Because of antifa and other liberal divisiveness, criticism of the President could soon be restricted.
Because of antifa and other liberal divisiveness, criticism of the President could soon be restricted
No. Next.
>I shat myself and it's all your fault
>The Reichtag burned so we have to save freedom by giving up freedom
>I pee in my own mouth because I think it might offend liberals
>herp a derp imma blame antifa if we become a police state
Actually yes, liberal divisiveness needs to stop playing a Key Part in disrupting this Presidency, and there needs to be an Executive Order getting America on the same page while we work on the Deal with North Korea and fighting ISIS.
how come both Trump and his Most Ardent Supporters all type Like This as if capitalizing Certain Seemingly Random Words are suddenly Correct Grammar?
Learn basic English, dumb white nigger.
Look Ivan just because your country sucks doesn't mean you can come here and fuck up ours. Fix your own shit.
They’re fucking morons. They are uneducated low wage trash, pure and simple. They are janitors and factory trash. They are dumb enough to worship a fat failed reality tv star even when he’s failing and dumb enough to believe in the dumbest fucking conspiracy theories you’ve ever heard. Trash.
Further proof of the rights absolute hatred of freedom.
This is a cold take go back to the_donald faggot pro-white politics will be illegal way before antifa
so much for the tolerant right
>They are the workers
Who do commies even fight for anymore? Oh that's right it's post deconstruction they fight for shitskins
I'm not Russian. We need to put on a Unified Front while North Korea gets negotiated. We also have deals cooking in the fire with MBS and making sure Iran doesn't try any more shit. This country needs to be on board with these ideas, not expressing damaging dissenting opinions at a critical juncture in US History.
Who ever said the right was tolerant? Heil Hitler user
Shut up schlomo
He's Jewish not Russian dumbass
Unlike libcunts, we don't want to censor our freedom of speech. Fuck off.
He's Russian not Jewish dumbass
Warning to Russian Trolls. We can smell shitposts.
Russia is not a problem. You are repeating liberal propaganda.
It will be illegal to criticize this President because of groups like antifa, and you.
Russian who wanted all Trumpees to be beaten to death..
I'm not Jewish, either, and actually if you keep criticizing Trump's policies with Israel, anti-Semitic Hate Speech will be prosecuted under the Trump Administration.
holy shit it should be. the way retards and liberals are treating trump should be met with prison time. it weakens our entire country.
Pay no attention to the Idiots attempting to derail this thread.
Criticism of the President, particularly when it is at a juncture where the Deal with North Korea is about to be signed and now we are seeing that liberal policies brought back Isis, we need to be on the same page as a country, in a Unified National Front where this endless lampooning of this Presidency needs to stop.
Further proof that the right hates freedom. Their time is coming.
Imagine being such a worthless uneducated white nigger that you think the opposite of trumps tweet and golf ideology is communism. Looks like trumps the commie, what with his limp dick attempt to dictate who free market businesses can work with. The state controlling industry. So in effect you trash are the commies.
And frankly, this kind of lampooning of the President when we are technically in a state of War should be dealt with at Homeland Security levels. You really do sound like you need to be taught a lesson. Maybe you should delete that post.
Russian who's going to teach everyone a lesson by stomping their skulls in.
>eight years of Trump calling for Obama's birth certificate
>an entire election cycle of Trump acting like a spoiled child and making absurd promises he's yet to fulfill
>Four years of our POTUS acting like the biggest faggot in the history of politics, making our entire nation a global laughingstock.
Yeah, no. Fuck Trump, and fuck you.
>doesn’t even understand what post-deconstructionism yet cries about it
>cries about literary theory
>references communism but clearly has no grasp of that ideology
>when libcucks fall for libcuck bait
Jesus Christ.
This is the kind of Liberal Divisiveness I am referring to.
You could well be placed into a sensory brainwashing scenario where you are forced to relearn American values.
Russian trying to English.
You could have electrodes attached to your genitals until you begin straightening up and stop sassing back at a time we need National Unity.
And once we make notable strides in our Goals can we then relax some of these statutes and yes, then lighthearted lampooning of this Presidency could be tolerated in small doses.
In fact, we are going to have to crack down hard on antifa and other forms of Liberal Divisiveness if we hope to steer this country towards the proper goals by 2024.
just a reminder. The "flaming leftists" coming here espousing insane ideological conspiracies and starting threads that realistically should be i /pol/ are foreign agitators sowing discord for reasons nobody thinks are particularly interestin
pathetic samefagging
And until the Deal with North Korea is signed, and we have completely eliminated ISIS, criticism of this Presidency needs to be restricted, either by self-policing or an Executive Order if the People don't stop the Problem.
Also accusing staunch Trump Supporters of being Russian Agents should be an instant 8 month prison sentence with no trial.
We're holding this country together during this time of great divisiveness.
We also need a Moratorium on Criticizing Trump until Iran is stabilized as a country and ISIS is stopped in the Middle East.
In fact the next person who criticizes this Presidency at a Time of War could get reported to Homeland Security.
Welcome One and all to the shadows.
Discord Trannys, Incels, Flat Earthers, Gays, Straights, Christians, Muslims, Anyone.
>Want to get away?
>Want a place to hide?
>Start the next great Discord Syndicate.
Unseen; God has left us and we are alone Join and help create your next family. This is an oldschool discord server that will ban all normies. So if you a real nigga get in here and prosper.
orange nigger bad
There will be a trial Executive Run where Criticism against the Presidency will be first reported and then assessed if it's worth being prosecuted.
You posted this with a different picture showing a nigger fucking the shit out of a whitboi
Shh, they'll smash his fingers if they find out.
I don't know what either of you are talking about. See, this is why we need policing amongst ourselves to remove damaging elements to this Presidency.
Fuck off to Russia, dumbass.
You did it again. You posted this with another picture of a nigger fucking the shit out of a white boy.
Why do you have these pics in your Trump folder?
Show me the deleted post.
You can't because you're talking shit.
Bumping for Main Page.
We're going to crack down on criticism of this Presidency until we're on the same page Nationally.