U got bout

u got bout

bout 5 fuggin seconds to give me one excuse as to why yo tongue aint on it....

Attached: 2122.jpg (230x319, 13K)


the fucking stink

probably because it just came out of a whiteboi azz

I ain't gay, nigger

It dirty.

did i say u can talk boi

Do I look like I give a fuck you antiquated farm equipment?

It's a jpeg on the internet and not physically here.

You could fix that though ;)

Because it should be in my ass

Would it make you happy?

Fake dicks, hold no bearing on reality.

Attached: Jew smells Shekels below.jpg (500x667, 59K)

Attached: FAKED,com.png (1024x683, 687K)

Attached: FakeFuckery.jpg (772x654, 203K)

Attached: TheyAreReal.png (1920x1080, 913K)

Attached: All Souls.jpg (480x480, 77K)

I've been subconsciously compiling this shit for years, didn't even really think about it. But quite honestly, I think you're trying to radicalize people and my massive database of similar replies and filenames could be of serious interest to the FBI. Maybe I should just submit it all? Seems silly, but they probably wont.

Attached: Monsters.png (1280x720, 637K)

LMAO do it
Case study: why the BBC triggered white dudes into killin ppl

Attached: 1533705784503.gif (300x299, 513K)

"BBC", is a racist myth. (You), are real. Your freedom is at stake, your humanity is lost, but you still care about it. Absolute scum.

More like
Case study: why racist and provocative spam triggered white dudes into killin ppl

That's how it will be called, dipshit