What's the earliest memory of porn that you have?

What's the earliest memory of porn that you have?

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family laptop when i was 4
had some footage of some people dancing at a club and the camera man kept the camera angle low and the women lifted their skirts to show that mysterious hole beetween their legs

Laptops weren't even invented when I was 4........wtf

Scrambled cinemax cable channel

Downloading songs and movies off of Napster and Kazaa.
Half the time it ended up being porn and cp.

I was like 8 or 9 years old back then.

I remember finding a cd in in the middle of my parents cd stash. It was about white chicks getting clapped by black cocks, name was similiar to big buble butts or something like that. There was a scene where the nigger is fucking this girl through a bed fence. Been seraching for years still cant find it anywhere on the webz :/

found a mag behind the seat of my dad's F100 that he rarely drove - I was 7 or 8
found playboy mags in trash and rescued them - I was maybe 12
bit my sister's pre-teen tit because she was a bitch and always picked on me
Found a polaroid of some tits and bush in the bottom dresser drawer in my parents room
I have no idea who it was, nice tits though
Not much for a while after that until those shitty JPG started showing up, late 80's
The ones that would load one line at a time and took 10 minutes to fully render
Kids these days have no idea how good they have it

Back then I discovered my first bit of nudity from watching Ranma 1/2. The first time I saw porn was during the evening. After 11 pm most channels switch to erotic advertisements for hotlines and videos. There I saw a clip. Must have been around 8 or 9 when that happened.

other than rule 34 sonic, my very first pornographic thing was zones teen Titans trouble in Tokyo hentai flash. with Starfire or Raven.

2 guys fucking in the snow, on TV cable. Quite disgusting.
Also a girl being fucked by some niggers on the next channel.

Playboy magazine my step mom's sisters husband had a stack of in his bathroom when I was maybe 11. Only looked through a page or two before leaving. Got curious again after 10 minutes, went back to the bathroom.
>Magazine pile is gone
2 years later I'm getting strange feeling boners to sex kitten dating sims on New grounds before cumming to Starfire taking it tentacle style at 13.

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Newgrounds Flash games

the strip club in gta vice city but i guess real "porn" would be the softcore blurred porn shows the had on showcase on friday night and sometimes they had a softcore porn movie on saturday night

This. This was basically me as well.

This would be it, those rare occurrences where the channel would only scramble the colors a bit..the stuff my teenage dreams where made of.

i was probably like 6, 25 now, me and neighbor same age went on old ass computer in his parents basement and typed in sex. this is back when all the porn pics had bright flashes covering the nipples and pussy. somehow got a video playing and remember thinking “how is he shooting milk out of his weener”.

Peep through the keyhole with the neighbour boy when his father has watched black and white movies with friends.
That was about 50 years ago...

Small black and white porn mag an older kid had on the way home from school when I was 10 or 11. I particularly remember a side view of a reclining chick with a really thick bush, we were laughing that it looked like a hairy caterpillar. Then Playboy and Mayfair started being passed around when I was 11 or 12. Long time before the internet, or even VHS. Very occasional sex scene on TV through my teens. Didn't see a porn vid until I was 25 and people started owning VHS video recorders. I avoided looking at porn after getting the internet in 1998 as I didn't want to go there. Finally caved about 2 years later and glad I did, had a chance to explore everything and realise, nope, I'm not a pedo or bi or into traps or furries. Also very glad though that I didn't grow up with that stuff.

Sounds like we're similar ages.


top shelf magazine covers in local store.
finding my brother's hardcore magazine hidden inside a large book.
finding lesbian threesome mag 'Candy's Birthday' in an alleyway
I'd have been between the ages of 8-10

Looking up "portal 2 nakid" when I was like 13

I just started watching anime, the girls are amazingly making my peepee hard unlike regular cartoon..
be on geocities and search for "sexy naked anime schoolgirl" and bam!! my very first mastubation by pulling my peepee streching up and down, it was later that I learned stroking is much pleasurable than yanking.

also instead of saving the pic I accidentally making it the pc wallpaper
I didn't know win98 saves you previous wallpaper as login/shutting down images so each time someone uses that pc, they saw this pic

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Old fart here. Saw this when I was about 5, had my first fap without understanding what I was doing. Just knew it felt good.
Wasn't until 30+ years later I discovered I had a bondage fetish.
Scene at 5:39

When i walked in my parents' bedroom and saw my dad getting fucked by a blackman while my mom was recording it. This was in 1991 when i was 8.

I'm 64 and still love porn...

Me and my older brother were talking on AIM or some old messenger on the computer. And we got a link sent to us. My brother told me to click it and it was a picture of a mom sucking off the dad. I say mom and dad because their kid was standing in the doorway. We both just kinda stared for a bit kinda processing what we were looking at. And then he told me to close it.

When I was 8, I found a few candid nude pics of my mother on my dad's laptop but I didn't realize what I saw till I was 9 and don't know how but got to a site with a video of a hardcore BDSM gangbang featuring a mistress and her goons fucking a slave girl. I came without contact. After searching for more information, I found out that I had cum and how to do it again (jerk off).

P. S if anybody happens to know the video, please let me know

When I was 12 I saw a video where black teens videotaped a latina and other black girls getting fucked in a public restroom. I think it was after a fashion show. Dont know. To this day I never could find the video

Video of my brother getting his dick sucked by his gf lol

Anybody feel they got fucked up by seeing porn too young?

When I was in 4th grade I look up boobs on google images.
I remember the first time i saw a pussy I thought it was weird. Was a boob man for quite some time after that.

Most definitely
I had already watched shemale porn, bondage porn and public humiliation while the other kids were still blushing about kissing scenes or girls in bikinis

Me and a friend went to his dad's computer when we were 7 or so and googled "Selena Gomez neked" I just remember my friend and I laughing hysterically at the look of a vagina

Yeah, pussies don't make much sense until you've had your face in one.

No because I became no longer attracted to the girls in my class and therefore didnt become a teenage father unlike one of my friends. Ruined his life, had to get out of school and everything.

Those where definitely pictures of your mum

I never knew how to cum from fapping until I was in my sophmore year of high school.

Now I get laid wayyyyy more than all my friends and it aint with that fine looking of girls either. Not fat but just average.

Last girl was a 35yo black stripper in an apartment with no furniture. Im a white 21 year old lol

My friend sent me emojis on msn that were a set of bouncing tits and asses ecs. I saved loads of them and then crashed my msn. Also i was at the same guys house for his brothers 18th birthday and someone had given him a birthday card with a picture of a naked chick in it.

For sure. First girl I ate out an indian girl.
She was a miss state contestant and placed top few that year.

Even after a long workout with her she still had no taste

Wow, unexpected benefit.