What would you do with an extra 1,000 dollars a month?

What would you do with an extra 1,000 dollars a month?

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Other urls found in this thread:


buy a pc

probably use it to support myself since im a pro bono barrister

Still not vote for this retard cell.

Finally start working on being an indie Game Dev

explain. he's literally the only Dem that doesn't sound batshit or ride the whataboutism train. It's like the things he says actually makes some sense

a lot of things make sense on paper. concept is one thing, it being put into practice of our current system is another.

Probably use it to pay for the additional $1k in expenses as cost of living goes up

nothing out of the ordinary, inflation will make sure it is eaten up just as quickly as if this stupid policy didnt exist.

Make a mockery of the idea by spending it on drugs and further solidifying the position of the cartels, just to prove a point that UBI is not a good idea. Anyone dumb enougb to vote in this idea of universal basic income deserves the shitstorm that would soon follow.

If one company decides, "hey we're going to raise prices on you" then another one will say, "nah, we're gonna undercut the competition" and therefore the market will regulate itself. You believe in capitalism, right?

Not pay taxes

Pay my fucking bills. Eat better food. Afford transportation so I can get out of my shit job where my hours have been cut and in to a better one so I can afford a better life for my kids.
Not have to choose between between rent and something like going to the dentist.
And no, I'm not American, I'm Canadian.

How much money you wanna bet this faggot is a chinese plant?

when something is so complex any change has a ripple effect.

The key factor would be to get rid of the entire welfare state

>knowing this much about inflation.

Max my wife and I’s Roth IRAs

Except for
>social credit
>gun control
>healthcare for illegals
There are definitely worse options than him for sure. Too bad he has no chance of getting elected though.

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good luck with that.

Where exactly would the money for $1000 a month for each person be coming from?

Yup. Invest the crap out of it.

>not making any point or any attempt to assert an argument

You think it "makes sense" that you're going to RAISE taxes and then give everybody in the country $1000 a month? This makes fucking sense to you?

Born in America from Taiwanese parents is a plant? You realize Taiwan is at odds with China too right?

>You realize Taiwan is at odds with China too right?

It's not from taxes, per se.

Do you think Amazon should be paying zero taxes?

More strippers and blow.

geopolitics you dumb fuck.

You're not supposed to think about that
You're not supposed to think about anything, except that the orange man is bad.

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buy a house in 5 years rather than 20.

Your view is oversimplistic and misses the cause.
Not worth the effort.

"ripple effect".

You really are a moron.

How the fuck are they gonna pay for it then genius? Unless you wanna admit that you think/know this proposal is complete bullshit and will never happen anyway.

Right, so no sauce. Next question?

It's a VAT. It would affect the huge conglomerates at every step in production. That money would be put back into the hands of the people.
Alternatively, you're a lazy cunt who can't be bothered, or who is otherwise unable, to argue in good faith against such a basic point, but who wants to shitpost anyway. That's cool, but you don't get to take a position of smug superiority if you can't be bothered to counter a simple point or explain why it's wrong.

Well they're constantly expanding and opening up more warehouses and headquarters, which is providing jobs for people. Any reason your team LOVES to leave that out when you say dur amazon paid no taxes? Why do you leave that out?

They're going to deduct it specifically from the paychecks of welders and truckers. It's not going to come from anywhere else. It will be the only federal budget item funded this way in history, just to say fuck you to as many blue collar whites as possible.

>lashing out this much
wow, you seem desperate with that big talk.

>lashing out
Alright, big guy. This has gone on for too long. You win. Happy now, champ?

Nice fantasy you got going on there. Now let me tell you how it would REALLY work. Taxes would be raised, across the board, on the middle east. Niggers and spics who don't work for a living now have more money to buy drugs and malt liquor. The middle class now has less money even with the 1000 a month. Rich people don't care.

Evidently they plan on taxing companies that avoid taxation using trickery.
It won't work, because those companies can just pull out of the United States all together. The system relies on tech more than tech relies on the system.

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>Taxes would be raised, across the board, on the middle east.
This has to be bait

>The system relies on tech more than tech relies on the system.
Yeah that's why Nigeria can just offer zero percent taxes and get half of Silicon valley to move there.

I'd have an extra 12,000 a month. 1000 each for my wife and myself. Then $1000 for rent increase on my 6 small rentals. And an additional $2000 for both of my big family rentals. Liberals really can't think ahead can they.

Okay MIDDLE CLASS. I'm PRETTY sure it was fucking obvious what I meant, but there you go kiddo. Cleaned that up just for you. I understand you're a little slow, so no worries.

Companies are not using "trickery" to get out of paying taxes though. They are using the laws we have. If the democrats REALLY gave a fuck about corporations not saying taxes they would run on changing the fucking laws. Which of course they're not gonna do because those same companies donate money to their campaigns so they DONT do that.

Buy a candy bar because that's how much it's going to cost if this faggot gets elected, honestly do none of you understand basic economics?

>I'm PRETTY sure it was fucking obvious what I meant
Not really because none of it made sense. How do you just raise taxes on the middle class? Also, do you care that their taxes are already being raised with tariffs or is this all muh demoncraps fuckin up muh pyur whyte burbs shit?

are you literally saying that a single action (UBI) has zero effect on several other different entities? regardless of if the effects are good or bad there are definitely implications. you truly are the real moron.

what are indrect taxes?

>taxes raised on the middle class
Nah. It'd a value added tax. It would be placed only on goods produced from certain sectors of industry, so that more of that money would come out of the pocket of said rich companies, and wealthier people who consume their products.
>but what if the big companies go away
If they go away, they'll still have to deal with some other foreign country's policies, and many of the world's major countries have VATs at a higher rate than what Yang is proposing. Where they gonna go? Some African shithole? They gonna buy some landmass in the middle of the Pacific and declare themselves sovereign citizens? They're not going to go away, America is one of the most powerful economies in the world.

How did it not make sense? Which part confused you? Only thing not making sense is that bullshit rant you just went on, talking about shit that has nothing to do with ANYTHING anyone is fucking talking about.

>Only thing not making sense is that bullshit rant you just went on, talking about shit that has nothing to do with ANYTHING anyone is fucking talking about.
>Niggers and spics who don't work for a living now have more money to buy drugs and malt liquor. The middle class now has less money even with the 1000 a month. Rich people don't care.
The race war bullshit was right there. I didn't bring it up. It doesn't make sense because a tax hike can quite easily fall only on the higher brackets. Just raise them.

>validating that most people base their political beliefs off of how it personally benefits them.
>realizing this and still arguing on the board with others

omega lul

Where are they gonna go? How about places where they don't pay these ridiculous fucking taxes. You know, what they already do right now. That's what you want though isn't it? For everyone to be on fucking welfare.

Do you really want an answer, or do you believe there is no answer because the other team is a bunch of 'dumb, lazy libtards'?

He answers the question briefly in his Joe Rogan interview, and more thoroughly on his website.

But I think you're more at the 'if evolushin is real then how come there are still monkeys?' level of reasoning, right?

Oh race war my ass. So there aren't hoards of niggers and spics on welfare?

Experience inflation due to devaluing money. And then probably get a hooker.

You've been caught. You have no vision for the country besides poor whites working 80 hours a week to die at 49 without health insurance to maintain the Trump class in luxury, and everybody else dead. And I'm supposed to accept it because "lol niggurz amirite?" Get fucked

>taxes are ridiculous
Pretty sure someone earlier in the thread said that Amazon paid zero in taxes, so if that's true, then it's also true that they, and a number of other wealthy corporations, are using tax evasion tactics to avoid paying their share. A VAT is perhaps one solution to this predicament. Even if it's not, I don't see you proposing any alternatives. Do you think it's alright that huge corporations can just throw a huge chunk of change into a tax haven so it can accumulate interest for a 5, 10, 20 or longer period and then send it back to themselves without having paid shit into the system? That's exploitation, and it's unsustainable. If you think this is fine, then you're only arguing against your own interests, unless you're actually one of the most wealthy people in America, which I truly doubt.

Corporate welfare, lobyist-written tax laws and offshore shelters cost WAY more than the social programs you're complaining about. If you allied with the people you are demonizing, together you could take power back from the handful of billionaire elites stealing from all of us.

Buuut, you're not gonna do that are you?

Ask for more money 4 years later down the road because I can now not afford my lifestyle that 12K extra a year provided me.

That's pretty much the situation for any income stream.

Did I get "caught" exposing how fucking stupid you are? If so don't worry, you did that ALL of your own bud. Ain't nobody gettting caught doing shit. And maybe I would be more on board with this fucking nonsense if you fucking people would tell your slaves overseas to STOP coming here illegal and for niggers to get off the porch and filll out a fucking job application. Can you at least TRY telling them that? Oh knows, maybe this time they'll listen to you.

Pay $2000 more a month in taxes. Ain't nothing free, suckers.

go on a monthly weekend camping trip and a few longer ones a year

buy and read more books

buy a video game every few weeks instead of every few months

invest in my wardrobe (only own 2x pants 2x shorts atm)

acquire more certifications in my field

travel abroad

donate more to charities and political causes

buy my niece and nephew some stuff

buy a car

get a gym membership

eat healthier at home and more restaurant food instead of fast food while eating out.

invest more in my health (vitamins, better toothpase, mouthwash, etc)

decorate my place

upgrade existing and purchase new furniture

stop leasing and get a similarly priced mortgage with an extra bedroom and/or more space.

In other words, improve my own life a lot and spend more in the economy.

>Black unemployment is the lowest in history
>Black people don't work
Pick one (1). Caught.

They didn't pay any taxes because they opened a bunch of warehouses and are opening a new HQ. So again, why does your team leave that out? Why aren't your heroes running on changing the laws?

That's right. Prices have never been lower and the dollar has never been worth more due to all the competition in the marketplace now

Of course it's not free. We already worked for it and we're getting it back.

Yeah sure kid, likely odds of you doing this stopped at buying new video games/systems and buying clothes you don't need.

A VAT is changing the law

>amazon opened warehouses
Okay but why does this exempt them from paying taxes?

They're working because Trump ain't handing out EBT cards and free cell phones like King Nigger did. Unfortunately though we still have hoards of them that refuse to get off the porch, put the blunt down and fill out a fucking applcation. Can you go talk to them? Seriously, just ONE application.

I'm older than 49. I have excellent health care. I take all the time off I want. I love Trump. I bet you're fun at parties.

That's how the law works at the moment. The more you expand the less you pay. So again, why isn't your job changing the law? Amazon created thousands of jobs last year, but your heroes don't say a fucking word about THAT.

lease a benz and do some doughnuts in a parking lot YANG GANG skkrrrrrtttt

And no. You are not right. You're a bitter human

Or I just want to know the answer to the fucking question but, clearly you're too much of a retard to understand that.

>Unfortunately though we still have hoards of them that refuse to get off the porch, put the blunt down and fill out a fucking applcation.
Black population is 12%. Black unemployment is 5.9%. 5.9% of 12% is 0.7% of the US population. This is a rounding error, not an economic problem. It's strictly symbolic because you're a retarded racist turd who can't think except "lol niggurz amirite". Shit, I bet you're unemployed.

>job creation
Yeah, yeah. Nothing wrong with creating jobs, but if they're shit jobs that will inevitably be replaced by robots, then why don't you mention that? Quality is often more valuable than quantity. As for how the law works, well wouldn't the VAT be something of a law that would be used to address the aforementioned problem of tax evasion?

Then wouldn't it make more sense to lower taxes? No, CANT HAVE THAT NOW CAN WE? I forgot, democrats don't believe in tax cuts, especially for the middle class.

you're probably undertaxed.

>Amazon paid zero in taxes
Why does everyone keep posting this? They paid 1.1 billion.

Page 36

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>Then wouldn't it make more sense to lower taxes?
Taxes didn't take it from us, bosses did.

And you've done what with your life?

Because they brainwashed moron for the DNC

>statement of cash flows
Now where are the tax incentives they've received?

kek why are you getting defensive about this?

I'm more the offensive type

Who decides they are shit jobs, you? Those jobs start off at $15 an hour and are full time. Any other retail or warehouse company offering that? Nope. But right, they should be paying $50 an hour and paying for college tuition, because your team said so. Hell they need a fucking free day care while we're at it. Then Bezos can use his faggy wizard spells to cure cancer. Would this make you happy?

why bro its just a financial report

>they should be paying $50 an hour and paying for college tuition, because your team said so. Hell they need a fucking free day care while we're at it. Then Bezos can use his faggy wizard spells to cure cancer. Would this make you happy?
You've backed ass backwards exactly into the point. "Waah bezos can't colonize Mars if you get vacation"

Try to relax kid. Bezos is using his faggy spells to cure the world of unhappiness.

That's not even English, memelord

I don't love money. I just enjoy what money provides me. I love food, movies, Love me some air conditioning! All that shit costs money

Tax incentives aren't a government cash injection, they're just a functionally lower tax rate. If they get any tax incentives, its reflected in a smaller taxes paid figure.

You don't speak English? Sorry, what would you prefer, your native beaner language?

If people just lived within their means Americans would not need this at all.

There is no justifiable reason to own 10 pairs of Jordan's, rent a $1500 a month apartment, buy the latest Iphone right when it comes out when you have the last model and have a $500 a month car note with a 40-45k salary.

Honestly, it's would just improve my overall situation by enabling be to buy higher quality essentials lije food, beer, and weed.

GMC Denali HD

>Tax incentives aren't a government cash injection, they're just a functionally lower tax rate. If they get any tax incentives, its reflected in a smaller taxes paid figure.
Then you're admitting a statement of cash flows isn't an appropriate document to present their tax liability and benefit and the info is unusable as support for any point about taxes, in addition to being cut off.

Yeah but they get tax credits and other types of corporate welfare, so ultimately they get money back instead of having to pay into the system, which is the point.
Yeah, alright, so they pay well for now, but working in a warehouse can be classified as low or no skilled labor. Is that the kind of job you want? Something that can be easily lost when the appropriate artificial intelligence and/or automated solution comes along to displace you? So that's what I mean when I say they're creating shit jobs. They're low or no skilled jobs that may pay well but typically don't offer much in personal growth or development, and don't provide unto you any marketable skillset that would aid you in the ability to enter another sector of the work force.

Where do I find a $1500 apartment? That's cheap. And don't have a time machine so I can't go back to the 90s and buy one let alone 10 pair of AJs.

>a lot of things make sense on paper.
Like putting tariffs on foreign products in an attempt to encourage domestic production?

Save it in secret from my pillhead family and move out

Depends on where in the country you live.
That is another factor/life choice and why everyone is leaving shit hole states like NY and CA for the midwest.

THIS. I can't believe these fagets are seriously still putting out the "left can't ekonimix" meme after Trump destroyed farming, trucking, and is about to destroy American manufacturing that uses steel inputs, ironically.

That's not happening. They're moving to the Southeast, mostly.

It literally says on the document "cash paid for income taxes, net of refunds." This is the net amount paid from amazon to the government for taxes, after tax credits and all that other shit.

It's fucking that I'm about the only conservative who still believes in free fucking trade and all that instead of flipping over to centralized planned economic bullshit, which is exactly what tariffs and/or subsidies fucking are.
>my guy politics

Trump's heart is in the right place to want to bring back manufacturing to the US but the labor is way cheaper in China and you don't have to pay medical, payroll taxes and other benefits. If I owned a company, sadly, I would over seas. Sorry fellow Muricans

>If I owned a company, sadly, I would over seas
Considering that you are a kike, that's nto surprising

On the bright side, the lack of work place safety in China does provide us with good content if you enjoy Rekt threads. No?

>everyone I don’t like is jew
>white people dont move companies overseas

Okay but you need to protect your startups from getting btfo by established players so they can scale into something that can compete globally.

randomly calling someone a kike as a rebuttal, spotted the 12 year old

No, not white people, JEWS. Jews are not white my friend.

So you admit that you're jewish?

Actually I'm 50% Greek (from the big island, 25% Italian (southern) and 25% unknown. Oh and 100% AMERICAN!

And 100% Jew, don't forget that part

Ah, now that is a different argument than global trade

pretty much covers rent, car insurance, elec, and phone with a little left over. i could actually save some money.
t. poor

My ancestry. I am born and raised in America and have never been out of the US but I would love to see all of the UK, Ireland, Iceland, the Nordic regions Russia, parts of eastern Europe (if I had a body guard and bribe money) and maybe Israel but it's surrounded by a lot of scary brown people so no.

You pay all of that with 1000 dollars? Are you a fucking nigger or what?

Israel is only scary for non-jews, so you'll be just fine

Actually I think being a Jew is a religious thing and fun fact... 82% percent of... I just realized that your are too retarded to understand fun facts.

Within the country, it doesn't really matter who owns the company. But if you're america, its better to have amazon take over the shipping industry than alibaba. Tariffs are like a form of nepotism that favor domestic companies.

Good to know. Thanks!

Let me guess, you were gonna drop some fake ass news about jews being white? Yeah, that's not how it works bucko.

It’s really quite simple ask yourself do I spend $200,000 a year. If you do this policy is a net minus for you. If you don’t you will come out ahead.
I’ll break even on the whole thing but the hierarchy will be much more stable which will be of great benefit to everybody.

Invest it lmao, that's free cash.

>being a Jew is a religious thing
What does a christian nose look like? What about a buddhist nose? I've never heard of a religion influencing phenotypes.

I think Jews are sort of lighter brown. Not entirely sure and to buzzed to Google it. And Bucko? Really? Are you from 1955 or the Midwest?

I like this dude

Yes, it's called being non-white. Are you all caught up now?

I would correct my "to" but I'm not sure you'd know what I meant by it.

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That's not the way that's going to work. That thousand monthly comes out of your pay in the form of taxes. It will be used as a punitive measure against people who make "too much" money, with a threshold set lower than most of you would expect.

If you're working full-time, you probably already make too much to receive his vote-purchasing funds, again, taken by force from people who actually earn their keep.

It will remove incentive from people to better themselves -- either because they would lose the guaranteed check for making too much, or their taxes would make them worse off, for making too much. So there goes most of the drive for people seeking decent jobs, education, skills, and actually doing things to make themselves and their lives better.

His reasons for proposing this theft to re-gift to others are not the government's place to even be involved in, in the first place.

Fuck authoritarianism.

Learn personal responsibility.

Pay off debt

Actually, I haven't quite caught up yet. When you said yes to start of your sentence, where you answering yes to the fact that you are white or that Jews have some brown in them or??

Buddy, are you okay? You seem lost here. You wanna start over?

The threshold is roughly $120,000 for a single person $240,000 for a couple. My wife and I are making $160,000 a year right now and it’s enough money that you would need to be a moron not to live comfortably on it. Even with the FD at $184,000 we would come out slightly ahead. It should feel like $166,000.

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I think everyone gets a thousand. Even supper rich people that most people on my site that are envious because they haven't yet put forth the effort to make something of themselves like the people that have money.

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I will never understand how people make over six figures every year but are somehow still broke. Like my sister and her boyfriend. They make close to 200k together and have no money saved. They constantly buy stupid shit and go on pointless vacations. I will never understand that.

If you live in an expensive area NY SF or Seattle it’s not a whole lot be anywhere else you need to be brain dead to not be accidentally stacking up at least 4 grand a month on accident, even with kids.

I guess being only 26 now, most of our lives we will come out behind but it really doesn’t matter because we will be loaded either way.

I mean I get that, but 200K is a lot of money. You give me a salary like that I'll have no shortage of money.

nothing wrong with typing on Yea Forums, but inevitably it will be replaced with just thinking to transfer a message over the internet.

Fun fact. My woman makes roughly $8,500 a year and I make roughly $85,500 and we are living a very comfortable life. I know people like you mentioned. I don't get it. And plus we not old and yet our retirement is almost completely funded. And we have a good time. I like you

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I honesty don't get it. I don't know where she got that from either my parents are excellent with money. I get wanting to enjoy what you make, but come on.

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Shut the FUCK UP. You need over a million dollars to fully fund retirement.

White women are terrible with money because it’s literally fucking handed to them their whole life.


It’s not hard if you start early. I’m 26 and I’m done actively saving for retirement. I have my 401k, my IRA, and I’m a limited parter on 2 venture funds. If you can put money away before you hit 30 you are golden.

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We just didn't the week in San Diego. It was amazing but I'm really out of shape. I think we walked about 75 to 90 miles and my legs have been in horrible pain but recovering quickly.

My woman is as white as they come but super frugal. I love that bitch

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>I think we walked about 75 to 90 miles
What the fuck for?

Probably buy a car because that would essential cover the monthly payments.

I'm with you. I have a pension, 457(b), some fluid cash, an emergency fund, and a separate online checking and savings which I put 50 per paycheck to fund stuff like our San Diego trip. We ate too much but damn. So much fun

You need a million to retire. But if you just drop the attitude, a million is a good goal.

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>You need a million to retire
No you do not

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>Buy weed.

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The San Diego Zoo is 100 acres. We spent, 12 hours there and spent roughly and hour before the zoo. The average human walks approximately 3.1mph. So the first day I walked about 35 miles subtracting for the two tour bus things and the 3 trips we went on the cable cart things in the sky

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Why wait for yang when you can get 50 dollars now on coinbase
XLM: coinbase.
Q1. A decentralized protocol that unites the world's financial infrastructure .
Q2. Facilitating low-cost, universal payments.
Q3. Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
Q4. To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently.
Q5. It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions.

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And yes. My legs are still burning and I realized I must get in shape but never walk 35 miles in one day ever again lol

Spend it on the extra 1000 dollars in fees that would pop up.

Continue to struggle as society and the economy immediately inflates currency rates to erase my gains.

Different argument, as I said.

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Invest it in an app that crowdsources locating Trumptards, tipping them on their side, and rolling them off bridges.

Even crazier, my woman walked faster than I did and she's just fine. She's insane tho.

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Tulsi Gabbard is interdasting.
I almost wish she were running as a Republican, she’d have made an ideal Republican candidate before the 1980 election and radicalization.

And don’t you fucking Trumpkids even try whitewashing that election, I lived through it.

And she worked this morning and does all weekend. I feel like a pussy cuz I may call in sick on Tuesday. I won't.

Pay off my credit card debt

Try to be less of a homo.

Why bother with UBI when you can always go make an additional $1,000 a month yourself instead of being a worthless piece of shit?

Everyone I know is in software and makes six figures, have almost no expenses, and yet piss money away on nothing and are broke. I’m an illiterate goat herder by comparison, never made more than 34k per year, and still manage to live in an apartment on the beach in La Jolla, surf every day, own a lake home in Canada, and my retirement plan there is on track. People and their money.

assuming this plan doesn't fuck the ecomony and cause inflation to skyrocket I would invest in a roth ira and save the rest for emergencies. also buy pokemon cards

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I've been so off topic. I'd either put the Grand towards more travel or maybe some cocaine and a couple hookers.

Nah, I won’t pretend to be anything other than what I am.

pay my phone bill and buy weed with the rest.

Raise consumer taxes.

Vat tax . Tax is in the fuckin name you shill.

Thanks a fuckload boss i thought that shit was a fucking virus cheers for 15 bucks so far

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Buy a child sex slave.

>doesn’t want a thousand dollar tax break when he’s already earned that money, wants to pay it and work to net yet another thousand dollars to be left with the same thousand dollars.

Not exactly a math major were ya.

Not a burger, how is some chubby chink going to gib u moenies?


Is that the only fucking point you guys can ever bring up in an argument. I don't give a fuck about how much taxes they pay. They create millions of jobs so people can feed their family's , pay rent, taxes, all that shit. I'd rather people have jobs then handouts .

Use it to offset the increased price of goods and services which would be caused by everyone having an extra $1k a month.

Faggot. Got'em.


Fund racist websites

>I’m going to give everyone a thousand bucks off your taxes per month and refund you the difference if you’re under, treating everyone the same way we treat businesses.


Clearly doesn't understand but tries to sound like you do.

Use it to buy a loaf of bread.

You realize with gangsters vat tax that house will cost you 10% more. Fun fact.


Vat tax which is a 10% tax on everything you buy.

Vat tax would be paid by the consumer dumbass

Ding ding ding, we have a winner.

I am a Burger and I'm not sure but I would imagine that we'll just keep printing more until it's worthless and then go ask Venezuela how they dealt with it?

Oh really, you’re clinging to an ideology instead of making a rational decision? What a total surprise that you would have some fuckin utopian ideology you’re treating like a religion, and you just happen to have reached that conclusion on it, & not any other conclusion. This is not a religion, it’s accounting. 17th century Protestant utopianists gtfo.

They are automating those jobs away you morons. They are employing people now until all their warehouses become automated. Why the fuck do you think they are trying to encourage their workers to quit and start a delivery business?

You're clearly dumb

Double kek

Thanks for early yang bucks

Start a business

Clearly you don't but keep being stupid please, it's very amusing.

I’m watching the Dark Crystal and I don’t know why. I’m just hearing lots of noises and screaming and whenever I look up it’s all light arrays and particle clouds and gross-out gurgling. When I was like 8 and it came out the first time, it wasn’t exaclty great, and I’m not sure why they felt it needed to be 16 hours long.



Amen brother. I tune out the second a career politician starts on about closing the loopholes. Truth is they won't. The loopholes mostly consist of incentives for companies to invest in growth as well as incentives to stay in the us. Take them away and they will relocate to the cheapest tax Haven island. It happens today.

You use too many fancy words and never make a point.

Made me lol

Give us the fucking answer man!

It's not a tax break if UBI is being given to people who don't pay taxes.

Get it in 1 dollar bills, and burn them to stay warm in the winter. USD doesn’t do me any fuckin good.

such a dumb platform
it would have to be passed by Congress
zero chance of this happening
might as well vote for unicorns

Is that why whites make up the majority in food stamps? I want to say it was 36% and about 43% on medicaid. Fuckin minorities right?

And yet, as a business, it’s perfectly acceptable to claim your asset depreciations immediately and get $ back on your returns, even if you don’t make a dime and never pay any taxes at all and just shit down after a few years of getting free money from taxpayers.

You are dumb as shit. Vat tax is paid by the consumer. Companies selling products don't give a shit. You pay it not them . You guys like to blur the line in Corp tax and consumer tax to confuse people who don't know any better. Yangs ubi will be paid for by a 10 % tax on all goods you buy.

Still going back into the economy dumb shit

Well his math works out, but American conservatives can’t wrap their 18th century culture around the idea. Or any other idea lol

Simpletons gotta destroy their country before anyone with any balls can try anything.

Pay off my student debt much faster and credit card debt. Then put it into an investment and retirement that will earn me money in time. I hate being so poor.

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Tell us then. If rather put a bullet in my head then listen to a Joe Rogan interview of yang dand sweet poontangs. Your the shill trying to sell him. Shill monkey , shill..

Put it towards an exotic vacation and hookers

You sound like a typical Brit

I don’t see any fancy words in there. Protestant? Utopian? Those words? Where would those be considered fancy?

Fucking hell, Amazon will not pay the vat tax dumbass, the consumer will. Amazon doesn't pay your sales tax, you do.

Close. Across the ocean and in an old British colony that made a big show of being indeoendent but then continued right on being as British as possible in every fucking way.

Change it to €, get 2,50 out of it. Go to buy six beers and drink them in the streets.
I fucking love Germany.

You look at it wrong. They cost nothing. Us not taxing a company or person does not cost a thing. Lost revenue is not a cost. Us paying a bunch of lazy fucks welfare does cost us money. Basic finance.

Vat us a consumer tax paid by us, not Amazon dipshit.

No since consumer pays vat tax

work less. possibly get an internship. volunteer more. use lyft more often. eat out more often. buy higher quality weed.

Assuming the company passes down the full 10% VAT onto the consumer, you would need to spend $10,000 a month for your $1000 ubi to be nullified. Every other modern economy with a VAT usually pass on half the rate. So at most, we will see a 5% consumer tax. Now we would have spend $20,000 a month for it to be nullified.

That would only benefit the people who work and pay taxes. Can't have that. This is what kills me. These same libs who cry that tax cuts don't work are now saying ubi will.

Assuming the company passes down the full 10% VAT onto the consumer, you would need to spend $10,000 a month for your $1000 ubi to be nullified. Every other modern economy with a VAT usually pass on half the rate. So at most, we will see a 5% consumer tax. Now we would have spend $20,000 a month for it to be nullified.

But user, I can't afford my 8 bedroom house in New York City and pay my Mercedes lease while managing my 200,000 debt for my student loan for my degree in Romanian folk dance. Plus I have to pay for my wife's boyfriend's band s practice space. I'm entitled to nice things. Mommy told me so.

Dubs of truth

>When your only exposure to economic theory is the communist manifesto
So you’re in what, 11th grade?

Amen. I live within my means. Good job. Paid off house. No debt. Nice retirement fund. It's not as hard as most make it. Btw I have coworkers making the same living paycheck to paycheck.

Move. In AZ 1500 a month get you a kick ass house rental here. Apartments cheaper.

Haha you dimwits are all really the same aren't you? Fucking low IQ simple minded retards who always come back with school shit like it's offensive. "Hurr durr, you must school huh you dun not understand everythings I knows." Tell me expert, what makes you more qualified then the 1000+ economist who signed off on UBI or visionaries and futurists like Elon musk who supports Yang? Stick to staring at your monitor you basement dweller.


your passion is not guaranteed marketable. Work

China problem is deeper then that. Companies are forced to give up technology to the Chinese in order to operate there. Intellectual rights are ignored, the same factory that makes a us product will ship out extra product in the side and pocket the money. Chinese companies are heavily subsidized by the government. My company built a semiconductor fav over there. Was forced to train them, give them trade secrets, they stold trade secrets, and in the end the Chinese just took the factory once it was up. My company can't complain or risk losing all sales in China. Fuck the chinks. Trump just does a horrible job of communicating why he's going this.

On the one hand, that's a little over half my current pre-tax income.

On the other hand, landlords will just raise rent etc. because "people can afford it" so I figure we've got like one year, tops, of being able to actually use that money for anything.

I'm a 28 year old who just finished my RN. but sure call me kid.

As for gaming, I got a PS4 in November, have about 15 steam games to my name and had a potato PC till this summer.

But go ahead and just make up your own reality.

Also, clothes I don't need? Having to do laundry every 4 days or having to re-use clothes is hardly a large wardrobe. Have you ever lived with a woman? Or thought back to your high school wardrobe? Shit deteriorates and downsizes after years of being poor and/or a broke student.

Instead of shitting on everyone else maybe you should put down the 2-liter and do something positive with your life.

Same here . Doesn't take much but starting early helps a lot.

Gee a gook democrat saying he will pay you $1,000 to vote for him.
Does he have as much money as Trump in the bank to write that check?
Really, the crown prince of Saudia Arabia might, but he ain't stupid, ain't gonna write that check either.
And I'm not gonna get taxed by this gok or any dem or rep to pay for that shit.
Get a job!

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Is there any math on how a 5% vat is supposed to come up with enough money to give every adult in USA 1000$ a month?

They wouldn't though because your UBI would be portable. It goes where you do. So you get the freedom to find another place to live because competition will still exist meaning those who raise their rent will go un-rented

Old school thinking. Lots of variables . There's an online calculator called firecalc that will run the numbers for you.

Nice little speech there, user. Too bad this sordid collection will just shit on it and move on to whatever menial role this life has given them. Pearls before swine fag, pearls before swine.

Wasn't it a 10% VAT or did he change it?

Ok at 10% then

Unless you spend more than $20,000 a month on luxury goods, you're not gonna feel the VAT. Stop bitching. You probably don't work anyway.

I'm still skeptical about some of the mechanics of UBI generally and Yang's plan in particular, but eh he's still my 3rd choice for 2020.

>They are automating those jobs away you morons


You ok bud? You want me to call someone for you? I think you had a stroke. Lie down and call 911.


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What are you going to do when they have cheaper labor though. Chinese workers work more for less. Executives could hardly give a shit when American workers work less for more. Boycotting products only works if you have a sizeable middle class that's willing to spend money on other non-"slave labor" products. The Chinese are brutal and practical when it comes to economics and politics.

Really sad. Gotta be a shill. Didn't read my comment, just replied.
I'm not bitching, they're not gonna give you what they have earned and neither will I ! I have 2, you can't have 1 of mine commie!

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>Is that why whites make up the majority in food stamps?
Well lets see, genius. Whites far outnumber blacks. Black people are 13% of the population. But yet somehow a far greater percentage of that is on welfare. Boy, that sure is weird. Even more weird a far greater percentage of 13% commit violent crime. Dude, this is fucking weird. Oh man, I don't understand this. How is that possible? Black panther came out last year. I thought black people were super heroes? Oh no, please. Somebody HELP ME. I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT THE FUCK. Black people and stuff, and rap and culture and white girls and stuff. Michael Vick and the dogs. BIDEN AND STUFF.

Do your research. Also check out American Factory on Netflix

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Don't be quick to judge user. I won 6th grade class president by running on the free pizza for all campaign. I won by a landslide but I was impeached for not delivering one slice. But I enjoyed my short live fame. Until the beatings started.


Welcome One and all to the shadows.

Discord Trannys, Incels, Flat Earthers, Gays, Straights, Christians, Muslims, Anyone.

>Want to get away?
>Want a place to hide?
>Start the next great Discord Syndicate.

Unseen; God has left us and we are alone Join and help create your next family. This is an oldschool discord server that will ban all normies. So if you a real nigga get in here and prosper.


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>Chinese man
>Proposing literal communism
>Hey now don't be so quick on dem jokes
>We have to first pretend to take this nigga seriously

Mmhmm sure thing. I suspect you think monopoly is also communist right? Or maybe socialist? Because you know, you don't start the game with 0 and you collect after passing go. It's funny how a capitalist board game has the principles of UBI. Hmm... what? Passing go is a freedom dividend?

You are a fool if you think any company is going to absorb the vat tax for us. Funny that now the break even point is 20,000 a month. Your target keeps moving. Explain to me how none of us will pay the full amount and yet we will be able to afford this. Rich people aren't stupid. Vat tax them and they'll buy their luxury items from non vat countries as well as come up with millions of ways to skirt the laws like buying things thru a dummy Corp to skirt the tax.

I'm a student so I'd probably spend it on food. Maybe clothes. Maybe PC games. Maybe a new laptop. Maybe invest some of it.

Gee, If you had just run on free chinese food by Yang..

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Sorry I can't translate facts into stupid for you.

Imagine thinking 1000 a month is a lot of money lmao

>I suspect you think monopoly is also communist right?
Mmhmm sure thing. I suspect you think dodging the quetion and throwing out literal bullshit is also an argument right? Or maybe you're just retarded?

It is but now they have a fantasy that the seller will absorb the other 5%. Probably came out from a focus group study to shill it as 5%

500 in savings, 500 for whatever fun shit I wanted to do.

This moron..
Biotch gotta go....

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It's 10 % on everything asshole.

If you believe this is true then you are a hopeless retard. It's not even difficult to Google this shit to see that these companies absolutely do pay the taxes they are legally required to. You're either a sheep or a liar.

Not vote for a chink?

Not really. Most modern economies have a VAT in place and at a higher rate. Statistically, companies only passed down half the rate to the consumer. No target was moved. It is simple math. If the company passes down the full 10%, we would have to spend $10,000 a month for the UBI to be nullified. At 5%, which is half of 10%, we would have to spend $20,000 a month for it to be nullified. Besides companies like Amazon already pay the VAT in other countries they sell goods at. So clearly they have no problem paying it. Good luck finding anything of luxury in non vat countries being that most modern economies have them. Dumb shit

That's the point. They will change on changing on, and then say oops nothing to see here. Just keep on enjoying that faggy 1000 ever month. Oh btw, we're gonna need another 30% of that sweet paycheck. Tyrone just had another rocket scientist. You understand right? :)

That's why the sooner the better. They can make simple cheap chips right now and can't come near the standards and quality that my factory can. Fortunately who we sell to gas extreme quality demands. That could change over time as well as they will learn over time. The whole world allowed them to cheat because we like cheap cheap. It will bite us in the ass.

How is it dodging? You're literally too stupid to realize that what you would be receiving is way more than you would be paying. Your two supposed jobs which I assume you pay taxes for, go to social welfare programs and other socialist programs as it is. This is literally a return for you while working to curb those social programs

A return that won't matter much when a carton of eggs cost $50

His plan targets luxury goods dumbass. Aren't we talking about him specifically or did we lose too many brain cells trying to process actual facts and data?

Historically, the implementation of VAT in Europe has lead to 3-4% of the tax being passed along to consumers.

Take an economics class

Nah, I'm aware of what I would be receiving. Which is less of my own money. And then Tyrone can enjoy my money while he sells drugs and fucks anything that crosses his path. Oh wait, did I just ruin your secret plan? Oh fuck, I did huh? Quick, call the faggy wizards in Mordor, tell them to use their faggy spells to get us on board with your agenda. Damn it, where is Kobe Bryant? You need him to dunk on everyone so they can stop paying attention to what you're trying to do.

Take a history class. Weimar republic son, that is what you are asking for. Hey does anyone have 5 million prussian franks I can borrow?

Nope , still 10% tax on consumer. Seller won't absorb because they won't care, you can't escape it by buying from someone else and they will make us feel the pain for voting yang. You guys won't ever answer how he will not kill the housing and auto industries if the prices for both go up 10%. Don't shill the , you'll get it back in blah blah years. House prices will go up 10% and people will shy away from buying new houses and cars.

Now I clearly understand I'm working with a vegetable if you try using that as a reference which is completely different scenario. So I'm done with you. Begone my child for stupidity has bested you. Keep your trump, those tariffs while gladly bring you your $50 eggs

I own 4 houses, 3 of them I rent out. They are all in desirable college-close locations. If Yang were somehow elected and managed to implement UBI, the first thing I would do is raise the rent on those 3 properties, probably by about 350-500 a month. They can move out if they don't like it, the houses would not stay empty long. I really hope Yang gets in.

You have have a job and get handouts. The UBI just makes it so that we don't start at zero.

Thankfully you aren't old enough to vote yet

Well none of you faggot yangers will ever answer specific questions. His fucking sure says 10%vat tax. It doesn't have a fucking asterisk, it doesn't break it down to luxury items, it just says vat tax. Here's your chance yangsucker , break it down complete with proof. Then we can have an adult conversation instead of this generalization make it up to fit your argument bullshit. You do the legwork , he's paying you to shill , do your job .

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Yes free magic money with literally no consequences sounds about right

Historically, now it's down to 2%? Pretty soon the vat tax gonna pay us , historically speaking .

Hey now, hold on okay? We have Kobe Bryant on the phone. He's gonna dunk on everybody who doesn't want communism. SHAQ woiuld be better but he's busy.

Housing isn't considered luxury in the market. Financing a car with a 5% to 10% consumer tax will literally be unnoticed by you being that you could pay the monthly with the UBI. Unless you drop cash in full, you won't feel shit. But regardless, it targets luxury goods and I already provided you the math with them passing on the 10% which as I stated, statistically has always been roughly half passed down but even assuming the full 10%, you would still have to buy 10k worth of luxury goods a month to feel it