It changed the world more than anything else in modern history

It changed the world more than anything else in modern history.

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When does "Modern History" start?

naw that was civil rights.

>the beginning of the end

>All Animals are Equal. But some are more Equal than others.

The release of the iPhone was more significant, by which I mean, the release of the iPhone was a much greater travesty.

This man disagrees.

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iPhone is probably the least important mainstream technology ever released.

Who would've known then that the most ignorant and racist people are actually the small-dicked, unloved white folks that live here?

Think you'll find this changed the world more

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It brought everyone onto the internet (in a nonprofessional capacity), which led to the flourishing of social media.

smart phones in general did that, and apple wasn't the first, they just marketed the best

9/11 didn’t happen faggot it’s all CGI.

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Still crying? Hahaha

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It was an outside job

You're flat out wrong if you think downies are incapable of emotion, mate

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Hi bitch, it's me, Smartphone.
Take a seat in the back ho

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Women's suffrage did far more to change the world, and not for the better.

And this man agrees 100% with this post.

no it didnt. it just made muricans whiny bitches who still dont want to let go of something they caused in the first place.

it's weird not many know how much that one guy changed.. some said the wars were inevitable but we will never know

this. all apple did was using technologies others invented, and marketing it way better. thats not significance, thats arrogance.
best part is, even now they do the same thing, like releasing technologies as 'revolutionary' - technologies other manufacturers use for years. but no, apple always claims they are the first to do everything, and the sheep just believe

that's correct. it finally put the sandniggers and their countries on the map
