Was 9/11 an outside job Yea Forums?

Was 9/11 an outside job Yea Forums?

Attached: WTC.jpg (352x428, 62K)



If inside job, why destroy those buildings and not crash into another building in say, Cleveland or Miami? It would've had the same effect. It's like faking a hate crime by spraypainting "nigger" on your Ferrari when you have a 95 Acura next to it.


Apparently it needed to be in NYC for "maximum effect" or something. I honesty don't even know. I don't keep up with bullshit fantasy tells these days.

Oh is that what they say? Oh well...

Your a little early with this 10 more days to go. Check your calendar

They snuck explosives and planted them in the building for a planned controlled demolition over the course of years. There was a accident involving an explosion in '93 I think, look it up.

Makes perfect sense.

Years ago someone posted photos of the jewish team involved in the "restoration" process

Larry Silverstein
Asbestos in the WTC
Israeli art students
Dancing Israelis
Put options made on September 10th, 2001

I believe those guys were Israeli "art students."

Yeah I think that was it I don't recall exactly.



Black magic ritual, unironically.

I sure am rabii

I'm not convinced it was an inside job but it was surely a very welcome excuse to attack more Middle Eastern countries for profit.

In all fairness they would've provoked us at some point anyway, like they always do

the literal existence of countries that have their oil sector nationalized is already a provocation in the eyes of the US

And if no one wants to buy their faggy oil they have a problem with that too. So what the fuck do you want?