Waifu threb

waifu threb

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Wish me luck in the marathon!

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You two should hold hands.

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how long until the marathon?

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5 mins. It's going to be 10k

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Hey uh

does anyone wanna join my waifu death cult server?

Attached: tumblr_ovp4alpgdL1rmawi3o6_250.png (250x250, 75K)

good running fren. go out and make sopmod proud
decent weather?


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Sounds very deadly.
Thanks. Cloudy, and cold, next to the coast so it checks out.

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Well, actually, it's not quite cold, oddly enough, it is quite warm, a tad windy though. Then I will go eat fresh fish after this.

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my waifu right here, look past the flat chest and she's wonderful, lina inverseee!

Attached: Lina.Inverse.full.2412135.jpg (1279x1614, 1.1M)

Attached: x4.jpg (1426x2048, 596K)

Do i have to participate on mondays and thursdays

But flat is justice.
Not at all, it's just skinship.

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too cute uwú

are you the adorable person
from the other thread?!?

Attached: LameCloudyLacewing-small (1).gif (413x225, 1.25M)

I don't know, which thread?

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Bestest girl coming through

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>flat is justice
Das rite

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White hair is cool but without red eyes, lackluster.
You know it.

Attached: 42460298ecabb47100fc9e3fa5c76aea-1.jpg (896x1200, 94K)

no, you have a free schedule

He has cute little boytitties

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take care, enjoy your run user.

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she is flat but i don't care
i love her attitude, angry waifu uwu!!!

you know, the previous waifu thread
you're still cute tho c:

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Up top
Don't lewd the bro... Where's my invite
100% male bro here

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Then it was probably me, lol. Hello (:

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Up dog.

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Down tug

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mmmm, not so sure..

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why that odd face

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No tug, no invite. What is this new years in greece

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eat pasta like ravioli
it's great and quick to prepare i think!!
i also know you're male
it still doesn't change the cute, sorry!! :c

Attached: lina-inverse-anime-slayers-13918597-800-781.jpg (800x781, 47K)

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hmm, not much of a pasta fan really..
i sure hope you're referring to me and not the character im posting

Attached: e7bb2133248ea9f5d25efe00281e0c02669686fc.jpg (600x875, 91K)

show bulge



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How wrong u are

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just let it happen

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this is fucking adorable!!
only slightly jealous right now :c
i need pasta...

Attached: images (1).jpg (289x174, 17K)

I know you, right? I'm sure i've talked to you before

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Attached: Stolfo9.png (800x1132, 1.08M)


i know i've talked to an astolfo poster before, but i think there's multiple ones, could be you certainly! once talked to one in a group voice chat some months ago, even

Attached: thinking2.jpg (431x788, 84K)

I'm in

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I think i've chatted with you before and during the split. If it's voice chat it's not me. Your waif u really looks familiar

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what cute things do you have in mind?
me and my waifu aren't cute enough so it seems :'''c almost crying right now!!!!

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The main threads and the ones everyone was forced to go to
I bet he did
I'm almost certain see you around before the start of this year

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nigga faggot

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i'm not really aware of a big /waifu/ split when i've been around
i know about a group that went to 4+Yea Forums a while back and are returning now that it's down, tho they weren't technically ever /waifu/
well i guess that means either your memory isn't quite right or there was another kase poster! which isn't out of the realm of possibility, it wouldn't be the first time someone thought i was familiar even tho we'd never met before

nice digits!

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Crap, runner's high, this is fucking amazing. I love this.

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woah i didnt even notice, thanks

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It was one that happened around christmas. I am certain it was you. Don't gaslight me
Not talking about those posters coming back
There wouldn't be other kase posters, she is 2 unique. 1 hundred i recognize you. All good if you don't remember

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i really like this gif
hello there
doing well, Yuuchi?

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I like you too

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thanks, i like me, too
except when i don't
you look nice, am i interrupting you?

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My bait worked, now you are mine, yui!

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Like your inverted dick

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i'm always oblivious of my gets too!

Attached: it suits you.jpg (643x494, 124K)

forgot to link you for the second paragraph:


i assumed it were you
hi there
you're cool
hey Kachi, how are you?

Attached: ECCeIYRXUAA2b1f.jpg (883x497, 25K)

sneaky snek
u gay, lole, you go hard inside instead of outside
Not hard to find out, I know.

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