Why is it that every fucking time we have one of these faggy mass shootings...

Why is it that every fucking time we have one of these faggy mass shootings, the left wants to say all this bullshit about white males and guns. But then we're all suppose to ignore the fucking elephant in the room, being that the vast majority of mass shootings are in urban areas and committed by niggers? Can someone explain that to me?

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Oh and also how it's not a mental illness issue and we need to ban guns immediately

funny how mass shootings mainly happen in USA and it's never a gun issue...

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So there is no gun violence in south america and africa and the middle east? You sure about that?

Oh but right I forgot, there countries are non-white so they don't count


You compare USA to third world countries? Nice.

if your pussy "white" nations had the balls you'd do the same thing. does your nation constantly tell you that black people need sympathy, white people are bad, black people are beautiful, illegal latins need sympathy, white people are bad, women are amazing, men are bad, white men are the worst, etc?

wake up as a straight white male and it's like floating neon signs everywhere praising anything BUT you and proclaiming that you're the worst thing in the world.

is it like that in faggot canada or the UK or australia?

You didn't say that though. You said mass shootings "mainly" happen in the USA. So why are you now trying to change the goal posts?

Well, I bet those countries also have problem with banning guns.

>The world is mean to me for being white
>That gives me an excuse to shoot people

I bet the irony is lost on you

So do you have a fucking point here or are you just gonna keep acting like a fucking retard?

Funny how the left is willing to acknowledge that Africa and south America is a shit hole when is convenient for them. You are unintentionally proving user’s point. Yes those places are shit holes because they are full of niggers. And America has a bunch of gun violence because of niggers user. Guess that didn’t work out for you. There are like 2 mass shootings were 13 people die a year by some disgruntled white kid. Then there are thousands by niggers. The two are incomparable.

Exactly, that guy basically admitted those places have gun violence because of the minorities living there. Just like in America.

It's not a race issue. It's a mental health issue.

>It's not a race issue
It is absolutely a race issue. The left tries to make it one every time there's a mass shooting. They want to push the "white males committ all the mass shooters" bullshit. But we're all suppose to ignore the 8000 gorilla in the room which is that most of these "mass shootings" are in areas where black people live. Or how most of the gun violence on this planet is committed in countries that are majority non-white. But we're all suppose to pretend that doesn't happen.

Australia has a bit of that but we also have a fuck off cunt type attitude to those far left people

>Well, I bet those countries also have problem with banning guns
No shit sherlock. It's almost as if niggers and spics will buy and get guns no matter what laws are passed. Almost like they don't care they are breaking the law. Any reason you fucking morons refuse to address this? Can you at least TRY asking them to follow our laws? Or is that racist to have that expectation?

You faggots ARE the far left people. The fuck are you even talking about?

Wasn't that much shootings before they started the anti-white bullshit.
Wasn't mass brown immigration either, Cunt.


You wanna know why this is happening now? Because of people like you who are fucking babies and whiners. You grow up told the world revolves around you and then you have a mental breakdown when it turns out it doesn't.

Only white people go out in public shooting random innocent people. Niggers kill their own and it’s usually over guns, money or some variation thereof. Don’t go in their neighborhood or join a gang and they’ll cause you no worry. Whites however shoot at random and choose popular public places
Crybaby 15 year old bitch

15 year old incel confirmed. Fucking pathetic crybaby bitch

Also, these mass shootings the media even covers are the least likely to happen and even fewer are done by a real shooter.
This emphasis on white people is merely to guilt white people into going "oh whoa is me, I better give up my guns cause all this fake and gay shit being said about me and my people."
Get fucked you kike.

So then you admit its a social issue and not a gun ownership issue?

Guaranteed this whiny pussy is fat, soft, poor and under 18

There are loads of innocent people shot by gangs everyday in low income urban areas dumbfuck. Do some research.

Not a single thing you said there is true. Not one word of it. Also gang members kill innocent people all the fucking times in robberies gone wrong or mistaken identities. Of course your stupid ass doesn't know that though because your jew box and fagbook doesn't report it.

>No legitimate response to post.
>Rag on posters personal appearance and age.
Typical lib ignorance when triggered and BTFO.

Oh dear user, you didn't cite your source. You just made a claim and told us to do some fucking googling. That isn't really how this works, provide your source.

How about the local fucking news. Maybe you could try there? Might be too much work for you though.

Yeah, I live in Sweden and it's fucked over here. Guns are next to impossible to come by over here for a law abiding citizen but the niggers and Muslims are armed to their teeth. I would guess that 95% of all gun violence is committed by gang members and those guys are running fuckin amok!

Youre too scared to even do your own research because you know its true. I really stand nothing to gain by giving you anything and youll just twist any link I give you to further your narrative. Ive played this game before newfag.

lol gangs do mass shootings

Ah ha, there we go. Just watch the news gotcha. Well the news is telling me angry sexless virgins are shooting up everyone because the have really small penises.

So there we have it. It's on the news and it's true and you won't contest that.

>All you had to do was cite the studies done, but you didn't because you have a small sexless penis

First of all I'm not that same guy. I know, this is gonna blow your mind but try to stay with me here. You're talking to 2 people. Crazy right? Now, you seem to refuse to believe that niggers are killing people with guns. Why is that? If I show you that they do, are you gonna admit you were wrong? We all know you won't, because it hurts your heart to hear how much your monkey pets are violent and dumb.

I didn't read any of that because you seem mad. I know you can't help it, you have a small penis and no one wants to have sex with you. Oh well. Don't shoot me bro.

>I didn't read any of that because I was sucking off Tyrone

Okay, you can go now btw. I don't wanna waste anytime time with a nigger lover like you.

Nah, gangs don't commit shootings. They trickle each other to death. Look at how peaceful Africa and the middle east is. No one dies of gun violence there.

You incels always make things gay. You always make everything about sucking nigger dick... You almost seem fixated on the nigger dick... We all know you really crave it. After all you have serious penis envy. Well I've given you enough time to prove me wrong and provide a cited study, but all you've done is talk about dicks and niggers.,

You homo.

Man, you still here? I didn't read a fucking word of that. I can tell you're upset though. Is your nigger boyfriend there to comfort you?

Your crush is fucking better men.


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>You almost seem fixated on the nigger dick.
You're just now noticing this? It's the only thing that crosses an incel mind. That, and "wimminz r evil"

You're having a lot of fun replying to yourself, aren't you?

Why is it that every fucking time we have one of these faggy mass shootings, right-wingers on social media immediately claim that the shooter is a bernie/hillary supporting liberal in order to push their ridiculous the-left-is-more-violent narrative, but when the shooter turns out to be a conservative (as it is 9 times out of 10) they deflect and make up insane conspiracy theories about the shooting?

>the-left-is-more-violent narrative
They are

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> the vast majority of mass shootings are in urban areas and committed by niggers?

Yes, but it’s mostly niggers shooting niggers and no one cares.

White people shoot up shopping centers and movie theaters in smaller cities. That’s much more alarming than gang bangers blasting each other in Chicago.

Niggers and antifa

Interesting no national coverage of that

>Yes, but it’s mostly niggers shooting niggers and no one cares
But that's my point. It's a blatant double standard and it's ridiculous. White people have to give up all their guns but niggers can do as they please. It's a fucking joke.

Looking forward to the acceleration after Joker,it's going to be glorious.
(Honk Honk)

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> White people have to give up all their guns but niggers can do as they please.

Well that’s an oversimplification.

So antifa punching nazis is somehow worse than conservatives shooting up churches and wal-marts?

It's too common.

No it isn't. We have to hear all this non sense from the democrats and the left but at the same we have to ignore the 5000 pound sealion in the room. I mean give me a break here.

The el paso shooter was a leftist, first off. And I didn't know it was worse. But there are far more people that are violent leftists.

It's common for niggers to shoot 9 people at once?

Because they need to create a villain to fight against. You can’t have a moral crusade without a scapegoat. Liberals are vote buying saying they’ll help you unless you’re too small of a group to affect the polls. It’s why they want open borders and say it’s racist to ask for id’s when voting. They are trying to flood Texas with enough Mexicans to turn it blue.

No, he was a hardcore confederate-flag-waving conservative who was literally out to kill mexicans. Where did you hear that he was a leftist? Right-wingers on social media perhaps?

>there are far more people that are violent leftists
>the same group that’s always accused of being too pussy to defend or fight for America

>No, he was a hardcore confederate-flag-waving conservative who was literally out to kill mexicans
Really? I didn't know conservatives were tree hugging faggots who believe in UBIs. That sounds like liberal bullshit to me. Then again we all know you didn't actually read the manifestos. We understand, 4 pages is too much for you to handle.

> Every mainstream news outlet is lying about the shooter being a conservative white nationalist, so whatever insane theory we dream up in our conservatard echo chambers must be the truth!

You are completely delusional. Or a troll. I really hope it's the latter.

I just imagine this user as a little white mclovin lookin faggot lol no gf, shit job, probably thinks everyone’s stupid but him yet never looks in the mirror and pops that reality bubble wide open

What’s mom making you for dinner tonight?

>Every mainstream news outlet is lying about the shooter being a conservative white nationalist
That's right, glad you admitted it finally

You seemed triggered bud. What's wrong, do facts make you upset?

ITT: anons try to convince Tin Hat boy he’s wrong

Are you the boy with the tin hat? You are, aren't you?

> Conservatard delusions claiming white nationalist mass shootings inspired by racist rhetoric are committed by liberals
> Facts

Pick one.

>knows it’s intended for him but denies it

Seriously, why didn't you read the manifesto? Is 4 pages at once too much for you to deal with?

Care to post a link?

Here's the truth about why no one takes Republicans and gun nuts seriously: They always just say it's mental health...yet I've literally never heard a single candidate or politician or person who says this actually follow up with even a small mental health initiative.

The only logic you can draw from that is they genuinely just do not care. That's just the reality, whether you agree or not with any take on gun violence...the point is people that choose to not take any action are fucking trash.

If you need help with the logic here...If someone says X causes Y, and they say we need to fix Y...and then don't do anything about X, then they don't care about Y.

Care to google? Is that too much for you? I doubt you'll read it anyway. Just throw up your kiddie hands and say wah wah I'm not reading your white national manifesto. That's what you were planning to do, wasn't it?

>reading the manifesto of a crazy person and determine his views on politics from it instead of assuming it’s incoherent rambling
Are you autistic?

LOL see I knew it. I knew you were gonna say this. Because people like you are fucking brainwashed and blindly go off whatever jew media and jewbook tells you. That's why you think that dude was a trump supporter when he wasn't.

And what "action" should they be taking? The action you want right? Which is banning guns. That's what your team shuts down any discussion outside of banning guns. Then people like you say they don't do anything.

> And what "action" should they be taking? The action you want right? Which is banning guns.

No dude. Few people want that. How about we start with fucking background checks?

>Jews are inferior
>Jews are so inferior they run the world
>guys, I read the crazy guys manifesto, the one published by the same news companies I don’t believe. I can tell he was a leftist
lol enjoy being an autistic little virgin your whole life. I bet you’re the biggest faggot ever lol

Imagine being so entrenched in the two party system that you talk like this. The fact that you said "team" is fucking disgusting and shows how deep into it you are. You just care about your "team" winning, not doing what's actually good.

I'm absolutely an independent, fuck all this party shit. Imagine thinking for yourself, or not just looking at a D or R next to a name on TV and deciding you hate/love that person and disagree/agree with everything they represent.

You assumed so much about me, when basically all of that isn't even remotely true about me.

You're the one making the claim that his manifesto reveals him to be a liberal, so the burden of proof is on you. Post a link faggot.

For the record, he is literally the only candidate I've ever seen who actually has comprehensive mental health initiatives related to gun safety, or mental health action in general.

So basically your choice is to pick someone who literally doesn't care and isn't doing shit, or someone who is actually doing something and addressing this from all angles and has an open mind.

And please actually read it before you say something stupid that you just assumed. And then if you say it's dumb or whatever, please show me the candidate you are choosing and what their action is for gun safety...I'm guessing it's literally nothing.


But seriously, any person who says "mental health" but then does nothing about mental health is a fucking garbage human being.

>implying an autistic tin foil hat NEET uses proof for anything
>guis the jewssss

because of mental illness

So here's the issue. People say that but then literally do nothing about mental illness. So logic can only show that any person who says that and does nothing just actually doesn't care or have any ideas.

Well, you people literally ACT like you're on a fucking team with this ridiculous bullshit you've been pulling lately. We all have to hear this bullshit lecture about white males and guns and mass shooting. But then we all need to pretend we don't notice the 4000 pound dragon in the room. That gun violence is ONLY a problem in the USA and not Latin America, or Africa, or the middle east. Countries that have far more strict guns in Central/South America but have more gun violence. Yeah lets just ignore that though. Oh and if we try to talk about anything OTHER than taking guns that conversation is shut down from you people. Oh yeah, I'm gonna refer to it as your team since that's how you people fucking behave.

You really think this guy gives a fuck about mental health and gun safety? You're joking right? He's just going along with what every else on his team is saying and telling him to do

>comparing the USA to Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East
>not comparing the USA to other 1st world nations

>USA runs out of water one day

fucking lol

Lol bruh,do you genuinely not see the logical flaws here? I'm telling you I don't partake in party shit. It's called thinking for yourself. I said I'm not on a team, which is a stupid concept made up by idiots who need someone else to tell them what to think. I agree with some things from both "teams" and disagree with some.

We're comparing it because that's where these people are fucking coming from and live. You cannot tell me we have "gun violence" in this country compared to other "1st world countries' and at the same fucking time ignore that most of this is being done by blacks and hispanics. Take all of them out of the USA, then tell me what the gun violence rate is after that. Which your team never does because it blows your whole argument to shit. And yeah, we absolutely are going to compare to Latin America because the same bullshit policies that made those countries shit, are the same ones those spics move here and demand again. Because they didnt learn from the first 500 times they tried that bullshit in their own countries.

Here we go with the binary team bullshit. He is doing everything very different from both "teams". Do a little research next time.

I don't get what you mean about do I think he really cares about mental health. He has a robust mental health plan on his site. If show me the one on your "team" that has any mental health plans.

Yes his team. It is absolutely his team. I don't believe for one second this gives a shit about mental health. Also funny how your team bitches and whines about Trump being a billionaire but you don't say jack shit about this fucking guy. You mind explaining that?

Man you really don't get that people can have free thought lol. Like because I'm an independent thinker and the candidate that I believe in most happens to be using the Democratic platform to campaign, I now speak for all people who identify as Democrat and also share all of their beliefs and ideas? You are 100% projecting lol.

So inform me, what is Trump's mental health plan, and if it exists, why do you trust him to do it but I'm now allowed to trust Yang to do it?

It's pathetic how there's zero sympathy for the shooter anymore.

The media just wants to ban guns and say "orange man bad" to fulfill their agenda, and they're willing to use a tragedy to do it.

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Free thinker, that's a good one. Because there's a lot of that going on from your team these days. But to answer your question, he's working on one. Difference though is Trump doesn't parade around doing faggy and fake photo ops during his "rally", then crying some fake ass tears that wouldn't convince even the most gullible of liberals. By the way you didn't answer my question. Are rich people only a problem if they're not on your team? Is that how this works? Because you fags SURE are real selective about which rich people you don't like

Dude, you’re arguing with a nutjob lol get off the chan and chill with your gf lol I got off here an hour ago and this kid is still going spaghetti everywhere

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Media coverage

>inb4 fake news or jews

3 kills

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Where's the guy from yesterday?

Because american culture and economy is predicated on the emasculation of the white working class.

I'll just leave this here

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Suicides have gone up almost 100% since 2007. Depression and loneliness is rampant.

Niggers are gonna be niggers even if you pick them up like a 5 year old and drive them to a job that pays $15 and put the tools right in their hands

3 kills

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I'm all out of words in the English language to explain to you that I'm not a Democrat and I'm not on a team lol. And woooow "He's working on it." So Yang has a whole page (that you haven't read) with actual concrete ideas, but you're definitely not a mindless drone because you have more faith in a nonexistent policy lol. You're so far gone xD I hope Trump does have something cuz you could really benefit from it lol.

Next they'll demand $25 an hour. I give it 2 years.

4 kills

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> white incel edgelords flip out and kill people
> other white incel blames the blacks

I present to you /pol/, ladies and gentlemen.

Yea Forums is /pol/ now

Kek...thinking a trump supporter can follow along with an 'explanation.'

Kinda like trying to explain quantum entanglement to a lawn chair.

Lol. Uses "kike" unironically. I bet you have a cum stained pillow as a waifu, dontcha, NEET?

He's just saying what the rest of us are thinking, you sad little boy.

2 kills

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> no, all YOU people need to stop acting like it's all "us vs them".

The mind boggles.

Well shit. I know Yea Forums was never good, but this is even more retarded than log posting.


14 kills

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This is oversimplified. The gun violence is predominantly in urban areas, this doesn't mean it's because of minorities race. That could be a contributing factor, but there is also lack of quality education, lack of a sense of community, lack of competent parents, lack of respect for one another, lack of respect for authority, and lack of government intervention into the urban youth issues.

Many of these issues affect predominantly black communities, but that doesn't make it a black issue, it makes it a poor/underfunded community issue. It becomes a multi generation vicious cycle that is very very hard to break once it starts.

Just my opinion though.

6 kills


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>this doesn't mean it's because of minorities race
Okay, then why are the countries where they are a majority ALSO have gun violence? Why doesn't your team talk about this? If gun control supposedly works

Any nation with access to firearms has gun violence, there is no avoiding that. I am a firm believer in the 2nd amendment(I am a ccw holder and carry every day), and think that every legal citizen with no history of violent crime or severe emotional or psychological problems(diagnosed by a doctor not the state) has the right to own weapons.
Who is my "team"? I specifically said this is "my opinion" and is more complex than black/white issue.