Why don't you own and carry a gun everyday for protection Yea Forums?

Why don't you own and carry a gun everyday for protection Yea Forums?

>pic related

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My state has permitless carry.

But I do

Too bad I do. For work and have several at home.

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because im not afraid for my life on daily basis... in fact i wasn't afraid since i last visited detroit.

but good on you guys, gotta practice before you fight the jewish wars

because i'm an american and don't live in a third world country? at least i didn't think i did up until a few years ago.

I'd take a pic but fukin gay ass 2mb limit

Because I work out and am in good enough shape I don't have to be a gun carrying pussy incel

because i carry a machete instead.

carry a knife and they might try and fight you
carry a gun and you can get legal bullshitted
carry a fuckmothering machete and you can strike the fear of god into a man

I do.

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Typed like a 14 year old who wears a flat billed cap


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>g19 slide on a 17 frame
There's a reason people have been buying17s for decades and cut the grip to 19 length.

Because i don't live in a country where the public school system makes you feel unwanted and suicidal, a country where the minimum wage is so low you can't live on 1 income or have any kids unless you get married, a country where anyone can get a gun and when feeling depressed or angry can go on a shooting spree, a country where anyone who is of a light skin colour is told they should die and they are to blame for all the problems of others, a country where politicians care more for the illegal immigrants then their own people, a country where cities are now covered in shit and you can make more money cleaning it up for the government then you can in most jobs, a country where you think carrying a gun for protection is normal because the police are under trained, under manned and kill innocents for no reason, a country where you think carrying a gun for protection is normal because there is so much threat to your everyday life you need to protect yourself, that's why i don't carry a gun everyday for my "protection", because i don't live in a shithole country.

THANK YOU. Atleast someones fucking smart enough to realize the 19X is the most retarded thing to hit the gun market.

I’m the FNX guy :)

You just live in a nightmare police state, and are no more then a serf for an authoritarian regime.
Nice, at least being raised as a prisoner and slave has made you feed into it, ignorance truly is bliss.

>camera settings too hard

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I'm afraid I would commit suicide if i had gun access

FNs are nice, I like glocks, I got a 26 on me right now. But the 19x is retarded for sure.

Because I’m not a scared little bitch going through life like a pussy afraid a “bad guy” is going to get me.

If you are that worried, dont be.
You'll be hanging from a belt soon enough.

>doesn't understand self defense theory

Sounds like a typical incel pussy response to me, why don't you go back to fucking your silicone doll you saved up good boy points to get your neetbux for

Any thoughts on Sig? I carry my 320 with an Apex trigger everyday. My 226 Elite was my previous work gun but I had to upgrade to a 45.

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>doesn't know how to disarm someone

Because I’m white.

Im a veteran. Assume some more, dumbfuck.

You're proving his point kiddie

I has 228

Is that a FAMAS?

Well supposedly their QC is shit recently.
I've always though of them as a little too pricey for what you get, but a 229 legion (for the upgrades, not the secret squirrel decoder ring fan club) has been calling me.
But is it worth $1200? With QC issue claims? I dunno.
What work?
Also your work is fucking literally retarded if they went up to .45

>now clearly shown he doesn't understand self defense theory.
That's why I'm adding it to my training roster, to many retards took a class at a strip mall kungfu/krav maga/insert other bulllshido here dojo and were taught ways to die.

>2 branches haven't taught hand to hand combat for 20 years fee s
>other 2 teach a 4 hour class
Nice, any other POG shit you want to spout?

>self defense theory
stop making up fake shit to make yourself seem smarter user

Maybe he works with bears or something. Need that little extra umph before you get mauled

samefagging doesn't prove your point you obese foreveralone neckbeard incel pussy

In every recorded case of a 9mm being used as bear defence it was successful.


Nice ad hominem

228s are awesome as long as you have rubber grips.
The 226 just has noticeably less recoil than the P250 and it’s just the best of both worlds. I just like the reputation they hold aswell. I’m a Paramilitary Officer and my agency didn’t force us to upgrade, I wanted to because I never owned a .45

How foolish of me. Ill go read a book

It's interesting, the only caliber that failed in documented cases was once from a .357 mag, but supposedly shot placement was trash.

Wasn't like it was anything real being argued anyway

What is a paramilitary officer?
This sounds like some Eurojank

you will have to shoot it in the mouth or in the eye, otherwise you just gonna piss it off

If i was strolling in the woods where bears are known to be i think id like a 12ga with me. But yea .357 woupd surely do enuf damage to a bear to at least make it think twice. Maybe it was a large grizzly or something

We work with regular police agencies and have the authority to arrest as we are sworn, work with the military because some of us have government contracts, and work for other civilian agencies that require their infrastructure protected. We also do government facilities, critical areas where there is high crime rate, and important and elected officials with provided escorts.

I’m obviously in the United States.

they are really expensive and in most mortal situations utterly useless
>EMT Fag here

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Sounds hardcore lol

I love when people like you carry a gun for your whole life in fear. Never even get to use it once. First time an idiot like you gets into a reason to use it you are on your ass from one punch.

It’s really stupid because to get a job like this regular agencies require you to bring your own gear because God forbid we’re to actually gun someone down they don’t want their firearm going through investigations and leave an officer Unarmed. Which is why I now have 2 full sized handguns and their perspective level 2 holsters. I just started to and I’ll be going through my taser course sometime next month. I have to purchase the taser too.

No, any firearm cartridge, even a .22 long will go through even brown bear skull.
If you miss the skull from a frontal shot, some of the smaller calibers will have difficulty getting deep into the chest cavity

It's not out of fear you dumb cunt. It's out of preparedness, you'll understand when you have someone or something worth defending, I suppose that's not even yourself. I see more fear in the pussies unwilling to have a gun. Are you afraid your going to shoot yourself in your big fat american ass? Get a grip on reality, people are out here getting shot the fuck up and you're going to insult people brave enough to fight out of PREPAREDNESS? You would be the one to run my friend.

That's not a thing.
Unless you're just armed security with some fed contracts.
The only title in the US of "paramilitary officer" is a subsection of CIA SOG

He thinks hes neo.
Dont worry, he'll be dead wuicknin any real situation

The pay is great, which is why I’m able to get so many toys.
Pictured is my Scar 17 with a 100 round drum mag, eotech, and foregrip. Sold that for 2.5k and an imi Desert eagle which I later sold aswell because they’re shit.

Palmetto AR my buddy sold me for 200 bucks which I flipped for 1100 (lmfao)

Mossberg 590 with the Knoxx Pistol grip stock I copied from The Walking Dead

My old Glock 22 gen 4 that I used for work

And my P320, which I still have.

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Unless hes high on meth and also has a machete

We are getting constitutional carry in a few months, so yea

There is such a thing otherwise I wouldn’t be hired. We have Federal Contracts, however that doesn’t mean we’re allowed to arrest people the same way other agencies do like your local PD. We are Armed and Unarmed, and ARE classified as SPOs (Which are Special Police Officers) but with a wider area of work.

Because I don’t need artificial confidence to go outside

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But don’t get the power of arrest confused either. Once we leave our position of duty, we’re normal civilians and I’m NOT able to arrest you off duty. Quite frankly I really wouldn’t want to, that’s paperwork off duty that I don’t want to fill out even if I could.

>when you're a mall cop so you make up a title

Are you just making all this shit up? Because in most states citizens arrests are perfectly legal.

Most definitely. Bringing home a 3 thousand dollar paycheck every 2 weeks is definitely mall cop status.
You can make a citizen’s arrest, but you can’t pursue a vehicle with your cherry berry lights, you need a warrant or probable cause to enter someone’s residence if you suspect them of wrong doing, and you can’t put them in the back of your vehicle (hand cuffed) and bring them to the county jail and process them.

On property lines where we are placed WE can with our clearance.




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There are only two types of guns to carry. The G2C and the Shield 2.0. All other guns are pussies.

>Bringing home a 3 thousand dollar paycheck every 2 weeks is definitely mall cop status.
It's not the money, it's the fact that you do nothing to protect society. Actors get paid millions to pretend to be Soldiers in movies, it doesn't mean they're a real soldier. You're not a real cop, hope that doesn't upset you too much.

We don’t operate by the Florida Statutes, we operate through guidelines given to us by the contractor, our company, and local law enforcement.
Obviously if it’s a military contract, local law enforcement doesn’t apply.

No I’m not a REAL cop that’s gone through 4 years to get their bachelors in Criminal Justice and hired by an agency to deal with civilians.

I’m an Armed Sworn Officer (Deputized in the State Of Florida) that is assigned to different posts, have attended multiple classes of Self Defence, Strategic Counter Terror and basic law enforcement classes. Within my line of duty I’m able to arrest you and charge you for misconduct and various amounts of misdemeanors and felonies as it pertains to the severity and location of the given contract.

Fuck ya i cant wait to get my Ruger Mk IV lite