Hey I'm Millie. I was on here the other night. AMA as long as I can ask you anything. Please be nice

Hey I'm Millie. I was on here the other night. AMA as long as I can ask you anything. Please be nice

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Favorite question and answer the other night?


Hey how old are you? Where do you live (don't need to give too much details)

I actually just named my new car Millie. Neat.

What do you look like if you live for centuries?

Old :p

You have good taste in names friend

Oh I'm prepared

life is cool imo but shitty as in bloody, where are the godzillas that are not whales that will help people to appreciate the ocean life?

This. Why don't you answer?

Well that's basic stuff

I live in the US mostly

Tits or GTFO

Are you famous?

Do you travel a lot?

I am
I travel sure I probably shouldn't have wrote it that way

What's your favourite country you've been in?

famous? for?

Austria. Specifically Vienna

Stranger Things. >:|

how long have u been larping mbb? why arnt you asking questions in return like you implied?

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.


I'm still not sure what larping means. I assume pretending. I'm not. I don't care if you believe otherwise

I've once been to prague and I do love central europe too, I live in France btw

if OP's not posting picture/vids, can what they're doing really be called larping and not just good old fashioned RP'ing?

will you are who you claim to be, would you be so kind as to post a picture of yourself with a shoe on your head?

LARP = live action role play...it's usually nerds doing a live action form of D&D.

>Hey I'm Millie
>Millie Bobby Brown

This is no place for you young lady. Now show me your asshole.

So you are famous, why come to /b?

OP, if you're still here, why start a thread like this, is this cesspool of all places?

The obvious answer is no
But the respect is high bruh

Because it's taboo :p
And maybe I haven't browsed it enough but it's feels so built up in the news. If you read around its just a bunch of people joking around. At least I assume. And I know people who browse here. I did a post a few nights ago and everyone seemed nice enough and not just asking same old questions :)

your rockin the dead children thread also, right?

whats your favorite color?
where are you right now?
no goog

I'm laying outside

this place is not as it once was. I'm not a originalfag, i started browsing here around the time of Chanology...things have changed, for the worse...it was never great, but there were more lulz, less shitposting...ish

If ytou are who you claim to be, I gotta ask: do you know if the "conspiracy theories" about pedos in your industry true?

It can get brutal. You can't take anything seriously.
You seem nice.
Can I sniff your hair?

You certainly aren't the first person to ask to smell my hair. It does smell lovely but I'm afraid I need to get to people a bit better before allowing that :p

I've never been pressured to do anything for a job. And the people who may be older that do give you a lot of attention aren't really in power. And they're nice. It doesn't feel nefarious but it might be. That's what worries me

did you want to be an actress, or did your parents force you into it?

do you enjoy it?

here's hoping you never have to deal with anything that you don't want.

Heh I was just playing.
I hope you are saving the money you make and have a good financial firm investing for you.

i could help you get control of your money.

It's hard not giving an older cute guy attention when he clearly likes. I probably shouldn't write that but oh well


Fuck this autistic hugbox shit

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I wanted to. But it is tiring. Mentally. I said the other night I didnt really have a choice. And thinking about it that is true. I was paraded around and was promised fame and fortune. They liked that.

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oh, look, an autistic faggot

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I don't have full control of it. No matter what the laws are

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No this is disturbing.
Ill just do this later

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Told you it can be brutal

There is always some asshole

Hi Millie! Few things to start off with =) 1. Yes I replied to your thread because you're a girl user, 'tis and awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D.

sage in all thingz

So I guess op is dead
Good bread for a while

The Laura of Wet Blankets enters the thread.

Instead of participating in thread discussion, this Laura just wants to point out that you're currently at the edge of the board and about to die. =^_^=

Attached: Laura.png (189x274, 75K)