are trash people.
You'll just end up enabling her.

Meh. You're boring now. The trailer park is filled with your story.

Anything is possible at this point. Its like a mix of aspergers, fetal alcohol syndrome, extreme antisocial isolation, and some kind of head trauma. Starring out of a windom cant hold a conversation very long type stuff. You could be talking about the most amazing thing ever and she would look away and zone out after 25 seconds.

Leave her. Trust me the more time you put into her the more the more you’re going to hate her for being so incompetent and the more it’s going to hurt when you finally do decide to leave.

Sounds like my first wife. We met in hs. She was a virgin. Didn't know shit about sex...even basic shit, (she thought a dick was always hard), didn't know almost anything about the world or science, even though we went to the same hs and had the same classes. She wasn't dumb, it was like she didn't store anything she ever learned or just discarded it after the home work was turned in. We eventually got married a few year later and she was a good wife, could cook and clean, but liked to stay home all the time. Never made friends or wantrd to go out. She eventually left me, (did me a favor really). Found out years later clinical insanity runs in her family, mom and oldest sister in mental institutions, her oldest daughter is trans, gay, and into mutilation of animals. Whew did i dodge a bullet!

This fits too well. So...The chances of me finding out anything at all is a sold Zero, right? She wouldn't hint that anything was wrong even on her death bed?

She's probably been super sheltered and homeschooled unless her name is Chelsea in which case I know the girl your talking about ...dont....run away....so far away that bitch is evil incarnate

Pretty much! I think the ex is quite crazy and her disassociation with mundane knowledge was how it manifested early in life. She denies there is anything wrong...but her behavior says otherwise. Ger out now op.

Was she in a cult? Or live in a vault? Or both?

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I will roll with her being a cult kid. Be nice, be kind, but most important, be with her at least a year or two; don't leave her just because it's getting hard to fuck her.

You may be the very few people to have interacted with her in a personal way. Be patient user.

Btw, how do you start conversations that include WWI and II, MLK and swastikas?

Are you dating a 6 year-old?

I mean call me crazy, but she sounds like good starter material to form a cult. You can easily recruit more if you have one.

Nobody wants to answer to the question "are you mentally disabled?"

just bang her until you find another girl if you don't like her very much... how is this hard to figure out

OP the last time I fucked a girl who seemed semi retarded, I was able to get her to do some really fucked up sex shit. Even shit a little in her mouth. Go for broke :)

I dated a (slightly less dumb) girl like that. Not unable to think, but it missing huge chunks of "everybody knows that" knowledge. I assumed it's because she was into the hippy ascetic and did a lot of psychedelics that she didn't ever bother doing more than getting by on looks alone.

It's not going to work out long term. Ride it out to the bitter end if you want, but eventually you're going to realize there's no way you can continue dating someone that you can't respect.

If you never figure out what's wrong with her, take one of the theories in this thread and use it as an excuse for why she was so dumb. It's easier to lie to your family she was raised in a cult than letting them continue thinking you were dating a retard just to get your dick wet.

You can try to help her become a real person user.

or he can try shitting in her mouth?