Whats funny to me is that most of you faggots couldnt even afford one of these. Stay jealous

Whats funny to me is that most of you faggots couldnt even afford one of these. Stay jealous.

Attached: Get a good look losers.jpg (480x640, 36K)

Nice watch
Enjoy your beetis

Lel. Wanna snap nudes?

Don't touch what you can't afford

already ate your thumb huh?

Holy fucki or hands are so fat when you call hat that hands were you can't tell worth hand fat ends the arm feathers feed it's called cancans what you hot?

Attached: DEPRESSION AHEAD.jpg (450x404, 15K)

What is this

i thought that was a foot at first and took me a minute to figure out that was a watch

That’s called being fat. It’s a potentially deadly disease, that, contrary to popular belief, is not solved by wearing some stupid fucking Fitbit on your wrist.

swiniak ulana kurwa

How hard was it to shave a bear and put a watch on it's paw?

'it' had the thumb removed so the watch would fit over its hand

Attached: 1558199419816.gif (386x304, 193K)

Thanks for the explaination mate!

I cannot but can YOU afford your Wilford Brimley pills, you fat fuck?

is this hogwarts?

You're right, I couldn't afford that morbid obesity. I don't have enough money to buy that much food, nor do I have enough time in one day to eat it.. But since you're obviously a sedentary creature you have nothing but time. Time to think about your diabetes, your chronic aches and pains, about how the EMTs will have to dismantle the wall to remove your dead, bloated carcass from the house after you've choked to death on a chicken nugget and your body has putrefied and bloated to the size of a mid-sized sedan. You're right, I can't afford that. Have a nice day.

How much do whales even cost?

Bitch, please. Only faggots wear that shit. Get a real watch.

Attached: ti1x45sm0ud01.jpg (671x903, 126K)

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>not Rolex

Attached: 1514327888986.jpg (640x640, 50K)

Funny how all the guys trying to boast about their watches are obese men compensating for something...

Is that 2 pigs fighting over a casio?

that hand looks like an inflated horsecock

newfags falling for old b8

only non faggots in thread

>not superior Samsung
Nigger, your wish.com Faulex isn't fooling anyone.

Attached: galaxy_watch_review_01.jpg (980x620, 89K)

>not Swiss

Attached: images (1).jpg (640x480, 33K)

You're fat too!
Jesus Christ.
Whale thread?

Big Boned*


i had to say something. the trips were a nice approval from God.

Attached: 2d143767151aa3892cf55909aa67b642a20c0049b654ff.jpg (600x300, 67K)

Watches of any kind are gay. Unless you're military cause you have to wear one on the job.

It's a shit posting computer that's so fucking stupid it's being used an excuse to make people even dumber by making shit posting memes popular.

Thank me later

is it fat wrist season?

Stay poor, poorfag.

Attached: Rolex_Zenith_Daytona_16520_A_Series_white_dial_steel_watch_at_A_Collected_Man_London5.jpg (2155x2500, 715K)

shut up, meg

>Stay poor, poorfag.
so you looked up an image?

I haven't been on this board, or Yea Forums for that matter in almost a decade before that behind 7 proxies meme was prevalent and posted way too much, I wonder if it still hasn't died? Regardless, it's shit still I see. Have fun you fucks. Just wanted to see if it was still cancerous.

Ummm take a seat pleb.

Attached: Most-Expensive-Watches-Franck-Muller-Aeternitas-Mega-4-800x450.jpg (800x450, 59K)

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You too, babe. take care.

Attached: 1553222132328.jpg (600x393, 69K)

I could afford a set of Lee Press On Nails.

Yeah, that makes sense. Cause I don't have a overpriced watch that women think is gay. You make me raff...

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you can get it for free if you go for 1-year phone deal. It's shit too.
Also, could you trim the photo next time, so we don't have to look at the failure you are?

Attached: C5TlqdNUEAEVA-9.jpg (1024x846, 180K)

Where's your watch, fag?

Attached: MV5BOTBkODkzNGQtMzkzOC00NTcwLTk5NjItOTM4OWQ3YjFjYzFhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzU1NzE3NTg@._V1_CR0,45,480,270_ (477x268, 20K)

Looks like pigs leg.....

That is the ugliest watch I’ve ever seen. Thank god you just looked up an image and didn’t actually buy that piece of shit

>What's funny to me is that most of you faggots wouldn't even want one of these.

Ugly bitch look at your fatty fingers...ugh

lol nice bait user 6/10

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I dont wear her much anymore these days but damn shes a beaut.

Attached: 14297761_1.jpg (615x621, 63K)

Here’s my Apple Watch.

Attached: 5F7DF0C4-97E1-45A8-B9B1-C3A2FB524586.jpg (400x446, 57K)

fuck yes

Attached: images (3).jpg (433x339, 19K)

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I never knew these existed. I must procure one of these rare gems.

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The real prize are the ones Hitler gave to his top men for doing certain things like quitting smoking, eating healthier diet, etc.
If I got my hands on one of those Id cut off both thumbs

But if you cut off your thumbs, how would you wind the watch?

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What's funny to me, is that you've put an overpriced watch on a discount ham.

well, generally speaking, these kind of things require a certain amount of sacrifices. probably ill have to kind of chopstick it with middle and pointer finger i assume

how far back does this copy pasta go?
(even this bad version of it)

Worth it.

i left early 2013 until late 2015. i can tell you i dont recall seeing it until after i came back but its foggy from there

i had this watch irl i was 12. brings back memories of feelin fuckin badass in 6th grade and playin it in class

Attached: post-33767-0-45256700-1467677968.jpg (2252x4000, 1.02M)

Gr8 b8 m8

Found this cheap shit on a beach in the sand 2 years ago, it's been working for like a year then it stopped. Thinking about getting it fixed up and shortened because my wrists are too fucking thin.

Attached: Screenshot_20190901-152137_Gallery.jpg (1080x886, 575K)

>wearing a clock like a slave wears a chain

fucking boomers

>implying that only boomers wear watches

stay mad plebs

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Can't be jealous of a watch that doesn't fit on that ham of a wrist, it Looks like an apple watch so enjoy wearing a piece of shit around cutting off circulation to your hand. 0/10 definitely not impressed.

How did you manage to fit that around your hoof?

> still using bait from when the apple watch was new
> still getting replies
I can't even fault op for this, y'all clowns replying are disgraceful

Get confused with a tendie and your thumb?

Being normal > trying to flex on Yea Forums

Ok fattard

Whats wrong, can't afford a real watch like the Patek Philippe Super-complication Pocket Watch?

GTFO peasant.

Throw it away. Not worth fixing.

Is that a tiny roulette wheel?

You mean a pig??

Nigga got me super jelly. That's a fine piece of Apple tech you got there.

Why have you put it on the wrong wrist? Didn't your father teach you any manners? Or are you one of those devil worshipping "left handed" people (like that's a real thing)

Now you can monitor your heart as it attacks and kills your disgusting fatbody.

I can buy a whole hog like that for about $120 from my local butcher shop, maybe 200 if they gut it, scald and scrape it first.

I would very much like to see your vagina, if it's not too much trouble.