Fuck this white hating progressive piece of trash...

Fuck this white hating progressive piece of trash. All he does is sit on twitter all day and spout his own racism against white people. And liberal twitter doesn't do hack shit about it. Fucking tired of this kike and his bullshit. Fucking stupid kike

Attached: IiGxAx4v_400x400.jpg (427x430, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:

letmegooglethat.com/?q=g-d jewish

You sound angry. Are you angry?

Everyone should be angry when a Jew claims to be white and bashes those of European lineage. Yes


Wow...you can write in all caps. Go home wetback

>when a Jew claims to be white
it's this faggot shit lol


I am going to post this only once and never again and let you "white people" know a little secret. Do you know why we hate you so much? You are descendants of Amalek and must be wiped out as G-d commands. If you would do just a tiny bit of research you would know where all our seething hatred of you comes from and why we will wipe you all out.

Who the fuck is this guy?

Never heard of him before today so I guess he’s not as popular as OP thinks

You mean "God" user.


You ever look at Jews on twitter? They will nonstop bash whites and say stuff like "Us white people need to stop having children and go extinct we are evil" but when a black person or latino tells them they hate them for being white and they should kill themselves they magically become nonwhite because they are jewish and defend themselves with gems like this: "I am not white I am Jew we are in this together as minorities!"

Someone doesn't know why Jews spell God as G-d.....

letmegooglethat.com/?q=g-d jewish

found the lib

>Are you this obsessed with Jews as I am?



There is literally nothing wrong with being liberal.

God. God.


Do you even know how to use "literally" correctly in a sentence? And yes there is. Fuck off progressive.

Being a democratic socialist such as myself triggers the fuck out of you, and I assure you it's akin to victory to watch you rage in such delightful impotence.

In other words you are a Bernie fag. Get in the oven boy

How many hours a day (on average) do you think about Jews?

You consider yourself one of these people. No one is triggered by you were all laughing at you.

Ah yes, the immature glorification of Nazi imagery. How's 8th Grade?

It's not that I'm angry. I just cannot take you people seriously. Personal Point of privilege- No one cares about your pro nouns.

>were all laughing at you.
lol trumpshit

Actually no The Squad has you triggered as fuck. Rent free.

Oh no I didn't use proper punctuation on the internet. How horrible.

Also, I didn't vote for Trump last election but you are making me consider it this time around.

Nope. Try again bro. Haven't you got some consent nonsense to go deal with?

>I didn't vote for Trump last election
yes you did
whatever decision you made then got him elected

You're actually proving my point nicely.

It's a shame people didn't show up and follow Democratic Socialists home after their so called convention. That's how you deal with communists. You hang them from a bridge or tree

>I believe in killing innocent people


The Squad triggers you this hard because female people of color are the future of this society.

Communists are far from innocent people. Marxists are terrorists

You're the only one advocating violence froglet.

This is what a Communist looks like

Attached: .jpg (474x314, 31K)

Correction. It is what a good communist looks like

Fortunately our society has laws to protect us from people like you threatening this kind of violence.

Yes, communists hide behind the very laws they seek to overturn. It is no secret that one of the goals of the communist party is to weaponize the US Constitution against non-communists in order to gain power and then remove such protections

The Squad is the future of this country.

user there are literally no "communists" threatening you in this country. You might want to have that looked at.

Attached: 002-002.jpg (500x500, 57K)

The Squad are communists

>white hating

Are you legitimately retarded, OP?

No they aren't dipshit.

Rent free.



Other than the fact it is literally illegal and guaranteed prison time if you are communist in the USA.

Fuck off. Stop being so triggered.

>Commies r everywhar
get help faggot lol

Because they believe in a non-existent sky wizard from a 2000 year old book of goatherder fanfics that vaguely implies it doesn't like to hear its own title?

So do Republitards. Your point?

Correct. Liberal is indicative of intelligence and a rounded series of viewpoints, as well as the ability to see things from multiple perspectives.

They publicly venerate Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Sanders displayed a Soviet communist flag in his office for many years, always advocated for the Soviet line in foreign policy and defense matters, and even honeymooned in Soviet Russia. He admits to being a socialist, as in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the USSR. Describing him as a communist has the ease of shooting Marxists in barrel, which communists themselves did on a consistent basis. He currently comments on the superiority of the Venezuelan communist social and economic model. Uh-huh, a veritable paradise. For classic Reds.
AOC does everything she can to stoke racial animus, long a Soviet goal in America. She has also described her warm feelings for socialism and socialist policies like government-run healthcare. Her hatred for American traditions and faith is glaringly obvious and she gleefully revels in it. She has taken the aging and toothless trollop that is the modern U.S. Democratic Party and further infected it with the contagion of authoritarian socialism. It was a willing victim.
Reps Omar and Tlaib do their bit to flame the fires of racism and are acknowledged enemies of Israel, much like the official policy of the former USSR. They have both called for an unconstitutional forcible disarming of the American people, decry U.S. national security efforts, and regularly reiterate communist economic nostrums as if they have the ring of historical success. It is tempting to chalk up all their ideological foibles to unbelievable stupidity and excessive narcissism. And yes, those play a major part. But a far more twisted and brutal motivation lies just below the surface of their public personas.

Holy shit I can't believe I haven't seen this yet. It's like they're talking to literal children, lmao.

They're all morons.

>Sanders displayed a Soviet communist flag in his office for many years
wow it's really funny when you so-called defenders of free speech and expression lose your shit like this lol

>always advocated for the Soviet line in foreign policy and defense matters,

no he didn't trumpshit

What a fag you are. Literally the worst scum of humanity.

Attached: LaughingGirls Original.jpg (237x213, 11K)

Who is he?

>Reps Omar and Tlaib do their bit to flame the fires of racism
You mean they trigger the fuck out of you because they're both women of color in positions of power, and we simply can't have that.
lol trumpshit

>acknowledged enemies of Israel,
Everyone with half a brain should oppose that far right wing oppressive occupation, user. You're a bootlicker.

They are captives of a murderous bitter 19th century philosophy that lost the Cold War on Christmas Day in Moscow, 1991. Apparently, lost it almost everywhere except in the Democratic Party of Sanders, Cortez, Tlaib, Pressley, and Omar.

>the modern U.S. Democratic Party
>authoritarian socialism
if only they had the spine to stand up to nazis like you with the dedication of antifa user

literally someone who votes for others who share my views user
you can't control that
and fuck it triggers you


I found it funny.
I'm with OP he needs to chill.
You are the most retarded fagot who ever existed.

>except Sanders, Cortez, Tlaib, Pressley, and Omar.
The resistance has to start somewhere
might as well be with them

You're a communist. And communists deserve to burn like NVA in a napalm strike

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>You are the most retarded fagot who ever existed.
you actually elected that lol

Attached: drumpf is stupid so are you025.jpg (310x163, 7K)

>durr commies everywhere
>hold my cock mommy
sounds like you could use some Medicare for All user lol

i stopped at 1:32 and i'm not sure but it seems that they're FOR abortion clinics?

i mean, i think abortion is fucked up and my only response is that i want women to realize that pretty much all abortions are actually of their DAUGHTER, because it takes a while for the natural female fetus to become male; that's why we all have nipples.

the thing is... if "MAGA" anti-abortion people thought that abortion is bad because it allows scared WHITE females to ditch their WHITE children while COLORED children are constantly being bred like animals and then the WHITE people who pay 92% of the taxes have to take care of and they have hardly any potential...

what if the white child ended up like this fucking pansy who--i really can't see beauty in males but i can guess--is actually generally attractive but useless? maybe white abortion might not be the biggest issue because look what so many of them become, even coming from decent stock.

That's how you BBQ on Labor Day in North Vietnam

Attached: s-l300.jpg (300x169, 14K)

Its named taking out the garbage retardo
>b-b-b-b-b-b-b we dindu nuthing we inucent pople

Look the garbage thinks its people.

Attached: 5bf.jpg (480x318, 16K)

You--you ciicked on that trumper's link?

Attached: faggot.jpg (2000x1252, 248K)

>i mean, i think abortion is fucked up and my only response is that i want women to realize that pretty much all abortions are actually of their DAUGHTER, because it takes a while for the natural female fetus to become male; that's why we all have nipples.

user. This is GENIUS! If we can just convince the Republican subhuman retards that all the abortions are of girl fetuses, they'll stop giving a shit because they're just as anti-women as they are racist and anti-gay! This could change EVERYTHING!

all you're doing is justifying a more powerful and overreaching government to protect the innocent, nazi faggot, lol

Get some

Attached: vietnam-war-napalm-bombs-explode-everett.jpg (900x856, 214K)

>I believe in killing innocent people
>I call innocent people "garbage"

Attached: 1488 this bitch.gif (500x303, 601K)

Only problem is the second you pond scum try to do something racial to a group within society, ALL of us who actually have brains in our skulls with fucking END you. You're a miserable, pathetic tiny minority of failed barely human beings who blame all your shortcomings on people with different amounts of melanin than you. And even the majority of other white people would cut your throats long before they let you try anything genocidal.

Boo hoo hoo-- sure SUCKS to be a gamma white nationalist retard, doesn't it?


Pick one, and only one

They're both Caucasian. The more you know.

>a gamma white nationalist retard

I'll take What is a Nigger, Alex

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 31K)

>I'm this obsessed with Jews
do you think you'll flunk 8th Grade again?

Are words on paper. That can be changed and are dictated by people in power.

Any other brilliant idea from your school propaganda class you have?

Daily reminder that it was illegal to not kill jews in Nazi Germany.

>Muh laws, muh rule of law!
Are you 5? Mentally?

Attached: trumpism-cartoon.jpg (1199x676, 408K)

No they aren't, rabbi. You kikes have NEVER been considered white ANYWHERE, at ANY time, EVER.

actually, there are multiple kinds of regional type Jews. Some are Middle-East descent (not white) and some are old families from Eastern European and even some Central European countries (White). There are also Jews who just converted to the religion from other places altogether.

But why am I wasting my time typing this when retards like you can't even find Europe on a map??

>durr we'll change laws durr
no you won't
you'll continue to be triggered by people of color as you become more and more indoctrinated.

>actually, there are multiple kinds of regional type Jews
And none of them are white

>everyone is a Jew but me
yeah you really should ask your mom about getting you some help

American of Irish, Danish and Italian heritage. You failed almost as hard you could have.

source: stormfag.com

Frogfags call everyone they don't like Euros or Niggers. Just keep enraging them.

And you are a black mark on your ancestors. None of them were reds.

The future will be a fun time.
How long did you shit your pants after trump got elected?

Attached: moon.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

Semitic peoples are Caucasians, user. Please. You're embarrassing yourself.

No not everyone, just you. Hence why your kike ass is so upset nobody believes you are white.

>Semitic peoples are Caucasians
And? Let me guess, you also consider sandniggers to be white people as well right?

Who is that? Mark Hamil?

Like shooting fish in a cracker barrel.

>The future
I'm sure it'll be fun as you tackle the challenges of losing weight and getting a job so you can move out of mom's.
>durr I'm a trumptard
we know
we're laughing at you

I bought a heavy bag and placed a large photo of his fat ass on it. Why?

>durr jews kikes jews kikes

I wasn't aware the sand niggers were considered people

Maybe if you went to other websites besides Stormfront you'd learn a lot of other useful stuff.

>black mark on my ancestry
>tearing apart Nazi pieces of shit

Gonna have to pick one there, Adolf.

They are the same race as you, user:

They aren't. I'm just trying to figure out how the fuck kikes are considered white but sandniggers are not.

I'm so happy knowing that if there's a hell, you're gonna rot in it

You see.
You leftists pissed your pants after trump got elected and where all in panic mode for years.
Don't act like this did not happen.

The future its a place we will all live in eventually.

I'd like to know to. Then again the only good thing the sand niggers ever did was kill communists when they entered Afghanistan. So I guess they can't all be bad. The best reds are the ones covered in red

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Actually, we slowly regained seats in Congress.
Your stupid President lost a bunch of staff and lost his shit over the Mueller Report. That was priceless.
Now he will be impeached by this Spring as support becomes more obvious.


That's what I'm saying. Kikes are white people but wait, that's where we draw the line. Because, like, you know, we said so. Give me a break.

>ALL of us
Look the liberal thing thinks its using big words.
Nice delusions you have there.

Hey kike, Holocaust will be real next time.

Not that user but what's really funny is Israel is attacking its own race through the Occupation.

I'll take no proof of collusion (which isn't an acceptable word in American jurisprudence) for 2000 Alex

>Mom I keep posting it

>muh innocent
You are a walking joke are you not? Pure comedy gold.

Trump lost his shit user. He went on record saying "I'm fucked." Putin protected him.
He's Putin's bitch.

Rent. Free. In your mind progressive

Attached: .jpg (1012x807, 59K)

>I believe innocent people should be killed
>I call innocent people "garbage"

Attached: you seek black domination 1500.gif (245x200, 915K)

Kikes are a cult, race means nothing to them. Anyone who's not on their team is against them.

One of the reasons why you should never date a jewish girl by the way

It's good to know the enemy.
you worship.

Attached: Your President.jpg (259x194, 5K)

>durr kikes durr
no really your obsession with Jews is quite disturbing

Because of something you read on Storfront?

There is something mystifying about the American left's obsession with Vladimir Putin’s Russia. The Kremlin’s annexation of the Crimean peninsula, its military involvement in Syria and its meddling in elections abroad may help explain some of America’s sense of alarm. But they fail to explain why liberals in the United States are so much more vexed by Russia than they are by, say, the growing economic power and geopolitical ambitions of China, or the global ideological challenge of radical Islam or the sheer craziness of a nuclear-armed North Korea.

Found the jew

>you actually elected that lol
Look the liberal thing pretends like it can think.
Actually no one did elect trump he lost the election however a handful of magic man named the electoral college decide who is president not the majority.

Not that you know about that.

>you actually elected
To enrage fagots like you, trump is a republican clown however your tears where priceless comedy gold for getting another retarded boomer president.

I'm sorry you find recognition of a threat to our country and democracy like Putin's Russia "mystifying."
If's as if you accept Trump's blunt attempts at wannabe fascism acceptable.

As late as 1987 the US legally defined Jews as non-white. To the best of my knowledge, 50 years ago Jews had the same skin color as they do today.

There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.

It's ETYMOLOGY 101 time, with your host "Not-a-subhuman-Nazi-user"!

This region around the Black Sea down to about the midpoint of Iran, containing most of Syria and most of Turkey is the origin point for "Caucasian" -- the word comes from a mountain range that intersects the border between what is consider "Europe" and what is the "Middle East". (this is is still the geographical border point, by the way).

And Hey! would you look at that! Israel is among the countries that would be considered "outer" or "caucasoidal" to the region!

I mean, you can keep claiming they're not, but Israel is actually IN THE REGION, whereas all of Western Europe is nowhere even close.


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-31 at 2.52.22 PM.png (506x233, 58K)

>Look the liberal thing pretends like it can think.
lol trumpshit is triggered

Attached: drumpf is stupid so are you003.jpg (225x225, 6K)

America's progressives are mesmerized and terrified by Russia. Is it simply that for liberal America, “Russia” is a code name for “Donald Trump”?

No trumpshit
if you can even vote, which is unlikely, your vote went to enough people in enough states to elect the idiot you now desperately want to distance yourself from.

Not now Boris.

Great, it's the trumpshit guy

That's a fact though. Unlike all the retarded shit you guys think, Russia actually IS a hostile nation and engages in cyber and social warfare. ALL of our Intelligence Communities acknowledge this and have built training for it into their systems and personnel required taskers.





youtube.com/watch?v=OauLuWXD_RI (Samantha Bee interviewing a Russian Web Brigade worker)







It's actually hilarious watching the Political Right, who for decades believed Russia was a threat, suddenly embracing it because Russian Mob Syndication replaced Soviet Communism, and is just as bad, if not worse.
Funny how you right wing dipshits are so stupid and easily led.

>muh innocent meme
No one is innocent.
Try some new slogan or did I mentally brake you so hard that you can not think?

Attached: stock-photo-portrait-sign-businessman-man-gesture-okay-corporate-student-successful-9edb6cb5-6948-44 (640x427, 49K)

It's the perfect term. You're a dumbshit.
Only you're a trumpshit.

The United States is not a Democracy you moon bat. It is a Constitutional Republic. Go back to MSNBC

You seem triggered. Your racism against Russians is showing. Ahhh the tolerant liberal progressive left!

>liberal thing pretends like it can think

It's almost as if he doesn't know that the right wingers are the retards.

Attached: IQ with SD conservative v liberal.jpg (400x314, 17K)

>I support killing innocent people
>I have not backed down from this position

Attached: 1488 this bitch 1488 this bitch 1488 this bitch 2.gif (350x187, 702K)

Yes kid, adults who disagree with you are trumpshits. We got the memo. Are you all tucked in and ready for daddy to read harry potter before night night?

pick one

>harry potter
pick all three

and yet the term triggers you this hard. You know, you could just ignore it.
But you can't.

I have nothing against Russian people, dipshit. Only their oligarchical, mafioso, fascistic government of hostile shitstains and its overt intentions to attack my country and the First World.

ok trumpshit

Yea hi, senior ranking kike here in ur global dominion fantasy. I've checked our roster and he's behind on our annual membership dues. Would you please contact and remind him his payment options are gold, foreskins, and blood of firstborn? Kindly make all deposits to your local pizza hut basement, c/o Alex Jones' Ittybitty Erection. Thanks, Benjamin Whiteslaver.

Triggers? Oh no kid, we're LAUGHING. That's not the same as triggered. Now which harry potter do you want read to you tonight?

Holy fuck get a load of this delusional retard
Yes the impeachment that you did not get for the last 4 years cry harder you delusional fuck.
>Your stupid President
Did I ever say I liked the retard trump? He was a retarded republican to be used. No one actually likes him, to bad you don't have any idea what the other side is all about and think that the other liberals named the republicans are the only existing opposition. Pro tip all republicans deserve to be shot.

Attached: mens-sunglasses-guide-face-shape-1050x700.jpg (1050x700, 113K)

You hate Russia. We get it. You are scared of them. It's OK. You are a tolerant, stalwart example and credit to the peace and love promoted by progressives.

Attached: 1566994407934.jpg (546x708, 89K)

You can't even pretend. Trumpanzees make themselves obvious because they are so much less intelligent than the actual humans. We can pretty much always spot you. Now go cry about how you're an uneducated, unemployed Incel and it's somehow the liberals' fault.

I don't think so. Every time you get called out, you respond with increasingly butthurt replies, trumpshit.

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>and it's somehow the liberals' fault.
much like the stupid President they curiously still supprt

Attached: 0156.jpg (282x179, 6K)

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Kikes kikes kikes

Attached: 1562369940494.jpg (309x751, 100K)

kikes kikeing kikes

Attached: 1564739602136.jpg (1932x1536, 1.22M)

Oy Vey. We are found out

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>Muh Russian hackers
Imagine being this retarded.
Not my problem this retarded country has a electronic voting system. You think like a democrat.

You see computers do what you tell them so some lines of code and its pointless how many voters you get if the machine will not count the votes. And all of a sudden lets say the American Nazi party gets 100% of all votes.

Learn to code, the future is going to be fun.
And the idiotic idea of democracy will be the first thing to be abolished in the new order.

Attached: 1555930981928.jpg (375x362, 47K)

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>And the idiotic idea of democracy will be the first thing to be abolished in the new order.
mommy says hitler time is over for now

Attached: 1553332767888.png (648x730, 127K)

>Learn to code
so basically you're like this cringing nazi unambomber wannabe lol

Attached: 1555925759507.png (1256x1304, 425K)

Attached: 1567191752849.jpg (656x960, 82K)

>Lets make everyone vote it will create the greats good Yeeey
>Zomg what is happening all these people with their terrible ideas are getting power in our country

Imagine being so retarded that you actually believe in democracy.

Attached: 1567189978634.jpg (696x783, 112K)

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user it's pretty clear that you fear democracy
because you would then have zero chance of your sadistic bullshit ever coming to pass

Attached: 015.jpg (136x160, 2K)

It's only democracy when the socialists and communists say it is

Attached: 1566305668153.jpg (673x552, 290K)

>oh no muh Russian hackers WA WA WA
>hehehehe I'm not afraid of no hackers
Can you self contradict more?

Because I'm not the one posting these cringy lists of hacking conspiracy theories.

And it is we who control the research. kek kek kek kek Shalom

>you fear democracy
Explain trump then retard?
Can you flip flop harder on your position?

Attached: 1566418976636m.jpg (640x653, 107K)

You have no idea who we are or what we want.
Don't pretend like you can understand us dog.

Attached: 1567186405703.jpg (1024x921, 91K)

>no really your obsession with Jews is quite disturbing
Says the retard who can not live without obsessing over Putin.

Question in what is the intelligence measured?
Because you know there is another thing about race and IQ.
So how did you measure this intelligence?
I'm actually interested?
Because if you say there is something like IQ you are automatically a Neo Nazi and need to be killed you Nazi! So say all your democrat friends.

So the only option is for you to admit that whatever you posted is meaningless bullshit.

its funny how you are so painted in so many corners that you can not say anything.

Its so funny that all the factions on the left are killing one another over shit like this. You sure are united and "We all" or whatever retarded propaganda you want to say.

I agree with OP.

Attached: timwise.jpg (960x569, 65K)

Why should I fag?
Also nice motivational posters you are posting.
So many degenerates so little time to eliminate them all.

I love it when white boys mad.

Attached: dugtrio_45931a_728291.jpg (514x789, 95K)

He's not white. No white male on earth feels. Any who claim to feel are bullshitting you. We're all sociopaths.

>I actually think that meaningless lines on a map mean anything
>I unironically think the word "Caucasian" is what the opposition is talking about
>I actually think my opposition is using the word "Caucasian"
I can not stop laughing.

Attached: MEGA LOL.png (347x346, 203K)

>nobody clap its scary
>aggressive scents
>stop murmuring its scary
We are strong btw

Attached: Butthurt-o-Meter_Original.jpg (1214x1239, 356K)


Literally can not respond because he talked out of his ass and made himself look like a total retard.
No one used the word "Caucasian" before you used it.
Holy fuck!
Next time try to actually know what people are talking about.

fuck off kike

I will require more videos of these snowflakes in action. Give me the best video compilation.

Attached: 1522251604734.jpg (552x805, 78K)

You are so funny.
>Accept and start using my words to describe yourself or you are an jew!
How about no?!

Attached: 1552811367473.png (1173x1162, 640K)

Attached: timwise(2).png (595x646, 83K)

>no one used the word before my post

My post was in reply to one of the FIVE other posts in this thread that not only used the word but did so as a key part of their defined argument.

Are you trying to play this off as trolling or are you literally a fucking imbecile?

anti-racism is code word for anti white

Your manufactured outrage is convincing no one. Your bullshit attempts to spread your propaganda is just a waste of time. Kill yourself.

whatever you say kike

Sort of like how "Trump supporter" is the current politically correct way to refer to retards.

Attached: 1566310214505.jpg (617x917, 122K)

Quote them.
Also this is not a word we use to describe ourselves and this will not change the fact if you same fagged before your map post and tried to push the word "Caucasian".

Drop it idiot are you really so retarded or are you still trying to push the conversation into a forced direction?

Attached: 1566308790695.png (949x1103, 920K)

>quote them

Hit CTRL + F you fucking worthless, brainless cretin. Holy SHIT are you embarrassing yourself here.

Attached: Facepalm.jpg (463x480, 30K)

Attached: 1564733436979.png (500x515, 120K)

Literally can not quote anything?
to hard for you?

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Don't let anyone fool you. This incel like whining is only representative of the mentally retarded, not normal white people.

Kikes will be kikeing... Good night!

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Let me help you retard
This is you trying to inject this word:
>They are the same race as you, user:
>Semitic peoples are Caucasians, user. Please. You're embarrassing yourself.

Just stop trying to inject this word, you are literally talking to yourself since no one is talking about Caucasian.

I love this meme

>political ideology is an indicator of IQ
>race and ethnicity have nothing to do with IQ bigot!

LOL so you really are that fucking dumb. This is actually kind of fun! EVERYONE in this thread is laughing at you, just so you know.

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It's the other way around.

- Hate education
- Distrust science
- Are far more religious
- see things in black and white
- are mostly older
- are the most easily misled group in the First World

God damn you are really bad at this you aren't fooling anyone

Looks like my fact struck a nerve!

You are so bad at this why do you keep embarrassing yourself?

Oh, honey. I'M not the one who's embarrassing himself here.

Looks like that finally showed you what a fucking MORON you are. Good. Learning is important.

Typical progressive. Call someone you don't agree with a incel. The truth is that progressives are the most intolerant people around. Progressives are more insidious then the ones they call Nazi

Why do they spell it that way?

Because to a progressive the word "God" will make their faces melt off

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>incel alert

proved my point

They consider non-prayer and non-worship references to their god as being taking the Lord's name in vain (Third Commandment). When discussing or referring to god by the title "god" they spell it g-d so as to not directly be responsible for typing or writing the name of god (which isn't his name to begin with, but they do it anyway).

You are a retard. Hit yourself.

Dont worry everyone will stop and change the natural progression of humanity for you...you just need to cry harder little baby.